Question about requiring files and the load path in Programming Ruby 1.9 - ruby

I'm reading through "Programming Ruby 1.9". On page 208 (in a "Where to Put Tests" section), the book has the code organized as
other files...
other stuff
and asks how we get our test_roman.rb file to know about the roman.rb file.
It says that one option that doesn't work is to build the path into require statements in the test code:
# in test_roman.rb
require 'test/unit'
require '../lib/roman'
Instead, it says a better solution is for all other components of the application to assume that the top-level directory of the application is in Ruby's load path, so that the test code would have
# in test_roman.rb
require 'test/unit'
require '/lib/roman'
and we'd run the tests by calling ruby -I path/to/app path/to/app/test/test_roman.rb.
My question is: is this realy the best way? It seems like
If we simply replaced require '../lib/roman' in the first option with require_relative '../lib/roman', everything would work fine.
The assumption in the second option (that all components have the top-level directory in Ruby's load path) only works because we pass the -I path/to/app argument, which seems a little messy.
Am I correct that replacing require with require_relative fixes all the problems? Is there any reason to prefer the second option anyways?

Further on, that same book makes use of require_relative (Chapter 16, Organizing your source code) in the context of testing, so yes, I would say that using it is a Good Thing, since it "always loads files from a path relative to the directory of the file that invokes it".
Of course, like #christiangeek noticed, require_relative is new in the 1.9 series, but there's a gem that provides you with the same functionality.
It might be worth pointing out that the Pickaxe too provides a little method you can stick in your code in the same chapter I mentioned before.

require_relative does make the code cleaner but is only available natively on Ruby > 1.9.2. Which means if you want want your code to be portable to versions of Ruby < 1.9.2 you need to use a extension or the regular require AFAIK. The book is most likely a) written before 1.9.2 became widespread or b) providing a example for lowest common denominator.


Clean monkey patching in ruby

I was looking at this blog entry: 3 Ways to Monkey-Patch Without Making a Mess and I noticed something strange:
# Actually monkey-patch DateTime
DateTime.include CoreExtensions::DateTime::BusinessDays
I've never seen this type of include before and I can't seem to find any documentation on it. How is it supposed to work and am I still supposed to still use a require call to bring in the file? I don't see how it could know the definite path and filename otherwise.
include is a standard module method in Ruby.
You will have to require the relevant file (containing the module definition) unless you have some sort of autoloading mechanism as in Ruby on Rails.

load 'file.rb' versus require 'Module' in Ruby

I am confused about the difference between load 'file.rb' and require 'Module'. At Learn Ruby the Hard Way, the example of how to use a module is set up with two files (mystuff.rb and apple.rb):
module MyStuff
puts "I AM APPLES!"
require 'mystuff'
However, when I run apple.rb, either in the Sublime Text console, or with ruby apple.rb, I get a Load Error. I have also tried require 'MyStuff', and require 'mystuff.rb', but I still get the Load Error.
So, I switched the first line of apple.rb to load 'mystuff.rb', which allows it to run. However, if I edit 'mystuff.rb' to be a definition of class MyStuff as opposed to a module MyStuff, there is no difference.
For reference, the Load Error is:
/Users/David/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.0.0-p353/lib/ruby/site_ruby/2.0.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:55:in require': cannot load such file -- mystuff (LoadError)`
I've peeked into kernel_require.rb and looked at the require definition, but since I'm a Ruby Nuby (indeed, a programming newbie), it was a little overwhelming. Since Learn Ruby the Hard Way hasn't been updated since 2012-10-05, there've probably been some syntax changes for modules. Yes?
require searches a pre-defined list of directories, as discussed in What are the paths that "require" looks up by default?. It's failing because it can't find the mystuff.rb in any of those directories.
load, on the other hand, will look for files in the current directory.
As for:
However, if I edit 'mystuff.rb' to be a definition of class MyStuff as
opposed to a module MyStuff, there is no difference.
I'm not sure I understand what you mean by "no difference". If you mean that the require and load continue to fail and succeed, respectively, that makes sense, as the require failure is independent of the content of the file contents and the code you're testing behaves the same independent of whether Mystuff is a class or a vanilla module.
You can solve this easily by changing
require 'mystuff'
require_relative './mystuff'

In Ruby, is there a way for classes to be accesible by package, or are all of the classes to be written in the same file of code?

