no implicit conversion from nil to integer - when trying to add anything to array - ruby

I'm trying to build a fairly complex hash and I am strangely getting the error
no implicit conversion from nil to integer
when I use the line
manufacturer_cols << {:field => 'test'}
I use the same line later in the same loop, and it works no problem.
The entire code is
manufacturer_fields.each_with_index do |mapped_field, index|
if mapped_field.base_field_name=='exactSKU'
#this is where it is breaking, if I comment this out, all is good
manufacturer_cols << { :base_field=> 'test'}
#it works fine here!
manufacturer_cols << { :base_field=>mapped_field.base_field_name }
------- value of manufacturer_fields --------

Implicit Conversion Errors Explained
I'm not sure precisely why your code is getting this error but I can tell you exactly what the error means, and perhaps that will help.
There are two kinds of conversions in Ruby: explicit and implicit.
Explicit conversions use the short name, like #to_s or #to_i. These are commonly defined in the core, and they are called all the time. They are for objects that are not strings or not integers, but can be converted for debugging or database translation or string interpolation or whatever.
Implicit conversions use the long name, like #to_str or #to_int. This kind of conversion is for objects that are very much like strings or integers and merely need to know when to assume the form of their alter egos. These conversions are never or almost never defined in the core. (Hal Fulton's The Ruby Way identifies Pathname as one of the classes that finds a reason to define #to_str.)
It's quite difficult to get your error, even NilClass defines explicit (short name) converters:
=> 0
">>#{nil}<<" # this demonstrates nil.to_s
=> ">><<"
You can trigger it like so: nil
TypeError: no implicit conversion from nil to integer
Therefore, your error is coming from the C code inside the Ruby interpreter. A core class, implemented in C, is being handed a nil when it expects an Integer. It may have a #to_i but it doesn't have a #to_int and so the result is the TypeError.

This seems to have been completely unrelated to anything that had anything to do with manufacturer_cols after all.
I had arrived at the manufacturer_cols bit because if I commented that out, it ran fine.
However, if I commented out the part where I ran through the csv further down the page, it ran fine also.
It turns out the error was related to retrieving attempting to append the base_field when it was nil.
I thought I could use
manufacturer_cols.each do |col|
base_value = row[col[:row_index].to_i]
if col[:merges]
col[:merges].each do |merge|
base_value += merge[:separator].to_s + row[merge[:merge_row_index]]
unfortunately, that caused the error. the solution was
base_value = base_value + merge[:separator].to_s + row[merge[:merge_row_index]]
I hope this helps somebody, 'cause as DigitalRoss alluded to, it was quite a wild goose chase nailing down where in the code this was being caused and why.

I got this error when parsing through an API for "tag/#{idnum}/parents"...Normally, you'd expect a response like this:
"parents": [
"id": 8,
"tag_type": "MarketTag",
"name": "internet",
"display_name": "Internet",
"angellist_url": "",
"statistics": {
"all": {
"investor_followers": 1400,
"followers": 5078,
"startups": 13214
"direct": {
"investor_followers": 532,
"followers": 1832,
"startups": 495
"total": 1,
"per_page": 50,
"page": 1,
"last_page": 1
but when I looked up the parents of the market category "adult" (as it were), I got this
"parents": [ ],
"total": 0,
"per_page": 50,
"page": 1,
"last_page": 0
Now ruby allowed a number of interactions with this thing to occur, but eventually it threw the error about implicit conversion
parents.each do |p|
stats = p['statistics']['all']
selector << stats['investor_followers'].to_i
selected = selector.index(selector.max)
parents[selected]['id'] ***<--- CODE FAILED HERE

This was a simple fix for me.
When I was getting this error using the Scout app, one of my mapped folders was header-1, when I removed the hyphen from the folder name and made it header1, the error went away.
It didn't like the hyphen for some reason...


