Test::Unit::TestCase from rakefile? - ruby

I'm stuck trying to call individual unit test methods from a rake file to automate my testing but I keep getting an error. Every time I run 'rake manage' I get an error in my 'manage' task saying: wrong number of arguments 0 for 1. Here is my rake file:
require "test_file"
task :default => [:commands]
task :manage do
myTest = Unit_Test.new
And my actual class that has uses the Test::Unit::TestCase class. This is in a separate file called 'test_file.rb'.
class Unit_Test < Test::Unit::TestCase
include Rack::Test::Methods
def test
puts "this is just a test"
There error is pointing to:
myTest = Unit_Test.new
How do I call individual methods from this class? I basically want to call certain methods from this class in different tasks but I cannot get it to work. How do I get this working?

Have you considered doing
ruby test_file.rb --name test_method_to_be_run
Or do you need to run multiple test methods?
Also, what version of Ruby are you using? 1.8 or 1.9?


Unable to call Ruby mixin instance method from RSpec

I want to run a basic RSpec unit test on an instance method of a mixin (module) named Debug. Below are the file contents of the Debug mixin:
Mixin File: ./mixins/debug.rb
module Debug
def class_info?
Validate Debug mixin instance methods accessible from RSpec:
When I run irb and include the Debug mixin with commands require_relative './mixins/debug.rb' and include Debug, and then call Debug.class_info? it successfully returns "Module"
Then if I run rspec with the following RSpec unit test to confirm that the RSpec context can access the instance methods of the mixin, the test successfully passes:
RSpec Unit Test Setup #1: ./spec/mixins/debug_spec.rb
require_relative '../../mixins/debug.rb'
RSpec.describe Debug, "#class_info?" do
include Debug
before(:each) do
#class_info_instance_method = Debug.instance_methods[0].to_s
context "with mixins" do
it "has class info instance method" do
expect(#class_info_instance_method).to eq "class_info?"
Problem when calling Debug mixin instance method from RSpec:
Lastly, I change the RSpec unit test to be as follows, so instead it actually calls the class_info? instance method of the Debug mixin:
RSpec Unit Test Setup #2: ./spec/mixins/debug_spec.rb
require_relative '../../mixins/debug.rb'
RSpec.describe Debug, "#class_info?" do
include Debug
before(:each) do
#class_info = Debug.class_info?
context "with mixins" do
it "shows class info" do
expect(#class_info).to eq "Module"
But now when I run rspec from the command line, why does it return the following error? (Note: even though in the previous RSpec Unit Test Setup #1 that was entirely similar I checked I could successfully access this Debug mixin instance method)
1) Debug#class_info? with mixins shows class info
Failure/Error: #class_info = Debug.class_info?
undefined method `class_info?' for Debug:Module
Note: I have shared the above code in my RubyTest GitHub repo.
Setup and References:
My System:
Ruby: ruby 2.3.0p0 (ruby -v)
RSpec: 3.5.4 (rspec -v)
Applying example from Mixins chapter of Programming Ruby book
When you include a module, the methods become instance methods in the included class. Debug.class_info? doesn't work because there is no class method class_info?. I'm also not sure that the way you've included the module in your test is the best way to do it. Would something like this work?
require_relative '../../mixins/debug.rb'
class TestClass
include Debug
RSpec.describe Debug, "#class_info?" do
let(:test_instance) { TestClass.new }
context "with mixins" do
it "shows class info" do
expect(test_instance.class_info?).to eq "TestClass"

ruby unit testing at_start not found

I am using test-unit-2.5.5 with ruby 1.9.3. In http://test-unit.rubyforge.org/test-unit/en/Test/Unit.html#at_start-class_method there is a method called at_start as part of the ruby test::unit module from version 2.5.2. I tried to use it from the examples on the page like so:
class TestAOS < Test::Unit::TestCase
Test::Unit.at_start do
puts "start"
Test::Unit.at_exit do
puts "Exit!"
But when I run my test I get the following:
NoMethodError: undefined method `at_start' for Test::Unit:Module
TestAOS at unit/TestAOS.rb:8
(root) at unit/TestAOS.rb:7
Do I need to do anything first before this method can be used? I'm new to ruby
When I comment out the at_start bloack and run the test I get a different error for at_exit:
NoMethodError: private method `at_exit' called for Test::Unit:Module
TestAOS at unit/TestAOS.rb:12
(root) at unit/TestAOS.rb:7
In the example provided by your link the
Test::Unit.at_start do
puts "start"
is called outside of test class. You are calling it from inside of your test class. Just move it outside of your TestAOS

