xcode iphone emulator doesn't work - xcode

My iphone simulator just doesn't work anymore,whenever i click on build and run i just get nothing but i can see IOS simulator and all of its related options at the top bar (next to the Apple menu),now if go to the Hardware option and change the device to Ipad Or Iphone(ratina) they come on the screen with no problem,its just the normal iphone which wont come at all.
While compiling i dont get any errors or warnings at all ,this problem just started occurring from today morning till last night everything was just fine Xcode version is 3.2.5 .

You should check your iphone-simulator-folder and verify that the IOS-Simulator.app exists
Otherwise update your SDK, this should solve the problem


Xcode Simulator 14.0 not deleting/ removing app

I have recently updated 14.0 version of Xcode and simulator. I am facing a strange issue that app is not removing from the simulator. Before this update it's working perfect but after updated its showing this behaviour. Have a look a below, I have tried with both Remove app and Edit Home screen option. Both of them did't work for me. I have also tried to delete app from App library it also did't work.
So, I just ran into this weird issue as well, but I found that it wasn't consistent. Sometimes I could actually delete the app and sometimes I couldn't.
I think I figured out how to delete it every time:
When the app is running, go into Xcode and press "Stop" (CMD + .)
Now delete the app from the simulator
It's a work-around, but it doesn't look like Apple wants to fix this issue or maybe it was never reported to them, I don't know, but this seems to be working for me at least.
I'm running macOS Ventura 13.1, Xcode 14.2 and an iPhone 14 (iOS 16.2) simulator, so basically the newest versions and it's still present.

XCode 7. iOS simulators missing and not installable

Can't see any iOS 9.0 simulators. In previous Xcode 7 beta 3 all was OK.
Can't install iOS 8.3 simulator.
Also I can't add any simulator from 'Organizer'. By pressing "Create" nothing happened.
Each time when I'm trying to download iOS simulator I see next thing:
One possible issue is that there may be old leftover simulators installed, which are not compatible with the new XCode, and their presence causes the whole Simulator to fail. To get rid of them, delete the simulators in /Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Profiles/Runtimes (for me there was an iOS 7 simulator there which was the issue). Relaunch XCode after this.
Then try to run the simulator from XCode->Open Developer Tool->Simulator. Assuming this succeeds, verify that you have the simulators under the iOS Simulator menu Hardware->Device->Manage Devices… – if not, you should be able to click the + in the bottom bar to add yourself some iOS 9 simulators. Relaunch XCode again and they should show up in the menu.
In my case was with Xcode 8.2, what it worked to me was changing Deployment Version:
After setting another different than 10.0 then appeared back all simulators again.
Have you tried going to Xcode > preferences > downloads and trying to re-download the simulators you want?
For me it was only showing one simulator,
and when I go to Xcode > Preferences I can see the simulator is already downloaded but it is not showing up in the list,
if you're facing something similar. This is how you should add required simulator,
From the Xcode menu, open Windows > Devices, shown in the image below
you should see this screen,
notice there is only one simulator (ref: first image)
Now to add required simulator, you should click on the + (in the left corner)
You should see this,
You can choose the simulator from the list, In my case it is iPhone 6s Plus.
In Xcode you can see additional simulator iPhone 6s Plus,
I was also not able to see simulators.Reason is,I have not restarted system after upgrading Xcode.I restarted & simulator started displaying as routine.
There is a bug in the latest El Capitan beta which causes a process to crash when dlopen() fails to mmap() a dynamic library. Such mmap() failures can occur due to code signature verification failures.
These mmap() failures will occur if older iOS Simulator runtimes are present on disk (ie: installed from Xcode 6.x), and that is the reason why Xcode 7 beta release notes have indicated that earlier runtimes are not working in Xcode 7. The iOS 8.x Simulator runtimes were updated in newer downloads, but if the older versions are present on disk, they will cause the mmap() failure, which in the latest El Capitan beta, unfortunately results in the CoreSimulatorService repeatedly crashing which in turn results in no simulators being available.
If simulators are suddenly disappeared:
Just consider decreasing Deployment target to a minor version below current version in Project > Build Settings > Deployment Info > Deployment Target
P.S. Usually you see a place holder text showing the selected version (in gray) in the box denoted above. If for example the gray text says 9.3, then decrease it to 9.2.
Look at seancook's response in the middle of this page... it seems to have fixed this issue for several people.
This can also be fixed by booting into recovery mode (CMD - R) and reinstalling El Capitan.
Go to Windows. Select Devices. Select '+' from left bottom and add all simulators one by one.
I had changed the name of my Project from Finder. I clicked on the old project name (between the Play Button and and the selector for the desired Simulator or Device), selected edit schemes, selected the Targets Tab, and realised that the old scheme was missing so I just added my new Project name by clicking on the plus button and the simulator list reappeared.

