How to override WindowsPhone dark theme by light - windows-phone-7

Any idea on over-riding the dark theme without copy the default design/ThemeResources.xml file?

If you don't want to override the resources file the alternative is to create your own styles for every control that you use and apply that to each instance of each control.
Overriding the resources fiel is easier. ;)

Here is the useful link


Is overriding core code the same as overriding templates and layout files?

Can anyone advise on how to override the core code?
Specifically this file:
I've overridden templates and layout files in my custom theme, but don't know how to do the same for code files.
It's more the file structure I'm looking for I guess, but I also feel that overriding the code files is a bit more in depth.
Appreciate and help.
Thank you
I've tried mimicking the template, layout files but this method didn't work.
You can use di.xml for overriding any class and methods:
Please check below magento standard:

Adding a Class to a Shopware Theme Plugin

We have a theme plugin which is encrypted with CodeIgniter. I only want to change the color of a button but the class does not exist. I assumed the theme pulled the button from the Bare or the Responsive Template. After searching for the button code I find it in the Bare ajax.checkout.tpl and add a class and even an inline style to the button. After clearing the Template cache, I still see no change. Am I wrong in thinking that the button is pulled from the Bare template file or have I simply missed a step?
You should have a look at the theme-inhertance:
Create a new theme with "injectbeforeplugins = false" and add an all.less to your individual theme. In this all.less you can override the class with your own styles.
Changing files in a custom plugin or the standard themes is considered bad practise. Since the Bare-Theme is loaded before the plugins, the plugin will override all changes in the bare theme. You need to change this in your own theme with "injectbeforeplugins = false" as described in the documentation.

Change the default font size and font name in CKEDITOR

I am using CKEditor in my project. The requirement is to make the font name and font size changed dynamically based on user settings which we configure in one place. I am looking for a suitable solution which helps me to change the fonts in CKEditor. I had done some modification in the config using the
Have tried Is there a way to set the default font and font-size in CKEditor? but no luck
Any help will be always appreciated.
Thanks in Advance.
You can try to use contentsCss. Which will load your css rules to editor's content.
Example what you can do with that you can find here:

KendoUI web custom theme

I am using KendoUI web widgets in my enterprise app. I need to create/customize a Theme as our corporate branding. After reading the docs, I realized that there is a tool called ThemeBuilder for this purpose available here
Now I need to understand the logic behind the color options this tool (ThemeBuilder) shows me. All the Themes are based on 4 primary colors as shown in the selection options. However, when i try to modify/customize any theme, I found that there are more to it? How the ThemeBuilder is calculating all other colors besides the 4 Theme colors?
If I need to create my own corporate theme with 4 primary colors, how do I pick rest of the colors as shown in ThemeBuilder?
On the second note, ThemeBuilder can generate css and less. Is there a way to generate Scss as we are using scss in our organization?
Does Telerik provide scss version of their source styles. I know they provide css and less in their source directory. But converting them to scss looks like a nightmare to me!
Appreciate your help.
I have to manually convert less into scss.
I have variablized their stuff make it compatible with org's themes and colors.

How can i make customized template for the front end by overriding the default one?

I am new to Pyrocms and reading the documentation I could not change fix my problem. I need my own template to be incorporated that is I want to change the default one provided. How can I do that. I really need a help.
Go into:
This is the folder where you can find the default template of pyrocms. There you will see folders like "views, css, js, img" etc.
You can start by modifying views/layouts/default.html and views/partials/ folder.
Ofcourse if you need to change css and/or js you need to modify them too.
By the way this is the official pyrocms documentation for editing themes:
