Best fit for the intersection of multiple lines - algorithm

I'm trying to solve the following problem:
I'm analyzing an image and I obtain from this analysis a set of segments
I want to know the intersection of these lines (best fit)
I'm using for this opencv's function cvSolve. For reasonably good input everything works fine.
The problem that I have comes from the fact that when I have just a single bad segment as input the result is different from the one expected.
Upper left image show the "lonely" purple lines influencing the result (all lines are used as input).
Upper right image shows how a single purple line (one removed) can influence the result.
Lower left image show what we want - the intersection of lines as expected (both purple lines eliminated).
Lower right image show how the other purple line (the other is removed) can influence the result.
As you can see only two lines and the result is completely different from the one expected. Any ideas on how to avoid this are appreciated.

The algorithm you are using finds, as described in the link, the least square error solution to the problem. This means that if there are more intersection points, the result will be an average (for a reasonable definition of average) of the real solutions.
I would try an iterative solution: if the error of the first solution is too large, remove from the set of segments the one farthest to the solution, and iterate until the error is acceptably small. This should remove one of the many intersection point, and converge on the one with most lines nearby.

A general answer to this kind of problems is the RANSAC algorithm (question dealing with this), however it has a few disadvantages, for example you need to estimate things like "the expected number of outliers" beforehand. Another Problem I see with your sample is that removing the two green lines also results in a pretty good fit, so that might be a more general problem.

you can solve using SVD incase line1 =(x1,y1)-(x2,y2) ; line2 =(x2,y2)-(x3,y3)
let Ax = b where;
A = [-(y2-y1) (x2-x1);
-(y3-y2) (x3-x2);
.................] -->(nx2)
x = transpose[s t] -->(2x1)
b = [-(y2-y1)x1 + (x2-x1)y1 ;
-(y3-y2)x2 + (x3-x2)y2 ;
........................] --> (nx1)
Example; Matlab Code
b=[(line1(1,1)*A(1,1))+ (line1(1,2)*A(1,2));
(line2(1,1)*A(2,1))+ (line2(1,2)*A(2,2));
(line3(1,1)*A(3,1))+ (line3(1,2)*A(3,2))];
[U D V] = svd(A)
bprime = U'*b


Solving a puzzle using swi-prolog

I've been given as an assignment to write using prolog a solver for
the battleships solitaire puzzle. To those unfamiliar, the puzzle deals
with a 6 by 6 grid on which a series of ships are placed according to the provided
constraints on each row and column, i.e. the first row must contain 3 squares with ships, the second row must contain 1 square with a ship, the third row must contain 0 squares etc for the other rows and columns.
Each puzzle comes with it's own set of constraints and revealed squares, typically two. An example can be seen here:
So, here's what I've done:
ShipCount2 is ShipCount+1,
dec_elem1(1,[A|Tail],[B|Tail]):- B is A-1.
dec_elem1(Count,[A|Tail],[A|Tail2]):- Count1 is Count-1,dec_elem1(Count1,Tail,Tail2).
neib(X1,Y1,X2,Y2) :- X2 is X1,(Y2 is Y1 -1;Y2 is Y1+1; Y2 is Y1).
neib(X1,Y1,X2,Y2) :- X2 is X1-1,(Y2 is Y1 -1;Y2 is Y1+1; Y2 is Y1).
neib(X1,Y1,X2,Y2) :- X2 is X1+1,(Y2 is Y1 -1;Y2 is Y1+1; Y2 is Y1).
notdiag(X1,Y1,X2,Y2) :- not(neib(X1,Y1,X2,Y2)).
notdiag(X1,Y1,X2,Y2) :- neib(X1,Y1,X2,Y2),((X1 == X2,t(Y1,Y2));(Y1 == Y2,t(X1,X2))).
t(X1,X2):- X is abs(X1-X2), X==1.
I represent a state with a list: [Count,Rows,Columns,Tiles]. The last state must be
[10,[0,0,0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0,0,0], somelist]. A puzzle starts from an initial state, for example
initial([1, [1,3,1,1,1,2] , [0,2,2,0,0,5] , [[4,4,1],[2,1,0]]]).
I try to find a solution in the following manner:
Now, here's the difficulty: if i restrict myself to one type of ship parts by using member(T,[1])
instead of
it works fine. However, when I use the full range of possible values for T which are needed
later, the query never ends since it runs for too long. this puzzles me, since :
(a) it works for 6 types of ships but only for 8 steps instead of 9
(b) going from a single type of ship to 6 types increases the number
of options for just the last step by a factor of 6, which
shouldn't have such a dramatic effect.
So, what's going on?
To answer your question directly, what's going on is that Prolog is trying to sift through an enormous space of possibilities.
You're correct that altering that line increases the search space of the last call by a factor of six, note that the size of the search space of, say, nine calls, isn't proportional to 9 times the size of one call. Prolog will backtrack on failure, so it's proportional (bounded above, actually) to the size of the possible results of one call raised to the ninth power.
That means we can expect the size of the space Prolog needs to search to grow by at most a factor of 6^9 = 10077696 when we allow T to take on 6 times as many values.
Of course, it doesn't help that (as far as I was able to tell) a solution doesn't exist if we call step 9 times starting with initial anyways. Since that last call is going to fail, Prolog will keep trying until it's exhausted all possibilities (of which there are a great many) before it finally gives up.
As far as a solution goes, I'm not sure I know enough about the problem. If the value if T is the kind of ship that fits in the grid (e.g. single square, half of a 2-square-ship, part of a 3-square-ship) you should note that that gives you a lot more information than the numbers on the rows/columns.
Right now, in pseudocode, your step looks like this:
Find a (X,Y) pair that has non-zero markings on its row/column
Check that there isn't already a ship there
Check that it isn't diagonal to a ship
Pick a kind of ship-part for it to be.
I'd suggest you approach like this:
Finish any already placed ship-bits to form complete ships (if we can't: fail)
Until we're finished:
Find acceptable places to place ship
Check that the markings on the row/column aren't zero
Try to place an entire ship here. (instead of a single part)
By using the most specific information that we have first (in this case, the previously placed parts), we can reduce the amount of work Prolog has to do and make things return reasonably fast.

