solving an equation for the square of the variable? - wolfram-mathematica

Given a expression (polynomial, or any equation in general) such as
a s^2+b = 0
I want to solve for s^2, to get s^2 = -b/a. We all know that one can't just write
because s^2 is not a 'variable'. only s is a 'variable'. So what I do is
eq = a s^2+b;
sol = First#Solve[eq==0/.s^2->z,z];
I was wondering if there is a way to do the above, without the intermediate variable substitution?
I tried many commands, but no success (reduce, collect, eliminate, factor. etc...).

One way is to solve for s and then square it...
eq=a s^2+b;
sol=#^2 &# (s/.Solve[eq==0,s])//DeleteDuplicates
Out[1]= {-(b/a)}

You could use the Notation package, but it leads to other issues.
So here is your original equation:
In[1]:= Solve[b + a s^2 == 0, s^2]
During evaluation of In[1]:= Solve::ivar: s^2 is not a valid variable. >>
Out[1]= Solve[b + a s^2 == 0, s^2]
Now Symbolize s^2 so that the normal Mathematica evaluator treats it like any other symbol
In[2]:= Needs["Notation`"]
In[3]:= Symbolize[ParsedBoxWrapper[SuperscriptBox["s", "2"]]]
In[4]:= Solve[b + a s^2 == 0, s^2]
Out[4]= {{s^2 -> -(b/a)}}
The problem is that s^2 really is treated as just another symbol, eg
In[6]:= Sqrt[s^2] // PowerExpand
Out[6]= Sqrt[s^2]
A work around is to replace s^2 with s*s, since Symbolize only acts on user inputed expressions (ie at the level of interpreting inputted Box structures)
In[7]:= Sqrt[s^2] /. s^2 -> s s // PowerExpand
Out[7]= s


How to make Mathematica Simplify Square Root Expression

I would like Mathematica to evaluate square root of a squared variable. Instead it is just returning the squared variable under square root. I wrote a simple code as an example:
x = y^2
z = FullSimplify[Sqrt[x]]
But it is returning y^2 under a square root sign!
This behavior is documented on the Sqrt reference page:
Sqrt[z^2] is not automatically converted to z.
These conversions can be done using PowerExpand, but will typically be correct only for positive real arguments.
In[1]:= x = y^2
Out[1]= y^2
In[15]:= PowerExpand[Sqrt[x]]
Out[15]= y
You can also get simplifications by supplying various assumptions:
In[10]:= Simplify[Sqrt[x], Assumptions -> Element[y, Reals]]
Out[10]= Abs[y]
In[13]:= Simplify[Sqrt[x], Assumptions -> y > 0]
Out[13]= y
In[14]:= Simplify[Sqrt[x], Assumptions -> y < 0]
Out[14]= -y
If you want more help, I suggest asking on the Mathematica Stack Exchange.

How do I find the maximum positive value in an array in Mathematica?

