I have a .net 3.5 project in C# that hits breakpoints fine when I F5 it in Visual Studio 2010. However, when I change the project target framework to .Net4, and hit F5, then the breakpoints are not hit. If I mouse over the breakpoint icon i see that no debug symbols have been loaded for this document. If I change the target framework back to .Net3.5, breakpoints are hit as expected. Any pointers as to where I should look for why this is?
Click Debug, Windows, Modules, right-click your assembly, and click Symbol Load Info.
I want to step through and debug Revit Add-ins. When I hit F5 to run Revit through Visual Studio, I get the Revit "splash" screen, then Revit almost immediately closes. I've followed the instructions here...
I added the correct lines to *.csproj...
<StartProgram>C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Revit 2016\Revit.exe</StartProgram>
and also modified the Debug settings...
Enable managed mode debugging.
I am working on a C# project in Visual Studio 2010 express, I have a breakpoint that only shows up when I am in the debug modus, I can remove it there, but it will show up again as soon as I start the debug modus again. Allways on a specific codeline, I tried to leave that line empty, then it jumped to the next one. It didnt showed up as I comented the whole code after that line out.
I dont have a breakpoint window in the debug menu ( maybe because it is the express version) so I can't acces to the "remove all breakpoints" function. Do I have to do some change in one of the debug files? Wich one?
(Modifying the question)I have a windows form app in C# which calls into some C++, and I need to add logs that log to some window in visual studio(output tab or the 'immediate window' tab....I don't care which.
I had this post but none of those solutions worked.....
how to log in win32 c++ to the visual studio output window?
A comment below mentions I can turn debugging on, but there is no "debug tab", there are no tabs whatsoever so I am not sure how to enable debugging in the following picture...
I don't see how to set Enable unmanaged debugging either?
On your C# EXE project, not your C++ project. Right-click the C# project, Properties, Debug tab:
I am working on a rendering engine for my application and need to visualize the Graphics object during the debug session.
I looked at Image Visualizers for VS2010, like this or this, but they visualize only the Image objects, whereas I need the Graphics. What could be a solution here?
I finally figured it out on my own.
To enable the visualisation of Graphics variables in VS2010 do the following:
Download the Graphics Debugger Visualizer from this Code Project page (use the pre-compiled DLL version).
Extract the DLL to the location where you have full rights.
Right-click the DLL and press "Unblock" button on the first tab, in the right bottom corner. Click "Apply" and then "OK" to close the Properties Window.
Copy the DLL to the following location:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\Packages\Debugger\Visualizers
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\Packages\Debugger\Visualizers
depending upon your system architecture.
You don't have to restart VS2010, just run a debugging session and you'll see a small magnifying glass sign just to the left of the variable type name when you hover with you mouse cursor over your variable. Click this sign and you'll see the content of your Graphics object opened in a new window.
I am quite new to Visual Studio so don't know if I am doing something wrong or if this really is the way it is supposed to work.
In my "application" project, I am adding reference to a DLL, for which I have the sources. I add reference the the dll in a folder that also has the pdb file.
Now if I debug the application project I am able to step into (F11) the dll code and VS opens the correct .cs file. But if I am not debugging, pressing F12 only opens a ..[From Metadata] window.
Is there a way to browse the code when not debugging?
When you step-into the debugger uses the PDB file. When you press F12 Visual-Studio uses the Intellisense database which scans only files in the solution. Files you see as [From Metadata] are referenced but do not have the source in the solution.