QGraphicsScene, Item Coordinates Affect Performance? - performance

With the below code snippet I create a scene with 100.000 rectangles.
The performance is fine; the view responds with no delays.
QGraphicsScene * scene = new QGraphicsScene;
for (int y = -50000; y < 50000; y++) {
scene->addRect(0, y * 25, 40, 20);
And now the 2nd snippet sucks
for (int y = 0; y < 100000; y++) {
scene->addRect(0, y * 25, 40, 20);
For the 1st half of scene elements the view delays to respond on mouse and key events, and for the other half it seems to be ok ?!?
The former scene has sceneRect (x, y, w, h) = (0, -1250000, 40, 2499995).
The latter scene has sceneRect (x, y, w, h) = (0, 0, 40, 2499995).
I don't know why the sceneRect affects the performance, since the BSP index is based on relative item coordinates.
Am I missing something? I didn't find any information on the documentation,
plus the Qt demo 40000 Chips also distributes the elements around (0, 0), without explaining the reason for that choice.
// Populate scene
int xx = 0;
int nitems = 0;
for (int i = -11000; i < 11000; i += 110) {
int yy = 0;
for (int j = -7000; j < 7000; j += 70) {
qreal x = (i + 11000) / 22000.0;
qreal y = (j + 7000) / 14000.0;

I have a solution for you, but promise to not ask me why is this working,
because I really don't know :-)
QGraphicsScene * scene = new QGraphicsScene;
// Define a fake symetrical scene-rectangle
scene->setSceneRect(0, -(25*100000+20), 40, 2 * (25*100000+20) );
for (int y = 0; y < 100000; y++) {
scene->addRect(0, y * 25, 40, 20);
// Tell the view to display only the actual scene-objects area
view->setSceneRect(0, 0, 40, 25*100000+20);

For the common case, the default index
method BspTreeIndex works fine. If
your scene uses many animations and
you are experiencing slowness, you can
disable indexing by calling
setItemIndexMethod(NoIndex). Qt-doc
You will need to call setItemIndexMethod(QGraphicsScene::NoIndex) before insertion:
for (int y = 0; y < 100000; y++) {
scene->addRect(0, y * 25, 40, 20);

It could be due to loss of precision with float. A 32 bit float has a 23 bit mantissa (or significand), 1 bit sign and 8 bit exponent. This is like scientific notation. You have 23 "significant digits" (really 24 due to an implicit leading 1) and an exponent of 2^exp where the exponent can range from -126 to 127 (others are used to give you things like NaN and Inf). So you can represent really large numbers like 2^24*2^127 but the next closest floating point number to such a float is (2^24-1)*2^127 or 170 billion billion billion billion away. If you try to add a smaller amount (like 1000) to such a number it doesn't change. It has no way to represent that.
This becomes significant in computer graphics because you need some of your significant digits left over to make a fractional part. When your scene ranges up to 1250000.0 you can add 0.1 to that and get 1250000.1. If you take 2500000.0 + 0.1 you get 2500000.0. The problem is magnified by any scaling or rotation that occurs. This can lead to obvious visual problems if you actually fly out to those coordinates and look at your scene.
Why does centering around 0 help? Because there's a separate sign bit in the floating point representation. In floating point there are "more numbers" between (-x,+x) than there are from (0,2x). If I'm right it would also work if you simply scaled your entire scene down by 1/2. This moves the most significant bit down leaving it free for precision on the other end.
Why would this lead to poor performance? I can only speculate without reading the Qt source, but consider a data structure for storing objects by location. What might you have to do differently if two objects touch (or overlap) due to loss of precision that you didn't have to do when they did not overlap?


Why is the floor in my raycaster seemingly "misaligned"?

