Growl-WithInstaller.framework keep failing on Xcode4 - xcode

These are my steps
I downloaded the latest Growl sdk and put the Growl-WithInstaller.framework in the /Frameworks folder.
Drag & drop Grow-WithInstaller.framework directory to "Framework" in project, Copy Items into destination folder...
I see Growl-WithInstaller.framework in "Summary" -> Linked Frameworks and Libraries, marked as Required
Then created a new build phrase, Copy Files. Drag Growl-WithInstaller.framework from the left side of the Project navigator to it the column row. Set Destination to Frameworks and also set Copy Only when installing.
Then I keep getting this error:
dyld: Library not loaded: #executable_path/../Frameworks/Growl-WithInstaller.framework/Versions/A/Growl-WithInstaller
Referenced from:... Reason: image not found
Did I missed any steps? Of course if I copy the Growl-WithInstaller.framework to /Libararies/Frameworks, then everything works fine, but if I try to run the app in a Mac with the framework in the /Lib, then it will break.

Uncheck "Copy only when installing" so it doesn't only copy when installing.


Can't get Xcode to bundle libsteam_api.dylib with a build

I've put libsteam_api.dylib in the project folder. I've dragged it into the 'frameworks' folder in the project, and added it to the target. It shows up in the list of linked libraries
When I build and run, I get a "Library not loaded" error, and libsteam_api.dylib is nowhere to be found in the application bundle.
If I then manually copy the library into the MacOS folder of the bundle alongside the executable, it runs fine, but I don't want to have to keep doing that for every build
How do I get Xcode to include the library alongside the executable?
Add a Copy Files build phase to your target, copying the dylib into the Frameworks folder of the app package.
Just banged my head against this as well. There are two pieces to the solution.
1) In your project target's General settings, add the dylib to the list of "Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content", then set its option to "Embed & Sign".
2) Then, under Build Phases (where it should now appear in the "Embed Libraries" section), set its destination to "Executables". (Steam's dylib wants to live alongside the executable, not in the Frameworks directory.)

OSX App crashing on load when ParseOSX framework with Dyld Error

I have an OSX app and I have added the ParseOSX sdk. I have followed all the instructions on the quick start page (
The app is running fine in Xcode (Version 5.1.1 (5B1008)) but when I archive and create a package and install this. I get the following Dyld error;
Dyld Error Message:
Library not loaded: #executable_path/../Frameworks/ParseOSX.framework/ParseOSX
Referenced from: /Applications/
Reason: image not found
It goes on and lists the Binary Images loaded.
Searching the web I found reference to adding a copy files build phase and adding the parse framework to that with the destination set to Products directory.
So it appears there is a dynamic lib not being installed somewhere.
I just cleaned the build folder and now the app will not even run under Xcode. I get:
dyld: Library not loaded: #executable_path/../Frameworks/ParseOSX.framework/ParseOSX
Referenced from: /Users/Ants/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/MyApp-hjrbgyhzpwnxhiaskxpojqyqxnvh/Build/Products/Debug/
Reason: image not found
It turns out when you are in the quick start page. If you chose the new app option you get a Xcode project. This compiles. Going through it I can see that there is is a Copy Files step that copies the ParseOSX.framework into the Frameworks destination. Tried this is my app and I now get a signing error
/Users/Ants/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/MyApp-hjrbgyhzpwnxhiaskxpojqyqxnvh/Build/Products/Debug/ code object is not signed at all
In subcomponent: /Users/Ants/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/MyApp-hjrbgyhzpwnxhiaskxpojqyqxnvh/Build/Products/Debug/
I ran into the same problem with xcode 6.1. Fixed it by adding ParseOSX.framework to "Embedded Binaries" on the general tab of the Targets page.
Two things fixed this for me.
First I needed to add a copy files section to the build phases and copy the ParseOSX.framework into the Frameworks destination.
And second, I needed to add --deep to the "Other Code Signing Flags" in the Code Signing section of Build Settings. It now signs the frameworks being copied it seems.
I was updating an existing parse project to the newest SDK (1.12.0) using Xcode 7.2 and ran into the same problem.
The solution for me was to set Runpath Search Paths to #executable_path/../Frameworks.
I found this by comparing the Starter project from Parse to my project.

