A problem when wrongly using Dot command in Mma - wolfram-mathematica

In[1]:= SameQ[Dot[1, 2], 1.2]
TrueQ[Dot[1, 2] == 1.2]
a = 1; b = 2;
SameQ[Dot[a, b], a.b]
TrueQ[Dot[a, b] == a.b]
Out[1]= False
Out[2]= False
Out[4]= True
Out[5]= True
I know this uses Dot command wrong. Anybody can give me a clear reson for the above different results?

a.b is interpreted as Dot[a,b] and then variables a and b are substituted, meaning Dot[1,2] and thus equality holds. This is not the same as 1.2 where the dot stands for the decimal separator and not for the inline operator of Dot.

When you write 1.2, Mma understands a number (aka 6/5), but if you write {1, 1}.{2, 2} or a.b Mma understands a scalar product, as usual in any book using vectors.

It can be informative to view an expression under Hold and FullForm:
a = 1; b = 2;
SameQ[Dot[a, b], a.b]] //Hold //FullForm
Hold[SameQ[Dot[a, b], Dot[a, b]]]
With this combination of commands, Mathematica parses but does not evaluate the expression (Hold), and then shows the long pseudo-internal form of the expression (FullForm).
In this case, you can see that the second term a.b is parsed as Dot[a, b] before any evaluation happens.
When . appears with numerals as in 1.2 it is interpreted specially as a decimal point. This is similar to other numeric entry formats such as: 1*^6 which is recognized directly as 1000000:
1*^6 //Hold //FullForm
Compare trying to enter:
a = 1;


Mathematica: Remove argument from flat operator

I have an object in mathematica with the attributes Flat and OneIdentity. I also defined the following substitutions:
A[z___, x_Times /; ! FreeQ[x, b], y___] :=
A[z, A## x, y]
A[z___, x_Plus /; ! FreeQ[x, b], y___] :=
A[z, #, y] & /# (x)
I need them so that all products inside A become part of the arguments of A, and the distributive property with respect to the sum holds.
I need to find a way to remove all the arguments that do not contain b pattern.
I tried with A[z___, a_?(FreeQ[#, b] &), y___] := a A[z, y] , but I get IterationLimit error.
I understand that the reason of the error is that mathematica will match A[a] as a with flat operators. But then what is the correct way to do that, in such a way that is compatible with the previous two conditions?

Prolog kenken solver 4 by 4

so i am trying to solve kenken using prolog but i ran into several problems from the start, first of all lets say i run it like kenken([X1,X2,X3,.....X16]). and i want to solve for this x's with rules i defined before. so lets say the first cell has 3 values X1,X2,and X3 and i want to get 2 by using multiplication meaning that X1*X2*X3=2, now how do i set up a rule to see all posible solutions if i had something like that.
also how would i tell my x's to only use a range of values 1-4.
i tried to do something like
:- use_module(library(clpr)).
but its gives me a really weird output.
Since you reason over integers, not floats, consider using library(clpfd) instead of CLP(R). In SICStus, SWI and YAP, you can constrain a finite domain variable X to the integer range 1-4 with:
X in 1..4
You can use the built-in predicate label/1 to search for concrete solutions. Example with SWI-Prolog:
?- Vars = [A,B,C], A*B*C #= 2, Vars ins 1..4, label(Vars).
Vars = [1, 1, 2], A = B, B = 1, C = 2 ;
Vars = [1, 2, 1], A = C, C = 1, B = 2 ;
Vars = [2, 1, 1], A = 2, B = C, C = 1.
You need the is operator to do arithmetic:
2 is X1*X2*X3
Note that this will not work unless the X's are all bound to numbers.

function iteration in mathematica

I'm a beginner in Mathematica programming. My code is not running as expected. I wonder if anyone could examine what goes wrong? Here is part of the code.
F[{k_, n_, x_}] =
Which[k == 0, f[a, b, x],
k == 1, g[a, b, n, x],
k == 2, h[c, d, n, x]]
G[x_] = F[{0, 0, x}]
While[Extract[G[x], 1] != 3, G[x_] = F[G[x]]]
The functions f, g and h are defined by Which as is F, and they are all vector-valued so that it makes sense to iterate F. What I want to achieve is: given initial value {0,0,x}, keep iterating F until the first component of F becomes 3. Is there anything, e.g. syntax, wrong in the above code?
You need to use SetDelayed (:=) for function definitions like: F[x_]:=x. When you use Set (=) like F[x_]=x, the it is essentially the same as F[_]=x since the definition isn't delayed until evaluation, so there is no way to transfer the matched pattern on the left hand side into the evaluation of the right hand side.
As jVincent mentioned, I would use := instead of = while defining F.
I would also use the built in NestWhile instead of manually iterating.
NestWhile[F, {0, 0, x}, Function[e, Extract[e, 1] != 3]]
I can't quite comment on how to correct the code as written because I'm not entirely sure how reassigning G in the While works.

