Finding the Longest Palindrome Subsequence with less memory - algorithm

I am trying to solve a dynamic programming problem from Cormem's Introduction to Algorithms 3rd edition (pg 405) which asks the following:
A palindrome is a nonempty string over
some alphabet that reads the same
forward and backward. Examples of
palindromes are all strings of length
1, civic, racecar, and aibohphobia
(fear of palindromes).
Give an efficient algorithm to find
the longest palindrome that is a
subsequence of a given input string.
For example, given the input
character, your algorithm should
return carac.
Well, I could solve it in two ways:
First solution:
The Longest Palindrome Subsequence (LPS) of a string is simply the Longest Common Subsequence of itself and its reverse. (I've build this solution after solving another related question which asks for the Longest Increasing Subsequence of a sequence).
Since it's simply a LCS variant, it also takes O(n²) time and O(n²) memory.
Second solution:
The second solution is a bit more elaborated, but also follows the general LCS template. It comes from the following recurrence:
lps(s[i..j]) =
s[i] + lps(s[i+1]..[j-1]) + s[j], if s[i] == s[j];
max(lps(s[i+1..j]), lps(s[i..j-1])) otherwise
The pseudocode for calculating the length of the lps is the following:
compute-lps(s, n):
// palindromes with length 1
for i = 1 to n:
c[i, i] = 1
// palindromes with length up to 2
for i = 1 to n-1:
c[i, i+1] = (s[i] == s[i+1]) ? 2 : 1
// palindromes with length up to j+1
for j = 2 to n-1:
for i = 1 to n-i:
if s[i] == s[i+j]:
c[i, i+j] = 2 + c[i+1, i+j-1]
c[i, i+j] = max( c[i+1, i+j] , c[i, i+j-1] )
It still takes O(n²) time and memory if I want to effectively construct the lps (because I 'll need all cells on the table). Analysing related problems, such as LIS, which can be solved with approaches other than LCS-like with less memory (LIS is solvable with O(n) memory), I was wondering if it's possible to solve it with O(n) memory, too.
LIS achieves this bound by linking the candidate subsequences, but with palindromes it's harder because what matters here is not the previous element in the subsequence, but the first. Does anyone know if is possible to do it, or are the previous solutions memory optimal?

Here is a very memory efficient version. But I haven't demonstrated that it is always O(n) memory. (With a preprocessing step it can better than O(n2) CPU, though O(n2) is the worst case.)
Start from the left-most position. For each position, keep track of a table of the farthest out points at which you can generate reflected subsequences of length 1, 2, 3, etc. (Meaning that a subsequence to the left of our point is reflected to the right.) For each reflected subsequence we store a pointer to the next part of the subsequence.
As we work our way right, we search from the RHS of the string to the position for any occurrences of the current element, and try to use those matches to improve the bounds we previously had. When we finish, we look at the longest mirrored subsequence and we can easily construct the best palindrome.
Let's consider this for character.
We start with our best palindrome being the letter 'c', and our mirrored subsequence being reached with the pair (0, 11) which are off the ends of the string.
Next consider the 'c' at position 1. Our best mirrored subsequences in the form (length, end, start) are now [(0, 11, 0), (1, 6, 1)]. (I'll leave out the linked list you need to generate to actually find the palindrome.
Next consider the h at position 2. We do not improve the bounds [(0, 11, 0), (1, 6, 1)].
Next consider the a at position 3. We improve the bounds to [(0, 11, 0), (1, 6, 1), (2, 5, 3)].
Next consider the r at position 4. We improve the bounds to [(0, 11, 0), (1, 10, 4), (2, 5, 3)]. (This is where the linked list would be useful.
Working through the rest of the list we do not improve that set of bounds.
So we wind up with the longest mirrored list is of length 2. And we'd follow the linked list (that I didn't record in this description to find it is ac. Since the ends of that list are at positions (5, 3) we can flip the list, insert character 4, then append the list to get carac.
In general the maximum memory that it will require is to store all of the lengths of the maximal mirrored subsequences plus the memory to store the linked lists of said subsequences. Typically this will be a very small amount of memory.
At a classic memory/CPU tradeoff you can preprocess the list once in time O(n) to generate a O(n) sized hash of arrays of where specific sequence elements appear. This can let you scan for "improve mirrored subsequence with this pairing" without having to consider the whole string, which should generally be a major saving on CPU for longer strings.