Crashlytics file not found

Recently opened a project that I had compiled and submitted to Apple.
I haven't touched it for a couple of months but I'm getting this odd compile error at:
#import <Crashlytics/Crashlytics.h>
The error reads:
'Crashlytics/Crashlytics.h' file not found
Clearly the framework can't be found but I'm puzzled as to why, when the project was working a few months ago, it's suddenly stopped.
Any suggestions why?
Xcode: 4.6.3
Mac OS X: 10.8.4
Just add $(SRCROOT) to the Framework Search Paths in Project Build Settings (Search Paths).
Crashlytics installation process drops its Crashlytics.framework to your project folder (or creates the symlink).
If you moved Crashlytics.framework somewhere deeper in the project folder hierarchy - set 'recursive' to the right or just point directly to its parent folder in Header Search Paths:
Delete frameworks from you project and disk. Check that you have the newest version of Fabric plugin.
Copy frameworks from plugin folder to desktop with this commands:
ditto -xk ~/Library/Caches/com.crashlytics.mac/5b91b14e832a7b1c29441ec5ba109810/sdks/ios/ ~/Desktop/
ditto -xk ~/Library/Caches/com.crashlytics.mac/5b91b14e832a7b1c29441ec5ba109810/sdks/ios/ ~/Desktop/
Add frameworks from desktop to your project.
Info from:
I'd recommend just using CocoaPods to add the Crashlytics framework. No need to care about paths anymore.
pod 'Crashlytics', '~> 3.4.1'
Script Build Phase for dSYM Upload:
./Pods/Crashlytics/iOS/Crashlytics.framework/run <your_crashlytics_id>
#import <Crashlytics/Crashlytics.h>
For me, this worked:
Remove the fabric and crashlytics frameworks from your project, and delete the files from the disk for our project.
Comment the lines in your appdelegate.m file, if you added them for the following:
import Fabric/Fabric.h
import Crashlytics/Crashlytics.h
[Fabric with:#[CrashlyticsKit]];
In the fabric app, choose "New app", and select your Xcode project file
Recopy the build script and build as instructed. The build step is why you needed to comment the lines above-- it won't work if you leave those lines in.
After the build script runs, it will prompt you to drag the frameworks from the app window into your project navigator. This will copy the latest versions of he frameworks (which include the .h files) into your project
I have tried manually downloading, and copying from other projects, but this is the only way I could recover after losing the frameworks files for an app.
In my case, the Framework was in the project folder, but not in the Project Navigator. I dragged it to the project and everything worked fine.
I've had this issue working with distributed teams (through github) after checking in then checking out Crashlytics. The Crashlytics.framework will only have one folder inside it -- "Versions". You need to save a version of the contents inside Crashlytics.framework to another location, then copy-paste them into Crashlytics.framework later.
Remove Crashlytics.framework from the project and disk. Copy and add it again. It helped me.
In my case, I was migrating from an old Crashlytics install through the Mac app to Cocoapods. A lot of the answers to this question recommend completely removing everything and starting over. I started doing this and noticed a discrepancy between code found in Fabric's documentation and the code shown in the Fabric app during the step where it tells you what to copy into your Run Script Build Phase.
Fabric's documentation has double quotes surrounding the entire string: "${PODS_ROOT}/Fabric/Fabric.framework/run <Your_API_Key> <Your_Build_Secret>"
The Fabric App only had double quotes around the path to the run executable: "${PODS_ROOT}/Fabric/Fabric.framework/run" <Your_API_Key> <Your_Build_Secret>
So before you delete everything and start over, try updating your Run Script Build Phase to this:
"${PODS_ROOT}/Fabric/Fabric.framework/run" <Your_API_Key> <Your_Build_Secret>
I have changed the name of the working folder and Craslytics fails. Check this in Build Settings (Search Paths).
Good luck!
I have tried to play with the frameworks search path and relocating & reconnecting the framework file; checked the build settings (Link binary with libraries section) but the error persisted.
Finally, I have reinstalled the framework, which only takes 2-3 minutes. The problem might be caused by that you have relocated the Crashlytics.framework to another subfolder from the root directory, but I am not sure about the exact reason.
Delete everything regarding to the Crashlytics
Start crashlytics app, login and select your project
Add run script
Drag & drop the .framework file (I have kept it in the root folder)
Add the import and startWithAPIKey statements back
Completely Remove the Crashlytics Frameworks on your proj include the shell script in App Build Phases Run Script.
Reinstall the Fabric follow the guide,everything will be OK.
I had previously upgraded to Fabric and had no issues. A couple of days later, I reopened the same project and had the missing crashlytics.h file problem.
I couldn't simply reinstall from the plugin due to a non compiling project (I had so many CLS_LOG messages and references to the missing crashlytics.h file in my project, it would have taken a long time to remove them just to allow the build to work - refactor wouldn't work on CLS_LOG).
So instead, I deleted the crashlytics.framework from my project and did the following to reinstate it from the plug in directly:
Download the Fabric plugin again and double click the zip file to unpack the Fabric application.
Right click the Fabric icon and "Show Package Contents"
Copy the Crashlytics.framework folder to your Desktop and then re-add it to your project via File -> Add Files to ....
If step 3 doesn't work for you, you can also add crashlytics.framework to your project folder on your computer directly, and then also add it into your project list via Xcode same as in step 3 but uncheck "Copy Items if Needed" as you already put the files there yourself.
My project then compiled and worked fine again.
In terms of a guess as to why the file went missing? Part of the upgrade process got me to delete the old frameworks and then run the scripts etc. from the plugin. I think what happened is later when I emptied my trash, that some references were lost. I also had the problem where I'd put Crashlytics into my .gitignore file so it disappeared out of ALL my projects every committed which wasn't great.
Hope this helps someone!
I have same error.
Please try pod update
and fix it.
If FirebaseCrashlytics 9.0.0 installed , problem will be fixed.
stalling FirebaseCoreDiagnostics 9.0.0 (was 8.9.0)
Installing FirebaseCoreExtension (9.0.0)
Installing FirebaseCoreInternal (9.0.0)
Installing FirebaseCrashlytics 9.0.0 (was 8.9.0)
Installing FirebaseFirestore 9.0.0 (was 8.9.1)
Installing FirebaseInstallations 9.0.0 (was 8.9.0)

