Array of texture identifiers to OpenGL DrawElements/DrawArrays? - opengl-es

An OpenGL ES sequence like this can be used to render multiple objects in one pass:
glVertexPointer(...params..., vertex_Array );
glTexCoordPointer(...params..., texture_Coordinates_Array );
glBindTexture(...params..., one_single_texture_ID );
glDrawArrays( GL_TRIANGLES, number_Triangles );
Here, the vertex array and texture coordinates array can refer to innumerable primitives that can be described in one step to OpenGL.
But do all these primitives' texture coordinates have to reference the one, single texture in the glBindTexture command?
It would be nice to pass in an array of texture identifiers:
glBindTexture(...params..., texture_identifier_array[] );
Here, there would be a texture ID in the array for every primitive shape described in the preceding calls. So, each shape's texture coordinates would pertain to the texture identified in "texture_identifier_array[]".
I can see one option is to place all textures of interest one one large texture that can be referenced as a single entity in the drawing calls. On my platform, this creates an intermediate step with a large bitmap that might cause memory issues.
It would be best for me to be able to pass an array of texture identifiers to the OpenGL ES drawing calls. Can this be done?

No, that's not possible. You could perhaps emulate it by using a texture array and giving your vertices a texture index. Then in the fragment shader you could look up the right texture with the index, but I doubt that ES supports texture arrays. And even then I don't know if this really works. Or if a texture atlas solution would be much more efficient.
If you want to render multiple versions of the same geometry (what I doubt), you're looking for instanced rendering, which also isn't supported by on ES devices, I think.
So the way to go at the moment will be a texture atlas (multiple textures in one) or just calling glDrawArrays multiple times.


How to load part of a big texture on another texture in three.js?

I need to render a texture as a library of small parts, then copy each part to a set of different textures used in the scene. I think this is fundamental and I cannot find documentation specifically in three.js. Should I seek a solution in pure WEBGL, or is there a three.js solution?
One "solution" would be to set the UV coordinates of the target mesh (plane, whatever) to correspond only to the desired part of the big texture, but that would definitely be very inefficient, as it would require for each small mesh to load the whole big texture a huge waste of memory and GPU power as the whole big texture would be probably transformed multiple times(!), aside the inconvenience of setting the different UV coordinates on each mesh object.
So, I'm looking to copy and assign only a small part and occupy in memory and process only that part for each mesh.

rendering millions of voxels using 3D textures with three.js

I am using three.js to render a voxel representation as a set of triangles. I have got it render 5 million triangles comfortably but that seems to be the limit. you can view it online here.
select the Dublin model at resolution 3 to see a lot of triangles being drawn.
I have used every trick to get it this far (buffer geometry, voxel culling, multiple buffers) but I think it has hit the maximum amount that openGL triangles can accomplish.
Large amounts of voxels are normally rendered as a set of images in a 3D texture and while there are several posts on how to hack 2d textures into 3D textures but they seem to have a maximum limit on the texture size.
I have searched for tutorials or examples using this approach but haven't found any. Has anyone used this approach before with three.js
Your scene is render twice, because SSAO need depth texture. You could use WEBGL_depth_texture extension - which have pretty good support - so you just need a single render pass. You can stil fallback to low-perf-double-pass if extension is unavailable.
Your voxel's material is double sided. It's may be on purpose, but it may create a huge overdraw.
In your demo, you use a MeshPhongMaterial and directional lights. It's a needlessly complex material. Your geometries don't have any normals so you can't have any lighting. Try to use a simpler unlit material.
Your goal is to render a huge amount of vertices, so assuming the framerate is bound by vertex shader :
try stuff like to preprocess your geometries. Focusing on prefetch vertex cache and vertex cache.
reduce the bandwidth used by your vertex buffers. Since your vertices are aligned on a "grid", you could store vertices position as 3 Shorts instead of 3 floats, reducing your VBO size by 2. You could use a same tricks if you had normals since all normals should be Axis aligned (cubes)
generally reduce the amount of varyings needed by fragment shader
if you need more attributes than just vec3 position, use one single interleaved VBO instead of one per attrib.

How to store and access per fragment attributes in WebGL

I am doing a particle system in WebGL using Three.js, and I want to do all the computation of the particles in the shaders. To achieve that, the positions (for example) of the particles are stored in a texture which is sampled by the vertex shader of each particle (POINT primitive).
The position texture is in fact two render targets which are swapped each frame after being updated off screen. Each pixel of this texture represent a particle.
To update a position, I read one of he render targets (texture2D), do some computation, and write on the other render target (fragment output).
To perform the "do some computation" step, I need some per particle attributes, like its velocity (and a lot of others). Since this step is done in the fragment shader, I can't use the vertex attributes buffers, so I have to store these properties in separate textures and sample each of them in the fragment shader.
It works, but sampling textures is slow as far as I know, and I wonder if there is some better ways to do this, like having one vertex per particle, each rendering a single fragment of the position texture.
I know that OpenGL 4 as some alternative ways to deal with this, like UBO or SSBO, but I'm not sure about WebGL.

