what is the efficiency of this algorithm - algorithm

What is the big O value for the following algorithm? Why is it that value?
algorithm A (val array <ptr to int>)
1 n = 0
2 loop ( n < array size )
1 min = n;
2 m = n;
3 loop ( m < array size)
1 if (array[m] < array[min])
1 min = m;
4 swap(array[min],array[n]);
3 n = n + 1
I answered O(n^2) am I correct? As to how I arrived to this conclusion, the inner loops executes the n times where n = the array size and the outer loop executes n times where n is the array size n*n = n^2

That is so-called Selection sort, and indeed it has O(n2) complexity.

Yes! you are correct!
This is selection sort algorithm.
Its Θ(n^2) to be more precise.
Edit : Why is it that value?
You take the first element. Compare it with all the other elements to find minimum in the array and place it in the first place. Iterations : n.
You take the second element. Compare it with rest of the array and find minimum in that part (second minimum in whole array) and place it in the second place. Iterations : n-1.
Continuing in this way for last element, Iterations : 1.
Total = n+n-1+ ... +1 = n(n+1)/2. That is O(n^2).


Find scalar interval containing maximum elements from population A and zero elements from population B

Given two large sets A and B of scalar (floating point) values, what algorithm would you use to find the (scalar) range [x0,x1] containing zero elements from B and the maximum number of elements from A?
Is sorting complexity (O(n log n)) unavoidable?
Create a single list with all values, where each value is marked with two counts: one count that relates to set A, and another that relates to set B. Initially these counts are 1 and 0, when the value comes from set A, and 0 and 1 when the value comes from set B. So entries in this list could be tuples (value, countA, countB). This operation is O(n).
Sort these tuples. O(nlogn)
Merge tuples with duplicate values into one tuple, and accumulate the values in the corresponding counters, so that the tuple tells us how many times the value occurs in set A and how many times in set B. O(n)
Traverse this list in sorted order and maintain the largest sum of counts for countA of a series of adjacent tuples where countB is always 0, and the minimum and maximum value of that range. O(n)
The sorting is the determining factor of the time complexity: O(nlogn).
Sort both A and B in O(|A| log |A| + |B| log |B|). Then apply the following algorithm, which has complexity O(|A| + |B|):
i = j = k = 0
best_interval = (0, 1)
while i < len(B) - 1:
lo = B[i]
hi = B[i+1]
j = k # We can skip ahead from last iteration.
while j < len(A) and A[j] <= lo:
j += 1
k = j # We can skip ahead from the above loop.
while k < len(A) and A[k] < hi:
k += 1
if k - j > best_interval[1] - best_interval[0]:
best_interval = (j, k)
i += 1
x0 = A[best_interval[0]]
x1 = A[best_interval[1]-1]
It may look quadratic at a first inspection but note we never decrease j and k - it really is just a linear scan with three pointers.

