Magento install stops creating database - windows

I've tried win xp and 7
Apache 2.2.19
php-5.3.6 (tried php 5.1.x)
Mysql 5.1.44
The install process runs ok until the database creation screen.
After 1 minute, the process stops at:
with a BLANK page
The database has only 199 tables (sometimes stops with less tables)
If i refresh the webpage, sometimes more tables are created, but then i get a database error.
Tried to IMPORT the database manually and start the install, but i get an error at the same step!
Also retried the install (deleting the cached data in the Magento folder).
What am i doing wrong?

I used to get the same behavior. Other observation is you do not get the blank screen if you are running installation wizard while magento sample data imported to the database.
I did some googling and find the following poge which resolved my issue.
that is modify apache httpd.conf and add following lines:
Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride All
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

I would suggest trying to install via the Command Line Interface:

Open the index.php file (at the root) and write the following line at the top
Empty the tables in your database and try again. The white page appears because the script times out and when you refresh that same page Magento gives you an error page where it says the table already exists. The SQL script which creates the tables in the database does not check whether the table exists in the database or not.

A blank screen in PHP is a strong sign of running out of memory. Check the memory limit according to the requirements and then maybe add a bit more too.

Change the name localhost file
with any in
and add
after wards follow these steps through this torrent link.
After installing some images may not upload so even uploaded the books.

I got blank screen too, and the following error:
[09-Feb-2012 15:27:43] PHP Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30
seconds exceeded in D:\creation\software
developer\projects\magento\document root\lib\Zend\Db\Statement\Pdo.php
on line 228
I'm pretty sure, that you have execution timeout too...
You have to setup your php.ini, and increase the max_execution_timeout, and in the iis manager you have to increase the fastcgi request and activity timeouts too.


"Error: Token Mismatch" After adding a 2nd server to phpMyAdmin

I've been searching and trying to solve this problem for about 3 weeks. I'm stumped. Please help!
I added a second server to phpMyAdmin by adding the following lines to the end of my "" file in the installation directory.
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['verbose'] = '<SERVER 2 NAME REDACTED>';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['host'] = '<SERVER 2 ADDRESS REDACTED>';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['connect_type'] = 'tcp';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['compress'] = false;
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'cookie';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['AllowNoPassword'] = false;
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['ssl'] = false;
After I added this server, we started getting the "Error: Token Mismatch" popup randomly when running some SQL queries or performing certain actions while logged in to server #2. We never got it on the first server we had set up for several years, and I matched all the server configuration settings to those of the first server. The issue is not 100% reproducible with SQL queries, but it does seem to be 100% reproducible when I try to add users to the database via phpMyAdmin's user creation page.
log in (select server #2 in the "Server Choice" drop-down menu)
click "users" tab at top of page
click "add user" link
fill out the required fields and click "go"
At this point I always get the "Error: Token Mismatch" popup.
Things I've tried so far:
clear cache / cookies (I do this every time I change settings)
use different browser (tried Chrome, Firefox, and Safari)
change ";session.save_path" variable to “/tmp” in php.ini file
Do "chmod 1733" on the sessions save directory
Made sure there is free space available (19GB free)
After all this, we still get the error.
PHP: 5.3.29
Apache: 2.2.23 (Amazon)
SQL type: 10.1.23-MariaDB
Database client version: libmysql - 5.5.24
PHP extension: mysqli
phpMyAdmin: 4.2.2
phpMyadmin server hardware: Amazon EC2 m3.large
SQL database server hardware: db.m4.2xlarge
Any suggestions for places to look or things to try are greatly appreciated.
One thing that caught my eye is that you mention the ;session.save_path variable; the semicolon in front of it is a comment so for the directive to be recognized you'll have to remove the semicolon. Check the output of phpinfo.php to verify that the change was successful.
Other than that, it's tough to guess. You're using an old PHP and old phpMyAdmin version, so I'm not saying an upgrade will or won't fix the problem, but you really should upgrade.
One workaround would be to have two phpMyAdmin installations; you can have phpMyAdmin in two different folders, with each one pointing to a different MySQL server. It sounds like it was working fine with one server so if you do it this way, each instance will only have one server and hopefully you won't have the problem.

