Executing Bash functions from within Vim - how can I do it? [duplicate] - bash

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Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Commands executed from vim are not recognizing bash command aliases
I have the following function in my ~/.bashrc file (on my Ubunut box)
# convert tex to pdf, no bib
function t2p {
latex $1 && latex $1 && dvips $1 -o $1.ps && ps2pdf $1.ps && rm -f $1.dvi }
# convert tex to pdf, with bib
function tb2p {
latex $1 && bibtex $1 && latex $1 && latex $1 && dvips $1 -o $1.ps && ps2pdf $1.ps && rm -f $1.dvi }
For example, to convert a tex file f.tex to a pdf file and bibtex it in the right order, I call tb2p f. This works very well if I'm in a Bash terminal. However, to get to the Bash prompt from within Vim I actually have to execute the command :sh first.
To simplify the above procedure I tried to execute the functions t2p and tb2p inside Vim by :!t2p f. Vim then tells me that it cannot find the function t2p. I did some Googling and read that I should put these functions into the file /etc/bash.bashrc to make them visible to Vim. Unfortunately, this didn't work in my case. Vim still doesn't know about the function.
At the end of the day I would like to be able to call my functions from within Vim by using a keyboard shortcut. My questions are therefore as follows:
How can I let Vim know about ~/.bashrc functions?
How do I setup a keyboard shortcut in ~/.vimrc for a function in ~/.bashrc?
Thank you very, very much.

Try using :!bash -c t2p in Vim. If your alias is limited to interactive shells also add the -i flag.

Vim runs bash commands with the -c argument, which makes the shell non-interactive and non-login, and that bypasses reading the startup files.
You can override this with an environment variable.
From man bash:
When bash is started non-interactively, to run a shell script, for example, it looks for the variable BASH_ENV
in the environment, expands its value if it appears there, and uses the expanded value as the name of a file to
read and execute. Bash behaves as if the following command were executed:
if [ -n "$BASH_ENV" ]; then . "$BASH_ENV"; fi
but the value of the PATH variable is not used to search for the file name.
Alternatively, vim itself can be asked to run command shells as login shells. From vim :help shell we get the following:
On Unix the command normally runs in a non-interactive
shell. If you want an interactive shell to be used
(to use aliases) set 'shellcmdflag' to "-ic".
For Win32 also see |:!start|.

Try adding set shell=bash\ --login to your .vimrc.
To convert the current file, type :!tb2p %, the % will be expanded by Vim for you when executing the script.
Once it's working, you can add a mapping to make the whole process even faster:
nnoremap <F12> :!tb2p %<CR>

You can always define your functions in a separate file and put that file in a folder
in your PATH environment variable.
In my case my personal functions that I would use go to ~/bin
In your case for t2p:
create a file t2p in ~/bin with the contents:
# convert tex to pdf, no bib
latex $1 && latex $1 && dvips $1 -o $1.ps && ps2pdf $1.ps && rm -f $1.dvi
then make the file executable:
> chmod +x t2p
make sure ~/bin is in your path, by putting the following in your ~/.bashrc:
export PATH=${HOME}/bin:${PATH}


command substitution not working in alias?

I wanted to make an alias for launching a vim session with all the c/header/makefiles, etc loaded into the buffer.
shopt -s extglob
alias vimc="files=$(ls -A *.?(c|h|mk|[1-9]) .gitconfig [mM]akefile 2>/dev/null); [[ -z $files ]] || vim $files"
When I run the command enclosed within the quotations from the shell, it works but when run as the alias itself, it does not. Running vimc, causes vim to launch only in the first matched file(which happens to be the Makefile) and the other files(names) are executed as commands for some reason(of course unsuccessfully). I tried fiddling around and it seems that the command substitution introduces the problem. Because running only the ls produces expected output.
I cannot use xargs with vim because it breaks the terminal display.
Can anyone explain what might be causing this ?
Here is some output:
$ ls
Makefile readme main.1 main.c header.h config.mk
$ vimc
main.1: command not found
main.c: command not found
.gitignore: command not found
header.h: command not found
config.mk: command not found
On an related note, would it be possible to do what I intend to do above in a "single line", i.e without storing it into a variable files and checking to see if it is empty, using only the output stream from ls?

