RSolve not solving discrete Rossler system - wolfram-mathematica

I'm working with chaotic attractors, and testing some continuous-> discrete equivalences. I've made a continuous simulation of the Rossler system this way
a = 0.432; b = 2; c = 4;
Rossler = {
x'[t] == -y[t] - z[t],
y'[t] == x[t] + a*y[t],
z'[t] == b + x[t]*z[t]-c*z[t]};
sol = NDSolve[
{Rossler, x[0] == y[0] == z[0] == 0.5},
{x, y, z}, {t,500}, MaxStepSize -> 0.001, MaxSteps -> Infinity]
Now, when trying to evaluate a discrete equivalent system with RSolve, Mma doesn't do anything, not even an error, it just can't solve it.
RosslerDiscreto = {
x[n + 1] == x[n] - const1*(y[n] + z[n]),
y[n + 1] == 1 - a*const2)*y[n] + const2*x[n],
z[n + 1] == (z[n]*(1 - const3) + b*const3)/(1 - const3*x[n])}
I want to know if there is a numerical function for RSolve, analogous as the NDSolve is for DSolve.
I know i can make the computation with some For[] cycles, just want to know if it exists such function.

RecurrenceTable is the numeric analogue to RSolve:
rosslerDiscreto = {
x[n+1] == x[n] - C[1]*(y[n] + z[n]),
y[n+1] == (1 - a*C[2])*y[n] + C[2]*x[n],
z[n+1] == (z[n]*(1 - C[3]) + b*C[3]) / (1 - C[3]*x[n]),
x[0] == y[0] == z[0] == 0.5
} /. {a->0.432, b->2, c->4, C[1]->0.1, C[2]->0.1, C[3]->0.1};
coords = RecurrenceTable[rosslerDiscreto, {x,y,z}, {n,0,1000}];


What is wrong/missing in this code for Optical Bloch Equations in Mathematica?

for work I have to solve the Optical Bloch Equations for a 2-Level System and I appear to be really stuck on my code in Mathematica:
x'[t]==g y[t] + I/2 (O* b[t] - O a[t]),
y'[t]==-g y[t]+ I/2 (O a[t]-O* b[t]),
a'[t]==-(g/2+I d) a[t] + I/2 =O* (y[t]-x[t]),
b'[t]==-(g/2-I d) b[t] + I/2 O* (x[t]-y[t]),
The Error I get is: Syntax::tsntxi: "whole DE-System" is incomplete; more input is needed.
I would be very grateful if you could point out my error(s)
Thank you all :)
w = 1;
g = 1;
d = 0;
swl3 = NDSolve[{
x'[t] == g y[t] + I/2 (w*b[t] - w a[t]),
y'[t] == -g y[t] + I/2 (w a[t] - w*b[t]),
a'[t] == -(g/2 + I d) a[t] + I/2 w*(y[t] - x[t]),
b'[t] == -(g/2 - I d) b[t] + I/2 w*(x[t] - y[t]),
x[0] == 1, y[0] == 0, b[0] == 0, a[0] == 0},
{x, y, a, b},
{t, 0, 100}]
Plot[Evaluate[{x[t], y[t], a[t], b[t]} /. swl3], {t, 0, 100}]
a[t] and b[t] are complex so they don't appear in the plot. You can plot the real and imaginary part separately.

Mathematica: How to Parametric Plot a function in several time intervals using solutions of set of time dependent equations

