What exactly am I sending through the parameters? - ajax

When doing a XMLHttpRequest and using POST as the form method, what exactly am I sending? I know it should be like send(parameters), parameters = "variable1=Hello", for example. But what if I want to do this:
parameters = "variable1=" + encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById("variable1").value);
variable1 being the id of the HTML form input.
Can I do it like this or do I need to assign the encodeURIComponent value to a javascript variable and send that variable:
var variable2;
parameters = "variable2=" + encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById("variable1").value);
You're suppose to send the object and it's value, but, is it an object from the HTML form, a javascript object or a php object? The problem is I already tried it and I still can't get the encoded input in my database, all I get is the raw input from the user.
BTW, I know it's a pretty dull question, but I feel the need to understand exactly what I'm doing if I want to come up with a solution.
function createObject()
var request_type;
var browser = navigator.appName;
if(browser == "Microsoft Internet Explorer")
request_type = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
request_type = new XMLHttpRequest();
return request_type;
var http = createObject();
function insert()
var Faculty2 = encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById("Faculty").value);
var Major2 = encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById("Major").value);
var Professor2 = encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById("Professor").value);
var Lastname2 = encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById("Lastname").value);
var Course2 = encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById("Course").value);
var Comments2 = encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById("Comments").value);
var Grade2 = encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById("Grade").value);
var Redflag2 = encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById("Redflag").value);
var Owner2 = encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById("Owner").value);
//Location and parameters of data about to be sent are defined
//Required: verify that all fields are not empty. Use encode URI() to solve some issues about character encoding.
var params = "Faculty=" + Faculty2 + "&Major=" + Major2 + "&Professor=" + Professor2 + "&Lastname=" + Lastname2 + "&Course=" + Course2 + "&Comments=" + Comments2 + "&Grade=" + Grade2 + "&Redflag=" + Redflag2 + "&Owner=" + Owner2;
var url = "prehp/insert.php";
http.open("POST", url, true);
//Technical information about the data
http.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
http.setRequestHeader("Content-length", params.length);
//Now, we send the data
http.onreadystatechange = function()
if(http.readyState == 4)
{ var answer = http.responseText;
document.getElementById('insert_response').innerHTML = "Ready!" + answer;
{document.getElementById('insert_response').innerHTML = "Error";
PHP code:
$insertAccounts_sql = "INSERT INTO Information (Faculty, Major, Professor, Lastname, Course, Comments, Grade, Redflag, Owner)
$dbq = mysql_query($insertAccounts_sql, $dbc);
print "1 record added: Works very well!";
die('Error: ' . mysql_error());
$dbk = mysql_close($dbc);
print "Database closed!";
print "Database not closed!";
I did that but the value that the database got was the raw input and not the encoded input. I'm running out of ideas, don't know what else to try. Could it be the settings of the database, can the database be decoding the input before storing it? That seems far-fetched to me, but I've been looking at this from all angles and still can't come up with a fresh answer.
PS: Sorry for posting my comments on the answer area, first timer here.

when creating query strings, it has really nothing to do with objects or anything like that. All you want to be sending is key/value pairs. how you construct that is up to you, but it often neater and more manageable to assign your values to variables first. i.e.
var myVar1Value = encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('variable1').value);
var myVar2Value = encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('variable2').value);
var url = "http://www.mydomain.com?" + "var1=" + myVar1Value + "&var2=" + myVar2Value;
It's called a query string, so it's just a string. what you do with it on the server side is what makes the 'magic' happen.
edit: If you're having problems with values, then you should print them to console to verify you are getting what you expect.


