Windows batch file commands and variables - windows

I'm not sure whether it is possible, but what I need is a plain bat/cmd file that runs on windows 7 and does such things:
Step 1. findstr - it should find a specific string using regular expressions engine. Suppose we're looking for a number enclosed in tags <id>123</id> (suppose such a file is unique, so one value is returned). The command would print 123 to the screen, but I need to save it in a variable (don't know how).
Step 2. Another call to findstr on another directory. Now we want to find a file NAME (/m option) containing the value that we saved on Step 1 (in another group of files i.e. another directory). And again, save the result (name of the file) in a variable. Say, file_123.txt matches the criteria.
Step 3. Copy the file that we got as a result of the second findstr call (file_123.txt) to another location.
The whole question turns around the point about how to save the result of windows commands to variables to be able to provide these values to subsequent commands as parameters.

The general way of getting command output in variables is
for /f %%x in ('some command') do set Var=%%x
(with various variations, depending on context and what exactly is desired).
As for your steps, I elaborate after lunch. There are some intricacies.

Step 1:
FOR /F "USEBACKQ tokens=1-20 delims=<>" %%A in (`FINDSTR "123" "path of file to search in"`) DO (
SET var=%%B
ECHO %var%
Understand that delims will change depending on what 'separates' the parts of the output (whether its a space, a special character, etc.)
Step 2 & 3:
FOR /F "USEBACKQ tokens=*" %%A IN (`DIR "Path" /A ^| FIND /I "%var%"`) DO (
COPY /Y "%%A" "C:\New\Path\%%~nxA"


Trying to make a menu in a windows command prompt

I have a batch file that gets run by the user typing:
usercompile filename
usercompile is a batch file that does this:
copy /y %1.txt lib\incoming_file.txt
and then starts the compiler:
The compiler has the "incoming_file" name hard-coded into linked source (this can't be chaged), so the current method is simply to copy the user file in and rename it to the known name and run the compiler.
I'd like to present the user with a list of files that are generated when a batch file is run, then the batch file would copy the selected file in, rename it (just like is done now).
So it would look like this:
Please choose a file to compile:
1) matthews_build
2) marks_build
3) lukes_build
and then the user would type 1 or 2 or 3 (in this case) and press enter. The batch file would copy that file to the known file name and launch the compiler. The one good thing is that the files that need to be listed all have a unique extension (.jal).
Any ideas?
I changed my approach and consider my previous answer a bad practice: re-listing the files with a second dir command unnecessarily reads the disk again, not to mention the rare but possible case if a file is added/removed between the 2 dir's and makes the whole thing unreliable.
Based on this brilliant solution I did a possible implementation with dynamic array:
#echo off
set /a counter=0
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
FOR /f "delims=|" %%i IN ('dir /b /on "yourpath*.jal"') DO (
set /a counter+=1
rem echo !counter!^) %%~ni
set FileList[!counter!]=%%~ni & rem This is an array element, a dinamically created variable
rem Iterate through variables:
FOR /l %%i IN (1,1,!counter!) DO (
echo %%i^) !FileList[%%i]!
set /p option="Choose an option: "
echo !FileList[%option%]!
This makes the file list available for any number of following commands.
One possible solution is to list all .jal files and give them an option number, store the result, and based on user input, look up the file based on the option number. As I know no way of storing such a result in memory (no array/hash table data type), only in a file, if a file can not be used, then the listing should be repeated in a deterministic way so that if we re-assign the option numbers, we get the same result. We can do it ensuring alphabetical ordering.
Here is one implementation:
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
FOR /f "delims=|" %%i IN ('dir /b /on "yourpath\*.jal"') DO (
set /a counter+=1
echo !counter!^) %%~ni
The nested dir command ensures alphabetical ordering (reference.)
A remark why I put a pipe (|) as a delimiter: if you don't define a delimiter, the default space will be used. If your file name contains space then it would be truncated. So I picked a character that is not valid in file names ensuring the whole file name is returned.
Now if you get a number from the user by this:
set /p option=Choose your option:
after this command (evaluating and possibly re-requesting the input) to do a lookup for the file you can repeat BLOCK 1 but replace the echo line with examining the option like this:
if !counter! == %option%
and put those commands in the if block to do whatever you want to do with the file (for debugging, put back the echo command).

