Play framework and OSGI - osgi

Is it possible to integrate play framework with OSGI to create plugable components? Did someone try it?

If you mean "create Play modules with OSGi", then no, it's not supported
If you mean "deploy Play as an OSGi module" then no, it's not supported
And to be fair, there's no reason to push its support. You can read these thoughts from Spring founder on OSGi, as an example. OSGi would add extra complexity to Play, while the main aim of Play is to be a rapid development platform, simple to use, removing some Java conventions (like Sessions). It would kind of defeat the purpose.

If we're discussing Play 2 then it's definitely worth acknowledging that an important and integral part of Play now is Akka, which could be seen as an alternative to OSGi. Philosophically I think Akka has a lot in common with the core principles of Play and Scala (a functional, stateless, NIO approach), while OSGi is more aligned with the Java EE/Spring camp.
That's not to say that Akka and OSGi are wholly mutually-exclusive: Akka's documentation suggests you can deploy Akka as an OSGi bundle and create some mutant app which has Akka actors firing up via an OSGi bundle.
But to answer the question, no, Play doesn't do OSGi, but it very much does do Akka.


Lagom with Spring

Lagom by default uses Google Guice as implementation od DI pattern.
I would like to use Spring Framework instead.
Is it possible? IF so, how should it be done?
I have successfully integrated Akka with Spring (using hints from documentation and Internet), however I cannot find anything in documentation about integrating with Spring.
Possible? Yes. Will you be constantly swimming upstream, with reach upgrade break in new and unexpected ways requiring you to debug undocumented internal APIs? Most probably.
Lagom is built on Play, Play's DI support is ostensibly pluggable, when I wrote it I hacked together a proof of concept to ensure that Spring could be plugged into it. But it was only ever a proof of concept, neither I or the Play team ever had any desire or intention of maintaining it, so I published my work to GitHub:
So that anyone for whom Spring support was important could continue where I left off. That was 3 years ago. In spite of a community of over a hundred thousand developers, no one ever took the work up. There's not a lot of work to do on the module itself, where most of the work would be is in Play and Lagom to fix areas where they have grown incompatible with Spring.
But really, why do you want to use Spring? The whole Lagom and Play ecosystems are built on Guice, saying you want to use Spring with Lagom is like saying you want to use a narrow gauge train in a country that only has standard guage rails, you're going to have to build yourself an entire new rail system to do so. What do you hope to achieve?

In the OSGi eco-system landscape is there any mean to automatically upgrade the OSGi Container himself?

Maybe this question seems odd ?
I am working on OSGi-fication of our software based on Agents collecting some informations on servers.
Concerning Bundles update, it's natively supported by OSGi frameworks (OBR, Apache ACE, ...)
But, concerning the OSGI Container itself (Felix, Karaf, ...), is there a mechanism or a framework/tool having capacity to upgrade the container "automatically"?
Any idea? Any feedback?
Not in the OSGi specification. It assumes the framework is available on the classpath and can be launched. Any ability to update the framework implementation would be specific to a framework implementation as a value add.

Component-based application with scalability in mind: OSGi or Akka?

For my master thesis I'm developing an application framework for selling tickets for large events. My main requirements are modifiability, scalability and performance. My clients (event organisers) should be able to easily replace a component at runtime and add functionality. An example of such a component could be the seat assignment component.
My mentors said to look at OSGi. The idea of loosely coupled bundles is certainly appealing. When looking for alternatives I discovered Akka. This framework promises a lot of things, like scalability and high performance. I wondered if Akka's concept of actors suits my modifiability requirements. Akka seems more productive than OSGi, so development would be faster. Akka also seems more fit for scalability. With OSGi I would have a harder time.
If you have experience in both OSGi and Akka, which would you recommend for me? What are the pro and cons of both technologies when comparing them? And finally, are there are any good alternatives to OSGi or Akka that cover my requirements?
First, thank you for the replies so far, you're a great help.
As mentioned below, I'm trying to compare apples and pears. A more logical question would be: How can OSGi and Akka be used together and benefit from each other? How is this structured? Do all your actors reside in one OSGi bundle, do they each get a separate bundle, is there a hybrid solution or isn't there really a 'right' way to do it?
EDIT bis
I posted a follow up question here, asking how to combine OSGi and Akka.
As Peter says they are not directly comparable. In fact you can use them together and they should be quite complementary.
Akka provides an asynchronous communications API. OSGi provides a modular, service-oriented framework. There is nothing in Akka, for example, that would solve the problem of isolating modules so that they cannot have visibility of each others' internals. Likewise there is nothing in OSGi quite like the async communications provided by Akka. So use them together and you get the best of both worlds...
OSGi does have synchronous Services, which are the principal method of communication between modules in a single JVM. OSGi also has a Remote Services layer that can be used for communication between remote machines. This is probably the area where OSGi and Akka most directly overlap, I suppose. But even here I think there is potential for cooperation. For example, OSGi Remote Services has a really powerful discovery mechanism that allows us to advertise capabilities on the network. You could possibly use this discovery to find Akka actors that are available for you to communicate with.
I'm not aware of anybody actually working on this as present, so I think that exploring and expanding on this idea would be an excellent topic for a master's thesis!
Which university do you attend? The OSGi Alliance is very interested in fostering links with the academic community, perhaps we could set up an online meeting with you and your professor?
I think you compare apple and pears. You can run Scala code on OSGi (though their binary compatibility is horrible).
Scala is a programming language, and Akka a messaging library. OSGi is a dynamic component system. So not sure how you can compare them
I agree with both Neil and Peter, you're asking us to make a comparison between apples and oranges. You can use both frameworks together. I'm currently working on a project with the same main requirements you specified. I'm creating a prototype that demonstrates using both technologies together, OSGi to provide modularity and updatability, and Akka to provide scalability and performance.
If you would like to see both frameworks working together you can play with the sample application I posted on github.
They aren't an apples to apples comparison. They are Orthogonal to each other and, if anything, complement each other. Use both.