ImportXML "post_name" from an article, having trouble finding proper XPath

I've been having trouble finding the proper or accurate Xpath for google sheets ImportXML.
Article in question:
Result i'm looking for:
'post_name': 'this-is-what-a-birthday-party-on-the-iss-looks-like'
Using the "copy full XPath feature in Chrome Inspect feature, i'm getting:
Which does not work with Google Sheet's ImportXML feature. Can someone guide me through how will i be able to pull this section of the site?
EDIT: I'm trying to retrieve anything within these parameters such as "post name, post title, post id." [View Source1
The page is built in javascript on the client side, not the server side. It is therefore impossible to retrieve information with the IMPORTXML function. You need to read what is included in the script ...
function extract(){
var url='https://www.digitaltrends.com/news/this-is-what-a-birthday-party-on-the-iss-looks-like/'
var source = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url).getContentText()
var data = source.split('<script>')
info = "'post_name" + data[3].split('post_name')[1].split(',')[0]
Now if you want to retrieve all the information contained in the JSON
function extract(){
var url='https://www.digitaltrends.com/news/this-is-what-a-birthday-party-on-the-iss-looks-like/'
var source = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url).getContentText()
var data = source.split('<script>')
info = data[3].replace(/(\t)/gm,"").replace(/(\n)/gm,"").replace(/(')/gm,"\"").replace(/(: )/gm,":")
info = info.split('({')[1].split(',});}')[0]
var myData = JSON.parse('{' + info + '}')
function getPairs(obj,id) {
const regex = new RegExp('[^0-9]+');
const fullPath = true
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getActiveSheet()
for (let p in obj) {
var newid = (regex.test(p)) ? id + '.' + p : id + '[' + p + ']';
if (obj[p]!=null){
if (typeof obj[p] != 'object' && typeof obj[p] != 'function'){
sheet.appendRow([fullPath?newid:p, obj[p]]);
if (typeof obj[p] == 'object') {
getPairs( obj[p], newid );

Using the API licenseCloud, and incoporating it with your aps and web pages

I tried using the licenseCloud API but was una ble to get it right, the only guess I came to was the fact that I obtained an XML and a link to that XML "https://secure.licenseapi.com/?token=73af9d231e354e2c9ba30a72fdc68341b88613c1&sku=EXAMPLE&license=e59d6fd6629044f4ace4", so I took the link, placed in a textbox and on a buttonclick fires.
XDocument csvDocument = XDocument.Load(txtActivateFromSite.Text);
var samples = csvDocument.Descendants("license")
.Select(el => new
Id = el.Element("dashed").Value,
Selected = el.Element("status").Value,
Selected1 = el.Element("trial").Value,
Selected2 = el.Element("expires").Value,
Selected3 = el.Element("activated").Value
string dashed = ""; string status = ""; string trial = ""; string expires = ""; string activated = "";
foreach (var sample in samples)
dashed = sample.Id;
status = sample.Selected;
trial = sample.Selected1;
expires = sample.Selected2;
activated = sample.Selected3;
MessageBox.Show("your Application has been activate with License Number " + dashed + " on " + activated + " expires on "+
expires + ".");
Somehow I incoporated it to get something, please anymore ideas on how to use licensecloud
Appears you've forgotten the CMD parameter on your link:
Also, you can download some sample code here (in PHP). Will give you a good idea on how to get it to work:

is my if statement doing what i think its doing?

Here I have tis function that is querying data and returning it to me and im putting that data in to html elements to make a post.my if statement at the bottom is where im having a bit of problem i trying to only apply my comment window once to the new clones once they have been pushed over to the new div called story board, i believe im telling my if statement that if the class already exists in that new clone then do nothing else apply it there.. to seee what i am talking about...here is my test domain...http://subdomain.jason-c.com/
sign in is "kio" pass is the same and when you hit publish on the stories, everytime a nw one hits it will apply comment box to a post in the storyboard window that already has a comment text area. what am i doing wrong.
function publishWindowHandler(){
var query = new Parse.Query('Post');
query.equalTo("User", currentUser);
document.getElementById("publishCenter").textContent = "";
for(var i =0; i < results.length; i++){
var userPost = results[i];
//console.log(userPost.get("User") + " / " + userPost.get("Author") + " / " + userPost.get("Story") + " / " + userPost.get("objectId"));
var authorTitle = document.createElement("p");
var newPost = document.createElement("P");
var title = document.createElement("P");
var userLabel = document.createElement("p");
var postId = userPost.id;
var postBtn = document.createElement("INPUT");
postBtn.className ="publishBtn";
postBtn.id ="publishBtn";
postBtn.setAttribute("Type", "button");
postBtn.setAttribute("value", "Publish");
title.textContent = "Story: " + userPost.get("Title");
authorTitle.textContent = "Author: " + userPost.get("Author");
newPost.textContent = userPost.get("Story");
userLabel.textContent = "Published by: " +userPost.get("User").get ("username");
var postWrapper = document.createElement("DIV");
postWrapper.className = "postWrapper";
postWrapper.id = postId;
postBtn.addEventListener("click", publicViewHandler);
function publicViewHandler(){
function testWindow(){
According to the documentation, jquery hasClass doesn't need '.' prefixing the passed in class name.
Try removing that and see if that get's you anywhere.
Also, where is the variable commentWindow defined? Is it global?
var myClone = $(this).parent().clone(true);
this is what i ended up doing to solve my issue took me a while and a little help from a friend.

Parse Cloud Code - How to query the User Class

I'm trying to query the Parse User Class but I'm not getting any results. The User class has a column labeled "phone", and I'm passing an array of dictionaries where each dictionary has a key "phone_numbers" that corresponds to an array of phone numbers. I'm trying to determine if a User in my table has one of those phone numbers. I'm not getting any errors running the code, but there does exist a user in my table with a matching phone number. What am I doing wrong?
Parse.Cloud.define("hasApp", function(request, response) {
var dict = request.params.contacts;
var num = 0;
var found = 0;
var error = 0;
var phoneNumbers = "";
for (var i = 0; i < dict.length; i++){
var result = dict[i].phone_numbers;
num += result.length;
for (var j = 0; j < result.length; j++){
phoneNumbers += result[j] + ", ";
var query = new Parse.Query(Parse.User);
query.equalTo("phone", result[j]);
success: function(results) {
found = 1;
error: function() {
error = 1;
response.success("hasApp " + dict.length + " numbers " + num + " found " + found + " error " + error + " phoneNumbers " + phoneNumbers);
My response from calling this is
hasApp 337 numbers 352 found 0 error 0 phoneNumbers "list of phone numbers"
where some of those phone numbers appear in my User class. As far as I can tell I'm not getting any errors but I'm also not successfully querying the User table
After moving
response.success("hasApp " + dict.length + " numbers " + num + " found " + found + " error " + error + " phoneNumbers " + phoneNumbers);
to the body of the success block, I get the following error because I'm only allowed to call response.success once per cloud function.
Error Domain=Parse Code=141 "The operation couldn’t be completed. (Parse error 141.)"
UserInfo=0x14d035e0 {code=141, error=Error: Can't call success/error multiple times
at Object.success (<anonymous>:99:13)
at query.find.success (main.js:44:12)
at Parse.js:2:5786
at r (Parse.js:2:4981)
at Parse.js:2:4531
at Array.forEach (native)
at Object.w.each.w.forEach [as _arrayEach] (Parse.js:1:666)
at n.extend.resolve (Parse.js:2:4482)
at r (Parse.js:2:5117)
at Parse.js:2:4531}
Does this mean that I'm only able to verify one phone number at a time? So I can't pass an array of phone numbers and get the PFUser objects corresponding to those phone numbers (if they exist)?
I understand that my internal query to Parse.User is happening synchronously with my "hasApp" call, so is there a way to query Parse.User asynchronously? That way I can respond back to the client after checking all the phone numbers?
You can use Parse.Promise to solve logic where you need to iterate through O(n) number of database queries in one asynchronous Cloud Code definition:
var _ = require("underscore"),
isEmpty = function (o) { // standard function to check for empty objects
if (o == null) return true;
if (o.length > 0) return false;
if (o.length === 0) return true;
for (var p in o) {
if (hasOwnProperty.call(o, p)) return false;
return true;
Parse.Cloud.define("hasApp", function (request, response) {
var dict = request.params.contacts,
users = [];
var promise = Parse.Promise.as();
_.each(dict, function (obj) {
_.each(obj.phone_numbers, function (num) {
promise = promise.then(function () {
var promiseQuery = new Parse.Query(Parse.User);
promiseQuery.equalTo("phone", parseInt(num));
return promiseQuery.find({
success: function (result) {
if (isEmpty(result)) // don't save empty results e.g., "[]"
users.push(result); // save results to a model to prevent losing it in scope
return promise.then(function () {
response.success("Found user(s): " + JSON.stringify(users));
Note a few things about this block:
You can append functionality iteratively to a Parse.Promise.
You can loose scope of database results in your iteration. Use a local array model to save your query results to. Although, I presume there is a better way to achieve the same functionality without the use of a user model, someone else can quote me on that.
Pay close attention to the way Parse handles data. For example, if you are storing your phone numbers as numbers, you have to make sure you use parseInt() when querying for it.
Be aware that you must attach your response.success() function to your promise to assure it is resolved after your iterations have run. From this block, your response from Parse will look similar to an array of User objects. You can decide on the many different ways you can save the data model depending on what you need it for.
As a final note, this block doesn't account for any validation or error handling that should be accounted for otherwise.
The problem seems to be that your response.success call is happening before the query can even happen. While you have response.success calls in your query success block, they are never called because you return success before the query is executed.
Try commenting out the line:
response.success("hasApp " + dict.length + " numbers " + num + " found " + found + " error " + error + " phoneNumbers " + phoneNumbers);
This should let the code go to your query, and maybe move it into the success block of your query.
Let me know if this works.
You're now calling response.success in a loop now. You should only call response.success/response.error once per cloud function.
It would help if you can show the original code with no commented out lines (to show your original intention) and the new code with no commented out lines as two separate code samples.
Querying a Parse.User is fairly easy and well explained in the documentation, here is an example taken from it
var query = new Parse.Query(Parse.User);
query.equalTo("gender", "female"); // find all the women
success: function(women) {
// Do stuff
For your case it will be something like this:
Parse.Cloud.define("getAllFemales", function(request, response) {
var query = new Parse.Query(Parse.User);
query.equalTo("gender", "female"); // find all the women
success: function(women) {
// Do stuff
Hope it helps, as always more info on the Documentation

