Spring Integration and Tomcat solution vs Websphere MDB solution: functionality? - spring

We're looking at the choice between implementing an enterprise integration solution in either:
Spring/Spring Integration/JMS/Spring Web MVC
Websphere Application Server/MDB/Spring
What are the pros/cons?
Especially interested in what WAS/MDB solution is functionally better at.

If the only thing you need in your entire project from the Java EE Specification is to get messages from a JMS provider, I suggest you to not use WebSphere App Server. Go with Tomcat+Basic Spring JMS Template. Simple, free, lightweight.
Websphere will bring a level of complexity you don't need. Stay away from heavy weight app server. But if you need more fancy Transaction management ( XA between JMS and a DB) then get a real Java EE App Server.


Best way to use JCA CCI connections - Alternative to Spring CCI Support

In our project we have a requirement to connect to IBM IMS and get data. Many of the existing applications are done it through code more coupled with IMS.
In one of the application we are using Spring CCI support and providing the CCIConnectionFactory to the JDBCTemplate and using it in a relational (kind of) manner.
However we are building a new application which is not using Spring framework. We are making use of JAVA CDI and it's aspects. But to integrate it with IMS through CCI I can see Spring is the best option. Anyone have experienced on this CCI connections? What way is the best you think? And any other frameworks in Java you are familiar with - apart from Spring's support?
Appreciate your help and input.
I had the same question 5 Month ago and it was very hard to collect information about jca. If your project works with wildfly or jboss take a look on my inbound-ra-example project. At first you must know what kind of resource adapter (RA) you need, inbound or outbound. In short, an inbound RA acts as a server for external data and send the data to a message driven bean. An outbound RA is called from an EJB via a connection factory and initiate the connection to the external information system. Read the readme.md of my example project. The inbound RA is much more difficult as an outbound RA. Generate the skeleton of your ra with the ironjacamar codegenerator. I described the process in my example project.

JMS without any Third Party Messaging

I have few basic douts.
I have developed a JMS application for P-P and the messages are geeting stored in Jboss 7.1 JMS engine. My questions are below.
1.For any JMS application do we need to have any messaging engine like IBM MQ,HornetQ,Active MQ etc
If Yes then we need to configure the MQ to atlk to Appserver Messaging engine.
3.If No, Then we need to have to create a message consumer
JMS is a specification of a messaging interface - and a state model for how messages are handled in transactions.
jms.jar contains pretty much all interfaces - no implementations. Therefore whilst you can write an application against jms.jar you can't actually run it.
You'll need to pick some type of messaging provider. That's appropriate to your requirements.
That's not a discussion for here however keep in mind that they each have possible extensions and functional behavior outside of the specification so if you want to be portable between providers pay close attention to only use specification defined functionality.
Within a JavaEE Application Server there will be a JMS implementation that provides messaging features. Therefore an app here in JBOSS will be a MOM (messaging oridentated middleware) application. If you want the message to be accessed by an application not running in a JavaEE server then that is possible with some providers. There's often a JavaEE client container. Or the messaging engine will have a JavaSE based client that can be used. (WAS thin client client for example).
Remember that with JavaEE servers you are not restricted to a the choice of messaging provider - you can use the JCA interface to directly plug in a external messagin implementation. This might present an easier route if a lot of messaging will be outside the JavaEE server.
EDIT - added JavaEE notes

Differences in bundle containers between Websphere and Karaf?

I'm evaluating options for my team's middleware. We really have a frankenstein'd setup. We're using Apache ServiceMix(Karaf/ActiveMQ/CXF), Websphere 8.5, ActiveMQ where we don't really need it, and all of our applications are not really coded to failover to another node if the primary goes down. We realized the issues of our setup and now want to improve.
We currently host bundles (not sure if they're all OSGI compliant) in a Karaf Container, which are used via ActiveMQ after being sent JMS messages via Apache Camel from Websphere.
My current idea is to kill off ActiveMQ, make all the camel routes towards HTTP (instead of JMS queues), and convert our data bundles/services to serve via HTTP through Apache CXF (replacing websphere for some things) and not ActiveMQ Queues/JMS. However, we have Websphere licenses, and I do know that it supports bundles in some way, I'm just not as familiar as to how it does (same nature as karaf)?
The main question is in the title, and I hope it's not too generic.
WebSphere 8.5 is a full OSGi container supporting Blueprint just as Karaf does.
You can, in theory, run your camel bundles or whatnot just as fine in WAS8.5. However, Apache Karaf is a lot more aligned towards running ActiveMQ/CXF/Camel stuff than WebSphere will ever be. Installation in Karaf is a few commands, where installation and configuration struggle in WAS85 for the Camel feauters and basic camel routes is .. well, a headace when I tried it last time. Others seems to have the same struggle.
I have rather good experience of running Camel apps inside WebSphere Application Server, but that was by embedding Camel in a standard WebApp, not using the OSGi stuff. So, embedded web apps is my recommendation for running Camel inside WebSphere.
For the "replace AMQ/JMS with HTTP" part. You are aware of that you are replacing pears with apples, right? JMS has a lot of features HTTP does not have (and some overhead compared to HTTP). For the sake of completeness, WebSphere also has a JMS provider built in. So if you have a large HA secured WebSphere infrastructure, the WebSphere (SIBus) provider might be a good choice. Otherwise, ActiveMQ rocks :-)

when to use JMS (with websphere inbuilt messaging provider) vs a full fledged MQ product like ActiveMQ

I understand JMS spec allows me to write MDBs. Then I can deploy them on an appserver like websphere or jboss (and they have inbuilt implementation of JMS provider which is Java EE compliant). The question is when to use a full fledged product like IBM WebSphere MQ or ACtiveMQ instead of using App server's inbuilt JMS provider.
This appears to be a good reference to what you are asking, specific to IBM products but can be generalized to using an application server integrated messaging system vs a standalone messaging system - http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/websphere/library/techarticles/1109_wallis/1109_wallis.html
A built in JMS provider, such as WebSphere SI Bus, possibly others, are built for JMS messaging.
WebSphere MQ (MQSeries), ActiveMQ etc. have clients for multiple languages and are built for applications other than Application Server hosted applications to connect to it (C++, Java SE, Python, etc).
Say you want a local messaging server on the same physical server (or network?) as a non JavaEE application, you don't want to install a Java EE App Server, but want a stand alone messaging server instead (WebSphere MQ, Active MQ).
That said, ActiveMQ, for instance, is the messaging system inside Apache Geronimo. So there is overlapping here.
Then there is a whole discussion about management, clustering and security. Java EE messaging systems are pretty much optimized to follow the cluster layout of Java EE. In other deployment scenarios, the clustering might be optimal in other ways, such as cluster for different security zones. Also security models and management tools might be different in stand alone messagaing servers.

Which queuing implementation is advisable if we want to keep things simple?

our needs for a queuing solution are fairly simple, a producer needs to put things in a persistent queue and these need to be handled by a consumer. The queuing systems needs to be integrated within a Spring application and distributed on multiple tomcat hosts.
When reading through questions i see a lot of people that warn about using ActiveMQ with Spring for example so i am wondering what the alternatives are when taking simplicity, scalability and performance in mind when combined with a Spring based application.
If you are already using Sping, then integrating ActiveMQ with it is fairly easy. The simplest solution would be to run ActiceMQ standalone and have your Tomcat applications simply communicate with it using Spring JMS (or AMQ client APIs)...
Another option is to use Apache Camel. It has great ActiveMQ support, can work with an external or embedded broker, adds many messaging/routing features and can be deployed standlone, in ActiveMQ or in Tomcat easily...good luck