Searching a Hash

I'm trying to complete this Codewars Challenge and I'm confused as to where I'm going wrong. Could someone please give me a hand?
The question provides a "database" of translations for Welcome, and the instructions say:
Think of a way to store the languages as a database (eg an object). The languages are listed below so you can copy and paste!
Write a 'welcome' function that takes a parameter 'language' (always a string), and returns a greeting - if you have it in your database. It should default to English if the language is not in the database, or in the event of an invalid input.
My attempt:
def greet(language)
greeting = { 'english'=>'Welcome',
'estonian'=>'Tere tulemast',
greeting.key?(language) ? greeting.each { |k, v| return v if language == k } : 'IP_ADDRESS_INVALID'
To my eyes when I run my code through the IDE it seems to be working as per request but I guess I must be wrong somehow.
It's telling me it :
Expected: "Laukiamas", instead got: "Welcome"
But when I type:
p greet("lithuanian")
I get Laukiamas.
You can provide you greeting hash with a default value. It is as simple as
greeting.default = "Welcome"
This enhanced hash does all the work for you. Just look up the key; when it is not there you'll get "Welcome".
First of all, please don't post links to exercises or homework questions. Quote them in your original question to avoid link rot or additional create work for people trying to help you out.
Understanding the Problem Defined by the Linked Question
Secondly, you're misunderstanding the core question. The requirement is basically to return the Hash value for a given language key if the key exists in the Hash. If it doesn't, then return the value of the 'english' key instead. Implicit in the exercise is to understand the various types of improper inputs that would fail to find a matching key; the solution below addresses most of them, and will work even if your Ruby has frozen strings enabled.
A Working Solution
There are lots of ways to do this, but here's a simple example that will handle invalid keys, nil as a language argument, and abstract away capitalization as a potential issue.
DEFAULT_LANG = 'english'
'english' => 'Welcome',
'czech' => 'Vitejte',
'danish' => 'Velkomst',
'dutch' => 'Welkom',
'estonian' => 'Tere tulemast',
'finnish' => 'Tervetuloa',
'flemish' => 'Welgekomen',
'french' => 'Bienvenue',
'german' => 'Willkommen',
'irish' => 'Failte',
'italian' => 'Benvenuto',
'latvian' => 'Gaidits',
'lithuanian' => 'Laukiamas',
'polish' => 'Witamy',
'spanish' => 'Bienvenido',
'swedish' => 'Valkommen',
'welsh' => 'Croeso'
# Return a translation of "Welcome" into the language
# passed as an argument.
# #param language [String, #to_s] any object that can
# be coerced into a String, and therefore to
# String#downcase
# #return [String] a translation of "Welcome" or the
# string-literal +Welcome+ if no translation found
def greet language
language = language.to_s.downcase
# Everything in the following Array of examples except
# +Spanish+ should return the Hash value for +english+.
['Spanish', 'Español', 123, nil].map { greet(_1) }
This will correctly return:
#=> ["Bienvenido", "Welcome", "Welcome", "Welcome"]
because only Spanish (when lower-cased) will match any of the keys currently defined in the TRANSLATIONS Hash. All the rest will use the default value defined for the exercise.
Test Results
Since there are some RSpec tests included with the linked question:
describe "Welcome! Translation" do
it "should translate input" do
Test.assert_equals(greet('english'), 'Welcome', "It didn't work out this time, keep trying!");
Test.assert_equals(greet('dutch'), 'Welkom', "It didn't work out this time, keep trying!");
Test.assert_equals(greet('IP_ADDRESS_INVALID'), 'Welcome', "It didn't work out this time, keep trying!")
The code provided not only passes the provided tests, but it also passes a number of other edge cases not defined in the unit tests. When run against the defined tests, the code above passes cleanly:
If this is homework, then you might want to create additional tests to cover all the various edge cases. You might also choose to refactor to less idiomatic code if you want more explanatory variables, more explicit intermediate conversions, or more explicit key handling. The point of good code is to be readable, so be as explicit in your code and as thorough in your tests as you need to be in order to make debugging easier.

How do i fix an implicit conversion for a ruby json code

I'm trying to save a json file with already inputed data with the code snippet below:
def read_rentals
return [] unless File.exist?('rentals.json')
rentals_json = JSON.parse('rentals.json')) do |rental|['date'], #person[rental['person_index']], #books[rental['book_index']])
but I get the error message:
block in read_rentals': no implicit conversion from nil to integer (TypeError)
it stopped my script from running. robocop line above as the error case.
The JWT.encode method expects a hash of claims. You should simply get the first value of the array and put that in as a parameter. There is no other way around. This is simply the current state of the ruby-jwt implementation.
I found the solution:
in my rentals.json, my person_index was set as null. i changed it to an integer, and the script was working
"date": "04/23",
"book_index": 0,
"person_index": 0