How to implement a part of histogram equalization in matlab without using for loops and influencing speed and performance

Suppose that I have these Three variables in matlab Variables
I want to extract diverse values in NewGrayLevels and sum rows of OldHistogram that are in the same rows as one diverse value is.
For example you see in NewGrayLevels that the six first rows are equal to zero. It means that 0 in the NewGrayLevels has taken its value from (0 1 2 3 4 5) of OldGrayLevels. So the corresponding rows in OldHistogram should be summed.
So 0+2+12+38+113+163=328 would be the frequency of the gray level 0 in the equalized histogram and so on.
Those who are familiar with image processing know that it's part of the histogram equalization algorithm.
Note that I don't want to use built-in function "histeq" available in image processing toolbox and I want to implement it myself.
I know how to write the algorithm with for loops. I'm seeking if there is a faster way without using for loops.
The code using for loops:
for k=0:255
Condition = NewGrayLevels==k;
ConditionMultiplied = Condition.*OldHistogram;
NewHistogram(k+1,1) = sum(ConditionMultiplied);
I'm afraid if this code gets slow for high resolution big images.Because the variables that I have uploaded are for a small image downloaded from the internet but my code may be used for sattellite images.
I know you say you don't want to use histeq, but it might be worth your time to look at the MATLAB source file to see how the developers wrote it and copy the parts of their code that you would like to implement. Just do edit('histeq') or edit('histeq.m'), I forget which.
Usually the MATLAB code is vectorized where possible and runs pretty quick. This could save you from having to reinvent the entire wheel, just the parts you want to change.
I can't think a way to implement this without a for loop somewhere, but one optimisation you could make would be using indexing instead of multiplication:
for k=0:255
Condition = NewGrayLevels==k; % These act as logical indices to OldHistogram
NewHistogram(k+1,1) = sum(OldHistogram(Condition)); % Removes a vector multiplication, some additions, and an index-to-double conversion
On rereading your initial post, I think that the way to do this without a for loop is to use accumarray (I find this a difficult function to understand, so read the documentation and search online and on here for examples to do so):
NewHistogram = accumarray(1+NewGrayLevels,OldHistogram);
This should work so long as your maximum value in NewGrayLevels (+1 because you are starting at zero) is equal to the length of OldHistogram.
Well I understood that there's no need to write the code that #Hugh Nolan suggested. See the explanation here:
%The green lines are because after writing the code, I understood that
%there's no need to calculate the equalized histogram in
%"HistogramEqualization" function and after gaining the equalized image
%matrix you can pass it to the "ExtractHistogram" function
% (which there's no loops in it) to acquire the
%equalized histogram.
%But I didn't delete those lines of code because I had tried a lot to
%understand the algorithm and write them.
For more information and studying the code, please see my next question.

