PHP MYSQL search engine using keywords - performance

I am trying to implement search engine based on keywords search.
Can anyone tell me which is the best (fastest) algorithm to implement a search for key words?
What I need is:
My keywords:
search, faster, profitable
Their synonyms:
search: grope, google, identify, search
faster: smart, quick, faster
profitable: gain, profit
Now I should search all possible permutations of the above synonyms in a Database to identify the most matching words.

The best solution would be to use an existing search engine, like Lucene or one of its alternative ( see Which are the best alternatives to Lucene? ).
Now, if you want to implement that yourself (it's really a great and existing problem), you should have a look at the concept of Inverted Index. That's what Google and other search engines use. Of course, they have a LOT of additional systems on top of it, but that's the basic.
The idea of an inverted index, is that for each keyword (and synonyms), you store the id of the documents that contain the keyword. It's then very easy to lookup the matching documents for a set of keyword, because you just calculate an intersection (or an union depending on what you want to do) of their list in the inverted index. Example :
Let's assume that is your inverted index :
smart: [42,35]
gain: [42]
profit: [55]
Now if you have a query "smart, gain", your matching documents are the intersection (or the union) of [42, 35] and [42].
To handle synonyms, you just need to extend your query to include all synonyms for the words in the initial query. Based on your example, you query would become "faster, quick, gain, profit, profitable".
Once you've implemented that, a nice improvement is to add TFIDF weighting to your keywords. That's basically a way to weight rare words (programming) more than common ones (the).
The other approach is to just go through all your documents and find the ones that contain your words (or their synonyms). The inverted index will be MUCH faster though, because you don't have to go through all your documents every time. The time-consuming operation is building the index, which only has to be done once.


Solr Boosting Logic Concepts

I'm trying to understand boosting and if boosting is the answer to my problem.
I have an index and that has different types of data.
EG: Index Animals. One of the fields is animaltype. This value can be Carnivorous, herbivorous etc.
Now when a we query in search, I want to show results of type carnivorous at top, and then the herbivorous type.
Also would it be possible to show only say top 3 results from a type and then remaining from other types?
Let assume for a herbivourous type we have a field named vegetables. This will have values only for a herbivourous animaltype.
Now, can it be possible to have boosting rules specified as follows:
Boost Levels:
then animaltype:Herbivorous and vegatablesfield: spinach
then animaltype:herbivoruous and vegetablesfield: carrot
etc. Basically boosting on various fields at various levels. Im new to this concept. It would really helpful to get some inputs/guidance.
Kasturi Chavan
Your example is closer to sorting than boosting, as you have a priority list for how important each document is - while boosting (in Solr) is usually applied a bit more fluent, meaning that there is no hard line between documents of type X and type Y.
However - boosting with appropriately large values will in effect give you the same result, putting the documents into different score "areas" which will then give you the sort order you're looking for. You can see the score contributed by each term by appending debugQuery=true to your query. Boosting says that 'a document with this value is z times more important than those with a different value', but if the document only contains low scoring tokens from the search (usually words that are very common), while other documents contain high scoring tokens (words that are infrequent), the latter document might still be considered more important.
Example: Searching for "city paris", where most documents contain the word 'city', but only a few contain the word 'paris' (but does not contain city). Even if you boost all documents assigned to country 'germany', the score contributed from city might still be lower - even with the boost factor than what 'paris' contributes alone. This might not occur in real life, but you should know what the boost actually changes.
Using the edismax handler, you can apply the boost in two different ways - one is to use boost=, which is multiplicative, or to use either bq= or bf=, which are additive. The difference is how the boost contributes to the end score.
For your example, the easiest way to get something similar to what you're asking, is to use bq (boost query):
These boosts will probably be large enough to move all documents matching these queries into their own buckets, without moving between groups. To create "different levels" as your example shows, you'll need to tweak these values (and remember, multiple boosts can be applied to the same document if something is both herbivorous and eats spinach).
A different approach would be to create a function query using query, if and similar functions to result in a single integer value that you can use as a sorting value. You can also calculate this value when indexing the document if it's static (which your example is), and then sort by that field instead. It will require you to reindex your documents if the sorting values change, but it might be an easy and effective solution.
To achieve the "Top 3 results from a type" you're probably going to want to look at Result grouping support - which makes it possible to get "x documents" for each value in a single field. There is, as far as I know, no way to say "I want three of these at the top, then the rest from other values", except for doing multiple queries (and excluding the three you've already retrieved from the second query). Usually issuing multiple queries works just as fine (or better) performance wise.

How does Lucene (Solr/ElasticSearch) so quickly do filtered term counts?