sigh... Accidentally hit "add files to project" on entire project folder & started a loop of repeatedly duplicating the project within itself

Wow... tail between legs...
So I clicked "add files to project" in Xcode. My entire project folder came up selected by default, as it usually does. I changed my mind and went to click "cancel", but accidentally clicked "add"... so it basically created this loop of continually adding my project folder inside my project folder... inside my project folder etc.. until it finally errored & stopped. (brought my project folder from about 25Mb to almost 3 gigs!!!
I went into my actual project folder (in finder, not in xcode) and deleted the duplicate folder that contained all the other duplicates. But now when I try to build, I get all kinds of errors. This may be the most embarrassing thing I've ever done. I have a repo backup from 5 days ago, but I'd rather not lose 5 days worth of work. Can someone please help me :( 1 billion internet points to whoever can help me so i can keep working tonight!
here are the errors:
Lipo Error:
can't open input file:
(No such file or directory)
Apple Mach-O Linker Error: ld: 5 duplicate symbols for architecture
armv7 clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to
see invocation)
Dsymutil Error: GenerateDSYMFile
cd /Users/Daniel/appDirectory
setenv PATH "/Applications/"
-o /Users/Daniel/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/appname-gahmnzqeqhksvjbmtqtvnauibzrx/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/
error: unable to open executable
I Don't know whether i will be able to make you understand or not but i have tried this weired thing just for you and I have got the same error.
Then i found solution for myself, may be it will also help you.
Go to Build Phase -> compile source and then select all the files you see with postioning folder inside a folder like I have shown in screen shot below. you can see the main.m file inside slider/slider/slider..... where slider is my main project folder.
just check for it and press the minus button on the bottom . this will delete all the duplicate files from the finder. same for the images can be done like i have shown in the screen shot.
Then go to your project's finder and just delete the first folder which contain all the folders and project will run smoothly.
I have done this hope this will help you also. (please have a backup of your project before doing it ) :)

Xcode Won't Compile To Simulator

I've just updated Xcode 4.5 via the App Store, from my previous version which I got from my Apple Developer Account. Since the update I can't compile any apps into the Simulator. I can compile onto a device, e.g. my iPhone.
The error I recieve is
fatal error: file
has been modified since the precompiled header was built
1 error generated.
go in ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/{project name + gobly-gook} and delete folder with your project name.
EDIT After suggestion
By default Library Folder is hidden so we can't see it.
So we have three way to use this hidden ~/Library folder
1.Unhide Library folder by following command to unhide ~/Library folder
chflags nohidden ~/Library
Now you can see Library folder as /Users//Library
2. Open GO menu of finder and press Alt key and Library will be visible as new menu item.
Select that to open Library folder
3. You can access ~/Library folder by Terminal.
There's easiest way: Just "clean" project (Product > Clean)
You can just open the Organizer (top-right corner of XCode), go to the Projects tab, select your project on the left and then delete the Derived Data.
This happened when I updated Xcode from 6.0.1 to 6.1
I cleaned the project and could compile successfully!!