brute forcing a brain puzzle

I was given a brain puzzle from as a present. I was curius of how many different solutions there were, and I quite enjoy writing algorithms and code, so I started writing an application to brute force it.
The puzzle looks like this : /
It's a board of 20x14 "points". And all puzzle pieces can be flipped and turned. I wrote an application where each piece (and the puzzle) is presented like this:
Now my application so far is reasonably simple.
It takes the list of pieces and a blank board, pops of piece #0
flips it in every direction, and for that piece tries to place it for every x and y coordinate. If it successfully places a piece it passes a copy of the new "board" with some pieces taken to a recursive function, and tries all combinations for their pieces.
Explained in pseudocode:
bruteForce(Board base, List pieces) {
for (Piece in pieces.pop, piece.pop.flip, piece.pop.flip2...) {
int x,y = 0;
if canplace(piece, x, y) {
Board newBoard = base.clone();
newBoard.placePiece(piece, x, y);
bruteForce(newBoard, pieces);
## increment x until x > width, then y
Now I'm trying to find out ways to make this quicker. Things I've thought of so far:
Making it solve in parallel - Implemented, now using 4 threads.
Sorting the pieces, and only trying to place the pieces that will fit in the x,y space we're trying to fit. (Aka if we're on the bottom row, and we only have 4 "points" from our position to the bottom, dont try the ones that are 8 high).
Not duplicating the board, instead using placePiece and removePiece or something like it.
Checking for "invalid" boards, aka if a piece is impossible to reach (boxed in completely).
Anyone have any creative ideas on how I can do this quicker? Or any way to mathematically calculate how many different combinations there are?
I don't see any obvious way to do things fast, but here are some tips that might help.
First off, if you ignore the bumps, you have a 6x4 grid to fill with 1x2 blocks. Each of the blocks has 6 positions where it can have a bump or a hole. Therefore, you're trying to find an arrangement of the blocks such that at each edge, a bump is matched with a hole. Also, you can represent the pieces much more efficiently using this information.
Next, I'd recommend trying all ways to place a block in a specific spot rather than all places to play a specific block anywhere. This will reduce the number of false trails you go down.
This looks like the Exact Cover Problem. You basically want to cover all fields on the board with your given pieces. I can recommend Dancing Links, published by Donald Knuth. In the paper you find a clear example for the pentomino problem which should give you a good idea of how it works.
You basically set up a system that keeps track of all possible ways to place a specific block on the board. By placing a block, you would cover a set of positions on the field. These positions can't be used to place any other blocks. All possibilities would then be erased from the problem setting before you place another block. The dancing links allows for fast backtracking and erasing of possibilities.

How can I use TDD to solve a puzzle with an unknown answer?