Searching for partial path\filename in bat

Ok, so I've been bating (hehe) my head against a wall here.
I am looking for an option/code that would allow me to search for a partial path and/or filename from a .bat script that I would export to an outside file.
Now, "search", "export" and "outside file" is something I am fine with. The part that is giving me a headache is the "partial".
To elaborate.
I am looking for a folder called DATA and a file called userinfo.txt inside DATA.
Those are constant. So the path I have is DATA\userinfo.txt
I am also 99% certain that this folder will be in D:\ but thats not a concern right now. Where ever it is I'll find it.
But I cannot figure out how to look for a partial path\filename for the life of me.
Reason I have specified that DATA\userinfo.txt is a constant is due to other folders ability to be named arbitrarily. So in my below example 01-12-2016 does not have to be named according to that convention. For USA it would most likely be named 12-01-2016. It is also sometimes named 20161201 or 20160112 or on top of all that has a letter prefix such as d01-12-2016. On that note DATA is always DATA, which is why I said DATA is constant in my search. Another thing that will be the same is the grandparent folder. When i say "same" i mean "shared" between the two applications. It does not mean it will always be named "program" as in my example below.
Googling this and using things I know has got me nowhere.
Reason I cannot simply use
where /r d: userinfo.txt
is that that specific command will return hundreds of results as there is a userinfo.txt created for the program was running and is stored separately.
Alternatively - if there would be a way to comb trough those hundreds of results and find the matching part that would also resolve my issue.
This however brings up another headache as there is usually more than one program with this exact file.
so in the example of
Note: storage, otherstorage, storageother, storage2, storagegh are all arbitrary names as these folders are named accoring to end-user wishes.
I would want to export two separate variables for
I would also need to do this for \data\userinfo.txt
So if searching for \data\userinfo.txt it would return
I would also want to isolate both
and use it as (separate) local variables.
I would need to note that installing/downloading any external scripting tools/aids would not be a suitable solution as I work on a lot of computers, most of which I do not have internet access and/or sufficient permissions for external downloads/installations so anything that is not integrated into the bat and needs to be imported separately is a bad idea.
Also, I am working on Windows XP SP3 but I would need this bat to be able to run on XP SP2, XP SP3, Windows 7, Windows 10, Windows NT, Windows 2000.
Any help would be appreciated.
Please note that
would also be an acceptable variable. In this case I would manually amend the remainder of the path or would rely on end-user (my coworkers) input to complete the path correctly. The last has proven to be a fools errand.
The way that I've been handling it until now is to look for a .exe that I KNOW will be in both folders. This is a part of my code below edited to match the current example.
#echo off
echo Program will now look for program.exe and programgh.exe. Please input, when asked, matching part of the path for these files.
echo Example:
echo d:\users\path\program\storage\bin\program.exe
echo d:\users\path\program\otherstorage\bin\programgh.exe
echo In above example matching part is d:\users\path\program so you would enter that when prompted
echo Please do not input the last pathing mark: \ (backslash)
echo -------------searching---------------
::I am exporting errors to nul as I don't want them to be spammed by errors and other data that they would think is their fault
where /r c: program*.exe 2>nul
where /r d: program*.exe 2>nul
where /r e: program*.exe 2>nul
where /r f: program*.exe 2>nul
set /p dualpath="Please enter matching paths for program folder: "
After that I would proceed to work with %dualpath% variable.
