Scrollbar in UIScrollView and UIWebview - xcode

I've been searching for some time for an answer on this problem:
How can I keep the scrollbars on my UIScrollView and UIWebview visible? So that the user knows he can scroll up or down. (like in firefox or any other browser so without touching the scrollvie first)
I read on some sites that it wasn't possible, so my other question would be:
Is there a way to add a "scrollbar" to a scrollview or webview?
Thank you very much

Maybe you could use this:
It won't show the scrollbar all the time, but it just flashes when the view is loaded.
Edited: Other solution:
In your view didload, you make a scrollview of you webview like this:
UIScrollview *scrollview = [webview.subviews objectAtindex:0];
you have to set the delegate of the scrollview on self:
scrollview.delegate= self
in your .h file you add
When you place in your .m file you can use:
(I don't know if it works when you have multiple scrollviews)

Yes you can try adding a custom view ( can be image view) on top the scrollbar. You will have to monitor the contentOffset and contentSize to know where you are. Based on this information, you can position your custom scroll bars.


What is the proper way to implement contentview with constraints in a scrollview in xcode using autolayout?

Recently I'm testing to do a very complicated view in xcode using nothing but scrollview and programatically added imgviews. Like this
What I did is, I put a UIView called contentview in a scrollview and I then add a lots of ImageViews in the contentview. The real thing is much much complicated than the illustration so I can't use tableview. Sorry for the poor illustration but I think you will get the idea.
Everything is fine until I tried to add the last constraint in code, which marked red in the picture. When I did it, it breaks the entire chain of constraint.
In another word, this is working
This is not
And btw, what is the proper way to do it anyway? I tried to add imageviews directly into the scrollview itself but I can't make the view to use autolayout like this
H:|-[view]-| The superview here is a scrollview
The result, this view will be very narrow in width. I guess scrollview doesn't have a width value or sth? that's my guessing. That's why I added a contentview as a holder for all the imageviews.
Try this, it will work. -
To summarize -
Add scroll view to main view.
Add a UIView (lets call it content view) to scroll view.
Now add all your views to the above UIView.
For each of them set the constraints so as the separation on all sides is 0. And finally add equal height and equal width constraints between the content view and the main view.
Ok, finally I did my own work.
The key to make scrollview and contentview and everythin else inside work automatically using nothing but autolayout is this.
1, Manually add scrollview to self.view, and a contentview to scrollview. Set both scrollview and contentview to setTranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints(false)
2, set scrollview to H:|[scrollview]| and V:|[scrollview]|, set contentview to be H:|[contentview]| and V:|[contentview]|
3, Now try to add Views to content view and set their constraints to the contentview. You should see that when the views are larger than the current window size, the scrollview started to scroll. IE, this setting will automatically set the scrollview.contentSize using autolayout

ScrollView wont scroll, xcode 4.2.1

I am using the Interface Builder storyboard in xcode 4.2.1
I have already made a new .h and .m file for the scrollview.
I heard people talking about setting contentSize to something, but I don't know how to do that. Can someone help?
What I want is a simple scrollview which I can insert text and images into. And it has to scroll.
You have to set content size for scroll view in which your image or other view can scroll. It will be the total size of all view. You can set content size as followings:
[scrollView setContentSize: CGSizeMake(scrollView.bounds.size.width * numberOfPages, scrollView.bounds.size.height)] ;

How to make a view in a UIVIewController in front of its navigationBar?

I have a view in my UIViewController, and there are some situations in which I need to move the view up to touch the upper edge of the screen,
but there is a navigationBar, and it is blocking my view,
what I want is to make my moving view on the top of the navigationBar, of course without hiding the navigationBar,
because I know how to hide it, but the best way for me is just to leave the bar staying there.
I tried
[self.view bringSubviewToFront:self.photoView];
but it seems not work, maybe the navigationBar's hierachy is too high?
Thanks a lot!
I think the navigation bar in from the navigation controller.
What you can do is hide the uinavigationbar (from the controller) and add a uinavigationbar from the resources. This is a view that u can move/hide and not attached to the navigation controller.

detect scroll in horizontally uitableviewCell

I have UiTableView containing some data, and I want to scroll the UiTableViewCells horizontally to the left or right to show some UiButtons that act some action relatif to the content of the cell.
How Can I do this?
I'm thinking in creating custom cell, and putting a scrollView in it, May this did the trick?
There is a tutorial for this at with sample code. He is using a UISwipeGestureRecognizer to trigger an animation that pushes the cell off the screen.
You could use a swipe gesture recognizer attached to your cell.
You can add a UIScrollView to the contentView of a UITableViewCell. If you want to scroll the content using buttons, simply overlay the UIScrollView with buttons and make them call the various scrolling methods of UIScrollView.
Nested UIScrollView (UITableView inherits from UIScrollView) are quite clever about detecting touch conflicts and resolving the users intended gesture. might be what you're looking for. It implements this using a UIScrollView inside the cell (just like the iOS 7 mail app).
(Yes the answer is a bit late, but it's never too late! :P)

Cocoa: hide custom scroller of textview on application startup

I've created a custom scroller for my textview (initiating it in the awakeFromNib method of the scrollview) and now I want to let the user chose if he wants to show the scrollbar on application startup. The problem is that the scroller always appears even if I hide it immediately after I created it and set it to be the scroller of the scrollview. The weird thing is that trying to hide the scroller after an event has been triggered (for example by clicking on a checkbox in the preferences) the scroller properly hides and shows. What I'm I doing wrong? Any help is appreciated!
The weird thing is that before adding the custom scroller to the scrollview I have to use setHasVerticalScroller:YES, otherwise I can't scroll using the two-fingers scroll gesture. Then, if the user doesn't want the scrollbar to be shown I have to use setHasVerticalScroller:NO in the document's windowControllerDidLoadNib method, using it just after having added the scrollbar in the scrollview's awakeFromNib method won't work. Well, at least now it seems to work!
I've always used IB to set up scrollbars and then used the following line if I want to suppress one of them:
[self.aScrollView setHasHorizontalScroller:NO]; // so only the vertical scrollbar is active
Try using that line in awakeFromNib, later setting it to YES if user chooses, rather than using the "hidden" property.
P.S. An NSTextView added in IB is always embedded in an NSScrollView, and it's the scrollview that governs the scrollbars. So if the above doesn't work, try calling setHasWhateverScroller on the superview of your textview:
[[[aTextView superview] superview] setHasHorizontalScroller:NO];
If you get an "unrecognized selector" error, then try explicitly casting the superview to NSScrollView (which will work only if the superview really is an instance of NSScrollView):
[(NSScrollView *)[[aTextView superview] superview] setHasHorizontalScroller:NO];