Disable functions/aliases in a sourced script

I know I can run an "original" command (not alias) using either \ or "":
This doesn't work for functions though. Also it requires me to use that syntax every time.
Is it possible in a sourced script to disable all functions/aliases from the parent process (one which runs my script)? I.e. if a user in their terminal has some aliases functions defined I want them disabled in my script (but of course I still want to be able to define and use aliases/functions of my own).
Types of Commands in Bash
Bash knows different types of commands which can shadow each other. The precedence of these types is:
can be defined by the user using alias cmd=...
can be defined by the user using cmd() { ... }
are directly implement in bash and cannot be altered. help and enable list all built-ins.
Executable files in $PATH
Meaning if you type cmd arg1 arg2 ... you use the alias cmd if it is defined, otherwise you use the function cmd if it is defined, otherwise you use the built-in cmd if it is built-in, otherwise you use the first executable cmd from the directories in $PATH if there is one, otherwise you end up with the error -bash: cmd command not found.
Which of these cases applies for cmd can be checked using type -a cmd.
Manual Precedence Control
Bash allows you to influence which type to pick using quoting and the built-ins command and builtin.
suppresses aliases
uses functions, built-ins, executables
command cmd
suppresses aliases and functions
uses built-ins and executables
builtin cmd
supresses aliases, functions, and executables
uses only built-ins
enable -n cmd
disables the built-in cmd completely, such that afterwards only
aliases, functions, and executables are used
env cmd
not a bash built-in, therefore it doesn't really suppress anything but
uses only executables
Shadowing is perfectly normal. For instance, bash has its own built-in echo, but your system also has /bin/echo. Both implementations may differ. For instance, my echo from bash 5 supports \uXXXX but my echo from GNU coreutils 8.3 does not. The possibility of such differences becomes even more clear if you add your own implementations using aliases and functions. Here's an example in an interactive bash session ($ is the prompt):
$ echo() { printf "function echo: %s\n" "$*"; }
$ alias echo='printf "alias echo: %s %s %s\n"'
$ type -a echo
echo is aliased to `printf "alias echo: %s %s %s\n"'
echo is a function
echo ()
printf "function echo: %s\n" "$*"
echo is a shell builtin
echo is /bin/echo
$ echo -e '\u2261'
alias echo: -e \u2261
$ \echo -e '\u2261'
function echo: -e \u2261
# use the built-in (or executable file if there was no such built-in)
$ command echo -e '\u2261'
$ builtin echo -e '\u2261'
# use the executable /bin/echo
$ env echo -e '\u2261'
$ enable -n echo
# use the executable /bin/echo (`command` is needed to skip the alias and function)
$ command echo -e '\u2261'
Answering your Question
Unfortunately I'm not aware of something like enable to permanently disable alias and function lookup. You could try some hacks like backing up all aliases and functions, doing unset -f and unalias on them, and restoring them at the end. However, unset may fail for readonly functions. The better way would be to use bash -c '... functions and aliases have no effect here ...' for the parts where you don't really need the benefits of source. For the other parts, prefix everything with command.
Please note: The caller who sources your script may even disable or shadow command, builtin, and so on -- therefore you can never be sure that you are actually using the commands you expected. Even writing /usr/bin/env executable or /path/to/the/executable does not help as a function can have the name and $PATH or the file system can be altered.
However, that shouldn't be your concern. The one who sources your script should be responsible for providing the correct environment.
Edit: this answer might no longer be relevant since you edited the question to clarify that the script is being sourced, not being executed in a subshell.
This happens by default. Proof:
$ function x() { echo 'hi'; }
$ x
$ bash
# We are now in a subshell.
$ x
bash: x: command not found
Functions are often defined in one of the shell's startup files: .bashrc, .profile or .bash_profile. Which of these are sourced depends on whether the shell is a login shell and/or an interactive shell. A shell that invoked to execute a shell script is neither a login shell nor an interactive shell, and in this case none of those files are sourced.
EDIT: I should read more carefully, as you don't want to source a script, but be sourced, the following is for the other way around:
If you source your parent script at the beginning, you can just loop through the defined functions and unset them.
declare -F will list all defined functions but in the format declare -f functioname, so you have to get only the name:
for f in $(declare -F|cut -d ' ' -f 3); do
unset -f $f
Alias should not be sourced in as i remember, but if they are there you can do
unalias -a
to unset them all.