I have an array of expressions, each depends on a.
I want to find the minimal positive value, as it depends on a, without having to substitute for a.
For example, if the array is [a^2, 1-2a, 1], then the function, call it MinPositive would return:
(MinPositive[a^2, 1-2a, 1]) /. a-> 0
(MinPositive[a^2, 1-2a, 1]) /. a-> 0.7
and so on.
Any ideas?
I would appreciate help to write the MinPositive function so that it can be used, for example, instead of the regular Min function.
Did you have something like this in mind? Return the expression that retsults in the min value..
minp[lst_, a_, v_] := (
pos = Select[lst, ((# /. a -> v) > 0) &];
Last#Sort[pos , ( (#1 /. a -> v ) > (#2 /. a -> v )) &])
minp[{a^2, 1 - 2 a, 1}, a, .2] -> a^2
minp[{a^2, 1 - 2 a, 1}, a, .48] -> 1-2 a
minp[{a^2, 1 - 2 a, 1}, a, 2] -> 1
The expression
[a^2, 1-2a, 1]
is not a well-formed Mathematica expression, perhaps you mean
{a^2, 1-2a, 1}
which is a valid expression for a list of 3 elements. Mathematica doesn't really do arrays as such, though lists can generally be used to model arrays.
On the other hand the expression
MinPositive[a^2, 1-2a, 1]
is a valid call to a function called MinPositive with 3 arguments.
All that to one side, I think you might be looking for a function call such as
MinPositive[{a^2, 1-2a, 1}/.a->0]
in which the value of 0 will be substituted for a inside the call to MinPositive but will not be applied outside that call.
It's not clear from your question whether you want help to write the MinPositive function; if you do, edit your question and make it clear. Further, your question title asks for the maximum positive value, while the body of your question refers to minima. You might want to sort that out too.
I don't have Mathematica on this machine so I haven't checked this, but it should be close enough for you to finish off:
minPositive[lst_List] := Min[Select[lst,#>0&]]
which you would then call like this
minPositive[{a^2, 1-2a, 1}]
(NB: I avoid creating functions with a name with an initial capital letter.)
Or, considering your comment, perhaps you want something like
minPositive[lst_List, rl_Rule] := Min[Select[lst/.rl,#>0&]]
which you would call like this:
minPositive[{a^2, 1-2a, 1},a->2]
The trouble, for you, with an expression such as
(MinPositive[a^2, 1-2a, 1]) /. a-> 0
is that the normal evaluation loop in Mathematica will cause the evaluation of the MinPositive function before the replacement rule is applied. How then can Mathematica figure out the minimum positive value in the list when a is set to a particular value ?
To prevent evaluation of the arguments before calling the body of the function is achieved by setting the attributes of the function to HoldAll (prevents evaluations of all arguments), HoldFirst (prevents the evaluation of the first argument only) or HoldRest (prevents the evaluation of all but the first argument).
In addition, since "a" by itself is not an argument, you need to use Block to isolate it from (potential) definitions for "a"
SetAttributes[minPositive, HoldAll]
minPositive[lst_List] := Block[{a},Min[Select[lst /. a -> 0, # > 0 &]]]
and even if you explicitly set a to some other value, say
minPositive[{a^2, 1 - 2 a, 100}]
returns 9 as expected

Specifying extra information to Mathematica for Simplifying expressions

Sometimes, we know that certain variables are positive, or natural numbers, or real and it helps to simplify the expressions. For example,
Integrate[Sign[x], {x, -l/2, l}]
evaluates to
1/2 l (-3 + 6 DiscreteDelta[l] + 2 HeavisideTheta[-l] +
4 HeavisideTheta[l]), l \[Element] Reals]
But if I know that l is a real positive number, I am actually looking at -l/2. Is there a way to specify this extra information or constraint so Mathematica can simplify the expression?
It will usually evaluate faster if you specify Assumptions inside of Integrate:
Integrate[Sign[x], {x, -l/2, l}, Assumptions -> l > 0]
I found the answer, you can specify assumptions, such as
Simplify[Integrate[Sign[x], {x, -l/2, l}], l > 0]
which reduces to l/2.