Trouble w/ Rubymine and unit tests

DISCLAIMER: I am very new to ruby, still trying to get my feet wet, so this could be hugely stupid issue.
I'm trying to get a very simple project and one unit test working, and the Universe is throwing a LifeException (I just can't figure this out)
Using Rubymine 4.0.1 on Mac OS X, 10.7.3.
Launched RubyMine and created a new project (not Rails) "TestExample"
Created a new Ruby Class, file is my_class.rb.
class MyClass
def say_hi
puts "Hi!"
my = MyClass.new
Create a new TestUnit Test Template, file is "my_test.rb"
require "test/unit"
class MyTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_create
#my = MyClass.new
At this point I have two issues:
1. How do I 'require' my class in my tests? If I change the above test case to:
require "test/unit"
require "my_class"
class MyTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_create
#my = MyClass.new
and attempt to run my "All tests in: TestExample" configuration, I get a "Exception message: cannot load such a file -- my_class". The Tests folder and working directory are pointed to the location of the files. (every file is in the same folder)
The other is a "Unable to attach test reporter to test framework".
I've googled and attempted to figure this out to no avail. I realize this is two questions in one, and if I could just get tests working, I'd be happy.
Thanks for any input and don't laugh to hard at my uber-ruby-noobness.
[Update] - This only happens when using the RVM: ruby-1-9.3-p125 SDK. If I use the ruby-1.8.7-p249(/usr/bin/ruby), it does work. This has to be some configuration issue.
For the first question, try:
require_relative 'my_class'
I can't answer the second.

How to use omit for Test::Unit::TestCase in Ruby to omit/skip the execution of a certain method/test

I am trying to skip/omit some tests. My environment is Ruby/selenium webdriver/Test Unit.
This how the structure looks:
class HeadTestCase < Test::Unit::TestCase
class UnitTest1 < CCTestCase
class UnitTest1 < CCTestCase
def web_test_01
omit("Skipping this test")
some code related to test
Omit method signature is omit("Message",&block)
I dont know what I should put for &block.
Also is this a correct way to skip a test?
Using omit the way you are using it here looks correct. The trick is that you need to be using the test-unit gem and not the minimal version of Test::Unit included with the Ruby distribution.
gem install test-unit
You do not need to use a code block with omit unless you want only part of the code in your test case to be omitted. Use do and end as usual for a block:
def web_test_01
omit("Skipping part of the test") do
# Code here would be skipped
# Code here would be executed

Ruby undefined method for 'assert' for :class

I'm trying to use the Test::Unit::TestCase API in ruby to do some unit tests but have run into an issue with using assert. I am only trying to call specific methods within a class that uses the Test::Unit::TestCase class but it keeps failing on assert. In my rake file I have:
require 'test_file'
task :manage do
my_app = Test::Unit::TestCase::Unit_Test
And in my test_file.rb I have:
require 'rubygems'
require 'test/unit'
require 'rack/test'
class Unit_Test < Test::Unit::TestCase
include Rack::Test::Methods
# manage tests
def self.test1
browser = Rack::Test::Session.new(Rack::MockSession.new(Sinatra::Application))
browser.get '/homepage'
assert browser.last_response.ok?
Everything works up until I get to the 'assert' statement which says: Undefined method assert for Unit_Test:Class. If I do not make the method a static method than it will run ALL of the methods within the Unit_Test class. I only want to run specific unit tests from my rake file.
What am I missing?
I can't think of a nice way to use assert from a class method because assert is an instance method.
If you want to run just a specific test method you might be better off making the test an instance method and using the name parameter, e.g.:
ruby test_file.rb --name test1
You should be able to invoke that from your rake task.
