LoadLibrary from offset in a file - windows

I am writing a scriptable game engine, for which I have a large number of classes that perform various tasks. The size of the engine is growing rapidly, and so I thought of splitting the large executable up into dll modules so that only the components that the game writer actually uses can be included. When the user compiles their game (which is to say their script), I want the correct dll's to be part of the final executable. I already have quite a bit of overlay data, so I figured I might be able to store the dll's as part of this block. My question boils down to this:
Is it possible to trick LoadLibrary to start reading the file at a certain offset? That would save me from having to either extract the dll into a temporary file which is not clean, or alternatively scrapping the automatic inclusion of dll's altogether and simply instructing my users to package the dll's along with their games.
Initially I thought of going for the "load dll from memory" approach but rejected it on grounds of portability and simply because it seems like such a horrible hack.
Any thoughts?
Kind regards,
Philip Bennefall

You are trying to solve a problem that doesn't exist. Loading a DLL doesn't actually require any physical memory. Windows creates a memory mapped file for the DLL content. Code from the DLL only ever gets loaded when your program calls that code. Unused code doesn't require any system resources beyond reserved memory pages. You have 2 billion bytes worth of that on a 32-bit operating system. You have to write a lot of code to consume them all, 50 megabytes of machine code is already a very large program.
The memory mapping is also the reason you cannot make LoadLibrary() do what you want to do. There is no realistic scenario where you need to.
Look into the linker's /DELAYLOAD option to improve startup performance.

I think every solution for that task is "horrible hack" and nothing more.
Simplest way that I see is create your own virtual drive that present custom filesystem and hacks system access path from one real file (compilation of your libraries) to multiple separate DLL-s. For example like TrueCrypt does (it's open-source). And than you may use LoadLibrary function without changes.
But only right way I see is change your task and don't use this approach. I think you need to create your own script interpreter and compiler, using structures, pointers and so on.
The main thing is that I don't understand your benefit from use of libraries. I think any compiled code in current time does not weigh so much and may be packed very good. Any other resources may be loaded dynamically at first call. All you need to do is to organize the working cycles of all components of the script engine in right way.


Position code independant executable on windows

Is it possible to build a position independant code for windows ?
I am not talking about a dll, i am talking about an executable (PE).
What i want to do is that functions (main for example) which are in the program should be mapped at a different memory address between 2 executions.
You should read up on the image base relocation directory in a PE file. I was wondering the same thing you are asking now a while back. From the research I had done I couldn't find any compiler that generates completely base independent code. I ended up writing my program entirely in x86 asm with some tricks to load strings etc independent form the address. I can tell you its not worth the trouble. Just remap all the addresses to your target location.
I suggest you start reading this
You should also check out Icezilon's (not sure how you spell his name) tutorials. They're very helpful

Windows: redirect ReadFile to run process and pipe it's stdout

I was wondering how hard it would be to create a set-up under Windows where a regular ReadFile on certain files is being redirected by the file system to actually run (e.g. ShellExecute) those files, and then the new process' stdout is being used as the file content streamed out to the ReadFile call to the callee...
What I envision the set-up to look like, is that you can configure it to denote a certain folder as 'special', and that this extra functionality is then only available on that folder's content (so it doesn't need to be disk-wide). It might be accessible under a new drive letter, or a path parallel to the source folder; the location it is hooked up to is irrelevant to me.
To those of you that wonder if this is a classic xy problem: it might very well be ;) It's just that this idea has intrigued me, and I want to know what possibilities there are. In my particular case I want to employ it to #include content in my C++ code base, where the actual content included is being made up on the spot, different on each compile round. I could of course also create a script to create such content to include, call it as a pre-build step and leave it at that, but why choose the easy route.
Maybe there are already ready-made solutions for this? I did an extensive Google search for it, but came out empty handed. But then I'm not sure I already know all the keywords involved to do a good search...
When coding up something myself, I think a minifilter driver might be needed intercepting ReadFile calls, but then it must at that spot run usermode apps from kernel space - not a happy marriage I assume. Or use an existing file system driver framework that allows for usermode parts, but I found the price of existing solutions to be too steep for my taste (several thousand dollars).
And I also assume that a standard file system (minifilter) driver might be required to return a consistent file size for such files, although the actual data size returned through ReadFile would of course differ on each call. Not to mention negating any buffering that takes place.
All in all I think that a create-it-yourself solution will take quite some effort, especially when you have never done Windows driver development in your life :) Although I see myself quite capable of learning up on it, the time invested will be prohibitive I think.
Another approach might be to hook ReadFile calls from the process doing the ReadFile - via IAT hooking, or via code injection. But I want this solution to more work 'out-of-the-box', i.e. all ReadFile requests for these special files trigger the correct behavior, regardless of origin. In my case I'd need to intercept my C++ compiler (G++) behavior, but that one is called on the fly by the IDE, so I see no easy way to detect it's startup and hook it up quickly before it does it's ReadFiles. And besides, I only want certain files to be special in this regard; intercepting all ReadFiles for a certain process is overkill.
You want something like FUSE (which I used with profit many times), but for Windows. Apparently there's Dokan, I've never used it but seems to be well known enough (and, at very least, can be used as an inspiration to see "how it's done").

What is the ".scatterload" file in macOS?

