Error while running MVC3 Application after reinstalling also -

My issue still persist. Reference to the thread Error while running MVC3 Application
Though I marked it as an answer as it did resolved my issue after reinstalling MVC3 but after 8 days this issue reappears but this time every single effort is failed:
I installed MVC 3 after uninstalling it:
I installed MVC 3 by Web Installer.
but the same error is displayed. Any suggestion ?
Please help.

Can you go to Help -> About Microsoft Visual Studio and check the version? It should say 10.0.40219.1 SP1 Rel if you have the service pack installed. Again, this is absolute guess work. If you don't have the SP installed (and the logs don't have anything useful) I'd start by removing the MVC3 tools update, applying 2010SP1, and then reinstalling the MVC3 tools update. If you do have the SP installed, I'm really at a loss and will refrain from making a suggestion on this route unless absolutely necessary. :-)


MVC3 Re-installation VS2010 SP1

I've looked here and the link in the solution but I'm still having problems. I had Visual Studio 2010 with SP1 beta and MVC3 installed but encountered no Intellisense on cshtml files and problems with System.Web.Helpers not being found.
Downloaded the released VS2010 SP1 and installed this (as recommended, over the beta) and still had the issue so uninstalled MVC3.
Now I can't install MVC3 at all, the log shows VS10-KB2483190-x86.exe) failed with 0x80070643 - Fatal error during installation and even when opening the MVC3 exe in 7-zip and installing components individually as per the blog.
Has anyone else had a similar problem that they manage to solve?
This blog did work, as described in the question. Downloaded the standalone installer of MVC3 and got the individual files using 7-zip.
Beforehand, I uninstalled ASP.NET Web Pages with a guide in this post which talks about removing trailing slashes from the registry first.
Now MVC3 works and also the System.Web.Helpers and IDependencyResolver is found which was another reason for re-installing.
Get your visual studio dvd, or download the iso trial and mount it. Then run the mvc3 setup. I ran the vs10-kb2483190-x86 by itself and it complained about not finding the vs setup.msi from the dvd.
I was unable to install MVC with the same error and Paul's solution worked for me. Many thanks. I did not have to perform the Registry mods in my particular case though. So,
Uninstall Microsoft ASP .NET Web Pages from Add/Remove Programs
Run the setup for MVC 3. This will unpack the setup files to C:\Temp\ext47334
Run C:\Temp\ext47334\aspnetwebpages.msi
Run the rest of the msis in C:\Temp\ext47334
I had the same problem of a failed installation using the web installer (though it reported success). But in my case, I had already installed MVC4 before I tried installing MVC3.
I downloaded the offline installer, which failed with the same error as above. I then tried both suggestions of inserting the VS2010 DVD, and changing the registry paths as described, but neither worked. I then tried first uninstalling the MVC3 stuff from Program and Features in Control Panel. This time the installation got further than before, but failed on installing NuGet. So I uninstalled NuGet and reran the installer, this time with success! I then had to reinstall NuGet by downloading the latest version from the

ASP.NET MVC3 Razor Intellisense not working on XP SP 3 , VS 2010 Pro Trial

Razor intellisense is not working for me. I do not have Resharper installed and I downloaded both the vs 2010 pro trial and mvc 3 release this week. Everything is working fine except I get no intellisense.
Is there something related to the trial or xp sp 3 that could be causing issues?
Is there a log or something I can look at to provide information to troubleshoot?
EDIT: I don't see a datetime anywhere on this so I wanted to emphasize this was installed 3/1/2011.
I have tried deleting the ReflectedSchemas folder and resetting my vs2010 settings.
I was able to solve this after a grueling 6 hours of uninstall issues.
I uninstalled all the MVC3 compnonents along with VS 2008 MVC2 tools which I did not realize I had.
I had a horrible time with the uninstall and reinstall. I had to constantly open Task Manager and stop the devenv.exe process as it would hang after uninstalls and installs would complete. Sometimes this would prevent the uninstall/install but eventually everything worked.
after spending hours of install/deinstall stuff to get the razor-editor installed on my production machine (that did not work) - I finally managed to get it going.
All I did was grab the VS2010 SP1 RTM, install it and then reinstall the latest ASP.NET MVC 3 package - no previous deinstall.
And finally I see the razor-editor .... now only if I could get a working Async CTP ;)
I Only had to uninstall MVC2 for 2010 and the intellisense started working again.

Cannot install ASP.Net MVC 3

I tried installing MVC 3 from the download in - both with and without the Web Platform Installer. As soon as the download is finished, the installer says installation is finished, yet I get no observable effect - I can't create MVC projects and it doesn't appear in Uninstall Programs.
Any idea how I can get MVC 3 to install?
Edit: Forgot to mention, I have the just-released SP1 installed.
Look in the eventlog to see if there any errors related to Windows Installer.
We had a similar issue, because we had the SP1 beta installed. Uninstalling the beta, and then running the installer worked for us.

Can't install ASP.NET MVC3 RTM?

I'm trying to upgrade from ASP.NET MVC3 RC to RTM? I can't get past upgrading the vs10-kb2483190-x86.exe installer. I get this error in the error log:
Do I need to uninstall the Windows Phone SDK first? Should I hunt for GUIDs in the registry?
The installer appears to launch devenv.exe behind the scenes. I decided to launch VS2010 to see if it would "unlock" something. After it launched, I closed it and the installer started progressing.
Actually, it did work - I just ran for the second time...
When you run .msp, it pops a prompt that "the network resource for Visual Studio installation files is not available". Once you update the location of vs_setup.msi everything else works fine. I didn't have to run MSIs in sequence as the post suggests - once location was correct, I just ran MVC3 installation executable, and everything got installed fine.
It looks like platform installer and MVC3 setup just fail and, worse, swallow the root cause problem.
I finally gave up and reinstalled windows when I got a new CPU/Motherboard. Took care of it, not that I suggest this solution for everyone.

ASP.NET MVC 3 RC VS10-KB2385361-x86 error (freezing)

I think I'm cursed in some way... I had errors while installing MVC 3 beta. and now the same thing with MVC 3 RC. I've read about this problem here : But after uninstalling all the mvc-beta-nuget-asppages stuff I have the same thing hanging - this VS10-KB2385361-x86 error.
I'm on Win7 x64, and using VS 2010 x64. What might be the solution to all this? (I don't want to reinstall the whole VS because of it).
OK. I've managed to install it (after 2 days trying).
Here is what I've done:
Uninstalled ASP.NET MVC 3 run-time components,ASP.NET Web Pages run-time components. (doesn't work after this);
Reinstalled VS 2010 ( still freezes);
Launched VS (just did some work, nothing special, just writing code), then I tried installing MVC 3 RC again (it got frozen), after a while I launched installer again having the firs one opened (it prompted some message saying another installation is running), and some real magic happened because first installer suddenly started working and installed whole thing.
Don't know how it works, but everything is running well (so far).
I found this problem yesterday, but i resolve it today, ohye
1、unzip AspNetMVC3Setup.exe to a folder
2、In the AspNetMVC3Setup folder, you can install aspnetwebpages.msi and aspnetmvc3.msi and other install
I am a chinese ,so I english is not good, I found other people has the same prblem, hope you can tell them
This is due to it needing the visual studio cdrom. If you installed from MSDN mount the iso and it should work. Just tested this and it worked.
I had the same problem on Windows 7 32-bit on the first attempt, but it worked on the second try with no changes to the system. If you see this issue it's worth retrying at least one more time before trying other things.