I'm using Netbeans to program in Ruby and I can't seem to access other classes I write from the main class in Ruby until I place that code inside the main class itself. Is there a way to fix this so that it works like Java classes do?
If I understand you correctly, you are looking to import a class you wrote in a separate file into your current file. If this is what you are looking to do, take a look at require_relative
# cow.rb
class Cow
def moo
# main.rb
require_relative 'cow.rb'
milford =
puts milford.moo #=> 'Moooooooo'
Things to look out for is that require_relative searches for the file in the current location of the file you call it in. For instance:
# If cow.rb is in folder 'animals'
require_relative 'animals/cow.rb' #=> Fine
require_relative 'cow.rb' #=> LoadError
I would suggest finding some good tutorials on Ruby or finding a beginners book. Some of them are even available online like Programming Ruby The Pragmatic Programmer's Guide. This question covers some pretty basic Ruby concepts.
Also, I would not suggest using Netbeans since they cut out their support for Ruby. This is fine if you want to continue to use the old version of Netbeans but you will soon find it lacking support for newer Ruby versions.
For one thing, Ruby has no concept of "packages". There are files, and modules. To import all of the global variables, constants, modules, and classes from a file in the same directory, type:
require_relative "myfile.rb"
You can now use any classes, modules, constants, and global variables defined in myfile.rb in your code.

how to run a spec file with ruby without spec

How to run a spec file with ruby without spec?
How do I inherit the spec base class to the current ruby spec file?
I think all you need are the files required in the spec_helper.rb you should be able to call the specs with
ruby -Ispec my_spec.rb #=> assuming you have a spec folder and there is a spec helper inside.
That's two questions.
1) "how to run a spec file with ruby without spec?"
either put
require "rubygems"
require "spec"
require "spec/autorun"
in the file, or run
ruby -rrubygems -rspec -rspec/autorun whatever_spec.rb
from the command line. But spec is easier.
2) "How do i inherit the spec base class to the current ruby spec file?"
Basically, you don't. RSpec is an internal DSL which means that it generates objects for you based on your describe and it blocks. These objects are instances of real classes (e.g. Spec::Example::ExampleGroup), but they're very complicated and magical and you shouldn't try to extend them unless you really know what you're doing. What are you trying to accomplish?

Adding a directory to $LOAD_PATH (Ruby)