I've downloaded Apple's TextEdit example app (here) and I'm a bit puzzled by one thing I see there: the TextEdit.scatterload file. It contains a list of functions and methods. My guess is that it provides information to the linker as to which functions/methods will be needed, and in what order, when the app launches, and that this is used to order the binary generated by the linker for maximum efficiency. Oddly, I seem to be unable to find any information whatsoever about this file through Google. So. First of all, is my guess as to the function of this file correct? And second, if so, can I generate a .scatterload file for my own macOS app, to make it launch faster? How would I do that? Seems like a good idea! (I am using Objective-C, but perhaps this question is not specific to that, so I'm not going to tag for it here.)
Scatter loading refers to a way to organize the mapping of your code in memory by specifying which part of code must be near which one, etc. This is to optimize page faults, etc.
You can read about it here Improving locality of reference (HTML)
or here Improving locality of reference (PDF).
.scatterload file is used by the linker to position code in memory layout of the executable.
Except if your app really need tight performance tuning, I would not encourage you to have a look at this.

Creating an bomb-proof worker process (on windows)

I write a pdf viewer that uses various libraries written in C. This C code is potentially easy to exploit. And there are just too many lines to check. I will have to assume that this code may contain exploitable bugs.
The thing is that the C code is quite straightforward. A stream of bytes go in at one end, and a bitmap (also a stream of bytes) comes out at the other.
Inspired by google chrome, I am thinking to create a separate process that does the decoding and page rendering. Ideally this should be executed in a process that has absolutely no rights to do anything except reading the one input stream it has, and outputting to a stream of bytes (some uncompresed bitmap) at the other end.
What I think the process should not be able to do is:
any disk access
open sockets
limited amount of memory use
access shared memory with other processes
load other dll's
... anything else?
Is that possible? Is this described somewhere?
If you have the source code - you may check it doesn't do the described things.
Well, limiting available memory is a bit more difficult. You may however use SetProcessWorkingSetSize.
Also after you've built the executable you may check its DLL import table (by dependencies walker) to ensure it doesn't access any file/socket function.
This isn't really possible. Ultimately any potential exploit code will be running with whatever privileges this process runs with. If you run it as a standard user then you will limit the damage that could be done, but your best bet is to just fix the code as much as possible.

C Runtime objects, dll boundaries

What is the best way to design a C API for dlls which deals with the problem of passing "objects" which are C runtime dependent (FILE*, pointer returned by malloc, etc...). For example, if two dlls are linked with a different version of the runtime, my understanding is that you cannot pass a FILE* from one dll to the other safely.
Is the only solution to use windows-dependent API (which are guaranteed to work across dlls) ? The C API already exists and is mature, but was designed from a unix POV, mostly (and still has to work on unix, of course).
You asked for a C, not a C++ solution.
The usual method(s) for doing this kind of thing in C are:
Design the modules API to simply not require CRT objects. Get stuff passed accross in raw C types - i.e. get the consumer to load the file and simply pass you the pointer. Or, get the consumer to pass a fully qualified file name, that is opened , read, and closed, internally.
An approach used by other c modules, the MS cabinet SD and parts of the OpenSSL library iirc come to mind, get the consuming application to pass in pointers to functions to the initialization function. So, any API you pass a FILE* to would at some point during initialization have taken a pointer to a struct with function pointers matching the signatures of fread, fopen etc. When dealing with the external FILE*s the dll always uses the passed in functions rather than the CRT functions.
With some simple tricks like this you can make your C DLLs interface entirely independent of the hosts CRT - or in fact require the host to be written in C or C++ at all.
Neither existing answer is correct: Given the following on Windows: you have two DLLs, each is statically linked with two different versions of the C/C++ standard libraries.
In this case, you should not pass pointers to structures created by the C/C++ standard library in one DLL to the other. The reason is that these structures may be different between the two C/C++ standard library implementations.
The other thing you should not do is free a pointer allocated by new or malloc from one DLL that was allocated in the other. The heap manger may be differently implemented as well.
Note, you can use the pointers between the DLLs - they just point to memory. It is the free that is the issue.
Now, you may find that this works, but if it does, then you are just luck. This is likely to cause you problems in the future.
One potential solution to your problem is dynamically linking to the CRT. For example,you could dynamically link to MSVCRT.DLL. That way your DLL's will always use the same CRT.
Note, I suggest that it is not a best practice to pass CRT data structures between DLLs. You might want to see if you can factor things better.
Note, I am not a Linux/Unix expert - but you will have the same issues on those OSes as well.
The problem with the different runtimes isn't solvable because the FILE* struct belongs
to one runtime on a windows system.
But if you write a small wrapper Interface your done and it does not really hurt.
stdcall IFile* IFileFactory(const char* filename, const char* mode);
class IFile {
virtual fwrite(...) = 0;
virtual fread(...) = 0;
virtual delete() = 0;
This is save to be passed accross dll boundaries everywhere and does not really hurt.
P.S.: Be careful if you start throwing exceptions across dll boundaries. This will work quiet well if you fulfill some design creterions on windows OS but will fail on some others.
If the C API exists and is mature, bypassing the CRT internally by using pure Win32 API stuff gets you half the way. The other half is making sure the DLL's user uses the corresponding Win32 API functions. This will make your API less portable, in both use and documentation. Also, even if you go this way with memory allocation, where both the CRT functions and the Win32 ones deal with void*, you're still in trouble with the file stuff - Win32 API uses handles, and knows nothing about the FILE structure.
I'm not quite sure what are the limitations of the FILE*, but I assume the problem is the same as with CRT allocations across modules. MSVCRT uses Win32 internally to handle the file operations, and the underlying file handle can be used from every module within the same process. What might not work is closing a file that was opened by another module, which involves freeing the FILE structure on a possibly different CRT.
What I would do, if changing the API is still an option, is export cleanup functions for any possible "object" created within the DLL. These cleanup functions will handle the disposal of the given object in the way that corresponds to the way it was created within that DLL. This will also make the DLL absolutely portable in terms of usage. The only worry you'll have then is making sure the DLL's user does indeed use your cleanup functions rather than the regular CRT ones. This can be done using several tricks, which deserve another question...
