Smoothing of Sequences - algorithm

I think there should be an algorithm for this out there - probably in a field like bioinformatics (the problem reminds me a bit of sequence alignment) so I hope someone can help me out here.
The problem is as follows: Assume I have classified some data into two different classes X and Y. The result of this may look something like this: ..XXX Y XXX.. Further assume that we have some domain knowledge about those classes and know that it's extremely unlikely to have less than a certain number of instances in a row (ie it's unlikely that there are less than 4 Xs or Ys in a sequence - preferably I could use a different threshold per class but that's not a must). So if we use this domain knowledge it's "obvious" that we'd like to replace the single Y in the middle with a X.
So the algorithm should take a sequence of classified instances and the thresholds for the classes (or 1 threshold for all if it simplifies the problem) and try to find a sequence that fulfills the property (no sequences of classes shorter than the given threshold). Obviously there can be an extremely large number of correct solutions (eg in the above example we could also replace all X with a Y) so I think a reasonable optimization criterium would be to minimize the number of replacements.
I don't need an especially efficient algorithm here since the number of instances will be rather small (say < 4k) and we'll only have two classes. Also since this is obviously only a heuristic I'm fine with some inaccuracies if they vastly simplify the algorithm.

A very similar problem to this can be solved as a classic dynamic programming shortest path problem. We wish to find the sequence which minimises some notion of cost. Penalise each character in the sequence that is different from the corresponding character in the original sequence. Penalise each change of character in the sequence, so penalise each change from X to Y and vice versa.
This is not quite what you want because the penalty for YYYXYYY is the same as the penalty for YXXXXXXY - one penalty for YX and one for XY - however it may be a good approximation because e.g. if the base sequence says YYY....YXY....YY then it will be cheaper to change the central X to a Y than to pay the cost of XY and YX - and you can obviously fiddle with the different cost penalties to get something that looks plausible.
Now think of each position in the sequence as being two points, one above the other, one point representing "X goes here" and one representing "Y goes here". You can link points with lines of cost depending on whether the corresponding character is X or Y in the original sequence, and whether the line joins an X with an X or an X with a Y or so on. Then work out the shortest path from left to right using a dynamic program that works out the best paths terminating in X and Y at position i+1, given knowledge of the cost of the best paths terminating in X and Y at position i.
If you really want to penalise short lived changes more harshly than long lived changes you can probably do so by increasing the number of points in the path-finding representation - you would have points that correspond to "X here and the most recent Y was 3 characters ago". But depending on what you want for a penalty you might end up with an incoveniently large number of points at each character.

You can use dynamic programming as in the following pseudocode sketch (for simplicity, this code assumes the threshold is 3 Xs or Ys in a row, rather than 4):
n = len(s)
optx = array(4, n, infinity) // initialize all values to infinity
opty = array(4, n, infinity) // initialize all values to infinity
if s[0] == 'X':
optx[1][0] = 0
opty[1][0] = 1
optx[1][0] = 1
opty[1][0] = 0
for i in {1, n - 1}:
x = s[i]
if x == 'X':
optx[1][i] = opty[3][i - 1]
optx[2][i] = optx[1][i - 1]
optx[3][i] = min(optx[2][i - 1], optx[3][i - 1])
opty[1][i] = 1 + min(optx[1][i - 1], optx[2][i - 1], optx[3][i - 1])
opty[2][i] = 1 + opty[1][i - 1]
opty[3][i] = 1 + min(opty[2][i - 1], opty[3][i - 1])
optx[1][i] = 1 + min(opty[1][i - 1], opty[2][i - 1], opty[3][i - 1])
optx[2][i] = 1 + opty[1][i - 1]
optx[3][i] = 1 + min(opty[2][i - 1], opty[3][i - 1])
opty[1][i] = optx[3][i - 1]
opty[2][i] = opty[1][i - 1]
opty[3][i] = min(opty[2][i - 1], opty[3][i - 1])
return min(optx[3][n - 1], opty[3][n - 1])
The above code essentially computes the lowest cost of creating a smooth sequence up to the ith character storing the optimal value for all relevant numbers of consecutive Xs or Ys in a row (1, 2, or 3 in a row). More formally
opt[i][0][k] stores the smallest
cost to convert the string s[0...k]
into a smooth sequence then ends in
i consecutive Xs. Runs of 3 or more
are accounted for in opt[3][0][k].
opt[0][j][k] stores the smallest
cost to convert the string s[0...k]
into a smooth sequence then ends in
j consecutive Ys. Runs of 3 or more
are accounted for in opt[0][3][k].
It is straightforward to convert this to an algorithm that returns the sequence as well as the optimal cost.
Note that some of the cases in the above code are probably unnecessary, it's just a straightforward recurrence derived from the constraints.