Finding best algorithm for sum of a section of an array's values

Given an array of n integers in the locations A[1], A[2], …, A[n], describe an O(n^2) time algorithm to
compute the sum A[i] + A[i+1] + … + A[j] for all i, j, 1 ≤ i < j ≤ n.
I've tried multiple ways of solving this problem but none have in O(n^2) time.
So for an array containing {1,2,3,4}
You would output:
1+2 = 3
1+2+3 = 6
1+2+3+4 = 10
2+3 = 5
2+3+4 = 9
3+4 = 7
The answer does not need to be in a specific language, pseudocode is preferred.
A good preperation is everything.
You could create an array of integrals:
I[0..n] = (0, I[0] + A[1], I[1] + A[2], ..., I[n-1]+A[n]);
This will cost you O(n) * O(1) (looping over all elements and doing one addition);
Now you can calculate each Sum(A, i, j) with just a single subtraction: I[j] - I[i-1];
so this has O(1)
Looping over all combinations of i and j with 1 <= (i,j) <= n has O(n^2).
So you end up with O(n) * O(1) + O(n^2) * O(1) = O(n^2) .
Your array A starts at 1 - adapted to this - this also solves the little quirk with i-1
So the integral array I starts with index 0 and is 1 element larger than A
First you'll maybe have thought about the most naive idea:
Naive idea
Create a function that for given values of i and of j will return the sum A[i] + ... + A[j].
function sumRange(A, i, j):
sum = 0
for k = i to j
sum = sum + A[k]
return sum
Then generate all pairs of i and j (with i < j) and call the above function for each pair:
for i = 1 to n
for j = i+1 to n
output sumRange(A, i, j)
This is not O(n²), because already the two loops on i and j represent O(n²) iterations, and then the function will perform yet another loop, making it O(n³).
Better idea
The above can be improved. Look at the repetition it performs. The sum that was calculated for given values of i and j could be reused to calculate the sum for when j has increased with 1, without starting from scratch and summing the values between i and (now) j-1 again, only to add that one more value to it.
We should just remember what the previous sum was, and add A[j] to it.
So without a separate function:
for i = 1 to n
sum = A[i]
for j = i+1 to n
sum = sum + A[j]
output sum
Note how the sum is not reset to 0 once it is output. It is preserved, so that when j is incremented, only one value needs to be added to it.
Now it is O(n²). Note also how it does not require an extra array for storage. It only needs the memory for a few variables (i, j, sum), so its space complexity is O(1).
As the number of sums you need to output is O(n²), there is no way to improve this time complexity any further.
NB: I assume here that single array values do not constitute a "sum". As you stated in your question, i < j, and also in your example you only showed sums of at least two array values. The above can be easily adapted to also include single value "sums" if ever that were needed.

How to calculate O(n) for two variables that increases differently in loop?

I tried many way and i created n,i,t value table.I noticed that n=1 loop 0 time returns,n=2 loop=1 time ,n=3 or 4 loop=2 time, n=5,6 or 7 loop=3 ,n=8,9,10,11 loop=4 four time i found these values full-comprehend but i does not find solution O(n) for this algorithm.
function func3(n)
i = 1;
t = 1;
while i < n do
i = i + t;
t = t + 1;
end while
Your statemnts in loop repeat until i < n.
What is i? i is sum of natural numbers i=1+2+3+...x. Formula for sum of first x natural numbers is S=(x(x+1))/2.
Your expression in loop is i < n. This meen that (x(x+1))/2 < n. When we solve the inequality, we obtain x<(-1+sqrt(1+8n))/2. Since the number of loop iteration in integer, number of iterations is firts int lower then max x.
For example:
n = 1, x<0,823 => number of iterations is 0
n = 2, x<1,436 => number of iterations is 1
n = 11, x<4,164 => number of iterations is 4

Why is iterative k-way merge O(nk^2)?