I have set of time dependent equations. 4 equations with 4 time dependent variables {r[t], c[t], Uo[t], U1[t]}.
Those 4 variables need to be used for a parametric transformation function
zJouko[o_] := r[t]*Exp[o*I] + (Uo[t]/(Exp[o*I] - c[t])) + U1[t]. o has nothing to do with the time parameter.
I need to plot this parametric function zJouko[o] for few time intervals on the same figure.
I have initial conditions for the 4 variables.
I have tried to use NSolve and then use its results to the plot but unsuccessfully.
Another problem is that when I launch Mathematica NSolve is working for several times and after that return empty solution.
I have tried this code unsuccessfully. I also don't know where to put the time intervals in the code.
some constants:
q2 = 0.5; mu1 = 1; mu2 = 1; tau = 1.0;
NSolve with the 4 equations and initial conditions
setEquation = NSolve[
{Uo[t]/c[t] == U1[t],
q2 == (r[t]/c[t]) + (Uo[t]*c[t]/(1 - ((c[t])^2))) + U1[t],
mu1*Exp[-t/tau] == r[t]*(r[t] - (Uo[t]/((c[t])^2))),
mu2*Exp[-t/tau] ==
Uo[t]*(((Uo[t])/((((c[t])^2) - 1)^2)) - r[t]/((c[t])^2)),
r[0] == 1/100, Uo[0] == -1/2, U1[0] == -5/12, c[0] == 6/5}, {r[t],
c[t], Uo[t], U1[t]}]
the function and the ParametricPlot:
zJouko[o_] := r[t]*Exp[o*I] + (Uo[t]/(Exp[o*I] - c[t])) + U1[t];
ParametricPlot[{Re[zJouko[o]], Im[zJouko[o]]}, {o, 0, 2 Pi}]
In a fresh start of Mathematica I give it
q2 = 1/2; mu1 = 1; mu2 = 1; tau = 1;
setEquation = Reduce[{Uo[t]/c[t] == U1[t],
q2 == (r[t]/c[t]) + (Uo[t]*c[t]/(1 - ((c[t])^2))) + U1[t],
mu1*Exp[-t/tau] == r[t]*(r[t] - (Uo[t]/((c[t])^2))),
mu2*Exp[-t/tau] == Uo[t]*(((Uo[t])/((((c[t])^2) - 1)^2)) - r[t]/((c[t])^2)),
r[0] == 1/100, Uo[0] == -1/2, U1[0] == -5/12, c[0] == 6/5},
{r[t], c[t], Uo[t], U1[t]}]
and it tells me r[t] is either plus or minus Sqrt[16 + E^t]/(4*Sqrt[2]*Sqrt[E^t]) and then given that choice of r[t]
c[t] == 4*r[t]
Uo[t] == r[t] - 16*r[t]^3
U1[t] == (1 - 16*r[t]^2)/4
Test the solution to see if it is correct.
q2 = 1/2; mu1 = 1; mu2 = 1; tau = 1;
r[t_]:=Sqrt[16 + E^t]/(4*Sqrt[2]*Sqrt[E^t]);
c[t_]:= 4*r[t];
Uo[t_]:=r[t] - 16*r[t]^3;
U1[t_]:= (1 - 16*r[t]^2)/4;
Simplify[ {Uo[t]/c[t] == U1[t],
q2 == (r[t]/c[t]) + (Uo[t]*c[t]/(1 - ((c[t])^2))) + U1[t],
mu1*Exp[-t/tau] == r[t]*(r[t] - (Uo[t]/((c[t])^2))),
mu2*Exp[-t/tau] == Uo[t]*(((Uo[t])/((((c[t])^2) - 1)^2)) - r[t]/((c[t])^2))}]
and this returns
{True, True, True, True}
Check your conditions at t==0
and it returns
{0.728869, 2.91548, -5.46651, -1.875}
Plot your function
zJouko[o_]:= r[t]*Exp[o*I] + (Uo[t]/(Exp[o*I] - c[t])) + U1[t];
Plot[Table[{Re[zJouko[o]], Im[zJouko[o]]},{t,0,2}], {o, 0, 2 Pi}]
Please try to check all this carefully and see if you can find that I have made a mistake anywhere.

How can i fix a multiplicity issue in mathematica 10.0 loop?

I am solving a project in Mathematica 10 and I think that the best way to do it is using a loop like For or Do. After build it I obtain the results I looking for but with a to much big multiplicity. Here is the isolated part of the code:
(*Initializing variables*)
epot[0] = 1; p[0] = 1; \[Psi][0] = HermiteH[0, x] E^(-(x^2/2));
e[n_] := e[n] = epot[n];
(*Defining function*)
\[Psi][n_] := \[Psi][n] = (Sum[p[k]*x^k,{k,0,4*n}]) [Psi][0];
(*Differential equation*)
S = - D[D[\[Psi][n], x], x] + x^2 \[Psi][n] + x^4 \[Psi][n - 1] - Sum[e[n-k]*\[Psi][k],{k,0,n}];
(*Construction of the loop*)
S1 = Collect[E^(x^2/2) S, x, Simplify];
c = Coefficient[S1, x, 0];
sol = Solve[c == 0, epot[n]]; e[n] = epot[n] /. sol;
For[j = 1, j <= 4 n, j++,
c = Coefficient[S1, x, j];
sol = Solve[c == 0, p[j]];
p[j] = p[j] /. sol;];
Print[Subscript[e, n], "= ", e[n] // InputForm];
Subscript[e, 1]= {{{3/4}}}
3 (*Multiplicity, it should be 1*)
Print[Subscript[\[Psi], n], "= ", \[Psi][n]];
Subscript[\[Psi], 1]= {{E^(-(x^2/2)) (1-(3 x^2)/8-x^4/8)}}
2 (*Multiplicity, it should be 1*)
After this calculation, the question remaining is how do i substitute this results in the original functions. Thank you very much.

