Error loading DefaultTemplate.xaml in designer - visual-studio-2010

I can't load my projects' DefaultTemplate.xaml file in the designer. (using VS2010 premium, recently reinstalled)
When loading the DefaultTemplate.xaml from the build templates in TFS, I get an error saying that the activity cannot be loaded.
There are errors loading the namespaces. Somehow it cannot find the assemblies needed for TFS.
In the errors list I get about 50 complaints about these namespaces.
I've poked around in it, but never commited any changes. I've tried restoring the original version, but that didn't work.
I've tried replacing the template with the DefaultTemplate.xaml from another project, but I got the same error. I'm at a loss here. How can I fix my VS2010 or template so I can edit it again using the designer?
I can open other projects' DefaultTemplate.xaml files in the designer without any problems.
I suspect that it has to do with some setting in VS2010 or my project somehow not having the right references, but I can't figure out what's wrong or how to solve it.

Hope this or this will address your issue.
If above doesn't work try below, you may get more descriptive error by using this. This works for windows applications on VS2008. I've never tried this with VS2010. You can debug your devenv.exe instance by another devenv.exe. Below are the steps. Give it a go...
1) Start a second instance of visual studio
2) go the the Tools menu, "Attach to process", select the 'devenv.exe' process, and click the 'attach' button.
3) In the Debug/Exceptions menu Turn on exception catching when first thrown (in the Debug->Exceptions menu).
4) Open the designer with the debugger attached
5) The second visual studion will break on your error.


VS Solution Explorer Analyzers exclamation: ef1000 "possible sql injection vulnerability"

Strange message in Solution Explorer.
ef1000 "possible sql injection vulnerability"
It doesn't prevent compile, no errors, no warnings, no messages in "Errors List".
No similar messages in the output on compile...
Click doesn't move focus to "vulnerability" line. No referenced file/line related information.
But there is context menu with "Delete" button which doesn't work (nothing happens). There are no Analyzers related entries in proj file.
Looks like common package references bug. How to fix it?
I went to that location C:\Users\User.nuget .. etc and deleted the package. I closed visual studio and reopened it. The package was restored and the error was gone. I was using a .net framework application in visual studio at the same time and was opening and closing the core solution repeatedly so I'm thinking the package got corrupted somehow.
Just unload the project and reload it again, the warning is disappeared.
The source
UPDATE for Visual Studio 2019:
If you use Visual Studio 2019 you have always to get last version. So if there are any updates available just install it.
Click on Help => Check for Updates => Update.

Creating Visual Studio AddIn run error

This has been happening to me over and over for every single AddIn project I make.
I create the AddIn projet from the template wizard and work on it, coding and debugging for a few hours and then all of a sudden I get:
Error 1 Unable to copy file "obj\Debug\Project1.dll" to "bin\Project1.dll". The process cannot access the file 'bin\Project1.dll' because it is being used by another process.
Does anyone know what is this about?
Happening in VS2008 and VS2010.
Thank you
*Edit: I have found a workaround by closing all instances of VS, deleting the Project1.dll file, selecting NO when VS asks me if I want to delete a reference to the AddIn when opening VS instance again.
I actually came across this today and it took me forever to figure it out. For me I was creating an Addin that automatically loaded when Visual Studio starts. The way I fixed it was by going to:
Tools -> Add-in Manager
Then uncheck the first checkbox near your addin. Keep the "Startup" checkbox checked to continue having debugging of your Addin.
Hope this helps.

Visual Studio - Error when clicking on Solution -> Properties (Object reference not set to an instance of an object)

When i try to access my solution Properties, i get the following error:
Object reference not set to an instance of an object
I am using VS 2012. What could be the cause of this?
Some extensions may cause this.
Try disabling extensions and restarting Visual Studio.
Quite often error will be gone even if you re-enable extensions after this.
There's a bug report on Microsoft Connect (link).
It is marked there as "Closed as External", but it seems that it may occur randomly with any extension, so would be worth voting it there to bring it to Microsofts attention.
In my case, the problem was solution-specific. NuGet was causing this error, but not the extension itself but a NuGet package that generated an error on VS load. When I opened NuGet Package Manager Console I saw a big red text with a description of the error. In my case it was T4Scaffolding.Core package, which in turn is a dependency of MVCMailer.
If this is your case, you will probably see what package generates an error in PM Console.
I faced this dialog too and i'm not sure what exactly causes this as i couldn't even open the NuGet console to see detailed error messages.
Closing Visual Studio, deleting %AppData%\Microsoft\VisualStudio and restarting Visual Studio worked for me as it causes a reset of various things like window configurations.
I think if this dialog is displayed some files may be corrupt in %AppData%\Microsoft\VisualStudio and by deleting that folder Visual Studio can start normally again.
The issue arises on my machine when i start Visual Studio by using "run as administator" whereas Visual Studio has been started before without that option and %AppData%\Microsoft\VisualStudio had been created without the administator association.
Visual Studio 2013: I had this issue when I tried opening TOOLS -> Extensions and Updates.
I used #ViRuSTriNiTy idea, but only cleaned the files from:
There are 2 cache files over there.
Deleted them and restarted VS2013 and it was fixed
The way it was happening for me might be unique to me/my setup, but I'd love to know if anyone else has this happen, and if they find out why:
If I launch an .sln file by double-clicking it, it will load VS and I can right-click the Solution and get Properties to come up no problem.
If I go to "Open Project" on the Visual Studio welcome page or from File > Open > Project/Solution, navigate to the .sln file and launch it by selecting it and clicking "Open" in the File dialog, that's when I have this issue.
I'm going to just always launch the .sln file from now on, but I'd love to know why this happens when using "Open Project" from the welcome page or from File > Open > Project/Solution! I tried going into Tools > NuGet Package Manager > General and I unchecked the options for allowing NuGet to download missing packages and Skip applying binding redirects, and under Package Sources I de-selected the checkboxes (my dev machine does not connect to the internet). Environment > Extensions and Updates: I tried it with and without "Load per user extensions when running as administrator" and running it as an Admin and without running as Admin. Also tried just deleting everything at C:\Users\me\AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio. No change from those 2 bullets above.