Magento Admin Backend Blank Page after login

i have a serious problem in Magento Admin Backend. After login its shows a BLANK Page. i used the same files and database in different server, there it was working fine but when i have transferred files into LIVE then Admin issues came. Please help me over this as i got frustrated from last some dayz. If you need any more dertails then plz ask but i need to resolve this soon. Link:
Magento ver: 1.7
flush your magento root /var/cache folder and /var/session folders, It may have previous server session that may cause problems.
Otherwise disable all third party modules and try again. I think this will help
I had the Same problem,
i have also debug the any errors occured, i tried index.php file
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
pleced above code in index.php file. after that i have tried admin login.
showing the errors are session related, header already send errors.
i have to add the code in root/index.php file in top add the following line.
after that tried the login its worked.
Is url changes to this after click login button or not? value)/
if url changes but not not show the dashboard page then go to
make copy of this file
Find the code for setting session cookie parameters these started on line 77
Comment out the final three lines and be sure to remove the comma after $this->getCookie()->getPath(). You should end up with this:
// set session cookie params
// $this->getCookie()->getDomain(),
// $this->getCookie()->isSecure(),
// $this->getCookie()->getHttponly()
also line 104 comment out :
//call_user_func_array('session_set_cookie_params', $cookieParams);
If there is no change in url after click login then try to uncomment display error and see error_log file of your server
I think this problem is due to file permissions. As you added files from one server to another, permissions might be get changed.. Try to give the permissions to all the files. Check this
There are a number of things that can cause it, but it's most common after migrating to a new server, last time it happened to me it was an excessively low php memory_limit setting on the new server - the Admin part of the site uses a lot more resources per user than the frontend.
In general when having this issue:
Flush out your cache by emptying var/cache
Clear out sessions by emptying var/sessions
Check the magento error logs/reports for an error code in var\logs and var/reports
Turn on magento error logs in mysql if logging isn't already on! (look in core_config_data for WHERE path like 'dev/log/active'
Check if your php configuration is displaying errors
Check your apache/php error logs for more clues - memory errors will show up here for example
Try this solution
It sounds like you want to enable Developer mode. Add this to your .htaccess file:
You may also want to enable display errors in index.php:
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
The best way I have found to debug is with X-Debug in a local environment. You can also use log files to help debug in a production environment, if your unable to run X-Debug in the environment.
I've got a more detailed posting here:
Consider also installing XDebug
Hope this helps you!
Just to complete the other answers....
I am upgrading a magento install, and got the same problem, in the end I had another folder inside of var/
Only worked after clear deleting the files inside of this folder.
I had the same problem after uninstalling an extension. I thought that clearing cache would be enough, and I did without success... later speaking with the technical team, they commented me that it did not work because I hace memcache installed, and needed to be done the cleaning via system - backend (that i coudl not see...)

Magento has a redirect loop

My Magento web site home page has a redirect loop error. When I try to open it it goes to my old server url and gives the error:
The webpage resulted in too many redirects. Clearing your cookies for this site or allowing third-party cookies may fix the problem. If not, it is possibly a server configuration issue and not a problem with your computer.
When I try to go into admin it takes to me old server admin url without any error.
I down loaded the fresh data base and connected my store to that it works fine but when i connect it my old data base it give same error.
Please advise me.
This isn't an ideal solution, but I was having issues with Magento 1.9.x.
The setup was: Nginx Proxy & SSL Terminator => Apache Webserver
No matter what I did enabling SSL caused a redirection loop. I narrowed the issue down to Magento rather than the Nginx configurations.
It was like Magento didn't know it was receiving a secure connection from Nginx even though the correct headers were set.
The dirty solution was to add some code to the very bottom of index.php within the magento root directory (ie. /var/www/magento) just before the Mage::run... line, like so:
$_SERVER['HTTPS'] = 'on';
Mage::run($mageRunCode, $mageRunType);
Wrong permissions can also cause this to happen. So in addition to truncating the var/cache and var/session folders, go ahead and make sure that you have the proper permissions on the app, skin, and includes directories, sub-directories and files. I believe the suggested permission setting is 644. You can do this with a proper FTP client such as FireZilla.
Go to table core_config_data
Update these value to be your localhost url(or whatever url you are providing while installation):
web/secure/base_url //(new url)
web/unsecure/base_url // (new url)
Empty the var folder.
I got it fixed.
I manually deleted my cache i was unable to login in my amdin and it get fixed
My issue was Cloudflare, put it in Development mode and it worked. It was cache related.
Issue: ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS - redirected you too many times
This issue is related cookie domain name.
For ex: if you already installed Magento 2 in, and now you change magento base path to sub domain path like means, then you need to update your cookie domain entry inside of core_config_data table. You cannot access magento 2 backend so you can use following query to check record exist else use insert query.
SELECT * FROM `core_config_data` WHERE `path` REGEXP 'cookie_domain'
if record exit then update to the value column.
INSERT INTO `core_config_data` (`scope`, `scope_id`, `path`, `value`) VALUES ('default', 0, 'web/cookie/cookie_domain', '');
Then flush cache using command php bin/magento cache:flush
Refresh magento 2 admin, now you can access admin. try this. thanks.
Note: if you are not using cookie domain, then don't configure this settings, if you configuration wrong then also you can face this error, so to fix that error update value to default configuration.
I had the same issue and after reloading and reloading my page I noticed that the error message responded to www.mydomain.tld and sometimes to mydomain.tld. I'm using Plesk on the server and I remembered that I set the Domain to always be called without www. I just changed that to none in the hosting settings of the domain. Lucky me, that solved that issue. Hope that helps someone else.

