How to Produce prototype objects from singleton? (Design help needed) - spring

I'm relatively new to Spring and I've got myself dug in a hole. I'm trying to model motor cars. Each model has it's own builder object, and I have a BuilderFactory that returns the correct builder based upon user selection from a web-app.
So I'm looking for suggestions on how to approach this problem where I need to create a number of individual vehicles, but I don't know what type of vehicle I'm going to need until run-time, and each vehicle needs to be unique to the user.
What I've got at the moment is shown below. The problem I have at the moment is that because the individual builders are singletons so are the individual vehicles. I need them
to be prototypes. I know it all looks pretty horrible so I'm sure there must be a better way of doing this.
The top level from the web-app looks like;
Vehicle vehicle = vehicleBuilderFactory.getBuilder(platform).build();
My vehicleBuilderFactory looks like this;
public class VehicleBuilderFactory {
Discovery3Builder discovery3Builder;
Discovery4Builder discovery4Builder;
// Lots of #Autowired statements here.
FreeLander2010Builder freeLander2010Builder;
public VehicleBuilder getBuilder(Platform platform) {
switch (platform.getId()) {
case 1: return discovery3Builder;
case 2: return discovery4Builder;
// Lots of case statements here
case 44: return freeLander2010Builder;
default: return null;
which itself looks pretty horrible. Each individual builder looks like;
public class DefenderBuilder implements VehicleBuilder {
Defender defender;
// Loads of Defender specific setters ommitted
public Vehicle build() {
return defender;
and finally the individual vehicle
public class Defender extends Vehicle {
The main problem now, is that because the builders are singletons, so are the vehicles, and
I need them to be prototypes, because User A's Defender is different to user B's Defender.

You can use Spring's ObjectFactory to have it service up prototype scoped beans from a singleton scoped bean. The usage is pretty straightforward:
class DefenderBuilder implement VechicleBuilder {
ObjectFactory<Defender> defenderFactory;
Defender build() {
return defenderFactory.getObject()
class Defender {
This returns a new Defender on each call to defenderFactory.getObject()

Without reading too much into the detail you say you want to produce Prototype beans from a singleton possibly with a look up in the IoC container.
Section Lookup method injection of the Spring documentation describes how this can be done without losing the Inversion of Control i.e. without your beans knowing about the bean store.
I have made use of the ServiceLocatorFactoryBean to solve a similar problem before. The class level Javadoc is excellent and contains some clear examples.

Two things:
1) You can use proxy in order to hold narrower scope from wider scope(e.g prototype from singleton)
All you need is to define the prototype component with the relevant scope and proxyMode
You can read about scoped proxy here.
2) Another thing that I have noticed is that you plan to use multiple autowired annotation.
note that you can use autowire on a list of interface and it will autowire all components that implements this interface as discussed here.
Moreover you can add a platform id to the VehicleBuilder interface and then generate a map in the constructor e.g:
Map<Integer, VehicleBuilder> vehicleBuilders;
public VehicleBuilderFactory(List<VehicleBuilder> vehicleBuilders) {
this.vehicleBuilders =
.collect(Collectors(x -> x.getPlatformId(), x -> x));
in that way you can avoid the switch case.


How to choose bean implementation at runtime for every http request

I am having two implementations of my component.
public interface MyComponent {
public class ImpComp1 implements MyComponent {
public class ImpComp2 implements MyComponent {
What I did so far is to create two conditions like so:
public class FirstCondition implements Condition {
public boolean matches(ConditionContext arg0, AnnotatedTypeMetadata arg1) {
return staticVariable.contains("impCompf");
Same goes for imple2
and define a configuration class
public class MyConfiguration {
#Conditional(FirstCondition .class)
public MyComponent getComp1() {
return new ImpComp1();
public static String staticVariable= "impCompf";
and in My main controller:
#RequestMapping(value="api/{co}", method=RequestMethod.POST)
public ResponseEntity<Modelx> postSe(#PathVariable("co") String co) {
staticVariable = "impCompf";
else (co.contains("impComps"))
staticVariable = "impComps";
What I want: for every http request I want to load proper implementation
But however what I am getting is the implementation defined first in the static variable.
If is there another elegant and better way, i'd like to know about it.
I think there is some confusion here about the purpose of the conditions. These aren't being used at the time your requests arrive to autowire the candidate bean into your controller. These are being used when the application is started to configure the application context based on the environment and classpath etc...
There is no need for the conditional classes that you have created. This is defining the configuration of the beans when the context starts and not on a per request basis at runtime.
The use of the static variable is also problematic is a scenario with one or more concurrent requests or in a case where multiple threads may observe different values unless some other mechanism in the java memory model is being used (such as volatile or establishing a happens before relationship, e.g. with sychnronized)
There are a number of ways to do what you appear to be trying to achieve. Since ultimately, you appear to be using a path parameter supplied by a client to determine which service you want to invoke you could use a classic factory pattern to return the correct interface implementation based on the string input programmatically.
Alternatively you could create two distinct controller methods which are distinguished by a query parameter or endpoint name or path match etc. You could then have the appropriate service injected by a qualified bean name
Although perhaps generally recommended, you could also inject an application context instance and search the it looking for the relevant bean by name or class: - although This is more cumbersome and you'd need to handle things like org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException or casting in some cases - best avoided in favour of one of the other methods.

