Ruby - array with indexes - ruby

how can I do in Ruby an array with indexes?
My custom from PHP is something like this:
#my_array = [0 => "a", 3 => "bb", 7 => "ccc"]
And this array I want to go through each_with_index and I would like to get the result, e.g. in a shape:
0 - a
3 - bb
7 - ccc
Can anyone help me, how to do?

They're called hashes in ruby.
h = { 0 => "a", 3 => "bb", 7 => "ccc" }
h.each {|key, value| puts "#{key} = #{value}" }
Reference with a bunch of examples here: Hash.

You don't want an array, you want to use a hash. Since your indices are not sequential (as they would/should be if using an array), use a hash like so:
#my_hash = { 0 => 'a', 3 => 'bb', 7 => 'ccc' }
Now you can iterate through it like this:
#my_hash.each do |key, value|
num = key
string = value
# do stuff

Arrays in ruby already have indexes but if you want an associative array with index of your choice, use a Hash:
#my_array = {0 => "a", 3 => "bb", 7 => "ccc"}


how can I programmatically identify which keys have sub key-value-pairs in a JSON doc? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Flattening nested hash to a single hash with Ruby/Rails
(6 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
I fetch a JSON document and need to programmatically "flatten" the keys for another third-party service.
What this means is, if my JSON doc comes back with the following:
{'first_name' => "Joe", 'hoffman' => {'patterns' => ['negativity', 'self-sabotage'], 'right_road' => 'happy family'}, 'mbti' => 'INTJ'}
I need to be able to know to create a "flat" key-value pair for a third-party service like this:
first_name = "Joe"
hoffman.patterns = "negativity, self-sabotage"
hoffman.right_road = "happy family"
mbti = "INTJ"
Once I know there's a sub-document, the parsing I think I have figured out just appending the sub-keys with key + '.' + "{subkey}" but right now, don't know which ones are straight key-value and which one's have sub-documents.
a) How can I parse the JSON to know which keys have sub-documents (additional key-values)?
b) Suggestions on ways to create a string from an array
You could also monkey patch Hash to do this on it's own like so:
class Hash
def flatten_keys(prefix=nil) do |k,v|
key = [prefix,k].compact.join(".")
v.is_a?(Hash) ? v.flatten_keys(key) : [key,v.is_a?(Array) ? v.join(", ") : v]
def to_flat_hash
Then it would be
require 'json'
#=> {'first_name' => "Joe", 'hoffman' => {'patterns' => ['negativity', 'self-sabotage'], 'right_road' => 'happy family'}, 'mbti' => 'INTJ'}
#=> {"first_name"=>"Joe", "hoffman.patterns"=>"negativity, self-sabotage", "hoffman.right_road"=>"happy family", "mbti"=>"INTJ"}
Will work with additional nesting too
h = {"first_name"=>"Joe", "hoffman"=>{"patterns"=>["negativity", "self-sabotage"], "right_road"=>"happy family", "wrong_road"=>{"bad_choices"=>["alcohol", "heroin"]}}, "mbti"=>"INTJ"}
#=> {"first_name"=>"Joe", "hoffman.patterns"=>"negativity, self-sabotage", "hoffman.right_road"=>"happy family", "hoffman.wrong_road.bad_choices"=>"alcohol, heroin", "mbti"=>"INTJ"}
Quick and dirty recursive proc:
# assuming you've already `JSON.parse` the incoming json into this hash:
a = {'first_name' => "Joe", 'hoffman' => {'patterns' => ['negativity', 'self-sabotage'], 'right_road' => 'happy family'}, 'mbti' => 'INTJ'}
# define a recursive proc:
flatten_keys = -> (h, prefix = "") do
#flattened_keys ||= {}
h.each do |key, value|
# Here we check if there's "sub documents" by asking if the value is a Hash
# we also pass in the name of the current prefix and key and append a . to it
if value.is_a? Hash value, "#{prefix}#{key}."
# if not we concatenate the key and the prefix and add it to the #flattened_keys hash
#flattened_keys["#{prefix}#{key}"] = value
flattened = a
# => "first_name"=>"Joe", "hoffman.patterns"=>["negativity", "self-sabotage"], "hoffman.right_road"=>"happy family", "mbti"=>"INTJ"}
And then, to turn the arrays into strings just join them:
flattened.inject({}) do |hash, (key, value)|
value = value.join(', ') if value.is_a? Array
hash.merge! key => value
# => {"first_name"=>"Joe", "hoffman.patterns"=>"negativity, self-sabotage", "hoffman.right_road"=>"happy family", "mbti"=>"INTJ"}
Another way, inspired by this post:
def flat_hash(h,f=[],g={})
return g.update({ f=>h }) unless h.is_a? Hash
h.each { |k,r| flat_hash(r,f+[k],g) }
h = { :a => { :b => { :c => 1,
:d => 2 },
:e => 3 },
:f => 4 }
result = {}
flat_hash(h) #=> {[:a, :b, :c]=>1, [:a, :b, :d]=>2, [:a, :e]=>3, [:f]=>4}
.each{ |k, v| result[k.join('.')] = v } #=> {"a.b.c"=>1, "a.b.d"=>2, "a.e"=>3, "f"=>4}