I have been working on a doom/wolfenstein style raycaster for a while now. I implemented the "floor raycasting" to the best of my ability, roughly following a well known raycaster tutorial. It almost works, but the floor tiles seem slightly bigger than they should be, and they don't "stick", as in they don't seem to align properly and they slide slightly as the player moves/rotates. Additionally, the effect seems worsened as the FOV is increased. I cannot figure out where my floor casting is going wrong, so any help is appreciated.
Here is a (crappy) gif of the glitch happening
Here is the most relevant part of my code:
void render(PVector pos, float dir) {
ArrayList<FloatList> dists = new ArrayList<FloatList>();
for (int i = 0; i < numColumns; i++) {
float curDir = atan((i - (numColumns/2.0)) / projectionDistance) + dir;
// FloatList because it returns a few pieces of data
FloatList curHit = cast(pos, curDir);
// normalize distances with cos
curHit.set(0, curHit.get(0) * cos(curDir - dir));
screen.fill(0, 30, 100);
screen.rect(0, 0, screen.width, screen.height/2);
PImage floor = textures.get(4);
for (int y = screen.height/2 + 1; y < screen.height; y++) {
float rowDistance = 0.5 * projectionDistance / ((float)y - (float)rY/2);
// leftmost and rightmost (on screen) floor positions
PVector left = PVector.fromAngle(dir - fov/2).mult(rowDistance).add(p.pos);
PVector right = PVector.fromAngle(dir + fov/2).mult(rowDistance).add(p.pos);
// current position on the floor
PVector curPos = left.copy();
PVector stepVec = right.sub(left).div(screen.width);
float b = constrain(map(rowDistance, 0, maxDist, 1, 0), 0, 1);
for (int x = 0; x < screen.width; x++) {
color sample = floor.get(floor((curPos.x - floor(curPos.x)) * floor.width), floor((curPos.y - floor(curPos.y)) * floor.height));
screen.pixels[x + y*screen.width] = color(red(sample) * b, green(sample) * b, blue(sample) * b);
If anyone wants to look at the full code or has any questions, ask away.
Ok, I seem to have found a "solution". I will be the first to admit that I do not understand why it works, but it does work. As per my comment above, I noticed that my rowDistance variable was off, which caused all of the problems. In desperation, I changed the FOV and then hardcoded the rowDistance until things looked right. I plotted the ratio between the projectionDistance and the numerator of the rowDistance. I noticed that it neatly conformed to a scaled cos function. So after some simplification, here is the formula I came up with:
float rowDistance = (rX / (4*sin(fov/2))) / ((float)y - (float)rY/2);
where rX is the width of the screen in pixels.
If anyone has an intuitive explanation as to why this formula makes sense, PLEASE enlighten me. I hope this helps anyone else who may have this problem.

Why is my code for a double pendulum returning NaN?

