AppleScript and Xcode error -10008 - xcode

I am working on a tool similar to the one described in this question, to build and run an Xcode project via AppleScript, in order to automate testing. I am getting the following error message:
Xcode got an error: The specified object is a property, not an element. (-10008)
from the line
set active build configuration type to build configuration type "Debug".
Has something changed in AppleScript and/or Xcode that would break this line? If yes, is there a new way to accomplish the same thing, or at least something similar?
I am using Xcode 4.0.2 on a Mac running OS X 10.6.8.

That's the problem. You see, Apple rebuild Xcode and it's workings, and some AppleScript code (including this one) does not work anymore.
I don't think that there is a solution, unless Apple releases something. I guess they just expect you not to use AppleScript.


AudioKit 4.11.2 Playgrounds: "No such module AudioKitPlaygrounds"

It has been a year since updating so I downloaded AudioKit 4.11.2 yesterday. I built all of the frameworks, including the AudioKit and AudioKitUI xcframeworks.
Then I began playing with the Playgrounds. Right away Xcode tells me the build failed because it can't find the AudioKit frameworks. It appears that the Search Paths that are set in the original project file need tweaking so I set it to "$(inherited)../Frameworks".
Now it builds but still will not run, saying on the import AudioKitPlaygrounds statement that there is No such module AudioKitPlaygrounds.
Odd, because that is the target of the build and it exists in the Derived Data Products folder.
Searching through StackOverflow shows that AudioKit has had similar problems like this in the past but none of the proposed solutions seemed relevant to my situation.
What other tricks are necessary to get the Playgrounds running? Shouldn't it build and run straight out of the box without messing with the project search paths?
My environment is:
macOS 10.15.6
Xcode 12.0.1
I ran through a similar problem with macOS 10.15.7, XCode 12.1 and AudioKit 4.11.2.
I got the same “No such module AudioKitPlaygrounds” message.
The "Build Active Scheme" option was unchecked in my File Inspector >> Playground Settings, so I checked it, rebuild the "Introduction and Hello World" .playground and it worked.
Edit (04/15/2021): David Thery gave a more complete answer in the following answers.
Also, make sure to:
run 'pod install' + automatically converting to swift5 in XCode
check "Build Active Scheme" as mentioned by Miguel FOR EACH single playgrounds you want to run.
run the playground with the play button in the editor, not the xcode main run button
If you want instead to use AudioKit in another XCode project, only two steps:
download AudioKit and AudioKitUI frameworks from here:
embed them in General > Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded content, as shown on the screenshot below.
How did you build the frameworks? The assumption when it comes to the paths in other projects (including Playgrounds) is that they have been built via the and scripts in the Frameworks directory.
The end result should be a set of XCFrameworks in that same Frameworks directory, which is in turn referenced by examples and the playgrounds project.
To anyone still experiencing this issue, I just found a really simple solution. I was opening my playground files directly from 'Open Recent'. Problem is, Xcode doesn't automatically look at the parent directory and included files. Just close Xcode and open the AudioKitPlaygrounds.xcodeproj from finder. When you open your playground files from there they should work properly.

AppleScript in Xcode11 and Catalina

I am trying to make my ObjC application scriptable. I included .sdef file into my project, created appropriate classes, very simple, just one command. Anyway, Apple Script Editor can't read my dictionary
I checked evrything twice, tested similar srciptable project from Ray Wenderlich tutorial, the result is the same. Are there any changes in Catalina or sandboxing or anything else?
Thank you.

Xcode 5 cannot run using selected device on iOS simulator

So this seems to be quite a common question but all the answers I found were related to getting "xcode cannot run using selected device" when trying to run it on a connected device. My issue is getting this error just trying to run it in the iOS simulator.
Some background is that app was running in simulator fine, and then I changed the Project Name, the Target name and the Scheme name and that is when the problems started to occur.
I tried many of the different solutions in some of the other threads such as: Clean, Delete Derived Data, restart Xcode, restart computer, make sure using Default LLVM, remove Info.plist then re-add it into project again. None of them worked.
I finally discovered the problem and was able to get it working and will post my solution below.
What I discovered to be the problem, was that in the Info.plist file the Executable File (CFBundleExecutable) was hard coded as "MyAppName". When I changed the Project name and Target name and Scheme name, this hardcoded value was not changed, but still had the original app name in it.
So I changed Executable File (CFBundleExecutable) in the Info.plist file to be this constant:
And the problem was solved :)
I had the problem occur again on a different project, however the above was already set to ${EXECUTABLE_NAME}.
So I went searching and found that under Build Settings > Build Options > Compiler for C/C++/Objective-C was set to UNSUPPORTED.
I changed this setting to DEFAULT and the problem was solved :)
I had the problem occur again and the above two things did not fix it.
So I went and made sure that the info.plist was removed (unticked) from any Target Membership, and this solved the problem. It seems that there are multiple things that will cause this issue, so try all the solutions!
I ran into this and had to change the deployment target (iOS version) in the general tab of the project options menu. Apparently xcode had been updated to support iOS 8.2, but my simulator had not, therefore nothing appropriate was showing up in the list of simulator targets. Changing the deployment target to 8.1 fixed the issue. I'm sure that keeping my Mac up to date would also help.