Addition of Functions

So generally, if you have two functions f,g: X -->Y, and if there is some binary operation + defined on Y, then f + g has a canonical definition as the function x --> f(x) + g(x).
What's the best way to implement this in Mathematica?
f[x_] := x^2
g[x_] := 2*x
h = f + g;
(f + g)[1]
as an output
of course,
H = Function[z, f[z] + g[z]];
Yields '3'.
In[1]:= Through[(f + g)[1]]
Out[1]= f[1] + g[1]
To elaborate, you can define h like this:
h = Through[ (f + g)[#] ] &;
If you have a limited number of functions and operands, then UpSet as recommended by yoda is surely syntactically cleaner. However, Through is more general. Without any new definitions involving Times or h, one can easily do:
i = Through[ (h * f * g)[#] ] &
Another way of doing what you're trying to do is using UpSetDelayed.
f[x_] := x^2;
g[x_] := 2*x;
f + g ^:= f[#] + g[#] &; (*define upvalues for the operation f+g*)
h[x_] = f + g;
Out[1]= 2 z + z^2
Also see this very nice answer by rcollyer (and also the ones by Leonid & Verbeia) for more on UpValues and when to use them
I will throw in a complete code for Gram - Schmidt and an example for function addition etc, since I happened to have that code written about 4 years ago. Did not test extensively though. I did not change a single line of it now, so a disclaimer (I was a lot worse at mma at the time). That said, here is a Gram - Schmidt procedure implementation, which is a slightly generalized version of the code I discussed here:
oneStepOrtogonalizeGen[vec_, {}, _, _, _] := vec;
oneStepOrtogonalizeGen[vec_, vecmat_List, dotF_, plusF_, timesF_] :=
Fold[plusF[#1, timesF[-dotF[vec, #2]/dotF[#2, #2], #2]] &, vec, vecmat];
GSOrthogonalizeGen[startvecs_List, dotF_, plusF_, timesF_] :=
Fold[Append[#1,oneStepOrtogonalizeGen[#2, #1, dotF, plusF, timesF]] &, {}, startvecs];
normalizeGen[vec_, dotF_, timesF_] := timesF[1/Sqrt[dotF[vec, vec]], vec];
GSOrthoNormalizeGen[startvecs_List, dotF_, plusF_, timesF_] :=
Map[normalizeGen[#, dotF, timesF] &, GSOrthogonalizeGen[startvecs, dotF, plusF, timesF]];
The functions above are parametrized by 3 functions, realizing addition, multiplication by a number, and the dot product in a given vector space. The example to illustrate will be to find Hermite polynomials by orthonormalizing monomials. These are possible implementations for the 3 functions we need:
hermiteDot[f_Function, g_Function] :=
Module[{x}, Integrate[f[x]*g[x]*Exp[-x^2], {x, -Infinity, Infinity}]];
SetAttributes[functionPlus, {Flat, Orderless, OneIdentity}];
functionPlus[f__Function] := With[{expr = Plus ## Through[{f}[#]]}, expr &];
SetAttributes[functionTimes, {Flat, Orderless, OneIdentity}];
functionTimes[a___, f_Function] /; FreeQ[{a}, # | Function] :=
With[{expr = Times[a, f[#]]}, expr &];
These functions may be a bit naive, but they will illustrate the idea (and yes, I also used Through). Here are some examples to illustrate their use:
In[114]:= hermiteDot[#^2 &, #^4 &]
Out[114]= (15 Sqrt[\[Pi]])/8
In[107]:= functionPlus[# &, #^2 &, Sin[#] &]
Out[107]= Sin[#1] + #1 + #1^2 &
In[111]:= functionTimes[z, #^2 &, x, 5]
Out[111]= 5 x z #1^2 &
Now, the main test:
results =
GSOrthoNormalizeGen[{1 &, # &, #^2 &, #^3 &, #^4 &}, hermiteDot,
functionPlus, functionTimes]
Out[115]= {1/\[Pi]^(1/4) &, (Sqrt[2] #1)/\[Pi]^(1/4) &, (
Sqrt[2] (-(1/2) + #1^2))/\[Pi]^(1/4) &, (2 (-((3 #1)/2) + #1^3))/(
Sqrt[3] \[Pi]^(1/4)) &, (Sqrt[2/3] (-(3/4) + #1^4 -
3 (-(1/2) + #1^2)))/\[Pi]^(1/4) &}
These are indeed the properly normalized Hermite polynomials, as is easy to verify. The normalization of built-in HermiteH is different. Our results are normalized as one would normalize the wave functions of a harmonic oscillator, say. It is trivial to obtain a list of polynomials as expressions depending on a variable, say x:
In[116]:= Through[results[x]]
Out[116]= {1/\[Pi]^(1/4),(Sqrt[2] x)/\[Pi]^(1/4),(Sqrt[2] (-(1/2)+x^2))/\[Pi]^(1/4),
(2 (-((3 x)/2)+x^3))/(Sqrt[3] \[Pi]^(1/4)),(Sqrt[2/3] (-(3/4)+x^4-3 (-(1/2)+x^2)))/\[Pi]^(1/4)}
I would suggest defining an operator other than the built-in Plus for this purpose. There are a number of operators provided by Mathematica that are reserved for user definitions in cases such as this. One such operator is CirclePlus which has no pre-defined meaning but which has a nice compact representation (at least, it is compact in a notebook -- not so compact on a StackOverflow web page). You could define CirclePlus to perform function addition thus:
(x_ \[CirclePlus] y_)[args___] := x[args] + y[args]
With this definition in place, you can now perform function addition:
h = f \[CirclePlus] g;
(* Out[3]= f[x]+g[x] *)
If one likes to live on the edge, the same technique can be used with the built-in Plus operator provided it is unprotected first:
(x_ + y_)[args___] := x[args] + y[args]
h = f + g;
(* Out[7]= f[x]+g[x] *)
I would generally advise against altering the behaviour of built-in functions -- especially one as fundamental as Plus. The reason is that there is no guarantee that user-added definitions to Plus will be respected by other built-in or kernel functions. In some circumstances calls to Plus are optimized, and those optimizations might be not take the user definitions into account. However, this consideration may not affect any particular application so the option is still a valid, if risky, design choice.