Magento jQuery Ajax search issue

I am trying to implement a customize Magento Advanced Search, using jQuery and Ajax.
The search works something like this:
1) There are 2/3 options to select size
2) 6 options to narrow down search result
3) A text box to enter keywords etc
There is no submit button, that means, search starts when user clicks on any size and/or Options or enter more than 3 char in search text box, search starts, an ajax request is sent to server.
If user clicks on another option or say type in another character, I use to abort previous search using search_request.abort() and set previous search to null.
When you search for first couple of times, it works fine, search returns result and if no result is found, proper message is displayed.But, after after couple of requests, it starts failing. Like if I click on options in short interval (I mean, search is fired frequently)). Some times, it fails without any reason and sometimes it fails, and when I click on the same option a couple of seconds later, it display the results.
Sometimes, when the search fails or there is no result.
It displays the incomplete message in result area like:
Where as it should look like :
Search when it returns result:
Search when it fails
My question is:
1) do you think it might be failing because too many requests are submitted too frequently? I mean is there something related to Magento settings?
2) What can I do to correct this?
Here is the jQuery code:
<script type="text/javascript">
function search(textfield)
j('#slides').html("<img src='<?php echo Mage::getBaseUrl(Mage_Core_Model_Store::URL_TYPE_WEB); ?>skin/frontend/luckybloke/luckybloke/images/ajax-loader.gif' class='no-results-found' style='width:100px !important; padding-top:10px !important;text-align:center;margin-left: 43%;' />");
var form = j("#form-validate");
var action = form.attr("action");
var fieldAdded = Array();
var searchData = '';
var searchVal = '';
var sizeSelected = '';
var searchArray = new Array();
var searchCtr = 0;
var tmp = new Array();
if(typeof search_request =='object' && search_request!=null){
search_request = null;
j('#slides').html("<img src='<?php echo Mage::getBaseUrl(Mage_Core_Model_Store::URL_TYPE_WEB); ?>skin/frontend/luckybloke/luckybloke/images/ajax-loader.gif' class='no-results-found' style='width:100px !important; padding-top:10px !important;text-align:center;margin-left: 43%;' />");
var eleID = "#"+j(domEle).attr("id");
var curEle= j(domEle).attr("name");
if((j(eleID).val()!='' || !jQuery.inArray(curEle,fieldAdded))&& eleID!='#name'){
searchData = searchData+""+curEle+"="+j(eleID).val();
searchData = searchData+"&"+curEle+"="+j(eleID).val();
searchArray[searchCtr] = j(eleID).val();
//add description field to search query
tmp[curEle] = j(eleID).val();
if(j("#name").val()=='brand, style, keyword'){
var val = '';
val = j("#name").val();
searchData = searchData+"&search_keywords="+val;
//toggleFields(sizeSelected, searchArray);
search_request = j.ajax({
cache: false,
function searchComplete(responseText, statusText, xhr, $form)
var no_item_msg = 'No product found matching your search criteria.';
var isFound = responseText.toString().search(new RegExp(/no items found/i));
if((isFound>0 || responseText.length == 0) && search_request ){
j("div#slides").html("<span class='no-results-found'>"+no_item_msg+"</span>");
// j("div#slides").html("<span class='no-results-found'>"+no_item_msg+"</span>");
setTimeout('j("div#lb-product-list").unblock()', 2000);*/
var dataToFill = j("div#lb-product-list");
var isFound = responseText.toString().search(new RegExp(/JUST_ONE/i));
responseText = responseText.replace(/just_one/i,'');
j.getScript("<?php echo Mage::getBaseUrl(Mage_Core_Model_Store::URL_TYPE_WEB); ?>js/carousol.js", function() {});
search_request = null;
//reset the css attribute's position value, as ui blocking seems to be affecting positioning of elements are unblocking
return true;