First solution in #Luiz Rodrigo's question is wrong: Longest Common Subsesquence (LCS) of a string and its reverse is not necessarily a palindrome.
Example: for string CBACB, CAB is LCS of the string and its reverse and it's obviously not a palindrome.
There is a way, however, to make it work. After LCS of a string and its reverse is built, take left half of it (including mid-character for odd-length strings) and complement it on the right with reversed left half (not including mid-character if length of the string is odd).
It will obviously be a palindrome and it can be trivially proven that it will be a subsequence of the string.
For above LCS, the palindrome built this way will be CAC.


Is there any algorithm to address the longest common subsequence problem with different weights for each character?

I'm looking for an algorithm that addresses the LCS problem for two strings with the following conditions:
Each string consists of English characters and each character has a weight. For example:
sequence 1 (S1): "ABBCD" with weights [1, 2, 4, 1, 3]
sequence 2 (S2): "TBDC" with weights [7, 5, 1, 2]
Suppose that MW(s, S) is defined as the maximum weight of the sub-sequence s in string S with respect to the associated weights. The heaviest common sub-sequence (HCS) is defined as:
HCS = argmin(MW(s, S1), MW(s, S2))
The algorithm output should be the indexes of HCS in both strings and the weight. In this case, the indexes will be:
I_S1 = [2, 4] --> MW("BD", "ABBCD") = 7
I_S2 = [1, 2] --> MW("BD", "TBDC") = 6
Therefore HCS = "BD", and weight = min(MW(s, S1), MW(s, S2)) = 6.
The table that you need to build will have this.
for each position in sequence 1
for each position in sequence 2
for each extreme pair of (weight1, weight2)
(last_position1, last_position2)
Where an extreme pair is one where it is not possible to find a subsequence to that point whose weights in sequence 1 and weights in sequence 2 are both >= and at least one is >.
There may be multiple extreme pairs, where one sequence is higher than the other.
The rule is that at the (i, -1) or (-1, j) positions, the only extreme pair is the empty set with weight 0. At any other we merge the extreme pairs for (i-1, j) and (i, j-1). And then if seq1[i] = seq2[j], then add the options where you went to (i-1, j-1) and then included the i and j in the respective subsequences. (So add weight1[i] and weight2[j] to the weights then do a merge.)
For that merge you can sort by weight1 ascending, all of the extreme values for both previous points, then throw away all of the ones whose weight2 is less than or equal to the best weight2 that was already posted earlier in the sequence.
When you reach the end you can find the extreme pair with the highest min, and that is your answer. You can then walk the data structure back to find the subsequences in question.

Efficient approach to find co-prime subarrays

Given an array, is it possible to find the number of co-prime sub arrays of the array in better than O(N²) time? Co-prime arrays are defined as a contiguous subset of an array such that GCD of all elements is 1.
Consider adding one element to the end of the array. Now find the rightmost position, if any, such that the sub-array from that position to the element you have just added is co-prime. Since it is rightmost, no shorter array ending with the element added is co-prime. Since it is co-prime, every array that starts to its left and ends with the new element is co-prime. So you have worked out the number of co-prime sub-arrays that end with the new element. If you can find the rightmost position efficiently - say in O(log n) instead of O(n) - then you can count the number of co-prime sub-arrays in O(n log n) by extending the array one element at a time.
To make it possible to find rightmost positions, think of the full array as the leaves of a complete binary tree, padded out to make its a length a power of two. At each node put the GCD of all of the elements below that node - you can do this from the bottom up in time O(n). Every contiguous interval within the array can be covered by a collection of nodes of size O(log n) such that the interval consists of the leaves underneath the nodes, so you can compute the GCD of the interval is time O(log n).
To find the rightmost position forming a co-prime subarray with your current element, start with the current element and check to see if it is 1. If it is, you are finished. If not, look at the element to its left, take a GCD with that, and push the result on a stack. If the result is 1, you are finished, if not, do the same, but look to see if there is a sub-tree of 2 elements you can use to add 2 elements at once. At each of the succeeding steps you double the size of the sub-tree you are trying to find. You won't always find a convenient sub-tree of the size you want, but because every interval can be covered by O(log n) subtrees you should get lucky often enough to go through this step in time O(log n).
Now you have either found that whole array to the current element is not co-prime or you have found a section that is co-prime, but may go further to the left than it needs. The value at the top of the stack was computed by taking the GCD of the value just below it on the stack and the GCD at the top of a sub-tree. Pop it off the stack and take the GCD of the value just below it and the right half of the sub-tree. If you are still co-prime then you didn't need the left half of the sub-tree. If not, then you needed it, but perhaps not all of it. In either case you can continue down to find the rightmost match in time O(log n).
So I think you can find the rightmost position forming a co-prime subarray with the current element in time O(log n) (admittedly with some very fiddly programming) so you can count the number of coprime sub-arrays in time O(n log n)
Two examples:
List 1, 3, 5, 7. The next level is 1, 1 and the root is 1. If the current element is 13 then I check against 7 and find that gcd(7, 13) = 1. Therefore I immediately know that GCD(5, 7, 13) = GCD(3, 5, 7, 13) = GCD(1, 3, 4, 7, 13) = 1.
List 2, 4, 8, 16. The next level is 2, 8 and the root is 2. If the current numbers is 32 then I check against 16 and find that gcd(16, 32) = 16 != 1 so then I check against 8 and find that GCD(8, 32) = 8 and then I check against 2 and find that GCD(2, 32) = 2 so there is no interval in the extended array which has GCD = 1.

