run windows services in specific order - windows

Is it possible to change the order of windows services or run one service after another?
The reason i want this: I have IIS configuration located on a shared drive. And when i reboot server, it first run IIS (w3wp) service and couldn't start it. because at that point, shared network drive is not available. So i want to first finishing the network service to map all network drives and then run IIS service. so i don't need to restart IIS service every-time i reboot the server. is there any other way to achieve this?

By default, some Windows services are configured with "dependencies" to ensure that the prerequisite services are started first... so you can just add to them.
Here's how to set dependencies with Registry edits , from the command-line (sc config ServiceName depend=servicetoDependOn), and from .NET.

If you're running Server 2008 / Vista / 7 you can set the IIS service for delayed start.
There are sort of two tiers: first all the "automatic" stuff, then the "automatic (delayed start)" stuff.


Is it possible to monitor Windows Services with Perfino and Zipkin?

I want to monitor some Windows Services with either perfino or Zipkin. Does anyone know if that is possible?
As long as you have the ability to specify VM parameters, you can add the monitoring agent, regardless of the whether the JVM is started as a Windows service. For perfino, that VM parameter is
-javaagent:[path to perfino.jar]

PowerShell: determine if a remote server is part of a NLB cluster

As the title says, I'm looking for a way of determining if a given Windows server is part of a NLB cluster.
I know that it is possible to check the presence of a service with Get-Service... but NLB is a kernel driver... also how do I deal with older Windows versions such as 2003?
Well, for win2008+ you have possibility to use Get-NlbClusterNode cmdlet.
I believe you can also check win2003 servers via NLB WMI class, unfortunately I dont have any 2003 server to check if I'm right.

Windows 2008 R2 Failover Cluster FTP with IIS 7.5 (0x80070490 Element Not Found)

I setup a Failover FTP using a script service/application on our 3 node cluster. I have followed the following guide which seems to be fairly complete:
However the FTP site I've added which is linked to the storage for that service will not start. I get the following error: 0x80070490 Element Not Found. I think it may be related to this kbb, but I'm not sure:
Failing over/moving the service around the 3 nodes seems to work fine (except the FTP doesn't start, and starting it manually fails). The IP, computer name, and 2 mount points for storage get moved successfully. The only way I can get it to start is to go into IIS on the owning node, remove the FTP site and set it up again. As soon as I fail it over to another node however, I'm back to the error.
I believe it has something to do with IIS not seeing the storage despite it being available. I've made the storage a prerequisite for the script so the storage must be online before the script tries to start the FTP site. Nevertheless, it doesn't work.
Summary: Windows 2008 R2 Cluster FTP Server is set to broadcast on the service IP. It's root directory is the a root drive of assigned storage in the cluster service. The other storage is a MP mounted underneath this drive. FTP site works fine on initial setup but fails when failing over with Element Not Found error. Seems to be related to disk not being available despite it existing as if you go to of of the other nodes without the disks, the FTP site in IIS has the red 'X' on it and attempting to start it gives the same error.
This was my fault for not setting up Offline files. Once I completed that it worked. Offline files requires two server restarts and I didn't want to go through that process without testing how the Clustered FTP would work (this Cluster is in Production use). Unfortunately, once the share hosting the IIS shared configuration goes offline it will NOT come back online until you recycle the Microsoft FTP Service (which is why offline files is required). I could have modified the script to perform a recycle in the StartFTPSVC function (instead of just checking if it was started and if not starting it).

CruiseControl Remote Dashboard Access

Sorry if this is kind of a noob question, but I'm just starting to use CruiseControl, and I'd like to allow access to the DashBoard from anywhere on the internet.
I can't find any documentation on how to do this. I'm running it off of a Windows machine, and I can start CC and view the DashBoard through http://localhost:8080/
Any ideas?
Update: I added a new Inbound rule for my machine on 8080, however says it's not open. Strange...
I don't think any special action is needed to allow external access, so I think your problem is more of a general web hosting problem than it is specific to CruiseControl. Here are a few things that might be worth looking at:
Make sure your firewall is not blocking access to the port.
Make sure your network's domain policy allows external access to your computer.
Are you starting CruiseControl from the command line or as a service? If starting from the command line, try starting it as a service and see if the results are different. How to do this depends on your system configuration, but usually, if you are using CruiseControl .NET, run the command net start "CruiseControl.Net Server". If you are using standard CruiseControl, run net start "CruiseControl Service".

Windows 7 running as server

I'm developing a program using Windows 7. There are WCF services (soap, rest) that are used by currently by Silverlight but very soon I'll start development of the mobile application that would make use of these services.
On day to day basis I use Mac and Apache to host my website, but during the development of this program I would like to use IIS7 to put my services online. I have absolutely no problems to access all the services via localhost but as soon as I'm trying to connect through the internet I get "The connection has timed out".
I'm sure that my router is configured right as it works perfectly fine when I'm on Mac OS, but it looks like Windows simply blocks incoming connections from outside; I cannot even connect from another computer on the same network.
So is there a way of using Windows 7 as server with IIS7 or is it only possible with Windows Server? I know it might be like enabling/disabling one setting somewhere but I just cannot find it.
Please help.
By default, the Windows 7 firewall doesn't have a port 80 exception for IIS, you will need to either add an exception or disable the firewall to be able to connect from another machine.
Windows has a built-in firewall that is probably blocking the connections. Type "firewall" into the control panel search box to find the settings to allow stuff through/turn it off completely.
