How to create an extension for Thunderbird/Lightning - thunderbird-lightning

I had to create an extension for contacts import into Thunderbird. This part is done, now I need to import tasks. But tasks/calendar are not handled by default in thunderbird, so I need Lightning. Here is my problem. I have no idea if I can detect an other extension and use some of its features.

Easiest way to detect Lightning is checking whether its interfaces are defined, e.g.:
if ("calICalendar" in Components.interfaces)
alert("Lightning is installed!");
Using its features is a different thing - depends on what you are trying to do. For most things importing Lightning's modules and using them should do:
I don't think it is properly documented however, you will have to look at the source code.


Is there a standard practice for splitting packages into modular components?

I'm working on a library with multiple layers of functionality. I want developers to be able to import only the parts they need, ie mylib-core, mylib-feature1, mylib-feature2, etc. Each lives in its own git repo. I'd also like to provide a simple mylib package which exposes a default set of functionality which is useful for developers new to the library. See d3.js version 4+ for something very similar to what I'm trying to accomplish.
The problems I've run into are
Apparently you can't share a package name between packages. This is a problem because it would be nice to import all the desired repos and then simply have everything available under the mylib name.
I don't see an obvious way to re-export functionality, in order to build the default mylib package.
Are there good solutions or a more idomatic go way to accomplish what I'm shooting for?
Answering your question, there is no idiomatic way of doing what you want. It is common in JavaScript to import a library and export its members without interference. This is not the case in Golang.
I advise you to host your whole library under a single repo, and split the functionality to packages. The Go compiler will only compile and use the imported packages.
And a tip for the future, Go is very different than almost any other language you previously know 😅

How to use #testable import for frameworks built via Carthage

I've already read answers for this question but I'm not satisfied.
Is there any possibility to use #testable for external libraries e.g. Alamofire, RxRealm (reason why I would like to do that is that, some classes are not open and in some cases it's not possible to create mock in unit tests without overriding real implementation).
Carthage doesn't build frameworks for testing. That's actually a good thing.
Library authors give guarantees on how the public interface of their software behaves, but have the freedom to change the private interface of it as much as necessary.
Instead of trying to subclass the implementation of your third party dependencies types to create test doubles for them, I would recommend to put a protocol in front of the subset of functionality you need from the library and only interact with the protocol in your production code.
If you have a particular case you'd like to test could you please update the question with it? I'd love to see if I can help.

Vendoring a standard library (crypto/tls)

I want to make some changes to the Go crypto/tls standard library.
Is making a copy of crypto/tls in the vendor folder a good way to do this?
It almost works, it seems the vendored is copy used when I compile the application (Caddy webserver). Apart from one error I get:
go/src/ cannot use "vendor/crypto/tls".Config literal (type *"vendor/crypto/tls".Config) as type *"crypto/tls".Config in field value
Is there a way of casting to get around this one error? Doesn't sound like good practice to me though.
I would have thought that the vendored copy would always be used, but it seems something is still using the standard crypto/tls library? (I think "net/http" is. Do I have to vendor this too?)
I actually had to do that. The most practical way is to copy and modify the package (as well as its internal dependencies) - this includes some import paths. And it is not really vendored (vendoring is basically using unmodified packages, otherwise vendoring tools will not work), it is a fork, under a different name. I would guess that caddy does not need the modified version - if it does, you need to fork and modify caddy as well.
It goes without saying, but be extremely careful when modifying crypto/tls package - I for example has to make a minimal change that does not really modify TLS operation (I needed to be able to derive key material from the session master secret and randoms).
Also, you have to fully realize that this has significant cost - when a new version of go is out, one that potentially has updates for the crypto/tls package or its dependencies, you will have to apply your changes once again, manually. Committing a diff between the vanilla version and your version helps. I don't think this is at all practical for non-trivial changes (mine were quite limited - a new public field in Config, few lines of code in handshakes, a new interface).
I need the same functionality. It seems like the crypto/tls package does not allow the reading of custom TLS extensions added from the client side in the ClientHello payload. It would be great to be able to check for any custom extensions and then marshal them out accordingly.
It is a pity that this is not a separate package as we could then in our go.mod file be able to use replace to specify a custom TLS package.
replace => ./tls
Then running go mod vendor.
Where the ./tls is my local version with the changes applied.

respect __all__ variable with jedi-vim

Is it possible to configure jedi-vim to respect __all__ variable inside a module (like So, when I use autocomplete on an imported package, anything inside which is not listed in the __all__, and is not a special variable/method, is hidden?
Does not work and will not work in the near future. Reason: I'm the author.
It's quite complicated to understand __all__, because it can basically be generated by any Python code.
I would probably accept a pull request, but only if it works with numpy.

In Ruby, what's the equivalent of Java's technique of limiting access to source in a cowork situation?

In Java when you compile a .java file which defines a class, it creates a .class file. If you provide these class files to your coworkers then they cannot modify your source. You can also bundle all of these class files into a jar file to package it up more neatly and distribute it as a single library.
Does Ruby have any features like these when you want to share your functionality with your coworkers but you don't want them to be able to modify the source (unless they ask you for the actual .rb source file and tell you that they want to change it)?
I believe the feature you are looking for is called "trust" (and a source code control repository). Ruby isn't compiled in the same way that Java is, so no you can't do this.
I have to say your are in a rough position, not wanting to share code with a coworker. However, given that this is an unassailable constraint perhaps you could change the nature of the problem.
If you have a coworker that needs access to some service provided by a library of yours, perhaps you could expose it by providing a web/rest service instead of as a .rb file.
This way you can hide your code behind a web server, and if there is a network architecture that allows for low latency making these service calls, you can effectively achive the same goal.
Trust is a lot easier though.
Just saw this on HN:, allows a ruby file to include another file through http instead of the filesystem.
Ruby is
A dynamic, interpreted, open source programming language with a focus on simplicity and productivity.
So like all interpreted languages, you need to give the source code to anyone who want's to execute your program/script.
By the way searching "compiled ruby" on google returned quiet a few results.
I don't think there is one. Ruby is purely an interpreted language, which means ruby interprets your source code directly in order to run it. Java is compiled, so there's an intermediate bytecode (the .class). You can obfuscate your ruby if you really wish, but it's probably more trouble than it's worth.
Just to make sure you realize, however, upwards of 95% of Java can be decompiled back into source using various free utilities, so in reality, Java's compilation isn't much better than distributing Ruby source.
This is not a language specific problem and one that can be managed more effectively through source control software.
There is a library called ruby2c that compiles a subset of Ruby into C code (which you can then compile into native code, if you want).
It was actually originally written as a Ruby code obfuscator (but has since been used for lots of other stuff, including Ruby Arduino development).
