get the name of ckEditor instance - ckeditor

I have three ckEditor instances in my page say a,b,c.Now on click of the image upload button I need to check from which one of a,b,c image upload is getting called.i.e I need the name of the ckEditor instance.

"editor" object has a property "name", you can make use of that.


How to create a multipage HMI project in twincat3?

I’m trying to create a multipage HMI in "Twincat3 Beckhoff".
The problem is when we use to bring to front other keys are useless.
when we use to send to back we have problems such as the other keys don't work correctly. I want to open a separate page.
What you're looking for are .content files. As explained on InfoSys:
Creating navigation
Switch to the Solution Explorer.
Add the desired number of content objects:
1 Right-click on the TwinCAT HMI project entry or on one of the
2 Select Add and New Item and select Content.
Open the view or the content where you wish to add the navigation.
Add a region and buttons in order to switch between the contents.
Set the Target Content attribute in order to define the start content.
Add a SetTargetContent action to the .onPressed event of all buttons and set the corresponding content.
You can hide all the objects you do not want to be displayed by coding on the New Page Call Button.
TcHmiButton::Visibility = hidden[enter image description here][1]
The second solution is to make the page we want to call small, but increase the width and height of the page to be coded by coding in the desired button.

How to create menu of regions in Oracle Aplication Builder

How to create menu like below
I have already craeted charts but all of them are displayed within tab open, I want to create menu like above to choose which one should be displayed.
Does anyone have suggestion or some tutorial to watch how to make these?
To me, it looks like a Static content region that has buttons as menu items. Those buttons have images on them (so that they look pretty - like the one you attached, having blue-red-green worksheets).
How to do that?
Create a button
modify its size using "Custom attributes" property. For example:
style="width:100px; height:100px"
in order to put an image onto the button, here are two options you might want to explore:
if it (the image) is in workspace images (uploadable as a shared component), then resize it before uploading and set it to a button by putting something like this into button's label property:
or, use "Custom attributes" again, this time by using a fully-qualified URL as an image source, e.g.
style="width:100px; height:100px; background-image:url('')"
The rest should be easy, i.e. setting a link to the button so that - when pressed - it takes you to another page in this application (which is what you, probably, will do).

plupload, how to allow descriptions for uploaded images

I am trying to use the plupload flash widget as it works in all browsers for multiple image upload.
For every image I want my users to select a property from a dropdown box. As every image used in my site represents a property image type ex- rear image, side image, front image etc.. these options will be in the dropdown.
I would like to know, if I can dynamically inject a dropdown to pluploader.
Here is an image to see as how exactly I would like to have the drop down box for every image.
Upon inspection of the jQuery queue element it is easy enough to determing how to inject your dropdown box into the DOM.
Because it is based on jQuery you can simply use something like..
$('#uploader_filelist li').each(function(index,data){
$(this, '#plupload_file_name').append('<html>Your html here</html>');
That is a very simple sample but that is how you would inject markup dynamically into the queue.
The problem is when you do it? And how to identify it later. With this you need to go back to the plupload API and attach events (Documentation here) to the following:
public event FilesAdded(uploader:Uploader, files:Array)
public event UploadProgress(uploader:Uploader, file:File)
And you will need to handle chunks in the script as well as the uplaod handler you are using to retrieve the dropdown value using multipart_params that get set on each chunk uploaded.
Adding the drop down is easy, making sure the process is handled all the way around is another problem and can take some time to perfect.

How to create a Text area in default layout

Whenever u create a View for new create thread or edit thread what u get is a text box. I need a Text area to be displayed for writing how should i go about it.
#Html.TextArea or #Html.TextAreaFor
Same as the other HTML helpers.
You can also add the following annotation to your model
When you call EditorFor you'll get a textarea rather than a textbox.
If you're talking about actually changing the scaffolding template, you need to create your own template.

Drupal - Use lightbox with Views (Rel attribute) - in output link

In Drupal I have two image fields, one to act as a thumbnail and the other the image that will open when the thumbnail is clicked. The only way I could find to link the two was to use the option for "Output this field as a link" and link to the image field.
This works, so when I click the thumbnail it opens the larger image however I would like to use lightbox2 for this task but in the "Output this field as a link" options there is no way to set the "rel" attribute.
Is there a way to either set the rel attribute or invoke the lightbox by setting a class?
you only need a single cck imagefield to get thumbnail plus full image in lightbox: Lightbox2 - How to use with CCK Imagefield and Imagecache.
UPDATE: use the "Lightbox Trigger" Views field of the Lightbox2 development version. step by step:
add both your thumbnail and your image field to your view
mark both of them "Exclude from display". don't check "Output this field as a link" anywhere.
add a "Lightbox trigger" field after both of your image fields
configure the "Lightbox trigger" field:
for "Trigger field", select your thumbnail field
for "Popup", select the Replacement pattern (scroll further down in the view field edit form for all possible replacement pattern) of your image field. for example, in my case, this is [field_image_fid].
now, your view should show your thumbnail image and, clicking on it, should open your full image in a lightbox frame. at least that's what's happening here :)