When I print my acceleration and velocity, they both start (seemingly) normal. Shortly, they start getting very big, then return -Infinity, then return NaN. I have tried my best with the math/physics aspect, but my knowledge is limited, so be gentle. Any help would be appreciated.
float ang1, ang2, vel1, vel2, acc1, acc2, l1, l2, m1, m2, g;
void setup() {
size(600, 600);
g = 9.81;
m1 = 10;
m2 = 10;
l1 = 100;
l2 = 100;
vel1 = 0;
vel2 = 0;
acc1 = 0;
acc2 = 0;
ang1 = random(0, TWO_PI);
ang2 = random(0, TWO_PI);
void draw() {
translate(width/2, height/2); // move origin
rotate(PI/2); // make 0 degrees face downward
ellipse(0, 0, 5, 5); // dot at origin
ellipse(l1*cos(ang1), l1*sin(ang1), 10, 10); // circle at m1
ellipse(l2*cos(ang2) + l1*cos(ang1), l2*sin(ang2) + l1*sin(ang1), 10, 10); // circle at m2
line(0, 0, l1*cos(ang1), l1*sin(ang1)); // arm 1
line(l1*cos(ang1), l1*sin(ang1), l2*cos(ang2) + l1*cos(ang1), l2*sin(ang2) + l1*sin(ang1)); // arm 2
float mu = 1 + (m1/m2);
acc1 = (g*(sin(ang2)*cos(ang1-ang2)-mu*sin(ang1))-(l2*vel2*vel2+l1*vel1*vel1*cos(ang1-ang2))*sin(ang1-ang2))/(l1*(mu-cos(ang1-ang2)*cos(ang1-ang2)));
acc2 = (mu*g*(sin(ang1)*cos(ang1-ang2)-sin(ang2))+(mu*l1*vel1*vel1+l2*vel2*vel2*cos(ang1-ang2))*sin(ang1-ang2))/(l2*(mu-cos(ang1-ang2)*cos(ang1-ang2)));
vel1 += acc1;
vel2 += acc2;
ang1 += vel1;
ang2 += vel2;
println(acc1, acc2, vel1, vel2);
You haven't done anything wrong in your code, but the application of this mathematical technique is tricky.
This is a general problem with using numerical "solutions" to differential equations. Similar things happen if you try to simulate a bouncing ball:
//physics variables:
float g = 9.81;
float x = 200;
float y = 200;
float yvel = 0;
float radius = 10;
//graphing variables:
float[] yHist;
int iterator;
void setup() {
size(800, 400);
iterator = 0;
yHist = new float[width];
void draw() {
y += yvel;
yvel += g;
if (y + radius > height) {
yvel = -yvel;
ellipse(x, y, radius*2, radius*2);
yHist[iterator] = height - y;
for (int i = 0; i < yHist.length; i++) {
height - 0.1*yHist[i]
iterator = (iterator + 1)%width;
If you run that code, you'll notice that the ball seems to bounce higher every single time. Obviously this does not happen in real life, nor should it happen even in ideal, lossless scenarios. So what happened here?
If you've ever used Euler's method for solving differential equations, you might see something about what's happening here. Really, what we are doing when we code simulations of differential equations, we are applying Euler's method. In the case of the bouncing ball, the real curve is concave down (except at the points when it bounces). Euler's method always gives an overestimate when the real solution is concave down. That means that every frame, the computer guesses a little bit too high. These errors add up, and the ball bounces higher and higher.
Similarly, with your pendulum, it's getting a little bit more energy almost every single frame. This is a general problem with using numerical solutions. They are simply inaccurate. So what do we do?
In the case of the ball, we can avoid using a numerical solution altogether, and go to an analytical solution. I won't go through how I got the solution, but here is the different section:
float h0;
float t = 0;
float pd;
void setup() {
size(400, 400);
iterator = 0;
yHist = new float[width];
h0 = height - y;
pd = 2*sqrt(h0/g);
void draw() {
y = g*sq((t-pd/2)%pd - pd/2) + height - h0;
t += 0.5;
ellipse(x, y, radius*2, radius*2);
... etc.
This is all well and good for a bouncing ball, but a double pendulum is a much more complex system. There is no fully analytical solution to the double pendulum problem. So how do we minimize error in a numerical solution?
