unable to apply sort order in solr - solrnet

hi Please tell me how to apply multiple valued sort order in solr here is my code given below,
I am using solr net for this.
private QueryOptions ConstructQueryOperation(SearchCriteria searchCriteria)
QueryOptions queryOption =new QueryOptions();
queryOption.Rows = searchCriteria.Pagination.PageSize;
queryOption.Start = ((searchCriteria.Pagination.CurrentPage+1) - 1) * searchCriteria.Pagination.PageSize;
if (searchCriteria.SortCriteria != null)
foreach (var sortItem in searchCriteria.SortCriteria)
if (sortItem.Value.ToString() == ListSorter.SortingOrder.Descending.ToString())
queryOption.AddOrder(new SolrNet.SortOrder(sortItem.Key, Order.DESC));
queryOption.AddOrder(new SolrNet.SortOrder(sortItem.Key, Order.ASC));
return queryOption;
I am getting a bad server request.
Can anyone let me know what needs to be done exactly.

It was a field name mismatch. .Net code was referring to a field that didn't exist in the Solr schema.


spring boot + hibernate Can I use entityMnager.persist(item) after I get the item with named query?

I am using spring boot and hibernate. I have a named query where I select an item. Then I want to set some property and then to make entityManager.persist() or entityManager.merge(). Can I do this or the instance of my item will be unmanaged after the named query and persist/merge will fail ?
Here is my code where em.persist() actually do not work:
public String getSMSText(String sourceUrl) {
Rss rss;
List urls = em.createNamedQuery("Rss.getFeedByUrl").setParameter("url", sourceUrl).getResultList();
if (urls.size() != 0) {
rss = (Rss) urls.get(urls.size() - 1);
for (Rss.Item item : rss.getChannel().getItems()) {
try {
if (Utils.isToday(item.getPubDateAsDate()) && !item.isPushed()) {
return item.getTitle() + "." + item.getSummary();
} catch (ParseException e) {
logger.info("Cannot parse pub date", e);
logger.info(sourceUrl + " No news for today!");
return null;
return null;
My guess is that your change on the item will not have any effect.
You should change your item only when the query transaction is completely closed.
I think you have two way:
1- Change your code to update your entity only when you are sure that the select query transaction was closed.
2- Use EntityManager.refresh() on your item, after the named query and before change and persist it.

How to query relational data using subclasses? parse.com and Unity

Im trying to query all elements of subclass in Unity. I have found SDK constraint or missing something here.
According to documentation querying subclasses is possible.
> var query = new ParseQuery<Armor>()
.WhereLessThanOrEqualTo("rupees", ((Player)ParseUser.CurrentUser).Rupees);
query.FindAsync().ContinueWith(t =>
IEnumerable<Armor> result = t.Result;
Im however using relation table and cannot specify
Here is my code:
IEnumerator LoadMyDesigns(Action<RequestResult> result) {
ParseUser user = ParseUser.CurrentUser;
ParseRelation<Design> relation = user.GetRelation<Design>("designs");
Task<IEnumerable<Design>> task = relation.Query.FindAsync();
while (!task.IsCompleted) yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame();
if (task.IsFaulted) {
foreach(var e in task.Exception.InnerExceptions) {
ParseException parseException = (ParseException) e;
Debug.LogError("Error message " + parseException.Message);
Debug.LogError("Error code: " + parseException.Code);
result(new RequestResult(true, parseException.Message));
else {
result(new RequestResult(true, new List<Design>(task.Result)));
And error:
ArgumentNullException: Must specify a ParseObject class name when creating a ParseQuery.
So the question is how do I specify query subclass type when using relations?
I've struggled with the same problem and in my case I needed to provide the propertyName again in de GetRelationProperty call.
For example:
public ParseRelation<Design> Designs
get { return GetRelationProperty<Design>("Designs"); }
Try querying your designs Table.
Make a new query for class "Designs" where equal("owner", PFUser.currentUser())
This should return all of the designs for the current User.