As it usually happens (to me at least) most people would just copy the example path without taking a look at what the program has spat out and would be confused as to why the program did not work. Either that or would copy everything up to program.exe and programgh.exe - including the otherstorage\bin\ without noticing that \storage\ and \otherstorage\ do not match.
I think this now covers all the comments or additional questions and clarifies a bit better what I need. Thank you all for help so far and I hope that this is easier to understand.
If a Windows cmd command allows wildcards in a (partially or fully qualified) path then wildcards must be used only in the path leaf (i.e. the last item or container in the path). However, you could apply findstr regex to narrow command output e.g. as follows:
where /r d:\ userinfo.txt | findstr /I "\\storage2*\\data\\userinfo.txt"
above command wold narrow output to paths ending with \storage\data\userinfo.txt and \storage2\data\userinfo.txt
Another example - narrow output to paths ending with \storageX\data\userinfo.txt where X is either nothing or any decimal cipher [0-9]:
dir /B /S d:\userinfo.txt | findstr /I "\\storage[0-9]*\\data\\userinfo.txt"
Put the paths to environment variables (with _var prefix for easier next identification), e.g. _varstorage, _varstorage2, …
SETLOCAL EnableExtensions
for /F "delims=" %%F in ('
dir /B /S "d:\userinfo.txt" ^| findstr /I "\\storage[0-9]*\\data\\userinfo.txt"') do (
for /D %%D in ("%%~dpF..") do (
set "_var%%~nxD=%%~fD"
rem %%~fD path
rem %%~nxD last item in above path
rem _var variable name prefix
rem show result:
set _var
See also next %%~nxD and %%~D explanation: Command Line arguments (Parameters): Parameter Extensions
If I got your intention right, the following script should do what you want:
#echo off
setlocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion
rem // Define constants here:
set "_ROOT=D:\" & rem "D:\", "D:\users",..., or "D:\users\path\program"
set "_FILE=userinfo.txt"
rem // Initialise index:
set /A "INDEX=1"
rem // Search for the specified file in the given root directory:
for /F "delims=" %%F in ('dir /B /S "%_ROOT%\%_FILE%"') do (
rem // Iterate once over the grandparent directory itself:
for /D %%D in ("%%F\..\..") do (
rem // Resolve the path of the grantparent directory;
set "ITEM=%%~fD"
rem // Initialise flag (non-empty means not yet stored):
set "FLAG=#"
rem // Toggle delayed expansion to avoid trouble with exclamation marks:
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
rem // Iterate over all currently stored grantparent paths:
for /F "tokens=1,* delims==" %%V in ('2^> nul set $ARRAY[') do (
rem // Clear flag in case current grandparent has already been stored:
if /I "!%%V!"=="!ITEM!" set "FLAG="
rem // Check flag:
if defined FLAG (
rem // Flag is empty, so current grandparent needs to be stored:
set "$ARRAY[!INDEX!]=!ITEM!"
rem // Transfer stored grandparent over localisation barrier:
for /F "delims=" %%E in ("$ARRAY[!INDEX!]=!ITEM!") do (
set "%%E"
rem // Increment index
set /A "INDEX+=1"
) else endlocal
rem // Retrieving final count of grandparent directories:
set /A "INDEX-=1"
rem // Return stored grandparent paths:
set $ARRAY[
exit /B
This should return D:\users\path\programs\otherstorage and D:\users\path\programs\storage in your situation, which are stored in the variables $ARRAY[1] and $ARRAY[2], respectively. Due to the array-style variables, this approach is flexible enough to cover also cases where more than two grandparent directories are present.
Based on your above sample this batch
#Echo off
Set Search=\\data\\userinfo.txt
pushd "D:\Users\path\program
For /f "Delims=" %%A in (
'Dir /B/S/A-D userinfo.txt ^|findstr "%Search%$"'
) Do Call :Sub "%%~fA" "%%~dpA.."
Goto :Eof
:Sub FullName DrivePath
Echo Found %~nx1
Echo in %~dp1
Echo Granny %~nx2
Set "Granny=%~nx2"
Echo in %~dp2
Echo -------
Should give this output (only partially tested)
Found userinfo.txt
in D:\Users\path\program\storage\data\
Granny storage
in D:\Users\path\program\
Found userinfo.txt
in D:\Users\path\program\storage2\data\
Granny storage2
in D:\Users\path\program\
The backslash in Search has to be doubled as it is an escape char for findstr

