Adding image in Magento via update layout - image

I'm trying to figure out how to add images, etc. to the left sidebar portion of a 2 column with left sidebar page in Magento using the layout update in the cms ->page->design portion of the admin area.
Is it possible to do this from the update layout xml area? If not, could you explain how to create a module (or whatever else would be required).

If you look in base/default/layout/catalog.xml, you will see an example of using a template with an image placeholder that can be specified in your Update Layout XML area:
<reference name="left">
<block type="core/template" name="left.permanent.callout" template="callouts/left_col.phtml">
<action method="setImgSrc"><src>images/media/col_left_callout.jpg</src></action>
<action method="setImgAlt" translate="alt" module="catalog"><alt>Our customer service is available 24/7. Call us at (555) 555-0123.</alt></action>
<action method="setLinkUrl"><url>checkout/cart</url></action>
So, in your Update Layout XML, you would write something like:
<reference name="left.permanent.callout"> <!-- match this to the block name from above -->
<action method="setImgSrc"><src>images/media/my_file_name.jpg</src></action>
<action method="setImgAlt" translate="alt" module="catalog"><alt>Some text here</alt></action>
<action method="setLinkUrl"><url>your/path</url></action>
You can adapt that by taking a copy of the template file left_col.phtml and making changes as you wish.


Put a banner on top of two column cms page in magento

I created a new CMS with 2column layout and now want to put full width or 1 column banner on top of 2 columns.
I tried
<reference name="root">
<block type="cms/block" name="my_banner" as="my_banner" template="path/to/my_banner.phtml" />
in Layout Update XML but nothing happened. Any help will be appreciated!
As per #richtea response I updated the CMS page layout settings like the screenshot given below but didn't worked
You are requesting the page to add a CMS block, but referencing a PHTML template. You can either:
Insert a CMS block, use the below and create a block in your admin panel with identifier my_banner.
<reference name="root">
<block type="cms/block" name="my_banner">
<action method="setBlockId"><block_id>my_banner</block_id></action>
Or insert a template file as follows
<reference name="root">
<block type="core/template" name="my_banner" as="my_banner" template="path/to/my_banner.phtml" />

How can i add a new tab in left in sales order view,like now are invoices credit memos,releases etc in magento

i want to add a new tab in left in sales->order->view.For this i have created a module but not solved my problem,it is showing an error like wrong tab configuration,i have search on many links also posted in stack overflow,but not yet satisfied.
This actually should be quite easy to do. Just look at the app/design/adminhtml/default/default/layout/sales.xml layout file. You can find there the <adminhtml_sales_order_view> node, which defines all blocks used on order's view page.
In order to add a new tab, you would need to put another <action> declaration in the file. Currently tabs are defined like this (Magento EE 1.11):
<reference name="left">
<block type="adminhtml/sales_order_view_tabs" name="sales_order_tabs">
<action method="addTab"><name>order_info</name><block>order_tab_info</block></action>
<action method="addTab"><name>order_invoices</name><block>adminhtml/sales_order_view_tab_invoices</block></action>
<action method="addTab"><name>order_creditmemos</name><block>adminhtml/sales_order_view_tab_creditmemos</block></action>
<action method="addTab"><name>order_shipments</name><block>adminhtml/sales_order_view_tab_shipments</block></action>
<action method="addTab"><name>order_history</name><block>adminhtml/sales_order_view_tab_history</block></action>
<action method="addTab"><name>order_transactions</name><block>adminhtml/sales_order_view_tab_transactions</block></action>
Be aware, do not change core templates!
In this case you should create new module or alter existing one in local code pool. Define a layout updates in config.xml and then create new layout file in adminhtml default theme, for example:
<reference name="sales_order_tabs">
<action method="addTab"><name>TAB_NAME</name><block>CUSTOM_BLOCK</block></action>
Then you just need to create new block and a template.

agreements are empty with germansetup in Magento

From my /checkout/onepage/ there is a popup window for the AGB: /germansetup/frontend/agreements/id/1/
Problem is that this page does not show any text. Just a background image from the template.
The popup is defined in germansetup.xml:
<reference name="root">
<action method="setTemplate"><template>page/popup.phtml</template></action>
<reference name="content">
<block type="core/text" name="agreement" />
I don't know what block he is trying to load here but I would like him to show my static block mrg_business_terms.
This appears to have changed at some point. For me (using Magento, what worked was adding 'cms/block' to the list of whitelisted blocks.
Have a look at Sales > Terms and Conditions (German: Verkäufe > Bestellbedingungen).
Here you see the list of checkout agreements. In my case I needed to change the content block id:
{{block type="cms/block" block_id="mrg_business_terms"}}