An unrecoverable error occurred. The uploaded file likely exceeded the maximum file size (2 MB) that this server supports

Ok I got Drupal 7.19, mySQL 5.1.66-cll PHP 5.3.21
Now I searched for he above error and found various answers of various age, however it doesn't address, my problem.
I get the error for any file bigger than 100k
went through php.ini settings.php as well as account settings, which is now 5000k.
and max post and max file are way higher.
The site has only 2 image fields, the original as well as one other. It doesn't matter which one is used in a content, the field settings for the original one were never changed and the themed installation came with images larger than 500k.
While for the time I can live with resizing images before uploading, it nevertheless is a pain in the .... and I really would appreciate any help.
I had a similar problem which i resolved via the php.ini file as well as the apache mod_security user.conf file.
My httpd is apache2, which has mod_security enabled, which also did not allow me to upload over 100k image file in Drupal. Apparently this is a common problem for the web-hosting provider (liquid web) because it took no more than 3 minutes to resolve.
First the php.ini file was altered (on CentOS it is in /usr/local/lib/) with lines:
;upload_tmp_dir = /tmp (yes it has a semi-colon at the start)
and also the line:
session.save_path = "/tmp"
Second file that was altered is the modsec2.user.conf file located on (CentOS) at /usr/local/apache/conf/
(appended at the bottom of the file in the last 2 lines):
SecUploadDir /tmp
SecTmpDir /tmp
Then /etc/init.d/httpd restart (or reload) apache and you should be able to bypass this limit for file uploads by mod_apache if it is enabled. Best of luck and please know that this is my first answer on stack so please be considerate.
just you can request your hosting provider
to added into the sites whitelist.conf file :
<IfModule mod_security2.c>
<LocationMatch .*>
SecRuleRemoveById 340147

Magento Admin 404

We recently migrated our Multi-domain magento setup from a shared host to a dedicated server.
All is working fine fronted, but when I try to go to the admin section I get a 404 error on anything after login.
It seems to work if I remove index.php from the url but then as soon as I click on another link in the admin section it 404's again with the index.php back in the URL.
-- You need to go your server directly and do this via SSH/ FTP
You have to delete the following file
If you get an error after that like
Notice: Undefined index: 0 in
on line 92
Then go to your Database Management.
Open PhpMyAdmin
Go to your database
Click SQL
Run the following SQL Query:
UPDATE `core_store` SET store_id = 0 WHERE code='admin';
UPDATE `core_store_group` SET group_id = 0 WHERE name='Default';
UPDATE `core_website` SET website_id = 0 WHERE code='admin';
UPDATE `customer_group` SET customer_group_id = 0 WHERE customer_group_code='NOT LOGGED IN';
Some thing strange happens with the cache when you move the databases from one server to another so it seems like you need to clear it out.
Check in this way
After migration from to
I was getting 500 Internal Server Error.
So I just renamed my .htaccess to htaccess.txt.
And my frontend started working fine,
But at Backend I was getting Same 500 Internal Server error.
After trying many option suggested online nothing worked for me and after that I tried to access admin via following URL and voilà worked perfect, Hope this help others.
Try to access as this >
Does the dedicated server have mod_rewerite enabled? Does the apache configuration allow .htaccess files to make changes to configuration directives via AllowOverride? Both of those are common ways that the Magento config gets pooched up.
This is an old thread but I've also had an issue with ownership what was returning a 404 in admin.
I'd been doing some work on securing the server and some files were owned as root, not apache. So a chown -R apache:apache . fixed it right up.