Using a batch to sort through a complex of folders and sort any files with a specific string in their name to a specific directory?

So I have a collection of art from the internet; it is very large and spans an extreme amount of subdirectories under the main folder I keep it all under (entitled Uda). I've built up this collection over a period of about 4 years. In the most recent 2 years, I've been organising things I save by artist (most of this comes from the site DeviantArt if it matters). But I have 2 years' worth of files unsorted, all over the place and I'd like to sort them.
I figure this is an ideal time to practice some batch scripting, but... I've not the faintest idea where to start. Google hasn't been very helpful, it's too hard to explain what I want to do in one question, let alone find someone who has needed the same thing and been guided through it. Also, I'd honestly much prefer to pull apart and figure out an already-made script to understand it and learn from it (that's how I tend to learn best).
So can anyone help me? If you don't understand what I want to do:
I wish to make a script where I can input something (i.e. an artist's name) and have a folder made for it under a certain directory (no matter where the batch is being run from or the files drawn from) with the name of the term that was entered, and then all files under another directory with that term found and moved.
For the record, even if I weren't interested in batch scripting, I couldn't use Windows Explorer to search for them all then cut them because I disabled it (for personal reasons).
:: Note that SPACES are significant in simple SET statements
:: Set relative or local root (start-point of subtree to scan)
:: Use normal then safemethod 1 then safemethod2 - all do the same thing
:: Note : from the prompt,
:: command /?
:: will generally show help...
SET relroot=c:\wherever
(SET relroot=c:\wherever)
SET "relroot=c:\wherever"
:: repeat for destination directory
SET "destdir=c:\destination"
:: Read Artist
:: Make sure ARTISTS has no existing value, then prompt for input
(SET artist=)
SET /p artist="Artist ? "
:: Check for input, exit if none
:: Note :EOF is a special predefined label meaning "END OF FILE"
:: character case is generally insignificant
:: make a new directory
:: the 2>nul suppresses an error message like 'it already exists'
:: In quotes in case variables contain spaces
MD "%destdir%\%artist%" 2>nul
:: Now look for filenames containing the data entered
:: Note: here, the metavariable %%i IS Case-sensitive
:: >nul means 'don't show message like '1 file(s) moved'
FOR /f "delims=" %%i IN (
' dir /s /b /a-d "%relroot%\*%artist%*" '
) DO (
ECHO %%i
IF EXIST "%destdir%\%artist%\%%~nxi" (
ECHO Cannot MOVE "%%i" because "%destdir%\%artist%\%%~nxi" exists
) else (ECHO MOVE "%%i" "%destdir%\%artist%\%%~nxi" >nul)
GOTO again
Well, here's a starter script - assuming that artists' names are in the filename.
Most of the documentation is in-line.
Note that the ::... form of documentation is actually a broken-label and is inadvisable within loops and parenthesised code generally - use REM there. It is however easier to type and less intrusive
The FOR loop needs a little explanation: much of it can be deciphered with a bit of persistence from the documentation
for /?
from the prompt. But the heads-up is:
for /f reads a "file" line-by-line and applies each successive line to the metavariable after being tokenised between delimiters. You can specify the tokens by number counting from 1 and the delimiters are any characters appearing between the delims= and the closing quote. Default delimiters are [space],[tab],[comma],[semicolon] and default tokens is 1. "delims=" specifies that there are no delimiters, so the entire line is applied to the metavariable.
It's possible to use this facility on a data line like Wed. 07/11/2012 by using FOR/f "tokens=2,3,4delims=/ " %%i in... to apply 07 to %%i, 11 to %%j and 2012 to %%k - the tokens are Wed.,07,11 and 2012 when the line is tokenised using [either space or /] and the 2nd token is applied to the loop metavariable %%i, the third to %%j and so on through the list of token numbers. The special token "*" means 'the rest of the line following the highest-number token nominated'
AND.. a single-quoted "filename" is the output of a command. dir /s /b /a-d "%relroot%\*%artist%*" is the directorylist in /b basic form (filenames only) /s scan subdirectories /a-d but don't mention the war directorynames starting at %relroot% and having %artist% somewhere in the filename - all quoted in case spaces are present.
I wont write it for you but, but here is a list of roughly the things you have to achieve. Try looking for each of those and then combine them
input a name
create a directory with this name
find the files with this name
move found files to the directory
if you post code of what you are trying i'll gladly help you.

How to rename and add incrementing number suffix on multiple files in Batch Script?

