String as a GeoCoordinate - windows-phone-7

I am developing an application which is storing places in database.
The problem is:
I have a main view of map, then I click add place button. The button goes to standard form which contains name, description and coordinates. Coordinates I am taking from map and changing to string. Then it saves in SQLite database.
But I have no idea how use geocoordinates from DB, because they are strings, not a GeoCoordinates, and simply I can't use them to for example pushpin with binding data

Considering there is no GeoCoordinate.Parse() method and assuming your string representation comes from GeoCoordinate.ToString(), you could use something like this:
public GeoCoordinate ParseGeoCoordinate(string input)
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(input))
throw new ArgumentException("input");
if (input == "Unknown")
return GeoCoordinate.Unknown;
// GeoCoordinate.ToString() uses InvariantCulture, so the doubles will use '.'
// for decimal placement, even in european environments
string[] parts = input.Split(',');
if (parts.Length != 2)
throw new ArgumentException("Invalid format");
double latitude = Double.Parse(parts[0], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
double longitude = Double.Parse(parts[1], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
return new GeoCoordinate(latitude, longitude);


How to add multiple Textfields in single or multiple pages in a Loop

I am Using Itext 5 maven and I want to add multiple textfields in multiple pdf pages. like page 1 need 3 fields, page 2 need 4 fields etc.
I have write the below code
public byte[] setupDocument(EditPdfDTO editPdfDTOList, MultipartFile attachment)
WritePDF obj = new WritePDF();
Document document = null;
PdfWriter writer = null;
PdfImportedPage page = null;
PdfReader reader = null;
// Create output PDF
document = new Document(PageSize.A4);
document.setMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(document,
new FileOutputStream("D:/test.pdf"));;
PdfContentByte cb = writer.getDirectContent();
// Load existing PDF
reader = new PdfReader(attachment.getBytes());
int totalPages = reader.getNumberOfPages();
for (int i = 0; i < totalPages; i++)
page = writer.getImportedPage(reader, i + 1);
cb.addTemplate(page, 0, 0);
for (int j = 0; j < editPdfDTOList.getPdf().size(); j++)
if (i + 1 == editPdfDTOList.getPdf().get(j).getPageNo())
BaseFont baseFont = null;
baseFont = BaseFont.createFont();
catch (DocumentException | IOException e1)
int a, b;
a = editPdfDTOList.getPdf().get(j).getxCoordinate();
b = editPdfDTOList.getPdf().get(j).getyCoordinate();
String str = editPdfDTOList.getPdf().get(j).getTextContent();
Rectangle linkLocation =
new Rectangle(a, b + baseFont.getDescentPoint(str, 10),
a + 10 + baseFont.getWidthPoint(str, 10),
b + baseFont.getAscentPoint(str, 10) + 10);
TextField field =
new TextField(writer, linkLocation, "user1" + j+UUID.randomUUID());
field.setOptions(TextField.MULTILINE | TextField.READ_ONLY);
cb = writer.getDirectContent();
catch (IOException | DocumentException e)
catch (DocumentException | IOException e)
catch (Exception e)
return null;
this code is able to add only one Textfield on every expected but not to add 2 or many textfields in a single page.
there is no issue of multiple try--catch block.
The appropriate classes to use
First of, you say you "want to add multiple textfields in multiple pdf pages". When implementing tasks like this, i.e. tasks that take a single document and want to somehow manipulate it while keeping it structurally more or less as before, one should usually work with a PdfReader/PdfStamper couple. This allows you to concentrate on the manipulation and provides a copy of the original PDF with all its properties to work on.
Adding multiple fields to a page of an existing PDF
Adding multiple fields to a single existing page is trivial, e.g.:
PdfReader pdfReader = new PdfReader(resource);
PdfStamper pdfStamper = new PdfStamper(pdfReader, output);
TextField field1 = new TextField(pdfStamper.getWriter(),
new Rectangle(100, 800, 200, 820), "Field1");
field1.setText("Field 1");
pdfStamper.addAnnotation(field1.getTextField(), 1);
TextField field2 = new TextField(pdfStamper.getWriter(),
new Rectangle(300, 800, 400, 820), "Field2");
field2.setText("Field 2");
pdfStamper.addAnnotation(field2.getTextField(), 1);
(AddField test testAddMultipleFields)
Applied to my example document
the code generates
Thus, there is no conceptual problem adding multiple text fields to the same document page, it works in a very natural manner.
In your case I would switch to using a PdfReader/PdfStamper couple. If some issue still remain, I would inspect your data. Probably they simply contain only a single field dataset per page. Or two textfields have the same coordinates and, therefore, look like one. Or some text fields have off-screen coordinates. Or... Or... Or...
The original answer
Originally the code in the question looked differently. This original answer focused on issues of that code.
You claim your code
is able to add only one Textfield on every expected but not to add 2 or many textfields in a single page
I doubt that because
you have two distinct objects writing to the same file "D:/TemplateFilePDf/" + attachment.getOriginalFilename() concurrently, the PdfWriter writer and the PdfStamper stamper. If you get something sensible as a result of your code, then only by pure luck; and
additionally stamper is instantiated for a null instance of PdfReader. This actually will cause a NullPointerException in the constructor which will keep your textfield adding code from being executed at all.
Thus, either the code you shared is considerably different from the code you run or your test runs actually all throw that NullPointerException and you probably find the outputs of a former, less broken version of your code which happens to have added only a single text field.
After fixing those two issues, some questions still remain (e.g. what is the intention of that cb.fill()? That instruction is only allowed directly after a path definition, the path whose inner area to fill, but I don't see you defining any path).
Furthermore, you access your editPdfDTOList for a lot of relevant values but we don't know those values. Thus, we cannot run your code to try and reproduce the issue. Probably you create only a single textfield because that object contains only values for a single textfield...