Repository pattern in MVC: controller code explanation

What is the purpose of SudentRepository in this example? Why do I need one?
public class StudentController : Controller
private IStudentRepository _repository;
public StudentController() : this(new StudentRepository())
public StudentController(IStudentRepository repository)
_repository = repository;
I updated to actually include a specific question that I think you're getting at. The purpose of StudentRepository is to encapsulate interactions with persisted data. The Controller need not know if its stored in a db, flat file, in memory, etc.
The reason you're injecting it in via an interface is because you may eventually have multiple implementations of that repository, and the interface is just a contract to ensure basic functionality across all implementations. This is called constructor injection (a type of dependency injection) in case you want to learn more.

How to get all self injected Beans of a special type?

I would like to build a Spring application, where new components can be added easily and without much configuration. For example: You have different kinds of documents. These documents should be able to get exported into different fileformats.
To make this functionality easy to maintain, it should (basically) work the following way:
Someone programs the file format exporter
He/ She writes a component, which checks if the file format exporter is licensed (based on Spring Conditions). If the exporter is licensed a specialized Bean is injected in the application context.
The "whole rest" works dynamically based on the injected beans. Nothing needs to be touched in order to display it on the GUI, etc.
I pictured it the following way:
public class ExcelExporter implements Condition {
public void init() {
public Exporter excelExporter(){
Exporter exporter= new ExcelExporter();
return exporter;
public boolean matches(ConditionContext context, AnnotatedTypeMetadata metadata) {
return true;
In order to work with those exporters (display them, etc.) I need to get all of them. I tried this:
Map<String, Exporter> exporter =BeanFactoryUtils.beansOfTypeIncludingAncestors(appContext, Exporter.class, true, true);
Unfortunate this does not work (0 beans returned). I am fairly new to this, would anyone mind to tell me how this is properly done in Spring? Maybe there is a better solution for my problem than my approach?
You can get all instances of a given type of bean in a Map effortlessly, since it's a built in Spring feature.
Simply autowire your map, and all those beans will be injected, using as a key the ID of the bean.
Map<String,Exporter> exportersMap;
If you need something more sophisticated, such as a specific Map implementation or a custom key. Consider defining your custom ExporterMap, as follows
class ExporterMap implements Map{
private Set<Exporter> availableExporters;
//your stuff here, including init if required with #PostConstruct

Marker interface with Multiple implementations...!

I have a question regarding how to implement Marker interface through spring. I need to point my marker interface to its implemented classes. Itself marker interface dont have any of function declaration.
interface A {
/* No Method declaration */
Class B implement A {
void function1(){ .. }
void function2(){ .. }
Class C implement A {
void function3(){ .. }
void function4(){ .. }
Now Some where in my business Logic, i would like to use #Autowire though my interface to point any of one implementation.
A aB;
A aC;
It dont work. Will you please help to implement in correct way…! I was expecting thorugh reflection it should give me the list of method available in the implemented classes but it dont.
Added More Details
The only thing i would like to do is, I would like to reply IResponse to my business methods, instead of different tyoe. Its ok for me if i would have to #Authowired direct to implementation like
B aB;
but i thought if there is some way my IDE and Spring do some logic and when i #Autowired my interface towards implementation then it should be able to pick my Implementation class and should show me the business methods. Its not magic, when i am using qualified. I just want from spring to show me business methods through reflection.
What is the point of injecting A exactly? You probably expect Spring to do some kind of "magic" when it injects the dependency. It does not. I will simply inject the bean that you have required if it can inject it. In your case, the Qualifer value gives a hint as to which bean instance spring injects.
Except the typo (it's #Autowired, not #Autowire), this code should indeed inject B and C. But as you declared them as being A in your code you'll get a simple java.lang.Object basically. That's just a fundamental principle of Java that is strongly typed language.

How to inject ISession into Repository correctly?