Can DSolve is used to solve coupled differiential equations symbolically in mathematica?

Iam trying to solve the Optical Bloch equations for two level using mathematica.
here is the code i wrote. i want to solve for Rho12 and see the variation of Imaginary part of Rho12 with respect to detuning [Capital Delta].
It is showing error that "they are transcendental equations"
Can some one help me....
\[CapitalOmega]21 = Conjugate[\[CapitalOmega]12];
n := \[Rho]11 + \[Rho]22 + \[Rho]12 + \[Rho]21 = 1;
Solution == DSolve[{
\[Rho]11'[t] == (\[CapitalGamma]2*\[Rho]22[t]) +
i/2 (\[CapitalOmega]21*\[Rho]12[t] - \[CapitalOmega]12*\[Rho]21[
\[Rho]22'[t] == -\[CapitalGamma]2*\[Rho]22[t] +
i/2 (\[CapitalOmega]12*\[Rho]21[t] - \[CapitalOmega]21*\[Rho]12[
t] == (-(\[CapitalGamma]2/2) - i*\[CapitalDelta])*\[Rho]12[t] +
i/2*\[CapitalOmega]12*(\[Rho]11[t] - \[Rho]22[t]),
\[Rho]21'[t] == Conjugate[\[Rho]12'[t]] ,
\[Rho]22[0] == 0, \[Rho]11[0] == 1, \[Rho]12[0] ==
0, \[Rho]21[0] == 0}, {\[Rho]11[t], \[Rho]22[t], \[Rho]12[
t], \[Rho]21[t]}, t];

Solve the ODE with NDSolve and dependet variables

I have intialconditions:
sf = 200;
sm = 100;
p = 40;
betaf = 0.15;
betam = 0.15;
mums = 0.02;
mufs = 0.02;
sigma = 0.20;
mum = 0.02;
muf = 0.02;
and the ODE:
sf' := -muf*sf + (betaf + mums + sigma)*p - HarmonicMean[sf, sm];
sm' := -mum*sm + (betam + mufs + sigma)*p - HarmonicMean[sf, sm}];
p' := p - (mufs + mums + sigma)*p + HarmonicMean[{sf, sm}];
That i want is an abstract solution (sf(t),sm(t),p(t)) with NDSolve to plot it later.
My problem is that all variables are dependet in all 3 equations, so i don't know how to write the NDSolve call.
I could not manage to get an analytic solution, but the numerical one goes like this. Note that not all symbols you listed are variables of the system: those not being dependent of the independent variable t are parameters. (Also note that there are some typos in the OP's code).
variables = {sf[t], sm[t], p[t]};
parameters = {betaf -> 0.15, betam -> 0.15, mums -> 0.02,
mufs -> 0.02, sigma -> 0.20, mum -> 0.02, muf -> 0.02};
equations = {
sf'[t] == -muf*sf[t] + (betaf + mums + sigma)*p[t] -
HarmonicMean[{sf[t], sm[t]}],
sm'[t] == -mum*sm[t] + (betam + mufs + sigma)*p[t] -
HarmonicMean[{sf[t], sm[t]}],
p'[t] ==
p[t] - (mufs + mums + sigma)*p[t] + HarmonicMean[{sf[t], sm[t]}],
sf[0] == 200,
sm[0] == 100,
p[0] == 40
sol = NDSolve[equations /. parameters, variables, {t, 0, 100}];
Plot[Evaluate[variables /. sol], {t, 0, 100}]