How can i dynamically Create Criteria Mongodb Spring data mongo Template

I need to dynamically create a criteria but i am having problem how can i build criteria dynamically.
I need exactly the same as in here Build dynamic queries with Spring Data MongoDB Criteria but i am getting an error while i am converting my Criteria list to a toArray as its keep saying that orCriteria does not have support for Criteria[]
here is my effort so far
Here is my query structure
"fieldName":"title","fieldValue":"Demo Event NEW YORK IIII22222",
and here is my parsing it to create criteria
if(null != eventSearch.getQuery())
if(null != eventSearch.getQuery().getWhere() && eventSearch.getQuery().getWhere().size()> 0)
for (Where whereClause : eventSearch.getQuery().getWhere()) {
if(null != whereClause.getOr() && whereClause.getOr().size() > 0){
for (Field field: whereClause.getOr()) {
// So i need to append an or Condition to main query for each or object in my query can anyone tell me how can i achieve this?
I need to pass my all where clauses with in or object to orOperator function as a parameter
Criteria c = new Criteria().orOperator(Need to pass my where clauses here);
Better use an ArrayList of Criteria to keep $or criteria as below.
List<Criteria> orCriteriaList = new ArrayList<Criteria>();
for (Field field: whereClause.getOr()) {
Criteria c1 = Criteria.where(whereClause.getFieldName()).gte(whereClause.getFieldValue());
Then build the main query from this orCriteriaList as
mainQuery.addCriteria(new Criteria().orOperator(orCriteriaList.toArray(new Criteria[orCriteriaList.size()])));

Update object in foreach loop

I am using EF4/LINQ for the first time and have run into an issue. I am looping thru the results of a LINQ query using a foreach loop as follows:
private static void OnTimedEvent(object source, ElapsedEventArgs e)
CallOutcomeSubmission los = new CallOutcomeSubmission();
client = connectToService();
using (var context = new CallOutcomeContext())
// List of available actions
private static string ACTION_CALL_ATTEMPT = "Call Attempt";
DateTime oneDayAgo = DateTime.Now.AddHours(-24);
var query = from co in context.T_MMCallOutcome
join ca in context.T_Call on co.CallID equals ca.CallID
join lv in context.T_LeadVendorEmailHeader on co.LeadVendorEmailID equals lv.LeadVendorEmailID
where co.EnteredOn > oneDayAgo && co.MMLeadActionID == null
select new
MMLeadID = lv.email_text,
// if any results found for query
if (query.Any())
foreach (var call in query.ToList())
// if the franchise exists
if (client.FranchiseExists(int.Parse(call.FranchiseNumber)))
switch (call.OutcomeID)
case 39: // Not Answered
call.LeadAction = ACTION_CALL_ATTEMPT;
case 43: // Remove from Call List
default: // If the OutcomeID is not identified in the case statement
} // switch
los.eventLog.WriteEntry("CallOutcomeSubmission.OnTimedEvent: No franchise found with franchise ID " + call.FranchiseNumber);
// Save any changes currently on context
} // foreach
// if no results found from query write system log stating such
los.eventLog.WriteEntry("CallOutcomeSubmission.OnTimedEvent: No new entries found");
} // using
catch (System.TimeoutException exception)
los.eventLog.WriteEntry("CallOutcomeSubmission.OnTimedEvent:" + exception.ToString());
catch (System.ServiceModel.CommunicationException exception)
los.eventLog.WriteEntry("CallOutcomeSubmission.OnTimedEvent:" + exception.ToString());
When I try to do the assignment:
call.LeadAction = ACTION_CALL_ATTEMPT;
I get a build error of
Property or indexer 'AnonymousType#2.LeadAction' cannot be assigned to -- it is read only
I can't seem to find anything on this specific error doing a Google search and am not sure what I am doing wrong. Is it because the original query contains a join?
How can I do the assignment of call.LeadAction within the foreach loop?
I would also like to know if there are design issue withe way I have written the query or performed any of the operations since this is my first foray into EF/LINQ.
You're creating a new anonymous type - with the Linq joins and then trying to set that value. What you're really wanting to do, is update the call's LeadAction correct?
How would EF know to translate your new query back to an entity so it can go back to the database? It would have to go through alot of hoops, and it's not capable of that.
What you could do, is retrieve the Call from your database and set the LeadAction that way - I'm using Find, assuming that CallID is your PK:
case 39: // Not Answered
var thisCall = context.T_Call.Find(call.CallID)
thisCall.LeadAction = ACTION_CALL_ATTEMPT;