Ruby Airbone array testing is not working as expected

I have the json below
"menu": {
"sections": [
"type": 4,
"frames": [
"itens": []
"order": 0
"type": 4,
"frames": [
"itens": [
"id": "1719016",
"type": 0,
"free": false
"order": 1
and the test below that may check if all json itens in array itens has an ID property:
expect_json_keys('menu.sections.0.frames.*.itens.*', :id)
The problem is that this test runs fine. But should fail.
My test only fail when I change my expectations to that:
expect_json_keys('menu.sections.0.frames.*.itens.0', :id)
Why this test is succesful instead of fail when using itens.*
I reproduced your problem and tried to debug a bit.
I see this airborne gem for the first time (so take the following with a grain of salt), but I think the problem hides in the airborne implementation itself, here, to be more precise:
This line is intended to run expectation block (this one in this particular case) for each item matching the wildcarded segment, but for an empty array it simply does nothing. No expectations run - no failures.
So it's not something wrong in your tests code, it's about the gem itself.
As a kind of workaround, you could try smth. like the following:
expect_json_types('menu.sections.0.frames.*.itens', :array_of_objects) # <= add this
expect_json_keys('menu.sections.0.frames.*.itens.*', :id)
e.g. testing the type of the value before testing the value itself - in this case it fails with Expected array_of_objects got Array instead
Thank you very much #konstantin-strukov. This solution works fine for this test case.
But in some test cases I still have to write some extra code.
The expectation you´ve writen fails for this json OK, I have a test case where it should really fail. I´ll use your solution in a lot of use cases. Thank you again.
But I have some test cases that shouldn´t fail if I have at least one filled itens property ( expect_json_keys('menu.sections.0.frames.*.itens.?', :id) should be sufficient but it doesn´t because it works using itens.* or itens.?. I´ve tried to fit your solution in these test cases but it didn´t work as expected.

How to change AwesomeWM tag names?

I am trying to customize my Awesome Window Manager to change the tag numbers into Roman numbers (changing 1 for I, 2 for II...). In order to achieve this, I am modifying my /etc/xdg/awesome/rc.lua file, specially the {{tags}} section.
I have found this blog post, in which he manages to edit the tag names at will, have a look at the top left corner:
I also read the rc.lua file attached to the theme, and realized the technique used for what I want to do is a for loop in combination with some tables.
This is the code snippet of interest in the file:
-- {{{ Tags
-- Define a tag table which hold all screen tags.
tags = {}
tagnames = { "irc", "mpd", "net", "usr", "png", "msg", }
taglayouts = {,
awful.layout.suit.floating }
for s = 1, screen.count() do
-- Each screen has its own tag table.
tags[s] = {}
for tagnumber = 1, 6 do
-- Add tags and name them.
tags[s][tagnumber] = tag(tagnames[tagnumber])
-- Add tags to screen one by one, giving them their layouts at the same time.
tags[s][tagnumber].screen = s
awful.layout.set(taglayouts[tagnumber], tags[s][tagnumber])
-- I'm sure you want to see at least one tag.
tags[s][1].selected = true
-- }}}
...and this is my rc.lua file:
-- {{{ Tags
-- Define a tag table which hold all screen tags.
tags = {}
tagnames = { "I", "II", "III", "IV", "V", "VI", "VII", "VIII", "IX", }
taglayouts = {,
awful.layout.suit.floating }
for s = 1, screen.count() do
-- Each screen has its own tag table.
-- tags[s] = awful.tag({ "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8",$
tags[s] = {}
for tagnumber = 1, 9 do
tags[s][tagnumber] = tag(tagnames[tagnumber])
tags[s][tagnumber].screen = s
awful.layout.set(taglayouts[tagnumber], tags[s][tagnumber])
tags[s][1].selected = true
--- }}}
As you can see, they are pretty the same, with the difference that I have nine tags instead of six (I changed the code according to it). When I try to debug the setup using Xephyr, an error appears in the console and I am only able to see my wallpaper:
error while running function
stack traceback:
[C]: in global 'tag'
/etc/xdg/awesome/rc.lua:100: in main chunk
error: /etc/xdg/awesome/rc.lua:100: bad argument #2 to 'tag' (table expected, got string)
error while running function
stack traceback:
[C]: in global 'tag'
/etc/xdg/awesome/rc.lua:100: in main chunk
error: /etc/xdg/awesome/rc.lua:100: bad argument #2 to 'tag' (table expected, got string)
E: awesome: main:605: couldn't find any rc file
I can't see where the error is, as I am not able to detect any language violation in the error line tags[s][tagnumber] = tag(tagnames[tagnumber]): it's just filling the tags array with my custom names, telling it to treat them as a tag and not as a random string.
UPDATE: I have just realized that there are six layouts in taglayouts, the same number as tags in the original Lua file. I think I should have nine tag layouts, but I don't know which one should I add. Also, I don't see this as a critical impediment for the code to compile properly, as the error line does not have anything to do with the layout list.
UPDATE 2: Added three more awful.layout.suit.floating to taglayouts. Same error.
Following another answer, I replaced my {Tags} section with:
-- {{{ Tags
-- Define a tag table which hold all screen tags.
tagnum = { "I", "II", "III", "IV", "V", "VI", "VII",
"VIII", "IX" }
for i = 1, 9 do
awful.tag.add((tagnum[i]), {
layout = awful.layout.suit.tile,
master_fill_policy = "master_width_factor",
gap_single_client = true,
gap = 15,
screen = s,
-- }}}
This creates i number of tags, their name defined in the tagnum table. This is only useful if you want to create identical tags, but it will always be much cleaner than having to type i definitions.
The initial solution was useful, but it had a problem: when starting AwesomeWM, you won't appear in a defined tag, but in all of them at the same time. That is, if you open a terminal, you will open it in every tag you have unless you previously selected one with Mod4+TagNum (following default conf.).
Trying to solve this problem, I compared the default configuration file with the modded one, and I realized it all worked well in the default one. So I started modifying the code in order to find a solution. In all, I have discovered that with a minimal modification of the default code you are able to customize your tag names at will. This is how I did it:
-- {{{ Tags
tags = {}
-- Generates tags with custom names
for s = 1, screen.count() do
tags[s] = awful.tag({ "I", "II", "III", "IV", "V", "VI", "VII", "IX" }),
-- }}}
P.S. I keep the old solution in case someone would wish to use the code for another purpose.
Not an official answer yet, but yesterday I wrote more doc about this:
It is for Awesome 4.0, but in this case not much changed, so the example is almost valid (the gap property is not available in 3.4/3.5).
Also, if you wish to setup complex tags, I would suggest my Tyrannical module (Awesome 3.5+) or Shifty (Awesome 3.2-3.4). It is designed to make this much easier.