From a data structure point of view how does Lucene (Solr/ElasticSearch) so quickly do filtered term counts? For example given all documents that contain the word "bacon" find the counts for all words in those documents.
First, for background, I understand that Lucene relies upon a compressed bit array data structure akin to CONCISE. Conceptually this bit array holds a 0 for every document that doesn't match a term and a 1 for every document that does match a term. But the cool/awesome part is that this array can be highly compressed and is very fast at boolean operations. For example if you want to know which documents contain the terms "red" and "blue" then you grab the bit array corresponding to "red" and the bit array corresponding to "blue" and AND them together to get a bit array corresponding to matching documents.
But how then does Lucene quickly determine counts for all words in documents that match "bacon"? In my naive understanding, Lucene would have to take the bit array associated with bacon and AND it with the bit arrays for every single other word. Am I missing something? I don't understand how this can be efficient. Also, do these bit arrays have to be pulled off of disk? That sounds all the worse!
How's the magic work?
You may already know this but it won't hurt to say that Lucene uses inverted indexing. In this indexing technique a dictionary of each word occurring in all documents is made and against each word information about that words occurrences is stored. Something like this image
To achieve this Lucene stores documents, indexes and their Metadata in different files formats. Follow this link for file details
If you read the document numbers section, each document is given an internal ID so when documents are found with word 'consign' the lucene engine has the reference to the metadata of it.
Refer to the overview section to see what data gets saved in different lucene indexes.
Now that we have a pointer to the stored documents Lucene may be getting it in one of the following ways
Really count the number of words if the document is stored
Use Term Dictionary, frequency, and proximity data to get the count.
Finally, which API are you using to "quickly determine counts for all words"
Image credit to
Check about index file format here
there are no bitsets involved: its an inverted index. Each term maps to a list of documents. In lucene the algorithms work on iterators of these "lists", so items from the iterator are read on-demand, not all at once.
this diagram shows a very simple conjunction algorithm that just uses a next() operation:
Behind the scenes, it is much like this diagram in lucene. Our lists are delta-encoded and bitpacked, and augmented with a skiplist which allows us to intersect more efficiently (via the additional advance() operation) than the above algorithm though.
DocIDSetIterator is this "enumerator" in lucene. it has the two main methods, next() and advance(). And yes, it is true you can decide to read the entire list + convert it into a bitset in memory, and implement this iterator over that in-memory bitset. This is what happens if you use CachingWrapperFilter.

Search Query Tokenizer

We're trying to add a simple search functionality to our website that lists restaurants. We try to detect the place name, location, and place features from the search string, something like "cheap restaurants near cairo" or "chinese and high-end food in virginia".
What we are doing right now it tokenizing the query and searching in the tables with the least performance cost first (the table of prices (cheap-budget-expensive-high-end) is smaller than the tables of the places list). Is this the right approach ?
I'd say you should build sets of synonyms (e.g. cheap, low budget, etc go into synset:1) and map each token from the search string to one of those groups.
Btw, it will be easy to handle spelling mistakes here since this is genereally a pretty small search space. Edit distance, common k-grams, ... anything should be alright.
In a next step you should build inverted index lists for each of those syn-groups the map to a sorted list of restaurants that can be associated with that property. For each syngroup from a query, get all those lists and simply intersect them.
Words that cannot be mapped to one of those synsets will probably have to be ignored unless you have some sort of fulltexts about the restaurants that you could index as well. In that can you can also buildsuch restaurant lists for "normal" words and intersect them as well. But this would already be quite close to classical search engines and it might be a good idea to use a technology like apache lucence. Without fulltexts I don't think you'd need such a thing because an inverted index of snygroups is really easy to process on your own.
Seems you may be missing how misspelled queries are handled.

Use of indexes for multi-word queries in full-text search (e.g. web search)