Xcode 5 IOS simulator black screen and app install fails

I just updated my xcode to work with ios7. Now whenever I make a new app, even if its set to build for ios7, I get an error in the simulator when running. It says that the install failed, even if I just made the project and haven't coded anything into it yet. The simulator also shows a black screen. I have tried the reset content, and it didn't work. I saw something somewhere saying to delete the Iphone Simulator folder in application support, but no such folder seems to exist. What can I try to do?
With some additional research, I found that Iphone Simultor is in the Xcode.app now, but I don't know what to delete. There are many files under the iPhone Simulator Folder. If I delete the actual app, it just doesnt open. Any ideas?? I dont even get an iphone on the screen, just a black window...
Update 2:
Even when I just go to open developer tools -> iphone simulator
it still gives me just a black screen....
Update 3
I just re-installed X-code, and all works now! Strange....I have no idea what happened...But I thought I would let y'all know for others who have similar issues.
Deleting the iOS Simulator folder of the iOS version in question in
/Users/xxx/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator
helps, but then you always have to repeat all the settings you made in the simulator (language, for example). Try to press the home button and then delete your app like you do it on a real iOS device. You should then be able to install it again.
This seems to be a known issue.
When simulator open - Go to iOS simulator tab -> reset content and settings..
Work for me.
Perhaps this answer will help?
The simulator should be in this folder:
/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/Applications/iOS Simulator.app
Make sure any #try and #catch(NSException *exception) {} blocks are not commented or are working properly.
This is a version mismatch between your OS X version and your Xcode (iOS simulator)
and it seems that you have upgraded your OS X so Xcode needs to be upgraded as well, Check the versions that match with each other.
You need to upgrade your Xcode which will upgrade iOS simulator.
Good Luck,

iPad 2 is not getting detected by xcode4.3

I was able to run my projects in iPad and iPhone using the xcode 4.3 till yesterday. But today when I tried, the XCode is not getting connected with the iPad, and it is getting connected with iPhone.
I have checked the deployment target, provisioning profile, all these things are correct, and working fine in iPhone. In the organizer an orange indicator is showing instead of green symbol while connecting. I have restarted both the system and iPad several times and checked, not get solved.
If anybody having idea about this then please help me.
Just upgrade you Xcode or if you have another computer which contains xcode 4.5, detect your device on that computer this will also detect your device on computer with xcode 4.3.
I also had same problem and this works for me.

IOS Simulator cannot find sdk and the simulated application quit errors

I have been having this Xcode problem for a couple of months where my iOS simulator stops working whenever i run any application on Xcode and says, "The simulated application quit." and "iOS Simulator could not find the SDK. The SDK may need to be reinstalled." I am running Xcode 4.3.3 and have iOS sdk 5.1 and everything updated but it happened on my previous version of Xcode also. I have tried reinstalling Xcode over 10 times now and have been posting this question for a while now. No one has been able to get a solution. I have even sent in a bug report to apple but i don't think they will respond. I have tried doing everything every other person that has this problem has been told to do in other threads. I'm honestly thinking about just buying a new mac and seeing if Xcode will work on that one or taking in my current one to get looked at by apple. So if anyone has any ideas please let me know.
Go to Xcode -> Preferences -> Downloads and make sure the "Target SDK" you have selected in your project is in fact installed under the Downloads windows. For me this magically was uninstalled. Once i installed the SDK that my app was using, all worked again
This worked for me: http://www.colinbowern.com/posts/the-simulated-application-quit
I just deleted the folder "6.1" under ~/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator
The I just launched again the app and the simulator recreated correctly the 6.1 folder.
Resetting the simulator settings (iOS Simulator > Reset Contents and Settings) resolved this issue for me.
I had the same issue. For me suddenly all the installed simulators (4.3 through to 6.0) stopped working. I then went to Xcode -> Preferences -> Downloads, and there I had the chance to update at least the 5.0 simulator. This is now working, yet I was not able to get the 4.3 or 5.1 or 6.0 to work.
I have personally experienced a weird thing with xcode regarding this issue. Sometimes the sdk is installed properly but it still gives this error. I have two classes, if I call first class from the app delegate then the ipad simulator works fine but when I call the second class then it gives the error that the sdk needs to be re-installed.
In my case when the error occured, I had two errors in the second class. When I corrected the errors after debugging, the ipad simulator started to work completely fine. This is quite weird but its not the problem with your sdk, the problem is somewhere in the code.
This just happened to me. I tried to launch with iPhone 5.1 Simulator, got the error "iOS Simulator could not find the SDK. The SDK may need to be reinstalled." I tried running iPad 5.1 Sim, which worked. I switched to non-retina iPad. Then I tried running iPhone 5.1 Simulator again, and it worked.
