BAT script to copy files from Windows to remote Linux systems - windows

Is there anyway to copy files from Windows machine to a remote Linux machine with a DOS command/other command-line tool (by specifying username and password in the command). I normally do this using WinSCP and would like to write a script (BAT) to automate this.

You could use the command line version of PuTTY, pscp.exe.

WinSCP scripting command-line to upload a file is like: /command "open s" "put d:\www\index.html" "exit"
See the guide to WinSCP scripting.
Easier is to use a Generate transfer code function to have WinSCP GUI generate a script (or even a complete batch file) for a transfer.

Download a copy of pscp.exe (the PuTTY scp companion). If you have setup SSH keys on the Linux server, which you can do with PuTTY on Windows, you can setup password-less copy to Linux machines from Windows.

Install cygwin and you can use scp, ssh etc just like you would on linux. Besides, you can use ordinary bash scripts instead of crappy bat-files.

If anyone is looking to do this in 2022, Windows 10 now comes with scp. You can do
scp path/localfile.txt remote-user#host:/home/path
or the recursive version for directories
scp -r localfolder remote-user#host:/home/path
Of course with scp you'll run into issues if you have a large number of files. It copies everything as opposed to only changed / new files only.
Then you'll need a tool like rsync, which is available through WSL (windows subsystem linux).
rsync -r localfolder remote-user#host:/home/path
(I personally hesitate to install new tools for a job, hence my desire to stick with what's already available)


Run a remote bash script on a Mac using PuTTy

I want to run a bash script on a mac remotely from a batch script on a windows machine. On Windows I have this:
#echo off
echo bash /applications/snowflake/table-updater/; exit>tmp_file
putty -ssh User#remote_machine -pw password -m tmp_file
And here is on the remote machine
7za x -y -o/Applications/snowflake/applications
When the batch file runs it logs in successfully, but for some reason fails to run the bash file. However the bash file runs fine from mac terminal, where it unzips the files perfectly. What could be happening here?
Please note is actually in Applications/snowflake/table-updater as specified in the batch file. And the tmp file does write fine as well. My aim is to have a script to access a further 10 remote machines with the same directory structure.
Thanks in advance
The standard program which resembles the scriptable Unix command ssh in the PuTTy suite is called plink, and would probably be the recommended tool here. The putty program adds a substantial terminal emulation layer which is unnecessary for noninteractive scripting (drawing of terminal windows, managing their layout, cursor addressing, fonts, etc) and it lacks the simple feature to specify a command directly as an argument.
plink user#remote_machine -pw password /Applications/snowflake/table-updater/
From your comments, it appears that the problem is actually in your script, not in how you are connecting. If you get 7za: command not found your script is being executed successfully, but fails because of a PATH problem.
At the prompt, any command you execute will receive a copy of your interactive environment. A self-sufficient script should take care to set up the environment for itself if it needs resources from non-standard locations. In your case, I would add the following before the 7za invocation:
which augments the standard PATH with the location where you apparently have 7za installed. (Any standard installation will take precedence, because we are adding the nonstandard directory at the end of the PATH -- add in front if you want the opposite behavior.)
In the general case, if there are other settings in your interactive .bashrc (or similar shell startup file) which needs to be set up in order for the script to work, the script needs to set this up one way or another. For troubleshooting, a quick and dirty fix is to add . /Users/you/.bashrc at the top of the script (where /Users/you should obviously be replaced with the real path to your home directory); but for proper operation, the script itself should contain the code it needs, and mustn't depend on an individual user's personal settings file (which could change without notice anyway).

How do I schedule an scp job on Windows?