Equinox and Java Scripting API

I want to create an OSGi (Equinox) bundle that contains a script engine (JSR-223 compliant) and use it in another bundle via ScriptEngineManager.getEngineFactories().
However the service discovery mechanism of Java Scripting API (jar file service discovery) fails to discover scripting engines in installed bundles.
I already saw few answers on the topic, which suggested using Apache Felix or Apache Sling since they have a solution. However I am wondering if the Equinox implementation has a way to handle the problem?
Well, OSGi 5 will support it, it's called the Service Loader Mediator. That will effectively bridge the OSGi services with the java.util serviceloader.
Apache Aries has an implementation of it called Spi-Fly which should work. I guess it is more targeted at Felix but usually the OSGi implementations are pretty compatible.
To be honest though, I've never gone to the bottom of this one, so I can't speak from personal experience.
Good luck, Frank
I have implemented a solution based on one of the answers from Is OSGi fundamentally incompatible with JSR-223 Scripting Language Discovery? using OSGiScriptEngineManager and friends and that works pretty well.
The big problem then can be to find proper JSR 223 implementations for the scripting languages in question :-)

How does OSGi manage interaction of components running in separate JVMs?

I have been trying to understand a bit more about the wider picture of OSGi without reading thru the entire specification. As with so many things, the introduction to what OSGi actually is was probably written by someone who had been working on it for a decade and perhaps wasn't best placed to put themselves in the mindset of someone who knows nothing about it :-)
Looking at Felix's example DictionaryService, I don't really understand what is going on. Is OSGi a distinct instance of a JVM into which you load bundles which can then find each other?
Obviously it is not just this because other answers on StackOverflow are explicit that OSGi can solve the dependency problem of a distributed system containing modules deployed within distinct JVMs (plus the FAQ keeps talking about networks).
In this latter case, how does a component running in one JVM interact with another component in a separate JVM? Can the two components "use" each other as if they were running within the same JVM (i.e. via local method calls), and how does OSGi manage the marshalling of data across a network (do you have to use Serializable for example)?
Or does the component author have to use some other distinct mechanism (either provided by OSGi or written themselves) for communication between remote components?
Any help much appreciated!
Yes, OSGi only deals with bundles and services running on the same VM. However, one should note that it is a distinct feature of OSGi that it facilitates running multiple applications (in a controlled way and sharing common modules) on the same JVM at all.
When it comes to accessing services outside the clients JVM, there is currently no standardized solution. Paremus Infiniflow and the derived open-source project Newton use an SCA approach. The upcoming 4.2 release of the OSGi specs will address one side of the problem, namely how to use generic distribution software in such a way that it can bring remote services into the client's JVM.
As somebody mentioned R-OSGi, this approach also deals with the other side of the problem, being how to manage dependencies between distributed OSGi frameworks. Since R-OSGi is not generic distribution software but explicitly deals with the lifecycle issues and dependency management of OSGi bundles.
As far as I know, OSGi does not solve this problem out of the box. There are OSGi-bundles, for example Remote OSGi, which allow the programmer to distribute services across a network.
Not yet, i think it's being worked on for the next release.
But some companies have already implemented distributed osgi. One i'm aware of is Paremus' Infiniflow ( At linkedin they are also working on this. More info here: Building Linkedin next gen architecture with osgi and here: Matt raible: building linkedin next gen architecture
Here's a summary of the changes for OSGI 4.2: Some thoughts on the OSGi R4.2 draft, There's a section on RFC-119 dealing with distributed OSGi.
AFAIK, bundles are running in the same JVM, but are not loaded using the same class loader (that why you can use two different versions of the same bundle at the same time).
To interact with components in another JVM, you must use a network protocol such as rmi.
The OSGi alliance is working on a standard for distributed OSGi:
There even is an early Apache implementation of this new standard:
The accepted answer to this question would seem to indicate otherwise (unless I'm misreading it). Also, taken from the FAQ:
The OSGi Service Platform provides the functions to change the composition dynamically on the device of a variety of networks, without requiring a restart
(Emphasis my own). Although in the same FAQ it describes OSGi as in-VM.
Why am I so confused about this? Why is such a basic question about a decade-old technology not clear?
The original problem of OSGI was more related to distribution of code (and then configuration of bundle) than to distribution of execution.
People looking at distributed components are rather looking towards SCA
The "introduction" link is not really an intro, it is a FAQ entry. For more information, see Not hard to find I would think.
Anyway, OSGi is an in-VM SOA. That is, the OSGi Framework is about what happens inside the VM, it provides a framework for structuring your application inside the VM so you can built it too a large extent from components. So the core has nothing to do with distribution, it is completely oblivious of who implements the services, it just provides a mechanism for modules to meet each other in a loosely coupled way.
That said, the µService model reifies the joints between the modules and it turns out that you can build support on top of the framework that provides distribution to the other components. In the last releases we specified some mechanisms that make this standardized in the core and provide a special service Remote Service Admin that can manage a distributed topology.
If you are looking for a distributed OSGi centric Cloud runtime - then the Paremus Service Fabric ( ) provides these capabilities.
One or more Systems each consisting of a number of OSGi assemblies (Blueprint or Declarative Services) can be dynamically deployed and maintained across a population of OSGi runtime Frameworks (Knopflerfish, Felix or Equinox).
A light weight RSA remote framework is provided which provides Service discovery by default using DDS (a seriously good middleware messaging technology) - (thought ZooKeeper and other approach can be used). Currently supported re-moting protocols include RMI and Avro.