Change Position of Newsletter Sidebox in Magento

Thank you for any help in advance.
I am trying to change the order in which sideboxes appear in magento. Such as the: My Cart, Newsletter, Poll, Recently Viewed Products.
Currently I am trying to make the Newsletter box display last.
In app/design/frontend/default/MY_TEMPLATE/layout/newsletter.xml
I have the following code:
<!-- Mage_Newsletter -->
<reference name="left">
<block type="newsletter/subscribe" name="newsletter" after="-" template="newsletter/subscribe.phtml" />
Yet even with after="-" as shown in the code, the newsletter is still showing up 1st.
I have flushed all caches, and have re-indexed every time I make a change to no avail.
<reference name="left">
<reference name="right">
Moves it to the bottom of the list. However, the column is actually on the left. Any ideas why this works?
It's all in the order of left's sortedChildren entries. Try getting rid of the custom newsletter.xml, creating a local.xml file in your custom theme, and adding the following:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<action method="unsetChild" block="left">
<action method="insert" block="left">
<sib />
What this does is remove the block reference from the list of sorted children blocks and then adds it again at the end. Ref. Mage_Core_Block_Abstract::insert() [link].
I've employed an unused but valid block attribute for the <action /> tag rather than wrap it in <reference />. I believe the effect is the same.
Check the block names(in layout xml files) which is displaying in your left/right sidebar.
You can find something like this
<reference name="right">
<block type="catalog/product_compare_sidebar" after="cart_sidebar" name="" template="catalog/product/compare/sidebar.phtml"/>
The above code will display cart sidebar then compare sidebar. Consider this is your last block in your sidebar. If you want to newsletter after this block you have to specify
<reference name="right">
<block type="newsletter/subscribe" name="newsletter" after="" template="newsletter/subscribe.phtml" />
You have to specify block names in after/before element tag. Find your left/right sidebars last block name and use that name in your newsletter block.

Magento - use an alternate "price.phtml" (in addition to the existing one)

I am looking for a way to have an alternate template/catalog/product/price.phml used in one specific location, and to continue using the existing price.phtml file in all other locations.
To explain further, I need to display the regular price, and then another special price right below it - but only on the product page (for the main product being displayed). This special price is not a price that can be calculated by the catalog price rules, so I wrote my own module to do the calculation. So, everywhere that I am displaying prices I want to display with the regular ol' template/catalog/product/price.phtml file... but for the product page (the main product - not the related, upsells, etc) I want to use my own custom template/catalog/product/price-custom.phtml template file. Can anybody help?
Normally I just look in the layout xml files (for example catalog.xml) to find these types of things, but price.phtml is kinda special - it isn't that simple. And for the life of me I can't figure out if there is an easy way to swap it out conditionally on the page being viewed. I am aware that I can just update price.phtml to always print out this extra price, and then use css to hide the price everywhere, but I would rather not do that if possible.
(Also you may want to know that I only have simple products.)
This can be done in a layout XML file:
<reference name="product.clone_prices">
<action method="setTemplate">
Create a local.xml file, put it in app/frontend/default/YOURTEMPLATE/layout
In the local.xml file, add:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- Override price template on product view page -->
<reference name="">
<action method="setTemplate">
<!-- /Override price template on product view page -->
Create a copy of catalog/product/price.phtml and put it in YOURTEMPLATE/templates/product/product_price_page.phtml
This will override the price.phtml in the template, and replace it with product_price_page.phtml
Or in your php block.
See example here :
protected $_priceBlockDefaultTemplate = 'catalog/product/price.phtml';
protected $_tierPriceDefaultTemplate = 'catalog/product/view/tierprices.phtml';
I had a similar requirement recently, where a different price template for the product page was the preferred solution.
The price block appears to be something of a special case in Magento (in the RWD theme at least), it's defined in catalog.xml as simply a block type and name within the <default/> handle:
<block type="catalog/product_price_template" name="catalog_product_price_template" />
If you look around at how some core layout files set the price template, you'll find examples like this (from bundle.xml):
<reference name="catalog_product_price_template">
<action method="addPriceBlockType">
They call a method called addPriceBlockType which you can find in Mage_Catalog_Block_Product_Abstract
Based on this and after a little experimentation, I found the following solution worked for me:
<reference name="">
<action method="addPriceBlockType">
<action method="addPriceBlockType">
<!-- Set for each product type as necessary e.g. bundled, virtual etc... -->
The proper way to achieve it :
<reference name="">
<action method="addPriceBlockType"><type>simple</type><block>catalog/product_price</block><template>catalog/product/price-product-page.phtml</template></action>
<reference name="">
<action method="addPriceBlockType"><type>configurable</type><block>catalog/product_price</block><template>catalog/product/price-product-page.phtml</template></action>