I understand that a fundamental aspect of full-text search is the use of inverted indexes. So, with an inverted index a one-word query becomes trivial to answer. Assuming the index is structured like this:
some-word -> [doc385, doc211, doc39977, ...] (sorted by rank, descending)
To answer the query for that word the solution is just to find the correct entry in the index (which takes O(log n) time) and present some given number of documents (e.g. the first 10) from the list specified in the index.
But what about queries which return documents that match, say, two words? The most straightforward implementation would be the following:
set A to be the set of documents which have word 1 (by searching the index).
set B to be the set of documents which have word 2 (ditto).
compute the intersection of A and B.
Now, step three probably takes O(n log n) time to perform. For very large A and Bs that could make the query slow to answer. But search engines like Google always return their answer in a few milliseconds. So that can't be the full answer.
One obvious optimization is that since a search engine like Google doesn't return all the matching documents anyway, we don't have to compute the whole intersection. We can start with the smallest set (e.g. B) and find enough entries which also belong to the other set (e.g. A).
But can't we still have the following worst case? If we have set A be the set of documents matching a common word, and set B be the set of documents matching another common word, there might still be cases where A ∩ B is very small (i.e. the combination is rare). That means that the search engine has to linearly go through a all elements x member of B, checking if they are also elements of A, to find the few that match both conditions.
Linear isn't fast. And you can have way more than two words to search for, so just employing parallelism surely isn't the whole solution. So, how are these cases optimized? Do large-scale full-text search engines use some kind of compound indexes? Bloom filters? Any ideas?
As you said some-word -> [doc385, doc211, doc39977, ...] (sorted by rank, descending), I think the search engine may not do this, the doc list should be sorted by doc ID, each doc has a rank according to the word.
When a query comes, it contains several keywords. For each word, you can find a doc list. For all keywords, you can do merge operations, and compute the relevance of doc to query. Finally return the top ranked relevance doc to user.
And the query process can be distributed to gain better performance.
Even without ranking, I wonder how the intersection of two sets is computed so fast by google.
Obviously the worst-case scenario for computing the intersection for some words A, B, C is when their indexes are very big and the intersection very small. A typical case would be a search for some very common ("popular" in DB terms) words in different languages.
Let's try "concrete" and 位置 ("site", "location") in chinese and 極端な ("extreme") in japanese.
Google search for 位置 returns "About 1,500,000,000 results (0.28 seconds) "
Google search for "concrete" returns "About 2,020,000,000 results (0.46 seconds) "
Google search for "極端な" About 7,590,000 results (0.25 seconds)
It is extremly improbable that all three terms would ever appear in the same document, but let's google them:
Google search for "concrete 位置 極端な" returns "About 174,000 results (0.13 seconds)"
Adding a russian word "игра" (game)
Search игра: About 212,000,000 results (0.37 seconds)
Search for all of them: " игра concrete 位置 極端な " returns About 12,600 results (0.33 seconds)
Of course the returned search results are nonsense and they do not contain all the search terms.
But looking at the query time for the composed ones, I wonder if there is some intersection computed on the word indexes at all. Even if everything is in RAM and heavily sharded, computing the intersection of two sets with 1,500,000,000 and 2,020,000,000 entries is O(n) and can hardly be done in <0.5 sec, since the data is on different machines and they have to communicate.
There must be some join computation, but at least for popular words, this is surely not done on the whole word index. Adding the fact that the results are fuzzy, it seems evident that Google uses some optimization of kind "give back some high-ranked results, and stop after 0,5 sec".
How this is implemented, I don't know. Any ideas?
Most systems somehow implement TF-IDF in one way or another. TF-IDF is a product of functions term frequency and inverse document frequency.
The IDF function relates the document frequency to the total number of documents in a collection. The common intuition for this function says that it should give a higher value for terms that appear in few documents and lower value for terms that appear in all documents making them irrelevant.
You mention Google, but Google optimises search with PageRank (links in/out) as well as term frequency and proximity. Google distributes the data and uses Map/Reduce to parallelise operations - to compute PageRank+TF-IDF.
There's a great explanation of the theory behind this in Information Retrieval: Implementing Search Engines chapter 2. Another idea to investigate further is also to look how Solr implements this.
Google does not need to actually find all results, only the top ones.
The index can be sorted by grade first and only then by id. Since the same ID always has the same grade this does not hurt sets intersection time.
So google starts intersection until it finds 10 results , and then does a statistical estimation to tell you how many more results it found.
A worst case is almost impossible.
If all words are "common" then intersection will give the first 10 results very fast. If there is a rare word, then intersection is fast because complexity is O(N long M) where N is the smallest group.
You need to remember that google keeps it's indexes in memory and uses parallel computing.For example U can split the problem into two searches each searching only half of the web, and then marge result and take the best. Google has millions of computes

How do you Index Files for Fast Searches?

Nowadays, Microsoft and Google will index the files on your hard drive so that you can search their contents quickly.
What I want to know is how do they do this? Can you describe the algorithm?
The simple case is an inverted index.
The most basic algorithm is simply:
scan the file for words, creating a list of unique words
normalize and filter the words
place an entry tying that word to the file in your index
The details are where things get tricky, but the fundamentals are the same.
By "normalize and filter" the words, I mean things like converting everything to lowercase, removing common "stop words" (the, if, in, a etc.), possibly "stemming" (removing common suffixes for verbs and plurals and such).
After that, you've got a unique list of words for the file and you can build your index off of that.
There are optimizations for reducing storage, techniques for checking locality of words (is "this" near "that" in the document, for example).
But, that's the fundamental way it's done.
Here's a really basic description; for more details, you can read this textbook (free online):¹
1). For all files, create an index. The index consists of all unique words that occur in your dataset (called a "corpus"). With each word, a list of document ids is associated; each document id refers to a document that contains the word.
Variations: sometimes when you generate the index you want to ignore stop words ("a", "the", etc). You have to be careful, though ("to be or not to be" is a real query composed of stopwords).
Sometimes you also stem the words. This has more impact on search quality in non-English languages that use suffixes and prefixes to a greater extent.
2) When a user enters a query, look up the corresponding lists, and merge them. If it's a strict boolean query, the process is pretty straightforward -- for AND, a docid has to occur in all the word lists, for OR, in at least one wordlist, etc.
3) If you want to rank your results, there are a number of ways to do that, but the basic idea is to use the frequency with which a word occurs in a document, as compared to the frequency you expect it to occur in any document in the corpus, as a signal that the document is more or less relevant. See textbook.
4) You can also store word positions to infer phrases, etc.
Most of that is irrelevant for desktop search, as you are more interested in recall (all documents that include the term) than ranking.
¹ previously on, accessible via wayback machine
You could always look into something like Apache Lucene.
Apache Lucene is a high-performance, full-featured text search engine library written entirely in Java. It is a technology suitable for nearly any application that requires full-text search, especially cross-platform.
