First of all I would like to apologize for the newbie question.
I am just starting up with mathematica and I have 2 simple plots. What i want to do is have Mathematica automatically find the intersections, label them and show me the coordinates.
I have searched this forum and there are a lot of similar questions, but they are too advanced for me.
Can someone explain how i can do this the easiest way?
Solve for equality. Get values for the points using replacement : points = {x, x^2} /. sol would work just as well. Offset the labels and set as text in epilog.
sol = Solve[x^2 == x + 2, x];
points = {x, x + 2} /. sol;
offset = Map[# + {0, 3} &, points];
Plot[{x^2, x + 2}, {x, -6, 6},
Epilog -> {Thread[Text[points, offset]],
Blue, PointSize[0.02], Point[points]}]
Consider the following definition:
Then when one does the Plot[f[x],{x,0,1}] of the function, the graph does not depict the interval value f[1/2] of the graph.
Any ideas on how to plot interval-valued functions in Mathematica would be much appreciated.
Update #1: I've found a hack:
Plot[ f[x], {x,0,1}, ExclusionsStyle->Opacity[1]];
The hack, however, does not work on a general interval-valued function, such as
which is the essence of the question.
Update #2:
As a followup to the neat example of #Heike below: it's only a partial solution. For if one tries the following:
f[x_] = Piecewise[{{0, x < 1/2}, {Interval[{x, 1}], 1/2 <= x <= 1}}];
Plot[ {f[x] /. Interval[a_] :> a[[1]], f[x] /. Interval[a_] :> a[[2]]},
{x, 0, 1}, Filling -> {1 -> {2}}]
then the graph depicts a segment at x=1/2 that is equal to the value [0,1] instead of [1/2,1].
Maybe you could do something like
Plot[{f[x] /. Interval[a_] :> a[[1]],
f[x] /. Interval[a_] :> a[[2]]}, {x, 0, 1}, Filling -> {1 -> {2}}]
Following code returns different values for NExpectation and Expectation.
If I try the same for NormalDistribution[] I get convergence erors for NExpectation (but the final result is still 0 for all of them).
What is causing the problem?
U[x_] := If[x >= 0, Sqrt[x], -Sqrt[-x]]
N[Expectation[U[x], x \[Distributed] NormalDistribution[1, 1]]]
NExpectation[U[x], x \[Distributed] NormalDistribution[1, 1]]
I think it might actually be an Integrate bug.
Let's define your
U[x_] := If[x >= 0, Sqrt[x], -Sqrt[-x]]
and the equivalent
V[x_] := Piecewise[{{Sqrt[x], x >= 0}, {-Sqrt[-x], x < 0}}]
which are equivalent over the reals
FullSimplify[U[x] - V[x], x \[Element] Reals] (* Returns 0 *)
For both U and V, the analytic Expectation command uses the Method option "Integrate" this can be seen by running
Table[Expectation[U[x], x \[Distributed] NormalDistribution[1, 1],
Method -> m], {m, {"Integrate", "Moment", "Sum", "Quantile"}}]
Thus, what it's really doing is the integral
Integrate[U[x] PDF[NormalDistribution[1, 1], x], {x, -Infinity, Infinity}]
which returns
(Sqrt[Pi] (BesselI[-(1/4), 1/4] - 3 BesselI[1/4, 1/4] +
BesselI[3/4, 1/4] - BesselI[5/4, 1/4]))/(4 Sqrt[2] E^(1/4))
The integral for V
Integrate[V[x] PDF[NormalDistribution[1, 1], x], {x, -Infinity, Infinity}]
gives the same answer but multiplied by a factor of 1 + I. This is clearly a bug.
The numerical integral using U or V returns the expected value of 0.796449:
NIntegrate[U[x] PDF[NormalDistribution[1, 1], x], {x, -Infinity, Infinity}]
This is presumably the correct solution.
Edit: The reason that kguler's answer returns the same value for all versions is because the u[x_?NumericQ] definition prevents the analytic integrals from being performed so Expectation is unevaluated and reverts to using NExpectation when asked for its numerical value..
Edit 2:
Breaking down the problem a little bit more, you find
In[1]:= N#Integrate[E^(-(1/2) (-1 + x)^2) Sqrt[x] , {x, 0, Infinity}]
NIntegrate[E^(-(1/2) (-1 + x)^2) Sqrt[x] , {x, 0, Infinity}]
Out[1]= 0. - 0.261075 I
Out[2]= 2.25748
In[3]:= N#Integrate[Sqrt[-x] E^(-(1/2) (-1 + x)^2) , {x, -Infinity, 0}]
NIntegrate[Sqrt[-x] E^(-(1/2) (-1 + x)^2) , {x, -Infinity, 0}]
Out[3]= 0.261075
Out[4]= 0.261075
Over both the ranges, the integrand is real, non-oscillatory with an exponential decay. There should not be any need for imaginary/complex results.
Finally note that the above results hold for Mathematica version 8.0.3.
In version 7, the integrals return 1F1 hypergeometric functions and the analytic result matches the numeric result. So this bug (which is also currently present in Wolfram|Alpha) is a regression.
If you change the argument of your function u to avoid evaluation for non-numeric values all three methods gives the same result:
u[x_?NumericQ] := If[x >= 0, Sqrt[x], -Sqrt[-x]] ;
Expectation[u[x], x \[Distributed] NormalDistribution[1, 1]] // N;
N[Expectation[u[x], x \[Distributed] NormalDistribution[1, 1]]] ;
NExpectation[u[x], x \[Distributed] NormalDistribution[1, 1]];
{% === %% === %%%, %}
with the result
{True, 0.796449}
When plotting a function using Plot, I would like to obtain the set of data points plotted by the Plot command.