Makefile autocompletion on Mac

Makefile's targets are available by completion on Linux but, AFAICS, not on Mac OS (10.8.5).
Is it possible to get completion working with this OS?
This seems to achieve simple bash completions for me on El Capitan:
# .bashrc
function _makefile_targets {
local curr_arg;
local targets;
# Find makefile targets available in the current directory
if [[ -e "$(pwd)/Makefile" ]]; then
targets=$( \
grep -oE '^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+:' Makefile \
| sed 's/://' \
| tr '\n' ' ' \
# Filter targets based on user input to the bash completion
COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "${targets[#]}" -- $curr_arg ) );
complete -F _makefile_targets make
Here's how this works:
complete -F [function name] [command name] -- this bash builtin register a new completion for [command name] which is generated by the bash function [function name]. So in my code above, if you type make [TAB][TAB] into your shell, you'll trigger the _makefile_targets() function.
if [[ -e "$(pwd)/Makefile" ]]; then -- make sure there's a Makefile in the current directory, otherwise don't try a bash completion.
grep -oE '^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+:' Makefile -- filter every line of Makefile using the regex for a target name like "test:". -o means only return the part of the line that matches. For example, given a Makefile target like "test: build package", only "test:" will be returned
| sed 's/://' -- taking the grep results, remove the colon from the end of line
| tr '\n' ' ' -- smoosh all targets onto one line, separated by one space
Inside a bash completion function, complete sets several environment variables for you. COMP_WORDS is an array of the list of available bash completion choises based on what the user typed. COMP_CWORD is the index of the currently selected word.
Another very magical builtin compgen will take a list of space separately strings and filter them using the currently selected word. I'm not at all clear how that works.
So, the bottom line is that the last two lines in the function filter our list of makefile targets (stored inside $targets) and shoves them into an array COMPREPLY. The bash completion reads and displays COMPREPLY as choices in the shell.
Inspired by:
http://www.thegeekstuff.com/2013/12/bash-completion-complete/ (Esp 9.)
This worked for me on Catalina in the standard zsh terminal
Edit the file named .zshrc in you home directory this can be done with this command in the terminal nano ~/.zshrc
Add the following lines
zstyle ':completion:*:*:make:*' tag-order 'targets'
autoload -U compinit && compinit
exit and save by pressing ctrl + x and then save Y
For macOS Monterey, the following works:
Edit the .zprofile file in your home directory. This can be done with a text editor. Path: ~/.zprofile
Add the following lines to the end of the file:
zstyle ':completion:*:*:make:*' tag-order 'targets'
autoload -Uz compinit && compinit
After that, everything works correctly, tips work when you press TAB.
This method does not display anything extra when entering the terminal, unlike the methods indicated above.
If you use bash and homebrew:
brew install bash-completion
follow their documentation:
Add the following line to your ~/.bash_profile:
[[ -r "$(brew --prefix)/etc/profile.d/bash_completion.sh" ]] && . "$(brew --prefix)/etc/profile.d/bash_completion.sh"
restart your terminal or
source ~/.bash_profile

Get current directory and concatenate a path

This is a shell script (.sh file). I need to create an absolute path based on the current directory. I know about pwd, but how do I concatenate it with another string? Here is an example of what I am trying to do:
Sounds like you want:
The $( opens a subshell (and the ) closes it) where the contents are executed as a script so any outputs are put in that location in the string.
More useful often is getting the directory of the script that is running:
dot="$(cd "$(dirname "$0")"; pwd)"
That's more useful because it resolves to the same path no matter where you are when you run the script:
> pwd
> ./my_project/my_script.sh
rather than:
> pwd
> ./my_project/my_script.sh
> cd my_project
> pwd
> ./my_script.sh
More complex but if you need the directory of the current script running if it has been executed through a symlink (common when installing scripts through homebrew for example) then you need to parse and follow the symlink:
if [[ "$OSTYPE" == *darwin* ]]; then
dot="$(cd "$(dirname "$([ -L "$0" ] && $READLINK_CMD -f "$0" || echo "$0")")"; pwd)"
More complex and more requirements for it to work (e.g. having a gnu compatible readlink installed) so I tend not to use it as much. Only when I'm certain I need it, like installing a command through homebrew.
Using the shell builtin pwd in a command substitution ($(...)) is an option, but not necessary, because all POSIX-compatible shells define the special $PWD shell variable that contains the current directory as an absolute path, as mandated by POSIX.
Thus, using $PWD is both simpler and more efficient than $(pwd):
"$PWD/some/path" # alternatively, for visual clarity: "${PWD}/some/path"
However, if you wanted to resolve symlinks in the directory path, you DO need pwd, with its -P option:
"$(pwd -P)/some/path"
Note that POSIX mandates that $PWD contain an absolute pathname with symlinks resolved.
In practice, however, NO major POSIX-like shell (bash, dash, ksh, zsh) does that - they all retain symbolic link components. Thus, the (POSIX-compliant) pwd -P is needed to resolve them.
Note that all said POSIX-like shells implement pwd as a builtin that supports -P.
Michael Allen's helpful answer points out that it's common to want to know the directory of where the running script is located.
The challenge is that the script file itself may be a symlink, so determining the true directory of origin is non-trivial, especially when portability is a must.
This answer (of mine) shows a solution.
with "dirname $0" you can get dynamin path upto current run scipt.
for example : your file is locateted in shell folder file name is xyz and there are anthor file abc to include in xyz file.
so put in xyz file LIke:
php "`dirname $0`"/abc.php

bash use second argument of previous command

how I can use the second argument of previous command in a new command ?
example, with
$ mkdir test
I make a directory, how I can use the name of directory for change to this ?
$ mkdir test && cd use_var
$_ is the last (right-most) argument of the previous command.
mkdir gash && cd "$_"
(I don't create files or directories called test, that's the name of a shell built-in and can cause confusions)
With history expansion, you can refer to arbitrary words in the current command line
mkdir dir1 && cd "!#:1"
# 0 1 2 3 4
!# refers to the line typed so far, and :1 refers to word number one (with mkdir starting at 0).
If you use this in a script (i.e., a non-interactive shell), you need to turn history expansion on with set -H and set -o history.
Pressing Esc + . places the last argument of previous command on the current place of cursor. Tested in bash shell and ksh shell.
I use functions for this. Type this in your shell:
mkcd() { mkdir "$1" ; cd "$1" ; }
Now you have a new command mkcd.
If you need this repeatedly, put the line into the file ~/.bash_aliases (if you use bash; other shells use different names).