I have 500 files coming in and I need to first check if any file(s) exist then rename all of them regardless of what their filename is (the files are named in a different language).
No need to process them in any order.
1. “¦X¼d¬f-20110703-¦+¦dñHÑ-ª-¦=¬¦.xls”
2. “¦X¼d¬f-20110707-¦+¡¦-+¡8.xls”
3. “¦X¼d¬f-20110707-¦+¡¦ñj¦«.xls”
4. “¦X¼d¬f-20110708-¦+¡¦¬M¼n.xls”
5. “¦X¼d¬f-20110713-¦d¼O¼n¦hÑP.xls”
Hope you could help me on this one. I’ve been trying to do this for weeks.
a simple FOR with a count (SET /A) should do what you need.
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
FOR %%A IN (*.xls) DO (
This is a deceptively difficult question to solve.
The 5 year old PA answer has a few problems.
1) The FOR loop begins iterating without buffering the entire directory tree, so it has the potential to rename a file that has already been renamed. I believe that is why the 7 file is missing within r0mmel's comment.
2) Delayed expansion occurs after for variables are expanded, so the file name will be corrupted and the rename will fail if the name contains a ! character.
3) A rename can fail if there already exists a TWN_CH_INV_VIST_FORM_n.xls file with the same number.
At first I thought I could solve the problem using the following:
#echo off
for /f "delims=: tokens=1*" %%A in (
'dir /b *.xls ^| findstr /n "^"'
) do ren "%%B" ""
ren * *.
I use DIR /B to list the files, and pipe that result to FINDSTR to prefix each file name with a line number, followed by a colon.
I then use FOR /F to iterate and parse the results into the number and the file name. FOR /F buffers the entire result before iterating, so I don't need to worry about renaming the same file twice.
I first give the renamed files a "extension", just in case your directory already has files that meet the TWN_CH_INV_VIST_FORM_n.xls pattern. You don't want any name collisions. The final REN command then simply removes the .new extension to leave the desired .xls.
BUT, I just noticed that the original file names have lots of weird characters that could involve unicode that is not in the current code page. FOR /F does not play well with unicode.
There is one other minor issue in that the above does not pad the number to a fixed width. (this could have been solved easily enough)
So at this point it is time to break out my JREN.BAT regular expression renaming utility. It is pure script (hybrid batch / JScript) that runs natively on any Windows machine from XP onward. It has a built in facility to incorporate a fixed width incrementing number in the new name, and it works fine with unicode. I still temporarily give the new name the "" extension to avoid any name collisions.
#echo off
call jren "^.*" "'TWN_CH_INV_VIST_FORM_'+$n+''" /j /npad 3 /fm *.xls
ren * *.
I chose to pad the incrementing number to 3 digits instead of 2 because the OP said there could be 500 files.
Full documentation for JREN.BAT is available from the command line via jren /?, or jren /?? if you want paged output.

Defining these batch commands

Over the past few years I've really found Stackoverflow to be very helpful, and decided to create an account - this is my first post.
Example situation - I have a fair few of these images, of different subjects -
I would like them to all be grouped up in folders as -
AAA_BBB_randomDigits\(contains left, front and right)
ZZZ_EEE_randomDigits\(contains left, front and right)
The code I currently have works -
#echo off
for /f "tokens=1-3 delims=_" %%a in ('dir /b /a-d *_*_*_*.*') do (
md "%%a_%%b_%%c" 2>nul
move "%%a_%%b_%%c*" "%%a_%%b_%%c"
However, I would love it if someone could explain to me -
What's %%a?
What's dir /b /a-d and why do I need it?
Is it neccessary to have #echo off and pause?
Thanks guys, I really appreciate it.
For documentation, see commandname /? from the prompt.
dir /b /a-d filemask performs a directory listing /b specifies filenames only - no size, date, header or footer. The /a-d excludes directorynames.
You need it to provide the names to the for /f command.
for /f reads the "filename" in parentheses (it can be a real filename or a single-quoted command (like dir) or a double-quoted literal string) and assigns values to the metavariable (in this case, %%a) according to the specified options (the part in quotes directly following the /f).
The delims option specifies which set of characters is used for parsing the line of data arriving from the "file" specified. The line is then interpreted as a series of tokens, separated by delimiter-sequences. By default, delims is Space and Tab. It's common to turn delims off entirely using "...delims=" in which case, there is but one token (the entire line). Note that any characters between delims= and " are equally-ranking and case-sensitive - it is a set of delimiters which replaces Space and Tab, not a delimiter-string.
The tokens option specifies which tokens are selected, by number, starting at 1. The special token * means "the remainder of the line following the highest-number token specified (including any delimiter characters)". By default, tokens=1.
%%a is a metavariable. It is the variable that holds the first token number selected from the tokens= list. Each selected token number is assigned to the next metavariable name in alphabetical sequence, hence in your example, since you have tokens=1-3 then %%a is the first token, %%b the second and %%c the third. Metavariables are always one letter (some other characters are sometimes used - but numerics are definitely not allowed) and the name is case-sensitive (normally, batch is case-insensitive). %%a, %%A and %a% are all different variables. %a% and %A% are the same variable.
A metavariable is only valid within the for loop where it was created. When the for loop ends, the variable disappears.
#echo off simply turns off the command-echoing that batch would otherwise produce (show the command on the console, then execute it). It's used to reduce clutter on the display. When debugging a section of code, it's normal to set echo to on (echo on) and then off again (echo off) to show precisely what instructions are being executed. The # means "don't report this command to the console"
The pause simply waits until a response is received from the keyboard. It's used to allow the display to be read rather than simply continuing directly to the next instruction. It's often used in debugging and also to allow the result of a batch to be held for the user if the batch is executed by using point-click-and-giggle.