Not able to set Redaction Color in iText7 (C#)

I'm not able to change PDF redaction's color in iText7 + PDFSweep using the C# code below. The RED redaction box takes effect only on the first page of the PDF file, then on subsequent pages the color of the redaction box reverts back to BLACK
String input = SRC_FOLDER + "/report.pdf";
String output = SRC_FOLDER + "/report_redacted.pdf";
CompositeCleanupStrategy strategy = new CompositeCleanupStrategy();
strategy.Add(new RegexBasedCleanupStrategy(#"(\d\d\d\d)").SetRedactionColor(ColorConstants.RED));
PdfDocument pdf = new PdfDocument(new PdfReader(input), new PdfWriter(output));
PdfAutoSweep autoSweep = new PdfAutoSweep(strategy);
It's a bug in pdfSweep.
ìText handles documents on a page by page basis.
In order to be able to re-use the same strategy on different pages, every ICleanupStrategy needs to provide a reset method.
The current implementation for that reset method for RegexBasedCleanupStragegy is
public ICleanupStrategy reset() {
return new RegexBasedCleanupStrategy(this.pattern);
Which copies the strategy's pattern, but not its color. As a result, on every page but the first one, the color will default back to black.
To fix this, simply create your own implementation that overrides this behavior to also copy the color.
I will report this as a bug (iText developer here)
for the sake of completion, this would be the fixed approach:
public class RegexBasedCleanupStrategy extends
RegexBasedLocationExtractionStrategy implements ICleanupStrategy {
private Pattern pattern;
private Color redactionColor = ColorConstants.BLACK;
public RegexBasedCleanupStrategy(String regex) {
this.pattern = Pattern.compile(regex);
public RegexBasedCleanupStrategy(Pattern pattern) {
this.pattern = pattern;
public Color getRedactionColor(IPdfTextLocation location) {
return redactionColor;
public RegexBasedCleanupStrategy setRedactionColor(Color color) {
this.redactionColor = color;
return this;
public ICleanupStrategy reset() {
RegexBasedCleanupStrategy copy = new RegexBasedCleanupStrategy(pattern);
copy.redactionColor = redactionColor;
return copy;

How to specify allowed characters in keyboard?

I want to create a page for pin entry for both, android and iOS platforms. Numeric specification in Keyboard property is close to my needs. I can do something like this to restrict allowed characters and overall length. However I need to get rid of the dot character on the keyboard. How can I achieve that?
You can remove the dot from the soft keyboard.
Using the solution you linked and Keyboard="Numeric", you can use the same TextChanged event that restricts entry text size to restrict the '.'.
public void OnTextChanged(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs args)
var e = sender as Entry;
string val = e.Text;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(val))
if (MaxLength > 0 && val.Length > MaxLength)
val = val.Remove(val.Length - 1);
if (val.Contains("."))
val.Replace(".", string.Empty);
e.Text = val;
Other option would be creating a Grid for the PIN. And show the PIN in a Label instead of and Entry to avoid pasting.