Custom search in Dynamics CRM 4.0

I have a two related questions.
I'm looking to do a full text search against a custom entity in Dynamics CRM 4.0. Has anyone done this before or know how to do it?
I know that I can build QueryExpressions with the web service and sdk but can I do a full text search with boolean type syntax using this method? As far as I can tell that won't do the trick.
Does anyone else feel limited with the searching abilities provided with Dynamics CRM 4.0? I know there are some 3rd pary search products out there but I haven't found one I like yet. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Searching and filtering via the CRM SDK does take some time to get used to. In order to simulate full text search, you need to use nested FilterExpressions as your QueryExpression.Criteria. SDK page for nested filters The hardest part is figuring out how to build the parent child relationships. There's so much boolean logic going on that it's easy to get lost.
I had a requirement to build a "search engine" for one of our custom entities. Using this method for a complex search string ("one AND two OR three") with multiple searchable attributes was ugly. If you're interested though, I can dig it up. While it's not really supported, if you can access the database directly, I would suggest using SQL's full text search capabilities.
ok, here you go. I don't think you'll be able to copy paste this and fulfill your needs. my customer was only doing two to three key word searches and they were happy with the results from this. You can see what a pain it is to just do this in a simple search scenario. I basically puked out code until it was 'working'.
private FilterExpression BuildFilterV2(string[] words, string[] seachAttributes)
FilterExpression filter = new FilterExpression();
List<FilterExpression> allchildfilters = new List<FilterExpression>();
List<string> andbucket = new List<string>();
List<string> orBucket = new List<string>();
// clean up commas, quotes, etc
words = ScrubWords(words);
int index = 0;
while (index < words.Length)
// if current word is 'and' then add the next wrod to the ad bucket
if (words[index].ToLower() == "and")
andbucket.Add(words[index + 1]);
index += 2;
if (andbucket.Count > 0)
List<FilterExpression> filters = new List<FilterExpression>();
foreach (string s in andbucket)
filters.Add(BuildSingleWordFilter(s, seachAttributes));
// send existing and bucket to condition builder
FilterExpression childFilter = new FilterExpression();
childFilter.FilterOperator = LogicalOperator.And;
childFilter.Filters = filters.ToArray();
// add to child filter list
//new 'and' bucket
andbucket = new List<string>();
if (index + 1 < words.Length && words[index + 1].ToLower() == "and")
if (index + 2 <= words.Length)
andbucket.Add(words[index + 2]);
index += 3;
if (andbucket.Count > 0)
List<FilterExpression> filters = new List<FilterExpression>();
foreach (string s in andbucket)
filters.Add(BuildSingleWordFilter(s, seachAttributes));
// send existing and bucket to condition builder
FilterExpression childFilter = new FilterExpression();
childFilter.FilterOperator = LogicalOperator.And;
childFilter.Filters = filters.ToArray();
// add to child filter list
//new 'and' bucket
andbucket = new List<string>();
if (orBucket.Count > 0)
filter.Conditions = BuildConditions(orBucket.ToArray(), seachAttributes);
filter.FilterOperator = LogicalOperator.Or;
filter.Filters = allchildfilters.ToArray();
return filter;
private FilterExpression BuildSingleWordFilter(string word, string[] seachAttributes)
List<ConditionExpression> conditions = new List<ConditionExpression>();
foreach (string attr in seachAttributes)
ConditionExpression expr = new ConditionExpression();
expr.AttributeName = attr;
expr.Operator = ConditionOperator.Like;
expr.Values = new string[] { "%" + word + "%" };
FilterExpression filter = new FilterExpression();
filter.FilterOperator = LogicalOperator.Or;
filter.Conditions = conditions.ToArray();
return filter;
private ConditionExpression[] BuildConditions(string[] words, string[] seachAttributes)
List<ConditionExpression> conditions = new List<ConditionExpression>();
foreach (string s in words)
foreach (string attr in seachAttributes)
ConditionExpression expr = new ConditionExpression();
expr.AttributeName = attr;
expr.Operator = ConditionOperator.Like;
expr.Values = new string[] { "%" + s + "%" };
return conditions.ToArray();
Hm, that's a pretty interesting scenario...
You could certainly do a 'Like' query, and 'or' together the colums/attribute conditions you want included in the search. This seems to be how CRM does queries from the box above entity lists (and they're plenty fast). It looks like the CRM database has a full-text index, although exactly which columns are used to populate it is a bit foggy to me after a brief peek.
And remember LinqtoCRM for CRM query love (I started the project, sorry about the shameless plug).
Second - I can recommend "Global Search" by Akvelon which provides ability to search in all Custom Entities and attributes and Out of Box entities and attributes. Also they are using FTS for search in the attached documents contents. You can find more details in their official site: http://www.akvelon.com/Products/Dynamics%20CRM%20global%20Search/default.aspx
I would suggest utilizing the Dynamics CRM filtered views provided for you in the database. Then you can utilize all the power of native SQL to do any LIKE's or other logic you need. Plus, the filtered views are security trimmed, so you won't have to worry about users accessing records they do not have permission to.