k-way merge is the algorithm that takes as input k sorted arrays, each of size n. It outputs a single sorted array of all the elements.
It does so by using the "merge" routine central to the merge sort algorithm to merge array 1 to array 2, and then array 3 to this merged array, and so on until all k arrays have merged.
I had thought that this algorithm is O(kn) because the algorithm traverses each of the k arrays (each of length n) once. Why is it O(nk^2)?
Because it doesn't traverse each of the k arrays once. The first array is traversed k-1 times, the first as merge(array-1,array-2), the second as merge(merge(array-1, array-2), array-3) ... and so on.
The result is k-1 merges with an average size of n*(k+1)/2 giving a complexity of O(n*(k^2-1)/2) which is O(nk^2).
The mistake you made was forgetting that the merges are done serially rather than in parallel, so the arrays are not all size n.
Actually in the worst case scenario,there will be n comparisons for the first array, 2n for the second, 3n for the third and soon till (k - 1)n.
So now the complexity becomes simply
n + 2n + 3n + 4n + ... + (k - 1)n
= n(1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + ... + (k - 1))
= n((k - 1)*k) / 2
= n(k^2 - k) / 2
= O(nk ^ 2)
How about this:
Step 1:
Merge arrays (1 and 2), arrays (3 and 4), and so on. (k/2 array merges of 2n, total work kn).
Step 2:
Merge array (1,2 and 3,4), arrays (5,6 and 7,8), and so on (k/4 merges of 4n, total work kn).
Step 3:
There will be log(k) such "Steps", each with kn work. Hence total work done = O(k.n.log(k)).
Even otherwise, if we were to just sort all the elements of the array we could still merge everything in O(k.n.log(k.n)) time.
k-way merge is the algorithm that takes as input k sorted arrays, each of size n. It outputs a single sorted array of all the elements.
I had thought that this algorithm is O(kn)
We can disprove that by contradiction. Define a sorting algorithm for m items that uses your algorithm with k=m and n=1. By the hypothesis, the sorting algorithm succeeds in O(m) time. Contradiction, it's known that any sorting algorithm has worst case at least O(m log m).
You don't have to compare items 1 by 1 each time.
You should simply maintain the most recent K items in a sorted set.
You remove the smallest and relace it by its next element. This should be n.log(k)
Relevant article. Disclaimer: I participated in writing it
1) You have k sorted arrays, each of size n. Therefore total number of elements = k * n
2) Take the first element of all k arrays and create a sequence. Then find the minimum of this sequence. This min value is stored in the output array. Number of comparisons to find the minimum of k elements is k - 1.
3) Therefore the total number of comparisons
= (comparisons/element) * number of elements
= (k - 1) * k * n
= k^2 * n // approximately
A common implementation keeps an array of indexes for each one of the k sorted arrays {i_1, i_2, i__k}. On each iteration the algorithm finds the minimum next element from all k arrays and store it in the output array. Since you are doing kn iterations and scanning k arrays per iteration the total complexity is O(k^2 * n).
Here's some pseudo-code:
Input: A[j] j = 1..k : k sorted arrays each of length n
Output: B : Sorted array of length kn
// Initialize array of indexes
I[j] = 0 for j = 1..k
q = 0
while (q < kn):
p = argmin({A[j][I[j]]}) j = 1..k // Get the array for which the next unprocessed element is minimal (ignores arrays for which I[j] > n)
B[q] = A[p][I[p]]
I[p] = I[p] + 1
q = q + 1
You have k arrays each with n elements. This means total k*n elements.
Consider it a matrix of k*n. To add first element to the merged/ final array, you need to compare heads of k arrays. This means for one element in final array you need to do k comparisons.
So from 1 and 2, for Kn elements, total time taken is O(kk*n).
For those who want to know the details or need some help with this, I'm going expand on Recurse's answer and follow-up comment
We only need k-1 merges because the last array is not merged with anything
The formula for summing the terms of an arithmetic sequence is helpful; Sn=n(a1 + an)2
Stepping through the first 4 merges of k arrays with n elements
| Merge | Size of new array | Note |
| 1 | n+n = 2n | first merge |
| 2 | 2n+n = 3n | |
| 3 | 3n+n = 4n | |
| 4 | 4n+n = 5n | |
| k-1 | (k-1)n+n = kn | last merge |
To find the average size, we need to sum all the sizes and divide by the number of merges (k-1). Using the formula for summing the first n terms, Sn=n(a1 + an)2, we only need the first and last terms:
a1=2n (first term)
an=kn (last term)
We want to sum all the terms so n=k-1 (the number of terms we have). Plugging in the numbers we get a formula for the sum of all terms
Sn = ( (k-1)(2n+kn) )/2
However, to find the average size we must divide by the number of terms (k-1). This cancels out the k-1 in the numerator and we're left with an average of size of
(2n + kn)/2
Now we have the average size, we can multiply it by the number of merges, which is k-1. To make the multiplication easier, ignore the /2, and just multiply the numerators:
= (k^2)n + kn - 2n
At this point you could reintroduce the /2, but there shouldn't be any need since it's clear the dominant term is (k^2)*n