Windows Phone 7.1 -Saving path of photo taken by cameraCaputreTask

I'm building an app that should- among other things, let the user capture a picture and then save the picture and other info (like location of where this picture was taken -using GPS of the phone and etc...) on a DataBase.
Im using a string to save the pictures to the DataBase. So far so good. My problem is that after the user has captured a picture I can not find the path of the picture anyWhere (in order to display it later to the user )
I know I can display the picture if I use a image and not a string but then I am not able to save it to the DB.
Also I used the picture string (which should be the path of the picture ) to be the primaryKey column in my table and if the string is null this will be a problem for sure.
After checking on the internet I found out that you cannot use the GeoCoordinateWatcher (for GPS) on the emulator so I had to use a random place.
This led me into thinking that a picture taken by the emulator may not have a path??
Part of my code: (the Event of the camera and the bottun that saves everyting to DB)
void c_Completed(object sender, PhotoResult e)
if (e.TaskResult == TaskResult.OK)
//Code to display the photo on the page in an image control named myImage.
BitmapImage bmp = new System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapImage();
myImage.Source = bmp;//display the picture right after taking it. before saving to DB
p.UrlImage = bmp.UriSource.AbsolutePath;//Do not Work!
private void saveToDB_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
p.Description = DesriptionList.SelectedValue.ToString();//description of the pic
p.Date = DateTime.Today;//date picture taken
GeoCoordinateWatcher myWatcher = new GeoCoordinateWatcher();
var myPosition = myWatcher.Position;
p.Location = myPosition.Location.Altitude+" "+myPosition.Location.Latitude;//do not work with emulator
p.Location = "Some Where Over The Rainbow";
MainPage.m._bl.addPic(p);//add pic to DB
MessageBox.Show("Added Successfully! :)");
NavigationService.Navigate(new Uri(#"/Intro.xaml", UriKind.Relative));//go to another page
my class:
public class Picture
public Picture()
public Picture(string l, string d, string url, DateTime da)
Location = l;
Description = d;
UrlImage = url;
Date = da;
string location;
public string Location
get { return location; }
set { location = value; }
string urlImage;
[Column (IsPrimaryKey=true)]
public string UrlImage
get { return urlImage; }
set { urlImage = value; }
DateTime date;
public DateTime Date
get { return date; }
set { date = value; }
string description;
public string Description
get { return description; }
set { description = value; }
Anyway- I would like to know if I can get the path in some way...
And also- if I cant get the path- does Windows have a "Better" emulator?
this emulator cant do much and this is quite annoying giving the fact I dont have a WP to check my apps on..
You already get the stream of the taken image in e.ChosenPhoto. You just need to save that.
var imageBytes = new byte[e.ChosenPhoto.Length];
e.ChosenPhoto.Read(imageBytes, 0, imageBytes.Length);
using (var isoFile = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication()) {
using (var stream = isoFile.CreateFile("myImage.jpg")) {
stream.Write(imageBytes, 0, imageBytes.Length);
Regarding emulator, there is nothing wrong or limited about it.
The taken image is stored in a temp file that may vanish later on that's why you need to save it locally in your isolated storage if you want to display that image again.
Regarding GPS, you can use the additional tools (just click on the '>>' button on the right side of the emulator to set various settings that you find on an actual device such as accelerometer, location, network, etc.. For GeoWatcher you can define a set of points on the map that will be played back as if the device's actual GPS location was changing.

Adding custom metadata tags using LibTiff.Net

I now how to add a custom tag to an image but it's not showing up as the tag name in image viewer. I only see the number I assigned and its value.
Why there is no proper name for my custom tag?
using BitMiracle.LibTiff.Classic;
namespace WindowsFormsApplication1
class Program
private const TiffTag IMG_GUID = (TiffTag)666;
private static Tiff.TiffExtendProc m_parentExtender;
public static void TagExtender(Tiff tif)
TiffFieldInfo[] tiffFieldInfo =
new TiffFieldInfo(IMG_GUID, -1, -1, TiffType.ASCII, FieldBit.Custom, true, false, "IMG_GUID"),
tif.MergeFieldInfo(tiffFieldInfo, tiffFieldInfo.Length);
if (m_parentExtender != null)
static void Main(string[] args)
// Register the extender callback
// It's a good idea to keep track of the previous tag extender (if any) so that we can call it
// from our extender allowing a chain of customizations to take effect.
m_parentExtender = Tiff.SetTagExtender(TagExtender);
byte[] buffer = new byte[25 * 144];
string outputFileName = writeTiffWithCustomTags(buffer);
// restore previous tag extender
private static string writeTiffWithCustomTags(byte[] buffer)
string existingTiffName = "..\\..\\tifimages\\cramps.tif";
string outputFileName = existingTiffName;
using (Tiff image = Tiff.Open(outputFileName, "a"))
// set custom tags
string value = "test";
image.SetField(IMG_GUID, value);
// Write the information to the file
image.WriteEncodedStrip(0, buffer, 25 * 144);
return outputFileName;
The application you use for viewing your TIFFs should know about your custom tags beforehand in order to be able to display its names.
It's not gonna happen! (Because you may select almost arbitrary integer for your custom tag).
So, there is nothing wrong with custom tags being displayed as (an integer, a value) pair. It's just the way custom tag work.
