Why is local image turned 90 degrees on UIWebView - image

I have an application that is set in landscape mode because of the content it contains. One of the things I want to do is take a picture of a piece of paper. I present the UIImagePickerController locked in portrait mode because it fits the paper size. After the user takes the picture I load that image as a background on a UIWebView. The reason I use a webview is because sometimes I need to load a .pdf there as well. Anyway, I'm setting the background using CSS. Here is the code...
//img is the path to an image.
myHtml = [NSString stringWithFormat:
"<body><img src='%#'></body></html>", img];
[resume loadHTMLString:myHtml baseURL:baseURL];
The problem is, the image is displayed in landscape when the app returns to the UIWebView. Everything else is normal as far as text etc. Is there some reason that images are rotated 90 degrees to fit properly or something? I have tried pretty much everything with no luck.
The other thing is that we I retake a picture and reload the webView the old image remains.

You need to change the orientation of the image from its exif header if there is orientation info available in it. Identifying the picture orientation is the hard part, rotation of imgs can be done easily using css -webkit-transform: rotate(-90deg);

It does have to do with the exif data. While using a webkit transform may be ok for use in just the web view once, if you want to use the image later and have it always be the right orientation I'd use the categories given here:
The article does a great job explaining exactly why the rotation occurs and the code does a nice job of 'fixing' the 'problem' so that you can then make use of the image without having to do extra things or worry about whether it'll be displayed correctly (even though the UIImageView takes the orientation into account).
You can resize with this to the same size it originally was, and it should fix the orientation issue.


Mac Rounded Texture Button with custom image on inactive window

I can see that most apps use Rounded Texture Button for Toolbar commands on macOS. However I can't make those buttons look fully native if I use a custom image (vector or bitmap). The problem is that if the window is inactive, image is still painted the same and not semi-transparent. This works fine if I use the system provided images, so my guess is that it has something to do with the image definition, but I have tried various things (like using Assets or Resources, using vector and bitmap images) and still no success. As said I guess it is something simple, but hard enough that I can't find it, can anyone help?
You need to set the image as template image. Only then AppKit is able to render the image correctly in every circumstance.

Firefox Addon manager blurry icons

I created an extension for Firefox and made a simple icon for it.
But when I tested it in the Addon manager the icon appeared blurry despite my source image was fine.
I started to experiment with different sizes and shapes of the icon.
Figured out that the icon container is 48x48 pixels and the default addon icon is 32x32.
But for any experiments the result was the same.
So I created a simple rectangle icon drawing it by pixels so it shouldn't blur anyway:
But the result blurred again:
There is some sub-pixels around the rectangle though the border should be crisp...
In pixels view:
Also I found the default extension icon (a puzzle piece) and in pixels it looks perfect but in the manager the borders are blurred a little though it's not obvious at first glance.
Are you sure this is not happening when you save the image? I don't know what app you are using, but many photo apps try to compress jpm images when you save them by default. Check this first.
Usually this does not happen with png images, so you could try using a png image instead as well.
It was silly enough... The broblem was the page scale not 100% on the Addons page. Pressed Ctrl+0 and all restored.
It happens sometimes on other web pages when I zoom in/out the view and images lose their sharpness.

Chrome resizes svg images

I have an img menu with svg images that changes the svg image with a identical image with a different color when you push in menu. When I test it with Chrome it works fine until you visit one link the second time, that chrome resize it to a smaller image.
I've made a lot of tests... I've tested :visited css, user agent css, and many another properties and it seems to be all ok. When you changes some css property in developer tools it changes automagically to correct size.
My last test was to change the width from 135px to 134px (don't ask why) and it works in 1680x1050 screen but not in 1920x1200 screen (???????). Is it an aspect ratio problem?
I'm getting crazy!!
I'm using angularjs to make the black image to red image change, but I think this is not the problem (it does a src replacement)
You can see it in the webpage http://silviaperezcruz.com.
I'll apreciate any kind of help.
PD: Sorry for my bad english
I couldn't see an obvious reason why it is doing it,. But if I had to guess, I would cast a suspicious eye on respond.js first. Does it still do it if you remove that?

Displaying a portrait image in KML without it being rotated to landscape

I am trying to reference images with a greater height than width (portrait format) in KML script for Google Earth; however, the image always comes out as landscape, or rotated left 90 degrees, e.g.
<img id="id_photo" src="2012_01_21-dscf03.jpg" width="500"></img>
I've tried everything I could think of. Is there a image tag to correct this, e.g., format="portrait"?
This sounds like an example of EXIF only rotation. Which GE probably doesn't honour.
Some cameras etc, 'rotate' a image so its the right way up by setting a flag in the EXIF data. The raw JPG itself, is still in the landscape format.
A display (or convert) program, should hopefilly notice this 'rotation required' flag, and rotate the image.
But Google Earth probably doesnt honor it, so you are just seeing the baseline image as its actully stored (unrotated)
Recommend trying one of the applications mentioned here:
(many note they have automatic correction - so should "fix" your jpg files)
This is already an old thread, but I stumbled on the same problem. And did not find a solution for my situation. Eventually I found a way around, so I thought I'd share it here.
Basically the solution is to rotate the offending images twice, once 90° to the left and then back again.
What you had was an image with a width larger than the height, but with an orientation tag that tells an application to rotate it 90° (but Google Earth does not).
After rotating it twice it is an image with width and height switched, and an orientation tag that says not to rotate it.
Now any application, including Google Earth, will display it correctly.
I used ExifTool to write the tags for all my images to a CSV file, created a list from that with all the pictures to rotate, and used that list to tell IrfanView twice to rotate them.

Blurry NSImageView

I have an NSImageView in a view that utilizes Core Animation. Prior to using Core Animation the image looks fine but now its blurry and low quality. If I let NSImageView have a bezel border the issue goes away but I need it to have no border. Had this happened to anyone else?
Imgae in the background with no border, same image in the front with a border.
EDIT: I forgot to mention that the image is an icon file (ICNS) so it has various sizes. The bordered view loads the correct size and the transparent one loads the smallest and stretches it.
Although not the way I wanted to, I managed to create a fix for the issue. The issue seemed to be the way that NSImageView was drawing the image so I created a custom NSView subclass with support for the same bindings I used in my original image view. Im not sure why the blurry-ness happend in the beginning, but drawing the image by hand in an NSView seems to do the trick.
Your image may be drawing in a non-pixel-aligned way. Have you tried shifting it by a half pixel?
Apple has a good demonstration of this in the BlurryView app in their "Cocoa Tips and Tricks" sample code.
Cocoa Tips and Tricks
