Using other markup languages with maven doxia books - maven

I know it is possible to write my maven site in markdown, using e.g.
Is it also possible to create books written in markdown or rest? I couldn't make this work using book-descriptors as described in
How do I tell doxia in which markup language my sections are written?

You can generate book from markdown using pandoc
Doxia is a small tool which covers to generate simple html only
But you should be able to generate maven site and books using same markdown.


Asciidoc+a2x to generate HTML output with search capabilities

I have to use a Asciidoc+a2x solution to generate HTML manuals out of the Asciidoc templates. Is there any opportunity to implement a full-text search into the existing solution (without migrating to an alternative like Sphinx)

yard to generate markdown files instead of html?

I am trying to automate documentation using markdown compatible wiki without having a separate server.
I have ruby code with yard compatible documentation. If I run
yard doc, it generates html files in ./doc directory.
Would it be possible to generate .md files from the code using yard? So that I can simply add these files to GitLab or GitHub wiki or other markdown supported wiki?
Sorry if the question is repeated.
Stumbled on this question doing my initial research, but haven't found an answer here. It may sound strange, that some people want to convert documentation no to html, but to markdown instead.
But there are plenty of software that can't render HTML, but works with markdown.
I have developed rdoc plugin to do that.

Create User Guide documentation with Maven

I need to write and build easy maintainable, goodlooking, esay to change documentation in pdf and html 5 format. The source format must be easy to edit. This maven plugin has to support my company organziation theam(fonts, colors, pictures etc.), TOC generation, separation of chapters in different files, integration of images files, easy way to put code snipets in the documentation. I have Maven build and I was wondering what is the current best descision to do that?
I was investigate two options:
Doxia - using md(markdown) as input format. There is WSWG md free
editor, support a lot of the aforemention stuffs, etc. Need external repo for its artifacts.
Asciidoctor - use asdcii doc as input format. Support templating using fragments etc.
What are the advantages and disadvantaes of using this plugins?
Are there any other good solutions?
From my attempts to build the documentation first with Doxia and then with AsciiDoc I realised that Asciidoc is the better. It allows
Easy styling using yaml files. Default styling is also very good.
Asciidoc as a mark-up language is very good documented: Uder Guide AsciiDoc
Has good online editors and the language is more powerful than markdown for example, and easier to write in comparison to the xml format.
Good examples when using with Maven and ascii doc and easy to understand configurations.

What is the correct way to create a modular site from asciidoc files?

I have lot of documentation written in AsciiDoc and correctly separated into folders. I use asciidoctor with a custom CSS to render my docs to HTML. The problem with this is that it generates a single HTML page that is very long. I was surfing the web and found that the atom docs are also written in AsciiDoc, but these docs have not all the information together, in fact they are separated into different sections.
Here the atom docs:
I want to know if there is a tool that can generate this, a flag or a specific syntax.
I think it is not really user friendly to have all the info in one long single page.
I have a site where the static content is generated using the asciidoctor-jekyll plugin and jekyll.
I had also plugged the java version of asciidoctor to generate views with the play framework at some point but decided that I prefer that the content I generate with asciidoctor to be static and delivered by a CDN.
Also, GitBookIO supports asciidoctor.

online pdf generation

I'm looking to create PDF files instantly online given user input in my html/php page.
are there any FREE API's out there that will allow me to do this?
various options, here are a couple:
Prince XML
PDF converter
formatter coverters
Php uses the PDFlib library, it has a lot of pdf functions, check it out here
You could probably use pdflib
Hi You have two or three approaches:
1) If you can work with XML, that is, the source of your PDF file is in XML format, you could use XSL and XSL:Fo to generate the PDF. XSL and Fo are declarative languages so you can control the PDF layout external to your application. Fo creates only documents, not interactive forms.
2) If you can work in Java, you could use iText to generate the PDF using a jar/api. There is also iTextSharp for C#. Using iText, you can also create PDF Forms, not just documents.
3) If you have XHTML and just want to create PDFs that look like your HTML pages, there are several options - just search the web for HTML to PDF converters.
If your pdf isn't overly complex, you should look into XFDF before making an architectural decision. The main benefit to this approach is that there is no need to store pdf's in the db or on hard drive. Additionally, I have seen many pdf generation implementations that use home grown batch processes that are buggy and only create another 'moving part' in an application. If you have very complex pdf needs and don't mind the overhead of storing the pdfs, pdflib is a good choice.