Problem performing a substitution in a multiple derivative

I have a basic problem in Mathematica which has puzzled me for a while. I want to take the m'th derivative of x*Exp[t*x], then evaluate this at x=0. But the following does not work correct. Please share your thoughts.
D[x*Exp[t*x], {x, m}] /. x -> 0
Also what does the error mean
General::ivar: 0 is not a valid variable.
Edit: my previous example (D[Exp[t*x], {x, m}] /. x -> 0) was trivial. So I made it harder. :)
My question is: how to force it to do the derivative evaluation first, then do substitution.
As pointed out by others, (in general) Mathematica does not know how to take the derivative an arbitrary number of times, even if you specify that number is a positive integer.
This means that the D[expr,{x,m}] command remains unevaluated and then when you set x->0, it's now trying to take the derivative with respect to a constant, which yields the error message.
In general, what you want is the m'th derivative of the function evaluated at zero.
This can be written as
Derivative[m][Function[x,x Exp[t x]]][0]
Derivative[m][# Exp[t #]&][0]
You then get the table of coefficients
In[2]:= Table[%, {m, 1, 10}]
Out[2]= {1, 2 t, 3 t^2, 4 t^3, 5 t^4, 6 t^5, 7 t^6, 8 t^7, 9 t^8, 10 t^9}
But a little more thought shows that you really just want the m'th term in the series, so SeriesCoefficient does what you want:
In[3]:= SeriesCoefficient[x*Exp[t*x], {x, 0, m}]
Out[3]= Piecewise[{{t^(-1 + m)/(-1 + m)!, m >= 1}}, 0]
The final output is the general form of the m'th derivative. The PieceWise is not really necessary, since the expression actually holds for all non-negative integers.
Thanks to your update, it's clear what's happening here. Mathematica doesn't actually calculate the derivative; you then replace x with 0, and it ends up looking at this:
which obviously is going to run into problems, since 0 isn't a variable.
I'll assume that you want the mth partial derivative of that function w.r.t. x. The t variable suggests that it might be a second independent variable.
It's easy enough to do without Mathematica: D[Exp[t*x], {x, m}] = t^m Exp[t*x]
And if you evaluate the limit as x approaches zero, you get t^m, since lim(Exp[t*x]) = 1. Right?
Update: Let's try it for x*exp(t*x)
the mth partial derivative w.r.t. x is easily had from Wolfram Alpha:
t^(m-1)*exp(t*x)(t*x + m)
So if x = 0 you get m*t^(m-1).
Let's see what is happening with a little more detail:
When you write:
D[Sin[x], {x, 1}]
you get an expression in with x in it
That is because the x in the {x,1} part matches the x in the Sin[x] part, and so Mma understands that you want to make the derivative for that symbol.
But this x, does NOT act as a Block variable for that statement, isolating its meaning from any other x you have in your program, so it enables the chain rule. For example:
In[85]:= z=x^2;
Out[86]= 2 x Cos[x^2]
See? That's perfect! But there is a price.
The price is that the symbols inside the derivative get evaluated as the derivative is taken, and that is spoiling your code.
Of course there are a lot of tricks to get around this. Some have already been mentioned. From my point of view, one clear way to undertand what is happening is:
f[x_] := x*Exp[t*x];
g[y_, m_] := D[f[x], {x, m}] /. x -> y;
{g[p, 2], g[0, 1]}
{2 E^(p t) t + E^(p t) p t^2, 1}