For instance, how can I obtain the list of points {t,f} Plot uses in the following simple example?
f = Sin[t]
Plot[f, {t, 0, 10}]
I tried using a method of appending values to a list, shown on page 4 of (Numerical Computation in Mathematica) by Jerry B. Keiper, as follows:
f = Sin[t]
Plot[f, {t, 0, 10}, AppendTo[flist,{t,f[t]}]]
but generate error messages no matter what I try.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
f = Sin[t];
plot = Plot[f, {t, 0, 10}]
One way to extract points is as follows:
points = Cases[
Cases[InputForm[plot], Line[___],
Infinity], {_?NumericQ, _?NumericQ}, Infinity];
ListPlot to 'take a look'
giving the following:
Brett Champion has pointed out that InputForm is superfluous.
Cases[plot, Line[___], Infinity], {_?NumericQ, _?NumericQ},
will work.
It is also possible to paste in the plot graphic, and this is sometimes useful. If,say, I create a ListPlot of external data and then mislay the data file (so that I only have access to the generated graphic), I may regenerate the data by selecting the graphic cell bracket,copy and paste:
ListPlot#Transpose[{Range[10], 4 Range[10]}]
points = Cases[
Cases[** Paste_Grphic _Here **, Point[___],
Infinity], {_?NumericQ, _?NumericQ}, Infinity]
Edit 2.
I should also have cross-referenced and acknowledged this very nice answer by Yaroslav Bulatov.
Edit 3
Brett Champion has not only pointed out that FullForm is superfluous, but that in cases where a GraphicsComplex is generated, applying Normal will convert the complex into primitives. This can be very useful.
For example:
lp = ListPlot[Transpose[{Range[10], Range[10]}],
Filling -> Bottom]; Cases[
Cases[Normal#lp, Point[___],
Infinity], {_?NumericQ, _?NumericQ}, Infinity]
gives (correctly)
{{1., 1.}, {2., 2.}, {3., 3.}, {4., 4.}, {5., 5.}, {6., 6.}, {7.,
7.}, {8., 8.}, {9., 9.}, {10., 10.}}
Thanks to Brett Champion.
Finally, a neater way of using the general approach given in this answer, which I found here
The OP problem, in terms of a ListPlot, may be obtained as follows:
ListPlot#Cases[g, x_Line :> First#x, Infinity]
Edit 4
Even simpler
ListPlot#Cases[plot, Line[{x__}] -> x, Infinity]
ListPlot#Cases[** Paste_Grphic _Here **, Line[{x__}] -> x, Infinity]
ListPlot#plot[[1, 1, 3, 2, 1]]
This evaluates to True
plot[[1, 1, 3, 2, 1]] == Cases[plot, Line[{x__}] -> x, Infinity]
One way is to use EvaluationMonitor option with Reap and Sow, for example
(points = Reap[Plot[Sin[x],{x,0,4Pi},EvaluationMonitor:>Sow[{x,Sin[x]}]]][[2,1]])//Short
Out[4]//Short= {{2.56457*10^-7,2.56457*10^-7},<<699>>,{12.5621,-<<21>>}}
In addition to the methods mentioned in Leonid's answer and my follow-up comment, to track plotting progress of slow functions in real time to see what's happening you could do the following (using the example of this recent question):
(* CPU intensive function *)
LogNormalStableCDF[{alpha_, beta_, gamma_, sigma_, delta_}, x_] :=
CDF[StableDistribution[alpha, beta, gamma, sigma], (x - delta)/u],
u \[Distributed] LogNormalDistribution[Log[gamma], sigma]]]
(* real time tracking of plot process *)
res = {};
ListLinePlot[res // Sort, Mesh -> All] // Dynamic
Plot[(AppendTo[res, {x, #}]; #) &#
LogNormalStableCDF[{1.5, 1, 1, 0.5, 1}, x], {x, -4, 6},
PlotRange -> All, PlotPoints -> 10, MaxRecursion -> 4]
Here is a very efficient way to get all the data points:
{plot, {points}} = Reap # Plot[Last#Sow#{x, Sin[x]}, {x, 0, 4 Pi}]
Based on the answer of Sjoerd C. de Vries, I've now written the following code which automates a plot preview (tested on Mathematica 8):
pairs[x_, y_List]:={x, #}& /# y
pairs[x_, y_]:={x, y}
condtranspose[x:{{_List ..}..}]:=Transpose # x
MonitorPlot[f_, range_, options: OptionsPattern[]]:=
Module[{data={}, plot},
Monitor[Plot[(data=Union[data, {pairs[range[[1]], #]}]; #)& # f, range,
Evaluate[FilterRules[{options}, Options[Plot]]]],
plot=ListLinePlot[condtranspose[data], Mesh->All,
FilterRules[{options}, Options[ListLinePlot]]];
Show[plot, Module[{yrange=Options[plot, PlotRange][[1,2,2]]},
Graphics[Line[{{range[[1]], yrange[[1]]}, {range[[1]], yrange[[2]]}}]]]]]]
SetAttributes[MonitorPlot, HoldAll]
In addition to showing the progress of the plot, it also marks the x position where it currently calculates.
The main problem is that for multiple plots, Mathematica applies the same plot style for all curves in the final plot (interestingly, it doesn't on the temporary plots).
To get the data produced into the variable dest, use the option SaveData:>dest
Just another way, possibly implementation dependent:
Plot[Tan#t, {t, 0, 10}] /. Graphics[{{___, {_, y__}}}, ___] -> {y} /. Line -> List
, 2]
Just look into structure of plot (for different type of plots there would be a little bit different structure) and use something like that:
plt = Plot[Sin[x], {x, 0, 1}];
lstpoint = plt[[1, 1, 3, 2, 1]];