Time complexity

The Problem is finding majority elements in an array.
I understand how this algorithm works, but i don't know why this has O(nlogn) as a time complexity.....
a. Both return \no majority." Then neither half of the array has a majority
element, and the combined array cannot have a majority element. Therefore,
the call returns \no majority."
b. The right side is a majority, and the left isn't. The only possible majority for
this level is with the value that formed a majority on the right half, therefore,
just compare every element in the combined array and count the number of
elements that are equal to this value. If it is a majority element then return
that element, else return \no majority."
c. Same as above, but with the left returning a majority, and the right returning
\no majority."
d. Both sub-calls return a majority element. Count the number of elements equal
to both of the candidates for majority element. If either is a majority element
in the combined array, then return it. Otherwise, return \no majority."
The top level simply returns either a majority element or that no majority element
exists in the same way.
Therefore, T(1) = 0 and T(n) = 2T(n/2) + 2n = O(nlogn)
I think,
Every recursion it compares the majority element to whole array which takes 2n.
T(n) = 2T(n/2) + 2n = 2(2T(n/4) + 2n) +
2n = ..... = 2^kT(n/2^k) + 2n + 4n + 8n........ 2^kn = O(n^2)
T(n) = 2T(n/2) + 2n
The question is how many iterations does it take for n to get to 1.
We divide by 2 in each iteration so we get a series: n , n/2 , n/4 , n/8 ... n/(n^k)
So, let's find k that will bring us to 1 (last iteration):
n/(2^k)=1 .. n=2^k ... k=log(n)
So we got log(n) iterations.
Now, in each iteration we do 2n operations (less because we divide n by 2 each time) but in worth case scenario lets say 2n.
So in total, we got log(n) iterations with O(n) operations: nlog(n)
I'm not sure if I understand, but couldn't you just create a hash map, walk over the array, incrementing hash[value] at every step, then sort the hash map (xlogx time complexity) and compare the top two elements? This would cost you O(n) + O(mlogm) + 2 = O(n + mlogm), with n the size of the array and m the amount of different elements in the vector.
Am I mistaken here? Or ...?
When you do this recursively, you split the array in two for each level, make a call for each half, then makes one of the tests a - d. The test a requires no looping, the other tests requires looping through the entire array. By average you will loop through (0 + 1 + 1 + 1) / 4 = 3 / 4 of the array for each level in the recursion.
The number of levels in the recursion is based on the size of the array. As you split the array in half each level, the number of levels will be log2(n).
So, the total work is (n * 3/4) * log2(n). As constants are irrelevant to the time complexity, and all logarithms are the same, the complexity is O(n * log n).
If someone is wondering about the algorithm, here's a C# implementation. :)
private int? FindMajority(int[] arr, int start, int len) {
if (len == 1) return arr[start];
int len1 = len / 2, len2 = len - len1;
int? m1 = FindMajority(arr, start, len1);
int? m2 = FindMajority(arr, start + len1, len2);
int cnt1 = m1.HasValue ? arr.Skip(start).Take(len).Count(n => n == m1.Value) : 0;
if (cnt1 * 2 >= len) return m1;
int cnt2 = m2.HasValue ? arr.Skip(start).Take(len).Count(n => n == m2.Value) : 0;
if (cnt2 * 2 >= len) return m2;
return null;
This guy has a lot of videos on recurrence relation, and the different techniques you can use to solve them:
Basically for this problem I would use the Master Theorem:
T(1) = 0 and T(n) = 2T(n/2) + 2n
Master Theorem ==> AT(n/B) + 2n^D, so in this case A=2, B=3, D=1
So according to the Master Theorem this is O(nlogn)
You can also use another method to solve this (below) it would just take a little bit more time:
I hope this helps you out !