pg gem: 'Warning: no type cast defined for type "numeric" '

I'm having trouble getting typed results out of the pg gem.
require 'pg'
require_relative 'spec/fixtures/database'
client = PG.connect( DB[:pg] )
client.type_map_for_queries =
client.type_map_for_results =
client.exec( %|select * from testme;| ) do |query|
query.each {|r| puts r.inspect }
This program gives the output:
Warning: no type cast defined for type "money" with oid 790. Please cast this type explicitly to TEXT to be safe for future changes.
Warning: no type cast defined for type "numeric" with oid 1700. Please cast this type explicitly to TEXT to be safe for future changes.
{"string"=>"thing", "logical"=>true, "cash"=>"£1.23", "reel"=>"2.34", "day"=>#<Date: 2015-12-31 ((2457388j,0s,0n),+0s,2299161j)>, "float"=>3.45}
So: booleans and floats and dates (and integers) get converted, but not numerics or the money type.
Can anyone tell me how to "cast the type explicitly", assuming that I don't want to hard-code a solution for each table?
Hijacking this thread, as after some digging I finally found a way to add a custom decoder/encoder, so posting an example below:
require 'ipaddr'
require 'pg'
class InetDecoder < PG::SimpleDecoder
def decode(string, tuple=nil, field=nil)
class InetEncoder < PG::SimpleEncoder
def encode(ip_addr)
# 0 if for text format, can also be 1 for binary
PG::BasicTypeRegistry.register_type(0, 'inet', InetEncoder, InetDecoder)
Here's a catch all for those seeking to cast strings by default:
client = PG.connect( DB[:pg] )
map =
map.default_type_map =
client.type_map_for_results = map
Got the same problem with a text-ish field. Solved by duplicating a coder and editing its OID.
text_coder = client.type_map_for_results.coders.find { |c| == 'text' }
new_coder = text_coder.dup.tap { |c| c.oid = 19 } # oid from the warning
How I got there: it might interest the next guy, if the problem is similar but not identical.
I read other people online talking about type_map_for_results, but how they didn't know how to define a coder. Since it was a text field in my case, I decided to try cloning an existing one. I knew I could find a textual pre-set in a Rails app, so I opened a rails console and searched:
adapter = ActiveRecord::Base.connection
connection = adapter.instance_variable_get("#connection")
mapping = connection.type_map_for_results
cd mapping # my console of choice is `pry`
ls # spotted a likely getter named `coders`
cd coders # again
ls # spotted getter `name` and setter `oid=`
So I put together the code in the solution. Gave it a try, and it worked.
It had not been straightforward to find, so I decided to exit lurker mode and share it on SO. Thereby: thanks #Andreyy for bringing me in :)
[pry cd and ls]
Google the error message: "Warning: no type cast defined for type"
You can find it's source github.
Reding the class, I would guess lines from 150 to 214 could be consiredered
register_type 0, 'text', PG::TextEncoder::String
alias_type 0, 'varchar', 'text'
Since register_type and alias_type are class methods of PG::BasicTypeRegistry::CoderMap I would play with them just and see if anything changes:
PG::BasicTypeRegistry::CoderMap.alias_type 0, 'money', 'text'
PG::BasicTypeRegistry::CoderMap.alias_type 0, 'numeric', 'text'
Reading the comments in the class it seems that the coding/decoding of those and some other fields is not implemented.
You might consider using a higher level ORM library like AvtiveRecord which implements more types (money).