Visual Studio 2008 Designer File Bug?

This has been driving me crazy for months. I have a multiple projects that compile without errors. If I start copying and pasting controls (or even just plain 'p' tags) the designer will fail 1/2 the time with the error "the method or operation is not implemented". The complexity of the page doesn't matter. The 'solution' is to delete the designer file, exit visual studio, open visual studio and convert the offending aspx file to a 'web application' to regenerate the designer file.
This is a really annoying. I can't find any fixes on Google. Is there a way to disable the automatic designer file? Make it so it only generates on a 'build' command and not fail everytime I'm laying out a aspx page?
To find the fix for the issue you would need to find the cause of the issue. It might be possible to get more information on what is causing the issue if you attach a debugger to Visual Studio. This could be done by following these steps:
Open two instances of visual studio (run as administrator)
In one, open your project and get to a point right before the issue occurs
Attach the other instance of Visual Studio to the one with your project (Tools -> Attach to Process)
Perform the steps to reproduce the issue.
Note that to actually catch the exception you will need to change a few debugging options. First you would need to make sure that the Just My Code check box is unchecked in the General debugging options in Visual Studio. The second is on the exceptions dialog you will need to catch thrown exceptions. The exception dialog is under the Debug menu in Visual Studio.

A project with output type of class library cannot be started directly - with a startup exe

Firstly I'm completely aware of this message and why it happens normally. It's not that I'm just trying to run a dll (like this question).
I have a project that compiles to a dll but has a startup program specified in the project properties. Most of the time I'm able to right-click on the project and select Debug > Start new instance, and it will run the program and let me debug my dll. However, occasionally I get this message (A project with output type of class library cannot be started directly) as if I haven't got a startup program. The first few times I thought it was just me accidentally clicking on the wrong project but I'm certain this isn't the case given that it's happened so many times and I've been careful to watch it.
When this message appears I'm able to try it again and it always works on the second or third attempt.
A colleague using the same Solution never has this problem :-/
Anyone else had this problem or know how to solve it?
I'm using Visual Studio 2005 Pro Version 8.0.50727.762 (SP.050727-7600)
Edit: Also happens with Visual Studio 2010
Another colleague suggested it's because after clicking Debug > Start new instance, while I'm waiting for it to start up, I click on a different project. I don't do it for any reason, just randomly selecting things as I wait for the project to start up. Maybe Visual Studio looks at the selected project sometime after I clicked the menu, gets confused, and shows the error message?
Anyone able to confirm this matches their experience?
Typically problems in VS are caused by:
Add-ins: Run VS without and see if the problems is solved
Corrupted files in your solution: Delete / rename all files created by Visual Studio which are not part of your project, i.e. all .suo, .ncb files and a like.
I had this problem with projects that were created as "Windows Control Library" that somehow forget their status. Unloading and reloading the project usually did the trick.
If it was created as a "Class Library" then to make it a "Windows Control Library" I manually add the following to the .csproj file. It was the only difference I could see between a class library and windows control library project.
BTW - starting a Windows Control Library starts the User Control Test Container - allows you to test any user control in the library. Very cool.
<Service Include="{94E38DFF-614B-4cbd-B67C-F211BB35CE8B}" />
add that inside of an <itemgroup> element.
If you plan to use/create/add extra dll's or just have more than one project in your solution, you may get this kind of problem, especially if you forgot a simple rule:
1. In your "Solution Explorer" window. Right click and chose "Set StartUp Projects..."
2. Under "Start Up Project" select and change "Single startup project" to your working entity.
no just make a start up project
Going to resurrect this thread, I have just been experiencing similar issues, when right clicking a project and start new instance..
So instead of right clicking the project and selecting start new instance, I right clicked and clicked set as startup project.
Low and behold a class library project was set to bold, certainly not the one I was right clicking.
I tried selecting a different executable project and setting that as the startup project. Same class library was highlighted as the start up project.
Realised that the current open file was from that project, possibly all the open files were from that project...
closed all open files and tried again.... Problem solved, behaviour as expected for both set as start up project and start new instance options...
Definitely a bug, hope this helps others..
Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Version 10.0.40219.1 SP1Rel
Microsoft .NET Framework Version 4.0.30319 SP1Rel
This sounds like a transient Visual Studio problem. Reinstallation or upgrade may solve your problem.
I've seen this as well, and it seems like a bug in VS. It happens after you right-click/build a class library (that requires rebuilding), and then right-click/debug > start new instance.
edit- It's still very intermittent, I can't seem reproduce it reliably
I've found that I've had the Startup Project on the Solution set to Current selection, then at some point, I've unloaded a project, and the solution has reverted to Single startup project on a project that happens to be a class library.