One strategy is to take smaller steps. The smaller the steps you take, the closer you are to the real solution. You can do this by reducing g (this might feel like cheating, but think for a minute about the units you're using. g=9.81 m/s^2. How does that translate to pixels and frames?). This will also make the pendulum move slower on the screen. If you want to increase accuracy without changing the viewing pace, you can take many small steps before rendering the frame. Consider changing lines 39-46 to
int substepCount = 1000;
for (int i = 0; i < substepCount; i++) {
acc1 = (g*(sin(ang2)*cos(ang1-ang2)-mu*sin(ang1))-(l2*vel2*vel2+l1*vel1*vel1*cos(ang1-ang2))*sin(ang1-ang2))/(l1*(mu-cos(ang1-ang2)*cos(ang1-ang2)));
acc2 = (mu*g*(sin(ang1)*cos(ang1-ang2)-sin(ang2))+(mu*l1*vel1*vel1+l2*vel2*vel2*cos(ang1-ang2))*sin(ang1-ang2))/(l2*(mu-cos(ang1-ang2)*cos(ang1-ang2)));
vel1 += acc1/substepCount;
vel2 += acc2/substepCount;
ang1 += vel1/substepCount;
ang2 += vel2/substepCount;
This changes your one big step to 1000 smaller steps, making it much more accurate. I tested that part out and it continued for over 20000 frames multiple times with no NaN errors. It might devolve into NaN at some point, but this allows it to last much longer.
I also highly recommend using % TWO_PI when incrementing the angles:
ang1 = (ang1 + vel1/substepCount) % TWO_PI;
ang2 = (ang2 + vel2/substepCount) % TWO_PI;
because it makes the angle measurements MUCH more accurate in the later times.
When you don't do this, if vel1 is positive for a long time, then ang1 gets bigger and bigger. Once ang1 is greater than 1, the computer needs a bit to indicate the ones place, at the expense of an extra digit on the end. Since numbers are stored using binary, this happens again when ang1 > 2, and again when ang1 > 4, and so on.
If you keep it between -PI and PI (which is what % does in this case), you only need a bit for the sign and a bit for the ones place, and all the remaining bits can be used to measure the angle to the highest possible precision. This is actually important: if vel1/substepCount < 1/32768, and ang1 doesn't have enough bits to measure out to the 1/32768 place, then ang1 will not register the change.
To see the effects of this difference, give ang1 and ang2 really high initial values:
g = 0.0981;
ang1 = 101.1*PI;
ang2 = 101.1*PI;
If you don't use % TWO_PI, it approximates low velocities to zero, resulting in a bunch of stopping and starting.
If you need it to go for a ridiculously long time, so long that it isn't feasible to increase substepCount sufficiently, there is another thing you can do. This all comes about because vel increases to an extreme degree. You can constrain vel1 and vel2 so that they don't get too big.
In this case, I would recommend limiting the velocities based on conservation of energy. There is a maximum amount of mechanical energy allowed in the system based on the initial conditions. You cannot have more mechanical energy than the initial potential energy. Potential energy can be calculated based on the angles:
U(ang1, ang2) = -g*((m1+m2)*l1*cos(ang1) + m2*l2*cos(ang2))
Therefore we can determine exactly how much kinetic energy is in the system at any moment: The initial values of ang1 and ang2 give us the total mechanical energy. The current values of ang1 and ang2 give us the current potential energy. Then we can simply take the difference in order to find the current kinetic energy.
The way that pendulum motion is typically described does not lend itself to computing kinetic energy. It is possible, but I'm not going to do it here. My recommendation for constraining the velocities of the two pendulums is as follows:
Calculate the kinetic energy of the two arms separately.
Take the ratio between them
Calculate the total kinetic energy currently in the two arms.
Distribute the kinetic energy in the same proportions as you calculated in step 2. e.g. If you calculate that there is twice as much kinetic energy in the further mass as there is in the closer mass, put 1/3 of the kinetic energy in the closer mass and 2/3 in the further one.
I hope this helps, let me know if you have any questions.

