Read the contents of a webpage after a delay - ajax

Is there any way to read the contents of a webpage once it gets loaded completely. I have to read the prices from a site and need to store them in my database. But the prices in the site loads through ajax. As a result , I just get "Loading" instead of values. Is there any way to extract the contents once the file get loaded completely.
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Can't you read the contents from the file that is requested by that site?


How to load a specific number of records per page and add an more button

On my page I would like to output all records of a specific folder
but the number should initially be limited to a certain quantity (to reduce the loading times). With a "Load more" button further records should be loaded.
Does anyone have a hint on how I can achieve this?
I have already found several approaches on the web in connection with AJAX, but since I'm not familiar with this yet, more questions than answers have emerged ...
For info: I use an own Template Extension / Distribution under Typo3 9.5.8
Thank you in advance for any help!!
The state of the art solution is the AJAX solution, where you load only the required records from the server and modify the page on the fly.
Another option would be an URL parameter which is evaluated by your extension.
With the parameter the full list is shown,
without only the first N and a button with the link to the same URL including the parameter for the full list.
Make sure the paramter is handled correctly and generates another cached version of the page. (keywords: cHash)
As you now have two pages with partially identical content: don't forget to tell the searchengines that the short variant should not be indexed.
You could use the Paginate Widget like documented here:
By overriding the paginate template file and only rendering the pagination.nextPage link, you could load the nextpage via AJAX.

Laravel. Ajax Append

Is it possible to append something into another route ?
For example,
I had an input in Order page and once it submits, it will append the data in Kitchen Page and refreshes the content without refreshing the whole page itself.
EDIT: Can someone give an example syntax ?

Is it possible to identify file name passing url in magento?

How to identify coding having this file at magento .
For example,
Link Mean
how to identify which file its denotes ?
http://localhost/index.php/about-magento-demo-store/ is not a file, it's CMS page content which is actually a row stored in the cms_page table in your database that gets filtered through a template to produce html page content that is pushed to your browser.
Look under the CMS=>Pages menu, you'll find a grid and if you search in the url key column for about-magento-demo-store, you can find the page content there.
Magento's content does not exist as static pages, it is data stored in the database that gets selected, filtered through templates and assembled into HTML that gets final styling from CSS. It only becomes a page, once it is downloaded by the web browser.
1)Url redirects
look at the core_url_rewrite table and find the url that you requested.
if you find it, and target path starts like catalog/category/view/id/5,
that means catalog module, category controller, view action which you can find in
app/code/core/Mage/Catalog/controllers/CategoryController.php the method is viewAction.
2)Cms Pages
it can be a cms page
3)One of modules controller
It is the best way to install a profiler and see which controller handles your request.

how browsers act when downloading images called from ajax?

I'm new in this topic, so my apologies for this question :)
I need to create a page that must show all images uploaded in a post, one at time. When the user click next button, the it must load the next picture, replacing the first one.
< [ image1 ] >
other content
--> User clicks next
< [ image2 ] >
other content
However, in order to speed the image display load, the two following images need to be downloaded in hidden panels, so the images will be cached when user clicks next and load the next bundle of images.
If I use ajax to do this task, will the browser use the downloaded images or ajax will download them once again?
Is there a way to do this process more optimal?
Thank you very much!
You can download the next image's data to strings using ajax and convert it to a base64 string and embed it in the html (when the next button is clicked, using javascript) by changing the src atribute of your image to "data:image/png;base64,(base64stringhere)" replacing (base64stringhere) with the downloaded base64 string of an image
ref: How can you encode a string to Base64 in JavaScript?
Note: most browsers cache images, so it will waste quite a bit of bandwidth if the users are viewing images they already have downloaded.

Download pdf or image through ajax

I would like to send a lot of data through ajax request to my server which will generate pdf or jpg format according to that data.
Now i have done all that, my issue is to how output that generated pdf/jpg back to the user trough ajax? I guess i might be able to use json for that, but im not really sure how, and i think there would be a lot issues with pdf.
Also if some one gonna suggest using form with hidden inputs that will not work since i have really big multidimensional array with lot's of data and it would simply take to much effort to make it work.
By the way, i am using jquery, but anything else is acceptable as long as it does the job done without making me to rewrite half of my script.
To display a JPG
AJAX: You can return the data hex encoded (be sure to set the content type appropriately: header('Content-type: image/jpeg')). Then you just inject an <img/> element into the DOM and set it's src attribute to the returned Data URI.
HTML: Also, you could inject the <img/>'s with a normal src URL to some location on your server.
It's a little more tricky. Some browsers display PDF's natively (Chrome/Firefox), others rely on optional third-party plugins. You can detect these plugins, but can't control whether the PDF is displayed in a window/frame or is downloaded.
If you choose to display, you can create a new window/tab to display it or display it in an iframe dynamically.