How can I merge two hashes?

I made two hashes hash1 and hash2 with following keys and values.
hash1 = {1=>"One", 2=>"Two", 3=>"Three"}
hash2 = {4=>"First", 5=>"Second", 6=>"Third"}
And I am expecting hash3 to give me a result like
hash3 #=> {1 => "One", 2 => "Two", 3 => "Three", 4 => "First", 5 => "Second", 6 => "Third"}
Can anyone tell me how I can merge these two hashes? Assume that hash3 should contain all keys and all values.
Solution with minimal coding
hash3 = hash1.merge(hash2)
It seems you are looking for Hash#merge
hash1 = {1=>"One", 2=>"Two", 3=>"Three"}
hash2 = {4=>"First", 5=>"Second", 6=>"Third"}
hash3 = hash1.merge hash2
#=> {1 => "One", 2 => "Two", 3 => "Three", 4 => "First", 5 => "Second", 6 => "Third"}
Considering the fact that you access your hash through an increasing sequence of integers, you should think about using an Array instead of a Hash.
result = hash1.values + hash2.values
# => ["One", "Two", "Three", "First", "Second", "Third"]
This way you can still access your values similarly (e.g. result[2] #=> "Three"), but you have a more concise data structure.
If you want 1 to return both "first" and "one", you'll need to store them in an array which will then be the value of which 1 maps to.
results = {}
hash1.each do |key, value|
if results[key].nil?
results[key] = [value]
results[key] << value
hash2.each do |key, value|
if results[key].nil?
results[key] = [value]
results[key] << value
=> ["one", "first"]
You obviously don't want a hash. You want an array with the values only.
results = hash1.values + hash2.values
=> ["one", "two", "three", "first", "second", "third"]
You can access this array just like a hash. Keep in mind that arrays are zero-indexed, so:
=> "one"
=> "three"
=> "third"
Update 2
And now you want a hash after all, because you have unique keys. So:
hash3 = hash1.merge(hash2)
Since you're learning a new language and are still learning how things work. I'd suggest that with whatever you're working with you take a look at the developer docs.
From there you can search for whatever you're looking for and find other interesting things you can do with the Objects ruby provides for you.
To answer your question specifically you'll need merge method for hashes.
{1: 'One', 2: 'Two', 3: 'Three'}.merge(4: 'Four', 5: 'Five', 6: 'Six)
Will yield {1: 'One', 2: 'Two', 3: 'Three', 4: 'Four', 5: 'Five', 6: 'Six'}

Ruby: What is the easiest method to update Hash values?