I have seen two commonly used techniques for adding the directory of the file currently being executed to the $LOAD_PATH (or $:). I see the advantages of doing this in case you're not working with a gem. One seems more verbose than the other, obviously, but is there a reason to go with one over the other?
The first, verbose method (could be overkill):
$LOAD_PATH.unshift(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__))) unless $LOAD_PATH.include?(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)))
and the more straightforward, quick-and-dirty:
$:.unshift File.dirname(__FILE__)
Any reason to go with one over the other?
The Ruby load path is very commonly seen written as $: , but just because it is short, does not make it better. If you prefer clarity to cleverness, or if brevity for its own sake makes you itchy, you needn't do it just because everyone else is.
Say hello to ...
... and say goodbye to ...
# I don't quite understand what this is doing...
I would say go with $:.unshift File.dirname(__FILE__) over the other one, simply because I've seen much more usage of it in code than the $LOAD_PATH one, and it's shorter too!
I'm not too fond on the 'quick-and-dirty' way.
Anyone new to Ruby will be pondering what $:. is.
I find this more obvious.
libdir = File.dirname(__FILE__)
$LOAD_PATH.unshift(libdir) unless $LOAD_PATH.include?(libdir)
Or if I care about having the full path...
libdir = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__))
$LOAD_PATH.unshift(libdir) unless $LOAD_PATH.include?(libdir)
UPDATE 2009/09/10
As of late I've been doing the following:
$:.unshift(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__))) unless
$:.include?(File.dirname(__FILE__)) || $:.include?(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)))
I've seen it in a whole bunch of different ruby projects while browsing GitHub.
Seems to be the convention?
If you type script/console in your Rails project and enter $:, you'll get an array that includes all the directories needed to load Ruby. The take-away from this little exercise is that $: is an array. That being so, you can perform functions on it like prepending other directories with the unshift method or the << operator. As you implied in your statement $: and $LOAD_PATH are the same.
The disadvantage with doing it the quick and dirty way as you mentioned is this: if you already have the directory in your boot path, it will repeat itself.
I have a plugin I created called todo. My directory is structured like so:
In the init.rb file I entered the following code:
## In vendor/plugins/todo/rails/init.rb
%w{ models controllers models }.each do |dir|
path = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../lib', 'app', dir))
$LOAD_PATH << path
ActiveSupport::Dependencies.load_paths << path
Note how I tell the code block to perform the actions inside the block to the strings 'models', 'controllers', and 'models', where I repeat 'models'. (FYI, %w{ ... } is just another way to tell Ruby to hold an array of strings). When I run script/console, I type the following:
>> puts $:
And I type this so that it is easier to read the contents in the string. The output I get is:
As you can see, though this is as simple an example I could create while using a project I'm currently working on, if you're not careful the quick and dirty way will lead to repeated paths. The longer way will check for repeated paths and make sure they don't occur.
If you're an experienced Rails programmer, you probably have a very good idea of what you're doing and likely not make the mistake of repeating paths. If you're a newbie, I would go with the longer way until you understand really what you're doing.
Best I have come across for adding a dir via relative path when using Rspec. I find it verbose enough but also still a nice one liner.
$LOAD_PATH.unshift(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'lib'))
There is a gem which will let you setup your load path with nicer and cleaner code. Check this out:
It also has good documentation
My 2ยข: I like $LOAD_PATH rather than $:. I'm getting old... I've studied 92,000 languages. I find it hard to keep track of all the customs and idioms.
I've come to abhor namespace pollution.
Last, when I deal with paths, I always delete and then either append or prepend -- depending upon how I want the search to proceed. Thus, I do:
1.times do
models_dir = "#{File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__))}/models"
I know it's been a long time since this question was first asked, but I have an additional answer that I want to share.
I have several Ruby applications that were developed by another programmer over several years, and they re-use the same classes in the different applications although they might access the same database. Since this violates the DRY rule, I decided to create a class library to be shared by all of the Ruby applications. I could have put it in the main Ruby library, but that would hide custom code in the common codebase which I didn't want to do.
I had a problem where I had a name conflict between an already defined name "profile.rb", and a class I was using. This conflict wasn't a problem until I tried to create the common code library. Normally, Ruby searches application locations first, then goes to the $LOAD_PATH locations.
The application_controller.rb could not find the class I created, and threw an error on the original definition because it is not a class. Since I removed the class definition from the app/models section of the application, Ruby could not find it there and went looking for it in the Ruby paths.
So, I modified the $LOAD_PATH variable to include a path to the library directory I was using. This can be done in the environment.rb file at initialization time.
Even with the new directory added to the search path, Ruby was throwing an error because it was preferentially taking the system-defined file first. The search path in the $LOAD_PATH variable preferentially searches the Ruby paths first.
So, I needed to change the search order so that Ruby found the class in my common library before it searched the built-in libraries.
This code did it in the environment.rb file: do |config|
* * * * *
path = []
$LOAD_PATH << 'C:\web\common\lib'
$LOAD_PATH << 'C:\web\common'
* * * * *
I don't think you can use any of the advanced coding constructs given before at this level, but it works just fine if you want to setup something at initialization time in your app. You must maintain the original order of the original $LOAD_PATH variable when it is added back to the new variable otherwise some of the main Ruby classes get lost.
In the application_controller.rb file, I simply use a
require 'profile'
require 'etc' #etc
and this loads the custom library files for the entire application, i.e., I don't have to use require commands in every controller.
For me, this was the solution I was looking for, and I thought I would add it to this answer to pass the information along.