OpenGL performance issue

I'm writing a 2D RPG using the LWJGL and Java 1.6. By now, I have a 'World' class, which holds an ArrayList of Tile (interface with basic code for every Tile) and a GrassTile class, which makes the use of a Spritesheet.
When using Immediate mode to draw a grid of 64x64 GrassTiles I get around 100 FPS and do this by calling the .draw() method from each tile inside the ArrayList, which binds the spritesheet and draws a certain area of it (with glTexCoord2f()). So I heard it's better to use VBO's, got a basic tutorial and tried to implement them on the .draw() method.
Now there are two issues: I don't know how to bind only a certain area of a texture to a VBO (the whole texture would be simply glBindTexture()) so I tried using them with colours only.
That takes me to second issue: I got only +20 FPS (120 total) which is not really what I expected, so I suppose I'm doing something wrong. Also, I am making a single VBO for each GrassTile while iterating inside the ArrayList. I think that's kind of wrong, because I can simply throw all the tiles inside a single FloatBuffer.
So, how can I draw similar geometry in a better way and how can I bind only a certain area of a Texture to a VBO?
So, how can I draw similar geometry in a better way...
Like #Ian Mallett described; put all your vertex data into a single vertex buffer object. This makes it possible to render your map in one call. If your map get 1000 times bigger you may want to implement a camera solution which only draws the vertices that are being shown on the screen, but that is a question that will arise later if you're planning on a significantly bigger map.
...and how can I bind only a certain area of a Texture to a VBO?
You can only bind a whole texture. You have to point to a certain area of the texture that you want to be mapped.
Every texture coordinate relates to a specific vertex. Every tile relates to four vertices. Common tiles in your game will share the same texture, hence the 'tile map' name. Make use of that. Place all your tile textures in a texture sheet and bind that texture sheet.
For every new 'tile' you create, check whether the area is meant to be air, grass or ground and then point to the part of the texture that corresponds to what you intend.
Let's say your texture area in pixels are 100x100. The ground area is 15x15 from the lower left corner. Follow the logic above explains the example code being shown below:
// The vertexData array simply contains information
// about a tile's four vertices (or six
// vertices if you draw using GL_TRIANGLES).
mVertexBuffer.put(0, vertexData[0]);
mVertexBuffer.put(1, vertex[1]);
mVertexBuffer.put(2, vertex[2]);
mVertexBuffer.put(3, vertex[3]);
mVertexBuffer.put(4, vertex[4]);
mVertexBuffer.put(5, vertex[5]);
mVertexBuffer.put(6, vertex[6]);
mVertexBuffer.put(7, vertex[7]);
mVertexBuffer.put(8, vertex[8]);
mVertexBuffer.put(9, vertex[9]);
mVertexBuffer.put(10, vertex[10]);
mVertexBuffer.put(11, vertex[11]);
if (tileIsGround) {
mTextureCoordBuffer.put(0, 0.0f);
mTextureCoordBuffer.put(1, 0.0f);
mTextureCoordBuffer.put(2, 0.15f);
mTextureCoordBuffer.put(3, 0.0f);
mTextureCoordBuffer.put(4, 0.15f);
mTextureCoordBuffer.put(5, 0.15f);
mTextureCoordBuffer.put(6, 0.15f);
mTextureCoordBuffer.put(7, 0.0f);
} else { /* Other texture coordinates. */ }
You actually wrote the solution. The only difference is that you should upload the texture coordinates data to the GPU.
This is the key:
I am making a single VBO for each GrassTile while iterating inside the ArrayList.
Don't do this. You make a VBO once, and then you update it if necessary. Making textures, VBOs, shaders, is the slowest possible use of OpenGL--no wonder you're getting problematic framerates--you're doing it O(n) times, each frame.
I think that's kind of wrong, because I can['t?] simply throw all the tiles inside a single FloatBuffer.
You only gain performance when you batch draw calls. This means that when you draw your tiles, you should draw all of them at once with one VBO.
Make a single VBO (or two: one for vertex, one for texture
coordinates, whatever--the key point is O(1) VBOs).
Fill your VBO with ALL of your tiles' data.
//Main loop
while (true) {
Draw the VBO with a single draw call,
thus drawing all your tiles all at once.

new to OpenGLes, a few questions

i am starting out with opengles coming from old opengl.
i see there is no immediate mode anymore. so functions like glVertex glTexCoord are missing, right?
instead i have to use vertexarrays. right?
how can i modify the values of those arrays each frame?
for example, if i want to animate the texture coordinates, in old OpenGL i did:
glTexCoord2f(x*time, y*time);
how can i achieve a similar effect with vertex arrays?
Just update the arrays you pass to gl*Pointer, and draw again.
If you use VBOs, you'll need to update the VBO contents also.
if all you want to do is scroll the texture, there are direct ways to modify the texture coordinates as they go through the pipeline.
glMatrixMode( GL_TEXTURE );
In general, cases where actual texcoord data should really change (as in because you want to apply a non-uniform transformation to them) are rare.