Low pass filter with unit integral

In image processing, specifically in fingerprint recognition, I have to apply a two-dimensional low pass filter with a unit integral.
What does this unit integral mean? Also, if I choose a Gaussian filter, what sigma to use?
Unit integral means that the total area of the mask or kernel should be 1. For example, a 3 x 3 averaging filter means that every coefficient in your mask should be 1/9. When you sum up all of the elements in the mask it adds to 1.
The Gaussian filter inherently has a unit integral / unit area of 1. If you use MATLAB, the fspecial command with the gaussian flag has its mask normalized.
However, if you want to create the Gaussian mask yourself, you can use the following equation:
Bear in mind that (x,y) are the locations inside the mask with respect to the centre. As such, if you have a 5 x 5 mask, then at row = 2, col = 2, x = 0 and y = 0. However, the above equation does not generate a unit area of 1. It is theoretically equal to 1 if you integrate over the entire 2D plane. Because we are truncating the Gaussian function, the area is not 1. As such, once you generate all of your coefficients, you need to make sure that the total area is 1 by summing up every single element in the mask. Then, you take this number and divide every single element in your mask by this number. In fact when you generate the Gaussian mask, it's not important to multiply the exponential term by the scale factor in the equation. By ensuring that the sum of the mask is equal to 1, the scale is effectively removed. You can just use the exponential term instead to shave off some calculations.
In terms of the sigma that is completely up to you. Usually people go with the half width of 3*sigma rule, so the total width spanning from left to right in 1D is 6*sigma + 1 (including the centre). In order to figure out what sigma you want specifically, people figure out how wide the smallest feature is in the image, set that as the width then figure out the sigma from there. For example, if the biggest width is 13, then rearranging for sigma in the equation gives you 2. In other words:
13 = 6*sigma + 1
12 = 6*sigma
sigma = 2
As such, you'd set your sigma to 2 and make the mask 13 x 13. For more information about the 3*sigma rule, check out my post on the topic here: By which measures should I set the size of my Gaussian filter in MATLAB?
Once you create that mask, use any convolution method you wish to Gaussian filter your image.
Here's another post that may help you if you can use MATLAB.
How to make a Gaussian filter in Matlab
If you need to use another language like C or Java, then you could create a Gaussian mask in the following way:
C / C++
#define WIDTH 13
float sigma = ((float)WIDTH - 1.0f) / 6.0f;
int half_width = (int)(WIDTH / 2.0);
float mask[WIDTH][WIDTH];
float scale = 0.0f;
for (int i = -half_width; i <= half_width; i++) {
for(int j = -half_width; j <= half_width; j++) {
mask[i+half_width][j+half_width] = expf( -((float)(i*i + j*j) / (2.0*sigma*sigma)) );
scale += mask[i+half_width][j+half_width];
for (int i = 0; i < WIDTH; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < WIDTH; j++)
mask[i][j] /= scale;
int WIDTH = 13;
float sigma = ((float)WIDTH - 1.0f) / 6.0f);
int half_width = Math.floor((float)WIDTH / 2.0f);
float[][] mask = new float[WIDTH][WIDTH];
float scale = 0.0f;
for (int i = -half_width; i <= half_width; i++) {
for (int j = -half_width; j <= half_width; j++) {
mask[i+half_width][j+half_width] = (float) Math.exp( -((double)(i*i + j*j) / (2.0*sigma*sigma)) );
scale += mask[i+half_width][j+half_width];
for (int i = 0; i < WIDTH; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < WIDTH; j++)
mask[i][j] /= scale;
As I noted before, notice that in the code I didn't have to divide by 2*pi*sigma^2. Again, the reason why is because when you normalize the kernel, this constant factor gets cancelled out anyway, so there's no need to add any additional overhead when computing the mask coefficients.

Gravity simulation going haywire

I'm currently working on a Processing sketch featuring a very basic gravity simulation (based on an example given in Daniel Schiffman's book Learning Processing) but my gravity keeps behaving in a bizarre way and I'm at a loss to know what to do about it. Here's the simplest example I can come up with:
float x = 50;
float y = 50;
float speed = 2;
float gravity = 0.1;
void setup() {
size(400, 400);
void draw() {
ellipse(x, y, 10, 10);
y = y + speed;
speed = speed + gravity;
//Dampening bounce effect when the ball hits bottom
if (y > height) {
speed = speed * -0.95;
The above is virtually identical to what's in Schiffman's book aside from a different starting speed and a different window size. It seems to work fine for the first two bounces but on the third bounce the ball becomes stuck to the bottom of the window.
I have no idea where to even begin trying to debug this. Can anyone give any pointers?
If y remains greater than height, your code just keeps flipping the speed over and over without giving the ball a chance to bounce. You want the ball to move away from the boundary whenever it is at or past the boundary.
Setting y to height in the (if y > height) block helps, but the ball never comes to 'rest' (sit on the bottom line when done).
There are two problems with Shiffman's example 5.9 which is where you probably started:
1) y can become greater than (height + speed), which makes it seem to go thud on the ground or bounce wildly
-- fixed with the suggestion
2) The algorithm to update y does things in the wrong order, so the ball never comes to rest
Correct order is:
if it is time to 'bounce
negate speed including dampening (* 0.95)
set y to location of the 'ground'
Add gravity to speed
Add speed to y
This way, when it is time to bounce (y is > height), and speed is positive (going downward):
speed is set to negative (times dampening)
y is set to height
speed is set less negative by the gravity factor
y is made less positive by adding the (still negative) speed
In my example, I didn't want the object to disappear so I use a variable named 'limit' to be the lowest (most positive y) location for the center of the object.
float x = 50;
float y = 50;
float speed = 2;
float gravity = 0.1;
void setup() {
size(400, 400);
y = height - 20;
void draw() {
ellipse(x, y, 10, 10);
float limit = height - (speed + 5);
//Dampening bounce effect when the ball hits bottom
if (y > limit) {
speed = speed * -0.95;
y = limit;
speed = speed + gravity;
y = y + speed;

How to randomly fill a space in one dimension?

