RDLC page width and e.g. line length - reporting

I have a RDLC report.
The page is 21cm wide with 1cm margins on both sides (which leaves us 19cm for contents).
The body of the report is 18.96cm wide
There is a line element inside the report with Location = (0cm; 0cm) and EndPoint = (18.95cm, 0cm) thus the length is 18.95cm. This is like a horizontal separator line inside the report.
So, as you see the body should be enough to contain the line (19cm > 18.96cm > 18.95cm). But when I go and display the report in the ReportViewer/PrintLayout control the line actually generates an additional page (because it grows wider for some reason). And this shows up on the actual printed document (if you print it out).
Just in case - the simple view in ReportViewer and the exported report both look fine, no additional pages present.
Please tell me - how does this happen and if there are any workarounds to get a good PrintLayout view inside the ReportViewer control? I do not care about the PrintLayout view itself, but I care about printing the document out, which uses the same PrintLayout.

Yours is a strange scenario. Try giving a tolerance of 5mm (0.5cm) instead and let's see what happens.
In other words set the following
Body: 18.5cm
Line: Location = (0.25cm; 0cm) and End Point = (18.0cm; 0cm)
If that doesn't work, it probably means your page is taller than the size of paper you desire to print on.
A4 is 21cm x 29.7cm so make sure the height of your body is less than 29.7cm. If you have top and bottom margins, you'll have to subtract their values as well so the maximum height will be given as follows:
Max Height = 29.7 - (Top Margin Height + Bottom Margin Height + tolerance)
tolerance value should be approximately 0.5cm


I don't understand TYPO3's image management, Images are not properly sized

I am new in TYPO3, and I am trying something simple, add an image.
Iam doing the following:
I added Content Element "Text & Images"
In the tab "Images" i uploaded an image 1920 x 262
The image loaded is the resolution 600 x 81, i don't understan why.
In the properties i try set 1920 in the field width but same.
In the future i want to know how establish the srcset but first the simple.
(sorry my english)
Sorry to confuse you but there are some rules applied to the maximum size which date back to those days where 600 was already quite large.
the following typoscript constants are relevant:
styles.content {
maxW = 600
maxWInText = 300
Depending on the selected value of the field Position and Alignment, one of those 2 applies. So If e.g. "in text, right" is selected, the maximum width is 300.
As a solution you can override the constants to same values which fit more properly.
Most people don't use the default content elements anymore and create custom ones using extensions like mask or dce or without any 3rd party code.

Can a static height be set for subreports in reporting services VS2010?

I've made a report using reporting services (Visual Studio 2010) and I want the subreport to have a predefined height. For example, the subreport will be 2 in. even if the report data only fills up 1 in. of the subreport. Is there a way to force a subreport to have a static height?
I have run into this same issue.
To set a minimum size, add a rectangle with a horizontal and vertical line inside it, and place the subreport inside the rectangle.
One solution I can think of for setting the max size, is to use top(x) in the sub report query, so that any results which exceed the number of lines to be shown are simply not included.
Alternatively, if all results must be included, then add a calculated field to the subreport dataset which counts the rows of data. In the subreport table, for each column set the font size such that all lines of data can be displayed within the given area. (iif(NoOfResults = 2, font = 10, etc))The 'Allow row height to decrease' will also need to be set on the table, so the rows can shrink in accord with the font size.
Hope someone finds this helpful. If you can think of any other solutions, I'd love to hear them.

SSRS Lable Printing

I have a SSRS RDL that is formated to fit on a three column lable sheet. When exported to PDF the 2nd column is not populated and on the next page the 2nd column is the only column populated. This continues to happen for as much data as I have. Has anyone had any problems with this or might have an idea on where the problem might be?
These kinds of quirks are usually related to the margins. Make sure that the actual label area does not exceed the page size, accounting for the margins. Also, printer drivers can cause a similar issue because of content-to-page-size issues, where the report shows correct on-screen but when printing, shifts content to a new page.
This is because of page setup properties. For example if a page is set to letter size(8.5in X 11in) and left and right margins to 1 inch. then you have adjust you report body size to 6.5 inch or below, if it exceeds above 6.5 inch, then leads to split data to other pages when exported to PDF.

Adobe Flex 4 text height

I remember in Flex 3 text width/height could be calculated (not the text UI component but the text itself):
new Text().textHeight;
new Text().getTextField().measuredHeight;
Does anyone know how can that be done in Flex 4 with its Text Layout Framework now?
I've found an answer myself. If someone has any better ideas - you're welcome.
I use to assume that width of text content is not so important cause each time the size changes the value used below are updated. So I check the height of text (assuming width is fixed) as:
var textHeight: Number = (_text.textLines.length-1) * _text.textFlow.lineHeight + _text.textFlow.fontSize
where _text is s:RichText.
I needed to know whether the text inside did not exceeded the space available, that's why the only thing I need now is to check whether textHeight < _text.height
That's it. Be sure the text is rendered correctly before checking the height (I use to listen to UDPATE_COMPLETE event).

Why does VS2005 ReportViewer adds page breaks when setting up the margins?

I'm using the report viewer control included in Visual Studio 2005 and something odd is happening; when I set the margins on the report and I run the application the report viewer adds a page break after each content page, so if I have 2 content pages I end up having 4 pages of which 2 of them are blank pages.
If I set the margins of the report as zero then the report displays ok but of course it doesn't look good without the margins (and won't print properly)
I'm pretty sure the content is not wrapping or something that could cause this since I intentionally designed the tables to fit in 6 inches so, 6 inches plus 2 (one for each side margin) are 8 and I still have half an inch of space there so things don't mess up since this is in letter size which is 8.5" x 11"
Anybody has had this same behavior?
Thanks in advance.
Found the solution, turns out that the body should not be wider than the report size so for example if you have a standard letter page: 8.5" x 11" than the body should be less than 8.5, pay special attention if you have margins since you have to subtract those inches too, I want a one inch margin per side so left and right would sum up two inches:
8.5 - 2 = 6.5
So if you plan to have a letter report with one inch margins make sure the body is 6.5 at the most then it would fit.
Pretty obvious huh? but I did not figured it out at the beginning since the report viewer designer does not have any rulers to mark the beginning of the body, only for the report.