Correctness proof of Algorithm

Our teacher asked us a question which goes like this.
Given a list of n distinct integers and a sequence of n boxes with preset
inequality signs inserted between them, design an algorithm that places
the numbers into the boxes to satisfy those inequalities. For example, the
numbers 2, 5, 1, and 0 can be placed in the four boxes as shown below
The from looking at the question we can say the numbers be sorted and if less than symbol appears next we have to insert the least number, if greater than symbol appears we have to insert max number and proceed as so.
How can I say this algorithm works for every case?
Traversing in
one direction i found one solution and in reverse order i found
another. What is the efficient method to find all solutions to this
To answer question 1, I'd say that should be done by induction over the number of distinct numbers involved.
Say n is the number of numbers.
for n = 1 there's nothing left to prove.
for n = 2, you have either a greater than or a less than operator. Since the numbers are distinct and the set of natural (or real) numbers is well ordered, your algorithm will trivially yield a solution.
n -> n+1:
case 1: the first operator is a less than sign. According to your algorithm you pick the smallest number and put it into the first box. Then you solve the problem for the last n boxes. This is possible by induction. Since the number in the first box is the smallest, it is also smaller than the number in the second box. Therefor you have a solution.
Case 2: the first operator is a greater than sign. This also works analogue to case 1.
Now for the second part of the question. My thoughts came up with the algorithm described below. Happy with the fact I solved the question (of getting all solutions) in the first place, I can't guarantee that it's the fastest solution.
As already noted in a comment, if there are no operator changes, there will be only one solution. So we assume there are operator changes (but the algorithm will produce this solution too).
for all operator changes of the form >< or nil < (first operator is a <):
place the smallest element between them
now divide the remaining set of numbers into two.
if there are n numbers and there are k operators to the left of
the placed number, that will give you k over (n - 1) possibilities.
do this recursively with the two remaining parts.
If no operator changes of the form >< or nil < are left,
do the same with the mirrored operator changes <> and nil >,
but choose the highest element of the set.
If no operator changes are left, fill in the elements according to the
remaining operator in ascending or descending order.
OK, this is not program code, but I think that will be comparatively easy (the choose k out of n - 1 is the hard part). I hope my explanation of the algorithm is understandable. And beware, the number of solutions grows fast (exponentially, probably worse).
Answering part two of the question in part, finding one single solution:
First, the input can be sorted, which can be done in O( n log n ) time. Then, the algorithm described can be applied; the minimum and maximum element are at the beginning and the end of the list, which can be accessed in constant time. This means that, once the input is sorted, the output can be generated in O( n ) time. This yields a runtime bound of O( n log n ) in total.
Here's a proof that there is an assignment of numbers to boxes:
The diagram defines a partial order on the empty boxes (box A <= box B
if either A=B, or A is the left of B and there's only < between them,
or A is to the right of B and there's only > between them). It's easy
to check that <= satisfies the properties of a partial order.
Any finite partially ordered set can be totally ordered (for example
by using a topological sort).
So sort the boxes with respect to the total order, and assign numbers
based on the position in the resulting list.
This yields an answer to part (2) of your question, which is to enumerate all possible solutions. A solution is exactly a total order that's compatible with the partial order defined in the proof, and you can generate all possible total orders by choosing which minimal element you pick at each stage in the topological sort algorithm.
That is, you can generate all solutions like this:
if boxes = [] then return [[]]
let result = []
for each x in minimal(boxes)
for each y in topo_sort(boxes - x)
append ([x] + y) to result
return result
return [all x in boxes such that there's no y != x in boxes with y lesseq x]
Here "lesseq" is constructed as in the proof.
If you squint hard enough, you can see that your algorithm can also be viewed as a topological sorting algorithm, using the observation that if the next symbol is a > then the first element is maximal in the remaining list, and if the next symbol is a < then the first element is minimal in the remaining list. That observation gives you a proof that your algorithm is also correct.
Here's an inefficient Python 2.7 implementation:
def less(syms, i, j):
if i == j: return False
s = '<' if i < j else '>'
return all(c == s for c in syms[min(i,j):max(i,j)])
def order(boxes, syms):
if not boxes:
yield []
for x in [b for b in boxes if not any(less(syms, a, b) for a in boxes)]:
for y in order(boxes - set([x]), syms):
yield [x] + y
def solutions(syms):
for idxes in order(set(range(len(syms)+1)), syms):
yield [idxes.index(i) for i in xrange(len(syms)+1)]
print list(solutions('<><'))
Which gives as output all 5 solutions:
[[0, 2, 1, 3], [0, 3, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0, 3], [1, 3, 0, 2], [2, 3, 0, 1]]