Please correct me on the following scenario. ( Question is at the end)
(I asked a similar question that was un-organized and it was voted to close. So I have summarized the question here into a scope that can be replied with exact answers.)
I am developing a web application with multiple layers using nhibernate as ORM. My layer structure is as follow
Model Layer
Repository Layer
Services Layer
UI Layer
with the above layers, the classes and interfaces are placed as below.
ProductController.cs (UI Layer)
public class ProductController : Controller
ProductServices _ProductServices;
NHibernate.ISession _Session;
public ProductController()
_Session = SessionManager.GetCurrentSession();
_ProductServices = new ProductServices(
new ProductRepository(), _Session);
// Cont..
ProductServices.cs (Service Layer)
public class ProductServices : IProductServices
protected IProductRepository _ProductRepository;
protected NHibernate.ISession _Session;
public ProductServices(IProductRepository productRepository,
NHibernate.ISession session)
_ProductRepository = productRepository;
_Session = session;
// cont...
ProductRepository.cs (Repository Layer)
public class ProductRepository : IProductRepository
NHibernate.ISession _Session;
public void SetSession(NHibernate.ISession session)
_Session = session;
public IEnumerable<Product> FindAll()
return _Session.CreateCriteria<Product>().List<Product>();
From the UI layer, I create the session as request per session and inject into service layer with the help of class constructor. Then set the session of repository with a help of a method.
I am afraid if I pass the _Session directly to repository as constructor, I will not have the control over it under the service layer. Also there is a future extension plan for using a webservice layer.
** Is there a way to ensure in each method of ProductRepository class that _Session is set already, without writing the piece of code if(_Session==null) in each and every method as it is repeating the same code.
** If the above pattern is wrong, Please show me a right way to achieve this goal.
What you are doing amazed me a bit. You applying the constructor injection pattern in the ProductService, which is definitely the way to go. On the other hand you are not injecting the dependencies into the ProductController, but that class is requesting one of those dependencies through a static class (this is the Service Locator anti-pattern) and creates a ProductServices class itself. This makes this class hard to test and makes your application less flexible and maintainable, since you can't easily change, decorate or intercept the use of the ProductServices class, when it's been used in multiple places.
And although you are (correctly) using constructor injection for the dependencies in the ProductServices, you are passing those dependencies on to the product repository, instead of applying the constructor injection pattern on the ProductResopistory as well.
Please show me a right way to achieve this goal.
The right way is to apply the constructor injection pattern everywhere. When you do this, your code will start to look like this:
public class ProductController : Controller
private ProductServices _ProductServices;
public ProductController(ProductServices services)
_ProductServices = services;
// Cont..
public class ProductServices : IProductServices
private IProductRepository _ProductRepository;
public ProductServices(
IProductRepository productRepository)
_ProductRepository = productRepository;
// cont...
public class ProductRepository : IProductRepository
private ISession _Session;
public ProductRepository (ISession session)
_Session = session;
public IEnumerable<Product> FindAll()
return _Session
See how each class only takes in dependencies that it uses itself. So the ProductController and ProductServices don't depend on ISession (I made the assumption that only ProductRepoistory needs ISession). See how -from a class's perspective- everything is much simpler now?
Did we actually solve a problem here? It seems like we just moved the problem of wiring all classes together up the dependency graph. Yes we did move the problem. And this is a good thing. Now each class can be tested in isolation, is easier to follow, and the application as a whole is more maintainable.
Somewhere in the application however, a ProductController must be created. This could look like this:
new ProductController(
new ProductServices(
new ProductRepository(
In its normal configuration, ASP.NET MVC will create controller classes for you, and it needs a default constructor to do so. If you want to wire up controllers using constructor injection (which you should definitely do), you need to do something 'special' to get this to work.
ASP.NET MVC allows you to override the default ControllerFactory class. This allows you to decide how to create controller instances. However, when your application starts to grow, it will get really awkward very quickly when you are creating your dependency graphs by hand (as my last example shows). In this case, it would be much better to use a Dependency Injection framework. Most of them contain a feature / package that allows you to integrate it with ASP.NET MVC and automatically allows to use constructor injection on your MVC controllers.
Are we done yet? Well... are we ever? There's one thing in your design that triggered a flag in my brain. Your system contains a class named ProductServices. Although a wild guess, the name Services seems like you wrapped all product related business operations inside that class. Depending on the size of your system, the number of people on your team, and the amount of changes you need to make, this might get problematic. For instance, how to you effectively apply cross-cutting concerns (such as logging, validation, profiling, transaction management, fault tolerance improvements) in such way that to system stays maintainable?
So instead of wrapping all operations in a single ProductServices class, try giving each business transaction / use case its own class and apply the same (generic) interface to all those classes. This description might be a bit vague, but it is a great way to improve the maintainability of small and big systems. You can read more about that here.
You can use a dependency injection container such as Autofac to instantiate your session and manage the lifetime of it. Leave the responsibility of instantiating the session to Autofac and simply inject the ISession interface into any classes that require the dependency. Have a look at this post: Managing NHibernate ISession with Autofac
You will also find this wiki page useful about configuring Autofac with MVC3:
