How can I dynamically specify default value for DocbaseAttribute in DocbaseAttributeList in EMC Documentum WDK web application? - wdk

I have docbaseattributelist on a page containing docbaseattributes. How can i dynamically (from inside of my web application) set default value for certain docbaseattribute of this list in EMC Documentum WDK application?

if it is during import, then you can set a list of default values for the docbaseattribute controls via the Import component
in other cases you will need to extend the source docbaseattribute and when that value changes update the target docbaseattribute. Use an IVisitor to locate the target docbaseattribute, for example see how FindDirtyAttributeValue is used by the saving code


Oracle Apex: Is it possible to change the default schema at runtime?

We have an Apex application (version 20.1) and our users must be able to change the database schema at runtime via button click (preferably without logging in again).
Currently we are solving this by installing our application multiple times, once per schema.
We recently discovered the function apex_export.get_application. We intend to use this function to bring our frontend under version control (finally!). We would like to deploy our application directly from the exported files. Having a single application, we would not have to mess with the internal component ids from the exported files.
Is it possible to install the application once and change the default schema via Pl/SQL code? Thank you!
I don't think this can be done, but perhaps the following is a reasonable compromise
add all the schemas you need to support to the workspace schema list
Any SQL (and I do mean any) in your app would be prefixed with an application item, eg
Before: select * from my_table
After: select * from &my_schema..my_table
At login time (or when a user selects it) you modify the MY_SCHEMA application item
(I've not tried test/tread carefully)

Hyperledger Composer "FROM" query language

The documentation for Query language ( mentions the keyword FROM.
Is there an example on how/when to use FROM?
The FROM keyword allows the query to reference resources stored in a custom registry. By default assets of a given type are stored in a registry named with the same name as the fully qualified type name. Using FROM allows the developer to override this default behaviour.
For example, an application developer could choose to store some car assets in a registry called ImportedCars, separate from other cars.

jbpm form builder's "IO Data" search is displaying processes only from default package

I have form builder embedded in guvnor. When I create a new form definition within from guvnor, and provide the package for the form definition, still I can't see processes from that package. The only processes that I can get in that search are conming from DEFAULT package.
I want to get processes only from the package which I have provided in popup screen while creating form definition.
I am using drools-guvnor 5.4.0.Final with jbpm-form-builder.war downloaded from the following path.
To get the processes from the package follow the following steps ,
i. Create a form without any process attachment
ii. Save it
iii. Then again open it and press Search
iv. Processes from the selected package will appear
This issue was first reported and fixed in Version 5.2 as stated in the below jboss JIRA issues.

Add new variable to magento core config

What is the best way to add a new config setting in the configuration->Catalog->Search Engine Optimisations or any other such location in the core configuration.
I am developing an extension which will need to use this setting that I will define here.
If you are developing an extension, you can configure your field for administration using system.xml. The xpath will be catalog/groups/seo/fields/your_field (ref. Mage/Catalog/etc/system.xml).
To set a default for this value, you can either add the value to your module's config.xml using the xpath default/catalog/seo/your_field, or you can create an install script which will write the value to core_config_data.

Visual studio 2010 - difference between Settings.settings and Resources.resx

simple question here. What is the difference between putting a string in Settings.settings and putting a string in Resources.resx ?
In Settings.setting the string will be placed in a config file, bassicaly a xml document which stores all kind of information your application needs to run. It's best practice to store configurable information in here. Also you can set the scope of the config value (application and user).
Application scoped config values will be shared among all users, while the user ones are limited to the current executing user of the application.
The .resx file is the place for storing all kinds of stuff your application needs to run, like images and so on. Files in here should be normally not editable by the user, its as the name states, a resource pool for your application. Also resources are also always global.