h = { 1 => 10, 2 => 20, 5 => 70, 8 => 90, 4 => 34 }
I would like to change each value v to foo(v), such that h will be:
h = { 1 => foo(10), 2 => foo(20), 5 => foo(70), 8 => foo(90), 4 => foo(34) }
What is the most elegant way to achieve this ?
You can use update (alias of merge!) to update each value using a block:
hash.update(hash) { |key, value| value * 2 }
Note that we're effectively merging hash with itself. This is needed because Ruby will call the block to resolve the merge for any keys that collide, setting the value with the return value of the block.
Rails (and Ruby 2.4+ natively) have Hash#transform_values, so you can now do {a:1, b:2, c:3}.transform_values{|v| foo(v)}
If you need it to work in nested hashes as well, Rails now has deep_transform_values(source):
hash = { person: { name: 'Rob', age: '28' } }
hash.deep_transform_values{ |value| value.to_s.upcase }
# => {person: {name: "ROB", age: "28"}}
This will do:
h.each {|k, v| h[k] = foo(v)}
The following is slightly faster than #Dan Cheail's for large hashes, and is slightly more functional-programming style:
new_hash = Hash[ {|key, value| key, foo(value)}]
Hash#map creates an array of key value pairs, and Hash.[] converts the array of pairs into a hash.
There's a couple of ways to do it; the most straight-forward way would be to use Hash#each to update a new hash:
new_hash = {}
old_hash.each do |key, value|
new_hash[key] = foo(value)

Alias for array or hash element in Ruby

Example for array
arr = ["a", "b", "c"]
# TODO create an alias for arr[1] as x
x = "X"
# arr should be ["a", "X", "c"] here
Example for hash
hash = { :a => "aaa", :b => "bbb" , :c => "ccc" }
# TODO create an alias for hash[:b] as y
y = "YYY"
# hash should be { :a => "aaa", :b => "YYY" , :c => "ccc" } here
And also an alias for a variable?
var = 5
# TODO create an alias for var as z
z = 7
# var should be 7 here
Motivation: I have a big large deep construct of data, and you can imagine the rest. I want to use it in a read-only manner, but due to performance reasons copy is not permissible.
Metaphor: I want to choose context from a larger data structure and I want to access it with a short and simple name.
UPDATE: Problem solved as sepp2k advised. I just want to draw a summarizing picture here about the solution.
irb(main):001:0> arr = [ { "a" => 1, "b" => 2}, { "x" => 7, "y" => 8 } ]
=> [{"a"=>1, "b"=>2}, {"x"=>7, "y"=>8}]
irb(main):002:0> i = arr[0]
=> {"a"=>1, "b"=>2}
irb(main):004:0> j = arr[1]
=> {"x"=>7, "y"=>8}
irb(main):007:0> j["z"] = 9
=> 9
irb(main):008:0> j
=> {"x"=>7, "y"=>8, "z"=>9}
irb(main):009:0> arr
=> [{"a"=>1, "b"=>2}, {"x"=>7, "y"=>8, "z"=>9}]
What you want is not possible. There is no feature in ruby that you could use to make your examples work like you want.
However since you're saying you want to only use it read-only, there is no need for that. You can just do x = myNestedStructure[foo][bar][baz]. There will be no copying involved when you do that. Assignment does not copy the assigned object in ruby.
You would have to create a method that is your alias, which would update the data.
def y=(value)
Then call it.
Edit: updated second code snippet.

Hash.each doesn't return a hash?

Hash.each returns an array [key, value],
but if I want a hash?
Example: {:key => value }
I'm assuming you meant "yields" where you said "return" because Hash#each already returns a hash (the receiver).
To answer your question: If you need a hash with the key and the value you can just create one. Like this:
hash.each do |key, value|
kv_hash = {key => value}
There is no alternative each method that yields hashs, so the above is the best you can do.
I think you are trying to transform the hash somehow, so I will give you my solution to this problem, which may be not exactly the same. To modify a hash, you have to .map them and construct a new hash.
This is how I reverse key and values:
h = {:a => 'a', :b => 'b'}
Hash[{ |k,v| [v, k] }]
# => {"a"=>:a, "b"=>:b}
Call .each with two parameters:
>> a = {1 => 2, 3 => 4}
>> a.each { |b, c|
?> puts "#{b} => #{c}"
>> }
1 => 2
3 => 4
=> {1=>2, 3=>4}
You could map the hash to a list of single-element hashes, then call each on the list:
h = {:a => 'a', :b => 'b'}{ |k,v| {k => v}}.each{ |x| puts x }