"aFile.m" is not part of the build phase of any targets in this workspace

I'm asking this question again since the other one had an answer that did not work for me.
I'm getting this message when trying to rename a class, along with code sense and color syntax broken.
The file is in the build phase of the target.
I'have tried erasing the derived data to rebuild the index. I can see the index rebuilding but this does not help.
I'm using Xcode 4.2
I found it to be a bug in Xcode 4.1 under OS X 10.7.1 along side with other issues i had. When I reopen my project, the message was gone, refactoring worked as expected and auto-completing worked as well.

Xcode 4 - Error Starting Executable

I've been working on a project in Xcode 3.2.5 and today I tried migrating it up to Xcode 4.0. It compiles just fine; I can navigate to and execute the .app without a hitch (as expected). The only thing that is screwy is the fact that Xcode cannot launch the application, and displays the following error when it tries:
"Error starting executable. No executable file specified. Use the "file" or "exec-file" command" (image not available)
I've scoured the Project and Xcode settings and have been googling for half the day, but all I can find are dead ends and people bashing other people about breaking Apple NDA. FYI Xcode 4 has been released, and is no longer under NDA.
Should I just start a new project and copy in my source? Sounds wrong to me, but brute force works when brute force works.
Thanks in advance
At a guess, the schemes it set up for you based on your v3 targets and build settings might not be quite right. From the schemes menu, choose to edit the current scheme, then select the Run action from the list and make sure the appropriate exectuable is selected.
I ran into the same issue this question came up so I spent my time identifying the issue, reproducing the issue, narrowing it down and explaining as best I could how to not make it happen - as well as the general frustration that comes with an issue like this (it hit me on 2 different versions of Xcode in 2 weeks).
If you're going to delete my post then at least take the time to try and answer the question as I had tried to do.
Now, on to the reply that actually tells how this issue may be created and how to avoid that.
I JUST had this happen creating an app for iOS. Why? I renamed my target executable.
Just tested this by checking out a new copy of the source and rebuilding.
The app ran fine on my device.
Went in to Xcode 4.2, renamed the target. Ran the app. "Error starting Executable..."
I changed the filename back. Same error.
Cleaned and ran the app again and it launched.
Renamed the app, cleaned and ran it again. Not so much luck.
Don't rename your app by renaming the target.
This is such a stupid limitation. Apple lets you rename your target app, but by doing so, this prevents your app from launching on the device.
EDIT: I haven't checked in any code, but now I can't check out and build and run any app without this happening. How do you get the device/xCode out of this state once you've gotten it in to it?
Even the app now crashes on launch at int retVal = UIApplicationMain(argc, argv, nil, nil);
This is in Xcode 4.2 on Snow Leopard, but I got into the same state with Xcode 3 on another Machine last week.
Edit 2: Rebooted the device, rebooted my Mac. Built and ran in the simulator first, then on the Gen4 iPod touch. It works.
I had this issue when migrating a project from Xcode 4 to 4.1, and it ended up being due to the Target's "Product Name" being different in the debug and release configurations. A holdover from when I changed the name of the product many versions ago. So check that...
I've downgraded Xcode from 4.2 to 4.1 only to encounter an error at build and run on device: "Error starting executable. Don't know how to run ...". I've cleaned the project (Xcode > Project > Clean) and cleaned the build folder (Xcode > Project > (hold option key) Clean Build Folder). After that I had to build again and it built okay on iPod touch 4g running iOS 5.
Well, it sure sounds like a whole family of bugs behind that error message!
I got the error after loading up an Xcode 3 project under 4.2.x for the first time.
None of the above tips worked for me, however what I eventually did was switching from GDB to LLDB.
That fixed it.
It looked like the new path to the executable wasn't properly recognized by GDB (i.e. once locally at PROJECT/build/Debug/... in Xcode3 but now in the usual temp. folder location with Xcode 4 it was still looking for the executable in the build folder relative to the project sources)
I duplicated the target and rename the copied on to different name, I got this error message. What I did is to clean the project, exit Xcode, restart the Xcode, then it can run on my device.
