Ruby BitTorrent Library [closed] - ruby

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am thinking of writing customized torrent client in ruby. I found the following libraries (which are pretty old as Matt pointed out bellow). However i would like to hear about any library that i might have missed and i would love to hear what the community have to say about the following libraries. As in pros and cons...
Please note that i am hoping to modify some inner workings of the library to suit my needs. Hence a pure ruby library would be ideal.
Note: I searched stackoverflow for this question (or anything similar). The only questions that came up were asked long ago and didn't have any decent answers. Hence this new question.
Ruby Torrent Library
Thanks for your time!

After not finding any good solution to connect my ruby code to a BitTorrent protocol I have implemented a Ruby wrapper for the Transmission RPC API:
It is a very simple version that works for my needs.
Of course it has a very big dependency of a Transmission client running for it, but I think it is a dependency you want to have due it is a very stable and very updated bittorrent client.
I recommend to set up a headless transmission daemon

You have a few alternatives, rolling your own with FFI and any c/c++/java torrent library, or use a well known torrent daemon (ie: transmission, utorrent, etc) and talk to it via its rpc interface.


How to integrate a client library into Laravel? (Amazon MWS)

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Closed 10 hours ago.
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I'm still a weekend-programmer-wannabe trying to learn the basics of MVC so excuse my silly question.
I have some client libraries that I'm trying to integrate into Laravel (the Amazon MWS libraries to be exact As far as I can tell, this client library is already built for MVC (it has 'models' and clients lol so that's what I'm going by.
My suspicion is that I can just install these libraries via composer like through one of these packages
My questions:
If I'm integrating a client library, would you almost always do this via composer? Would it only be very rarely that you integrate these manually?
If installing a client library via composer, do I just search on packagist for someone who has created a repository for this library? My initial thought was that I would want the Developer to have this hosted on packagist, not somebody random (like it appears to be for the MWS package).
I know I'm asking a lot of really basic questions and I've probably made some silly assumptions so excuse my ignorance. MVC is still daunting for me.

Working with monkey patches [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Is monkey patching possible in Go as in Ruby?
If so, I have a third party library build, which contains one function called encrypt. Now i want to overwrite the behaviour of the function. Is that possible?
Golang is a compiled language, you'll have to edit the code, recompile and deploy all over again. "monkey patching" isn't possible as if you're talking about changing the software after it is already deployed like ruby. (which is an interpreted language).
But if your concerns are beyond an hotfix and involve adding new code at runtime from external source, you might want to have a look at go plugins.
here's a nice medium post about it.
I'm not big on ruby so to make sure we are on the same page: my understanding is that monkey patching allows you to change the underlying behaviours (methods) attached to a given type at runtime.
In go this would be a big fat no no, probably should be in ruby too for the most part :)
Types are concrete in go, everything has to know what it is dealing with at compile time. It's difficult to propose a solution without a clearer understanding of the end goal, can you provide a more concrete example?

Is it possible to high performance computing by Golang and CUDA? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I've googled for a while and the only useful infos are:
Unfortunately, the latest Arch Linux only provides CUDA 7.5 package, so the barnex's project may be not supported.
Arne Vansteenkiste recommends concurrency rather than pure Golang or Golang plus CUDA. What's more, there's someone says the same idea that "Wouldn't it be cool to start a goroutine on a GPU and communicate with it via channels?". I think both of these ideas are wonderful since I would like to change the existing code as little as possible instead of refactoring the whole program. Is the idea possible, or is there some documents introducing this topic in details?
It seems that there's two bindings to HPC in Golang:
CUDA (< 6.0):
Both of them are less documented, currently what I got is only Macro13's answer, very helpful, but it's more about java . So please help me some detailed materials in Golang. Thanks!

Ruby GUI Development on Mac/Linux and Windows [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I have following concern:
I should creat a application for a documentation tool (Tex/Word files to a final PDF). This tool requires a GUI and I would really love to write it in my fav programming lang Ruby.
The main problem while asking my friend google was: every question was asked 3+ years ago and/or the libraries are outdated.
So is there a nice way to get a GUI with Ruby on Mac/Linux and Windows (it would not bother me to create two different interfaces). Or are some better solutions out there (please no .java)
(Ruby on Rails could be a solution, but only browserbased ...)
Would be happy for your Ideas and Solutions :)
Best Regards
I grepped #ruby channel logs and found that people often recommend Shoes framework for Ruby GUI apps.
Since Shoes makes use of JRuby, it requires Java to run. It shouldn't be a problem if your software is intended for regular people, as Java is installed on most computers anyway.
Some tutorial:
While there are some Ruby solutions for GUI, I would go for writing a Rails Web application and wrapping it with node-webkit instead. You will have a separate window for the application so it's kind of a native app, not a webapp. ;)
Please note you will need to bundle both node.js and Ruby binaries for the platforms you want to support. The most popular approach for node-webkit wrapped apps is AngularJS - then you don't have to bundle Ruby.
I have created a Gem LibUI for creating small GUI tools in Ruby. You can try it out if you like.

Projects handler program [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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In our company we need a project handler so we decided to write our own.
We use CMake and bazaar and we still don't know if to store the informations of the
projects in XML format or in a database.
We are locked at this point: we would like to use as less languages/tools as possible
but we cannot find a way to interface CMake with XML files or databases.
An idea could be Python but it would be really annoying to use a new language just for an interface. We've seen that there's a Python framework (Waf) but we have already used CMake for all our projects and it would take a lot of time to convert all.
We work with Ubuntu and Windows.
Suggestions ?
thanks in advance
Rather than make your own tool, use an off-the-shelf product like something from the Jira suite, or BuildMaster. Many of these have great integration with most build software and don't require you to write and maintain your own stack just to manage projects.
Focus your developer time on solving your business problems, not on reinventing the wheel. Their time is MUCH more valuable than the cost of using a ready-made solution.