Find longest substring in binary string with not less ones than zeros

How to find, in a binary string, the longest substring where the balance, i.e. the difference between the number of ones and zeros, is >= 0?
01110000010 -> 6: 011100
1110000011110000111 -> 19: entire string
While this problem looks very similar to the Maximum Value Contiguous Subsequence (Maximum Contiguous Sum) problem, a dynamic programming solution doesn't seem to be obvious. In a divide-and-conquer approach, how to do the merging? Is an "efficient" algorithm possible after all? (A trivial O(n^2) algorithm will just iterate over all substrings for all possible starting points.)
This is a modified variant of Finding a substring, with some additional conditions. The difference is that in the linked question, only such substrings are allowed where balance never falls below zero (looking at the string in either forward or backward direction). In the given problem, balance is allowed to fall below zero, provided it recovers at some later stage.
I have a solution that requires O(n) additional memory and O(n) time.
Let's denote the 'height' of an index h(i) as
h(i) = <number of 1s in the substring 1..i> - <number of 0s in the same substring>
The problem can now be reformulated as: find i and j such as h(i) <= h(j) and j-i -> max.
Obviously, h(0) = 0, and if h(n) = 0, then the solution is the entire string.
Now let's compute the array B so that B[x] = min{i: h(i) = -x}. In other words, let B[x] be the leftmost index i at which h(i)= -x.
The array B[x] has a length of at most n, and is computed in one linear pass.
Now we can iterate over the original string and for each index i compute the length of the longest sequence with non-negative balance that ends on i as follows:
Lmax(i) = i - B[MIN{0, h(i)}]
The largest Lmax(i) across all i will give you the desired length.
I leave the proof as an exercise :) Contact me if you can't figure it out.
Also, my algorithm needs 2 passes of the original string, but you can collapse them into one.
This can be answered quite easily in O(n) using "height array", representing the number of 1's relative to the number of 0's. Like my answer in the linked question.
Now, instead of focusing on the original array, we now focus on two arrays indexed by the heights, and one will contain the smallest index such height is found, and the other will contain the largest index such height is found. Since we don't want a negative index, we can shift everything up, such that the minimum height is 0.
So for the sample cases (I added two more 1's at the end to show my point):
Array height visualization
/ \
/ \
\ /\/\ /
\/ \ /
\ /
\ /
(lowest height = -5)
Shifted height array:
[5, 6, 7, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 1, 2, 3]
Height: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
first_view = [17,16,15, 8, 7, 0, 1, 2, 3]
last_view = [17,18,19,20,21,22, 5, 4, 3]
note that we have 22 numbers and 23 distinct indices, 0-22, representing the 23 spaces between and padding the numbers
We can build the first_view and last_view array in O(n).
Now, for each height in the first_view, we only need to check every larger heights in last_view, and take the index with maximum difference from the first_view index. For example, from height 0, the maximum value of index in larger heights is 22. So the longest substring starting at index 17+1 will end at index 22.
To find the maximum index on the last_view array, you can convert it to a maximum to the right in O(n):
last_view_max = [22,22,22,22,22,22, 5, 4, 3]
And so finding answer is simply subtracting first_view from last_view_max,
first_view = [17,16,15, 8, 7, 0, 1, 2, 3]
last_view_max = [22,22,22,22,22,22, 5, 4, 3]
result = [ 5, 6, 7,14,15,22, 4, 2, 0]
and taking the maximum (again in O(n)), which is 22, achieved from starting index 0 to ending index 22, i.e., the whole string. =D
Proof of correctness:
Suppose that the maximum substring starts at index i, ends at index j.
If the height at index i is the same as the height at index k<i, then k..j would be a longer substring still satisfying the requirement. Therefore it suffices to consider the first index of each height. Analogously for the last index.
Compressed quadratic runtime
We will be looking for (locally) longest substrings with balance zero, starting at the beginning. We will ignore strings of zeros. (Corner cases: All zeros -> empty string, balance never reaches zero again -> entire string.) Of these substrings with balance zero, all trailing zeros will be removed.
Denote by B a substring with balance > 0 and by Z a substring with only zeros. Each input string can be decomposed as follows (pseudo-regex notation):
B? (Z B)* Z?
Each of the Bs is a maximum feasible solution, meaning that it cannot be extended in either direction without reducing balance. However, it might be possible to collapse sequences of BZB or ZBZ if the balance is still larger than zero after collapsing.
Note that it is always possible to collapse sequences of BZBZB to a single B if the ZBZ part has balance >= 0. (Can be done in one pass in linear time.) Once all such sequences have been collapsed, the balance of each ZBZ part is below zero. Still, it is possible that there exist BZB parts with balance above zero -- even that in a BZBZB sequence with balance below zero both the leading and trailing BZB parts have balance over zero. At this point, it seems to be difficult to decide which BZB to collapse.
Still quadratic...
Anyway, with this simplified data structure one can try all Bs as starting points (possibly extending to the left if there's still balance left). Run time is still quadratic, but (in practice) with a much smaller n.
Divide and conquer
Another classic. Should run in O(n log n), but rather difficult to implement.
The longest feasible substring is either in the left half, in the right half, or it passes over the boundary. Call the algorithm for both halves. For the boundary:
Assume problem size n. For the longest feasible substring that crosses the boundary, we are going to compute the balance of the left-half part of the substring.
Determine, for each possible balance between -n/2 and n/2, in the left half, the length of the longest string that ends at the boundary and has this (or a larger) balance. (Linear time!) Do the same for the right half and the longest string that starts at the boundary. The result is two arrays of size n + 1; we reverse one of them, add them element-wise and find the maximum. (Again, linear.)
Why does it work?
A substring with balance >= 0 that crosses the boundary can have balance < 0 in either the left or the right part, if the other part compensates this. ("Borrowing" balance.) The crucial question is how much to borrow; we iterate over all potential "balance credits" and find the best trade-off.
Why is this O(n log n)?
Because merging (looking at boundary-crossing string) takes only linear time.
Why is merging O(n)?
Exercise left to the reader.
Dynamic programming -- linear run time (finally!)
inspired by this blog post. Simple and efficient, one-pass online algorithm, but takes some time to explain.
The link above shows a different problem: Maximum subsequence sum. It cannot be mapped 1:1 to the given problem, here a "state" of O(n) is needed, in contrast to O(1) for the original problem. Still, the state can be updated in O(1).
Let's rephrase the problem. We are looking for the longest substring in the input where the balance, i.e. the difference between 0's and 1's, is greater than zero.
The state is similar to my other divide-and-conquer solution: We compute, for each position i and for each possible balance b the starting position s(i, b) of the longest string with balance b or greater that ends at position i. That is, the string that starts at index s(i, b) + 1 and ends at i has balance b or greater, and there is no longer such string that ends at i.
We find the result by maximizing i - s(i, 0).
Of course, we do not keep all s(i, b) in memory, just those for the current i (which we iterate over the input). We start with s(0, b) := 0 for b <= 0 and := undefined for b > 0. For each i, we update with the following rule:
If 1 is read: s(i, b) := s(i - 1, b - 1).
If 0 is read: s(i, b) := s(i - 1, b + 1) if defined, s(i, 0) := i if s(i - 1, 1) undefined.
The function s (for current i) can be implemented as a pointer into an array of length 2n + 1; this pointer is moved forward or backward depending on the input. At each iteration, we note the value of s(i, 0).
How does it work?
The state function s becomes effective especially if the balance from the start to i is negative. It records the earliest start point where zero balance is reached, for all possible numbers of 1s that have not been read yet.
Why does it work?
Because the recursive definition of the state function is equivalent to its direct definition -- the starting position of the longest string with balance b or greater that ends at position i.
Why is the recursive definition correct?
Proof by induction.