List/matrix of coefficients equation (system of equations)

I try to extract coefficient from equations (system of equations) into list (matrix). I have tried CoefficientList[poly, {var1, var2, ...}] but without success.
This simple example should explain my problem:
Eq1 = a D[U[x1, x2], {x1, 2}] + b D[V[x1, x2], {x2, 2}]
Any advice?
Daniel's Lichtblau solution is very clear (thanks you), but what if the equation that looks like this?
Eq1 = a D[U[x1, x2], {x1, 2}] + b D[V[x1, x2], {x2, 2}] + c W[x1, x2]
A simple example can be resolved as follows:
Is there any more elegant solution? (particularly for more complex expressions)
Ps I can't understand why, but this solution gives me the correct result.
Firstly the partial derivatives are represented with Derivative, so the pattern needs to match that. Also, I don't think you want to use CoefficientList as that would accept terms where both your expressions appear. All in all, the following should work:
In[7]:= (Coefficient[Eq1, #] &) /# {Derivative[2, 0][U][x1, x2], Derivative[0, 2][V][x1, x2]}
Out[7]= {a, b}
Here (Coefficient[Eq1, #] &) is an anonymous function that finds the coefficient of the argument, and /# maps it to the list on the right.
CoefficientArrays is often useful for extracting coefficients to linear systems in some set of variables. In this case we first need to get the list of variables.
dvars = Cases[Eq1, Derivative[__][_][__], -1];
CoefficientArrays returns a result of the form {constants, coefficients}. it uses sparse arrays so I'll convert to explicit lists with Normal.
Normal[CoefficientArrays[Eq1, dvars]]
Out[672]= {0, {b, a}}
Daniel Lichtblau
Wolfram Research

How should I write a function to be used in Apply in Mathematica?

I am wondering how I can write a function to be used in the Apply function in Mathematica? For example, I want to trivially re-implement the Or function, I found the following
Apply[(#1 || #2)&,{a,b,c}]
is not okay since it only Or'ed the first two elements in the list. Many thanks!
This will work, no matter how many vars, and is a general pattern:
for example
In[5]:= Or[##] & ## {a, b, c}
Out[5]= a || b || c
However, in the case of Or, this is not good enough, since Or is HoldAll and short-circuiting - that is, it stops upon first True statement, and keeps the rest unevaluated. Example:
In[6]:= Or[True, Print["*"]]
Out[6]= True
In[7]:= Or[##] & ## Hold[True, Print["*"]]
During evaluation of In[7]:= *
Out[7]= True
This will be ok though:
for example,
In[8]:= Function[Null, Or[##], HoldAll] ## Hold[True, Print["*"]]
Out[8]= True
and can be used in such cases (when you don't want your arguments to evaluate). Note that this uses an undocumented form of Function. The mention of this form can be found in the book of R.Maeder, "Programming in Mathematica".
Or ## {a, b, c}
Apply[Or, {a, b, c}]
{a, b, c} /. {x_, y__} -> Or[x, y]
Apply works like this:
{2 #1, 3 #2, 4 #3} & ## {a, b, c}
{2 a, 3 b, 4 c}
Plus[2 #1, 3 #2, 4 #3] & ## {a, b, c}
2 a + 3 b + 4 c
Are you sure you are expecting the right thing from Apply? If you look in the documentation, http://reference.wolfram.com/mathematica/ref/Apply.html, you will see that Apply[f,expr] simply replaces the head of f by expr. It does not, in general, give f[expr].
If you wish to operate with function f onto expr, try f#expr or f[expr].
Perhaps you understand the above and your question really is, "how do I define some f that, when I do Apply[f,{a,b,c}], does the same job as Or[a,b,c]. Is that it?