I would like to know how can I randomly fill a space with a set number of items and a target size, for example given the number of columns = 15 and a target size width = 320, how can I randomly distribute the columns width to fill the space? like shown in the image below if possible any sort of pseudo-code or algorithm will do
One way to partition your 320 pixels in 15 random "columns" is to do it uniformly, i.e., every column width follows the same distribution.
For this, your actually need a uniform distribution on the simplex. The first way to achieve is the one described by yi_H, and is probably the way to go:
Generate 14 uniform integers between 0 and 320.
Keep regenerating any number that has already been chosen, so that you end up with 14 distinct numbers
Sort them
Your columns bounds are given by two consecutive random numbers.
If you have a minimum width requirement (e.g., 1 for non-empty columns), remove it 15 times from your 320 pixels, generate the numbers in the new range and make the necessary adjustments.
The second way to achieve a uniform point on a simplex is a bit more involved, and not very well suited with discrete settings such as pixels, but here it is in brief anyway:
Generate 15 exponential random variables with same shape parameter (e.g. 1)
Divide each number by the total, so that each is in [0,1]
Rescale those number by multiplying them by 320, and round them. These are your column widths
This is not as nice as the first way, since with the rounding you may end with a total bigger or smaller than 320, and you may have columns with 0 width... The only advantage is that you don't need to perform any sort (but you have to compute logarithms... so all in all, the first way is the way to go).
I should add that if you do not necessarily want uniform random filling, then you have a lot more algorithms at your disposal.
Edit: Here is a quick implementation of the first algorithm in Mathematica. Note that in order to avoid generating points until they are all different, you can just consider that an empty column has a width of 1, and then a minimum width of 2 will give you columns with non-empty interior:
min = 2;
total = 320;
height = 50;
n = 15;
x = Sort[RandomInteger[total - n*min - 1, n - 1]] + Range[n - 1]*min
Graphics[{Rectangle[{-2, 0}, {0, height}], (*left margin*)
Rectangle[{#, 0}, {# + 1, height}] & /# x, (*columns borders*)
Rectangle[{total, 0}, {total + 2, height}]}, (*right margin*)
PlotRange -> {{-2, total + 2}, {0, height}},
ImageSize -> {total + 4, height}]
with gives the following example output:
Edit: Here is the modified javascript algorithm (beware, I have never written Javascript before, so there might be some errors\poor style):
function sortNumber(a,b)
return a - b;
function draw() {
var canvas = document.getElementById( "myCanvas" );
var numberOfStrips = 15;
var initPosX = 10;
var initPosY = 10;
var width = 320;
var height = 240;
var minColWidth = 2;
var reducedWidth = width - numberOfStrips * minColWidth;
var separators = new Array();
for ( var n = 0; n < numberOfStrips - 1; n++ ) {
separators[n] = Math.floor(Math.random() * reducedWidth);
for ( var n = 0; n < numberOfStrips - 1; n++ ) {
separators[n] += (n+1) * minColWidth;
if ( canvas.getContext ) {
var ctx = canvas.getContext( "2d" );
// Draw lines
ctx.lineWidth = 1;
ctx.strokeStyle = "rgb( 120, 120, 120 )";
for ( var n = 0; n < numberOfStrips - 1; n++ ) {
var newPosX = separators[n];
ctx.moveTo( initPosX + newPosX, initPosY );
ctx.lineTo( initPosX + newPosX, initPosY + height );
// Draw enclosing rectangle
ctx.lineWidth = 4;
ctx.strokeStyle = "rgb( 0, 0, 0 )";
ctx.strokeRect( initPosX, initPosY, width, height );
Additionally, note that minColWidth should not be bigger than a certain value (reducedWidth should not be negative...), but it is not tested in the algorithm. As stated before, us a value of 0 if you don't mind two lines on one another, a value of 1 if you don't mind two lines next to each other, and a value of 2 or more if you want non-empty columns only.
Create 14 unique numbers in the range (0,320). Those will be the x position of the bars.
Create random number, compare with previous ones, store it.
If consecutive lines aren't allowed, also check that it doesn't equal with any previous+-1.