Finding n-th biggest product in a large matrix of numbers, fast

I'm working on a sorting/ranking algorithm that works with quite large number of items and I need to implement the following algorithm in an efficient way to make it work:
There are two lists of numbers. They are equally long, about 100-500 thousand items. From this I need to find the n-th biggest product between these lists, ie. if you create a matrix where on top you have one list, on the side you have the other one and each cell is the product of the number above and the number on the side.
Example: The lists are A=[1, 3, 4] and B=[2, 2, 5]. Then the products are [2, 2, 5, 6, 6, 15, 8, 8, 20]. If I wanted the 3rd biggest from that it would be 8.
The naive solution would be to simply generate those numbers, sort them and then select the n-th biggest. But that is O(m^2 * log m^2) where m is the number of elements in the small lists, and that is just not fast enough.
I think what I need is to first sort the two small lists. That is O(m * log m). Then I know for sure that the biggest one A[0]*B[0]. Second biggest one is either A[0]*B[1] or A[1]*B[0], ...
I feel like this could be done in O(f(n)) steps, independent of the size of the matrix. But I can't figure out an efficient way to do this part.
Edit: There was an answer that got deleted, which suggested to remember position in the two sorted sets and then look at A[a]*B[b+1] and A[a+1]*B[b], returning the bigger one and incrementing a/b. I was going to post this comment before it got deleted:
This won't work. Imagine two lists A=B=[3,2,1]. This will give you
matrix like [9,6,3 ; 6,4,2 ; 3,2,1]. So you start at (0,0)=9, go to
(0,1)=6 and then the choice is (0,2)=3 or (1,1)=4. However, this will
miss the (1,0)=6 which is bigger then both. So you can't just look to
the two neighbors but you have to backtrack.
I think it can be done in O(n log n + n log m). Here's a sketch of my algorithm, which I think will work. It's a little rough.
Sort A descending. (takes O(m log m))
Sort B descending. (takes O(m log m))
Let s be min(m, n). (takes O(1))
Create s lazy sequence iterators L[0] through L[s-1]. L[i] will iterate through the s values A[i]*B[0], A[i]*B[1], ..., A[i]*B[s-1]. (takes O(s))
Put the iterators in a priority queue q. The iterators will be prioritized according to their current value. (takes O(s) because initially they are already in order)
Pull n values from q. The last value pulled will be the desired result. When an iterator is pulled, it is re-inserted in q using its next value as the new priority. If the iterator has been exhausted, do not re-insert it. (takes O(n log s))
In all, this algorithm will take O(m log m + (s + n)log s), but s is equal to either m or n.
I don't think there is an algorithm of O(f(n)), which is independent of m.
But there is a relatively fast O(n*logm) algo:
At first, we sort the two arrays, we get A[0] > A[1] > ... > A[m-1] and B[0] > B[1] > ... > B[m-1]. (This is O(mlogm), of course.)
Then we build a max-heap, whose elements are A[0]*B[0], A[0]*B[1], ... A[0]*B[m-1]. And we maintain a "pointer array" P[0], P[1], ... P[m-1]. P[i]=x means that B[i]*A[x] is in the heap currently. All the P[i] are zero initially.
In each iteration, we pop the max element from the heap, which is the next largest product. Assuming it comes from B[i]*A[P[i]] (we can record the elements in the heap come from which B[i]), we then move the corresponding pointer forward: P[i] += 1, and push the new B[i] * A[P[i]] into the heap. (If P[i] is moved to out-of-range (>=m), we simply push a -inf into the heap.)
After the n-th iteration, we get the n-th largest product.
There are n iterations, and each one is O(logm).
Edit: add some details
You don't need to sort the the 500 000 elements to get the top 3.
Just take the first 3, put them in a SortedList, and iterate over the list, replacing the smallest of the 3 elements with the new value, if that is higher, and resort the resulting list.
Do this for both lists, and you'll end with a 3*3 matrix, where it should be easy to take the 3rd value.
Here is an implementation in scala.
If we assume n is smaller than m, and A=[1, 3, 4] and B=[2, 2, 5], n=2:
You would take (3, 4) => sort them (4,3)
Then take (2,5) => sort them (5, 2)
You could now do an zipped search. Of course the biggest product now is (5, 4). But the next one is either (4*2) or (5*3). For longer lists, you could keep in mind what the result of 4*2 was, compare it only with the next product, taken the other way. That way you would only calculate one product too much.