Recently I wrote a Ruby program to determine solutions to a "Scramble Squares" tile puzzle:
I used TDD to implement most of it, leading to tests that looked like this:
it "has top, bottom, left, right" do
c =
card =[0] == :CT
card.bottom.should == :WB
card.left.should == :MT
card.right.should == :BT
This worked well for the lower-level "helper" methods: identifying the "sides" of a tile, determining if a tile can be validly placed in the grid, etc.
But I ran into a problem when coding the actual algorithm to solve the puzzle. Since I didn't know valid possible solutions to the problem, I didn't know how to write a test first.
I ended up writing a pretty ugly, untested, algorithm to solve it:
def play_game
working_states = []
after_1 = step_1
i = 0
after_1.each do |state_1|
step_2(state_1).each do |state_2|
step_3(state_2).each do |state_3|
step_4(state_3).each do |state_4|
step_5(state_4).each do |state_5|
step_6(state_5).each do |state_6|
step_7(state_6).each do |state_7|
step_8(state_7).each do |state_8|
step_9(state_8).each do |state_9|
working_states << state_9[0]
So my question is: how do you use TDD to write a method when you don't already know the valid outputs?
If you're interested, the code's on GitHub:
Production code:
This isn't a direct answer, but this reminds me of the comparison between the Sudoku solvers written by Peter Norvig and Ron Jeffries. Ron Jeffries' approach used classic TDD, but he never really got a good solution. Norvig, on the other hand, was able to solve it very elegantly without TDD.
The fundamental question is: can an algorithm emerge using TDD?
From the puzzle website:
The object of the Scramble Squares®
puzzle game is to arrange the nine
colorfully illustrated square pieces
into a 12" x 12" square so that the
realistic graphics on the pieces'
edges match perfectly to form a
completed design in every direction.
So one of the first things I would look for is a test of whether two tiles, in a particular arrangement, match one another. This is with regard to your question of validity. Without that method working correctly, you can't evaluate whether the puzzle has been solved. That seems like a nice starting point, a nice bite-sized piece toward the full solution. It's not an algorithm yet, of course.
Once match() is working, where do we go from here? Well, an obvious solution is brute force: from the set of all possible arrangements of the tiles within the grid, reject those where any two adjacent tiles don't match. That's an algorithm, of sorts, and it's pretty certain to work (although in many puzzles the heat death of the universe occurs before a solution).
How about collecting the set of all pairs of tiles that match along a given edge (LTRB)? Could you get from there to a solution, quicker? Certainly you can test it (and test-drive it) easily enough.
The tests are unlikely to give you an algorithm, but they can help you to think about algorithms, and of course they can make validating your approach easier.
dunno if this "answers" the question either
analysis of the "puzzle"
9 tiles
each has 4 sides
each tile has half a pattern / picture
to solve this problem
you need to generate 9! combinations ( 9 tiles X 8 tiles X 7 tiles... )
limited by the number of matching sides to the current tile(s) already in place
Q How many sides are different?
IE how many matches are there?
therefore 9 X 4 = 36 sides / 2 ( since each side "must" match at least 1 other side )
otherwise its an uncompleteable puzzle
NOTE: at least 12 must match "correctly" for a 3 X 3 puzzle
label each matching side of a tile using a unique letter
then build a table holding each tile
you will need 4 entries into the table for each tile
4 sides ( corners ) hence 4 combinations
if you sort the table by side and INDEX into the table
ABcd tile_1
BCda tile_1
CDab tile_1
DAbc tile_1
using the table should speed things up
since you should only need to match 1 or 2 sides at most
this limits the amount of NON PRODUCTIVE tile placing it has to do
depending on the design of the pattern / picture
there are 3 combinations ( orientations ) since each tile can be placed using 3 orientations
- the same ( multiple copies of the same tile )
- reflection
- rotation
God help us if they decide to make life very difficult
by putting similar patterns / pictures on the other side that also need to match
OR even making the tiles into cubes and matching 6 sides!!!
Using TDD,
you would write tests and then code to solve each small part of the problem,
as outlined above and write more tests and code to solve the whole problem
NO its not easy, you need to sit and write tests and code to practice
NOTE: this is a variation of the map colouring problem

Connecting points in Mathematica

I have a collection of points displayed in a graphic:
alt text
I'd like to know if there is any command that will connect them automatically along the xx and yy axis. This can be better understood looking at the following picture:
alt text
(I am not asking how to implement the algorithm myself!).
I suspect the answer is no, there's no such command. It would be interesting to write something to do that though, ie, given a list of points, output the corresponding lines. I guess that would just be a matter of:
For each unique x-coordinate get the list of y-coordinates for points with that x-coordinate and make a line from the min to the max y-coordinate. Then repeat for the y-coordinates.
If you do that, it would be interesting to post it here as a follow-up. Or if you want to make that the question, I'm sure you'll get some nice solutions.
I vote for dreeves' suggestion. It doesn't use a "built-in" function, but it's a one-liner using functional programming and level specifications. An implementation is:
gridify[pts : {{_?NumericQ, _?NumericQ} ...}] :=
Map[Line, GatherBy[pts, #]& /# {First, Last}, {2}]
Some of what you are looking for is in the ComputationalGeometry Package. In particular, ConvexHull will give you the outer points listed in counterclockwise direction. At which point you can use Line to connect them together. The inner paths are a bit trickier, and I don't think there is an exact match. But, a DelaunayTriangulation comes closest. It essentially breaks your list of points up into sets of triangles. I don't know of a built in function that would break it into rectangles, though.