First of all, I am not an expert programmer, and I don't know much of the programmer's lingo. So please bear with me.
I am using Cygwin on windows, to copy a file from home directory to a remote server (which uses Linux) using SCP. I need to do this every day and so I want to automate it. I know how to schedule tasks in task scheduler, but I don't know what kind of file to save an scp command as. Please help? Oh and I don't have admin access, so I cannot install or use third party applications
First add Cygwin to your Windows Environment Variables. You can find directions on how to do that here (the directions you need are almost all the way at the bottom of the page). Now you should be able to run Linux commands from the command prompt. Simply make a .bat file in notepad with the commands you need to run. It should look something like this:
scp /cygdrive/d/test.txt <linux ip>:/etc/var/test/test.txt
Then use task scheduler to run the .bat file.

Run a script in remote UNIX using windows command prompt

I currently connect to my UNIX installed on my remote server using Secure CRT. I have a script(sh) on my UNIX which generates a file. I need to su(switch user) before executing the script.
I then ftp to this server(using ftp commands in command prompt on windows) and get the file generated by the above shell script.
However, I would like to automate this process and create a windows .bat file which would connect me to the UNIX server, su and run the required shell script and fetch the file.
I have found that I cannot run the shell script on UNIX using ftp. Could you please suggest me alternate ways to automate this?
Thanks for your help guys :) I created a script on secure CRT and while running the application using the bat file, I'm calling this script using the CRT command line options

What file explorer can I use in Cygwin with UNIX like paths?

I'm fed up with using Windows Explorer as my file browser as I use
Cygwin bash as my primary command line environment.
Windows Explorer shows the full path in the address bar.
Usually, I copy that, pasting it to the cygwin command prompt as in
cygpath ""
I then copy paste the output of cygpath so I can
cd to it. I've also set up cpath "Bash Shell Here"
but this only works on right clicking directories.
I've used WinSCP via SSH.
ie. Start an SSH daemon in cygwin and connect to it via WinSCP.
What file explorer can I use in Cygwin with UNIX like paths?
Is there a cygwin X Windows file explorer?
Have you tried Midnight Commander (mc)? It's in the Cygwin package repository.
If you surround the path from Windows Explorer with single or double quotes, there is no need to use the cygpath command.
In regard to your quest for a compatible file manager, I've heard that KDE's Konqueror runs on Windows.

Is it possible to ssh into Windows (through a cygwin sshd) and start a program on a logged in Windows user's desktop?

Is it possible to ssh into Windows (through a cygwin sshd) and start a program on a logged in Windows user's desktop?
Put another way, say a user ABC is logged in on windows and a remote user logs in with ABC's login/password over ssh, can remote ABC pop up an app on the local ABC user's desktop?
I am asking this on Stackoverflow and not Serverfault because the motivation for doing this is programmatic in nature. The remote call will be coming from a Linux box so while it may be possible(?) to do this using WMI or some other approach, ssh seemed like the simplest.
Happy to hear simpler/better alternatives though.
If your cygwin sshd is running under a privileged account, it can get a handle to the current desktop and put windows on it. See the desktop parameter of STARTUPINFO for CreateProcess.
My own solution. Tested on windows XP (but I think it should run in any windows environment with a little effort).
You need to use the psexec and quser command.
First, put psexec and quser in a directory included in the cygwin's PATH environment variable. Just copy these files into the bin directory under cygwin.
You can find the quser.exe in your %system32%\dllcache dir. But for any reason I can't access to it (or access to the mentioned directory) through cygwin commands (i.e. ls, cp, etc), so I made a copy using the microsoft's copy command to the cygwin\bin folder.
Notes: I think it's helpful to have the suite psutils all in the bin folder of cygwin. The first time you run either of these utilities will have to accept a license agreement from Microsoft warning, so run psexec from Windows explorer the first time.
Then create these alias in your .bash_profile file:
alias winrun='psexec \\\\YOU_USERNAME_HERE -d -i `quser | grep YOU_USERNAME_HERE | grep console | awk "{print \\\$3}"`'
alias explorethis='winrun explorer $(cygpath -w `pwd`)'
Remember that you will need to translate the current directory using cygpath if you need to pass it as argument of a command ("explorethis" is an example of that).