Find optimal points to cut a set of intervals

Given a set of intervals on the real line and some parameter d > 0. Find a sequence of points with gaps between neighbors less or equal to d, such that the number of intervals that contain any of the points is minimized.
To prevent trivial solutions we ask that the first point from the sequence is before the first interval, and the last point is after the last interval. The intervals can be thought of right-open.
Does this problem have a name? Maybe even an algorithm and a complexity bound?
Some background:
This is motivated by a question from topological data analysis, but it seems so general, that it could be interesting for other topics, e.g. task scheduling (given a factory that has to shut down at least once a year and wants to minimize the number of tasks inflicted by the maintenance...)
We were thinking of integer programming and minimum cuts, but the d-parameter does not quite fit. We also implemented approximate greedy solutions in n^2 and n*logn time, but they can run into very bad local optima.
Show me a picture
I draw intervals by lines. The following diagram shows 7 intervals. d is such that you have to cut at least every fourth character. At the bottom of the diagram you see two solutions (marked with x and y) to the diagram. x cuts through the four intervals in the top, whereas y cuts through the three intervals at the bottom. y is optimal.
——— ———
——— ———
x x x x
y y y
Show me some code:
How should we define fun in the following snippet?
intervals = [(0, 1), (0.5, 1.5), (0.5, 1.5)]
d = 1.1
fun(intervals, d)
>>> [-0.55, 0.45, 1.55] # Or something close to it
In this small example the optimal solution will cut the first interval, but not the second and third. Obviously, the algorithm should work with more complicated examples as well.
A tougher test can be the following: Given a uniform distribution of interval start times on [0, 100] and lengths uniform on [0, d], one can compute the expected number of cuts by a regular grid [0, d, 2d, 3d,..] to be slightly below 0.5*n. And the optimal solution should be better:
n = 10000
delta = 1
starts = np.random.uniform(low=0., high=99, size=n)
lengths = np.random.uniform(low=0., high=1, size=n)
rand_intervals = np.array([starts, starts + lengths]).T
regular_grid = np.arange(0, 101, 1)
optimal_grid = fun(rand_intervals)
# This computes the number of intervals being cut by one of the points
def cuts(intervals, grid):
bins = np.digitize(intervals, grid)
return sum(bins[:,0] != bins[:,1])
cuts(rand_intervals, regular_grid)
>>> 4987 # Expected to be slightly below 0.5*n
assert cuts(rand_intervals, optimal_grid) <= cuts(rand_intervals, regular_grid)
You can solve this optimally through dynamic programming by maintaining an array S[k] where S[k] is the best solution (covers the largest amount of space) while having k intervals with a point in it. Then you can repeatedly remove your lowest S[k], extend it in all possible ways (limiting yourself to the relevant endpoints of intervals plus the last point in S[k] + delta), and updating S with those new possible solutions.
When the lowest possible S[k] in your table covers the entire range, you are done.
A Python 3 solution using intervaltree from pip:
from intervaltree import Interval, IntervalTree
def optimal_points(intervals, d, epsilon=1e-9):
intervals = [Interval(lr[0], lr[1]) for lr in intervals]
tree = IntervalTree(intervals)
start = min(iv.begin for iv in intervals)
stop = max(iv.end for iv in intervals)
# The best partial solution with k intervals containing a point.
# We also store the intervals that these points are contained in as a set.
sols = {0: ([start], set())}
while True:
lowest_k = min(sols.keys())
s, contained = sols.pop(lowest_k)
# print(lowest_k, s[-1]) # For tracking progress in slow instances.
if s[-1] >= stop:
return s
relevant_intervals = tree[s[-1]:s[-1] + d]
relevant_points = [iv.begin - epsilon for iv in relevant_intervals]
relevant_points += [iv.end + epsilon for iv in relevant_intervals]
extensions = {s[-1] + d} | {p for p in relevant_points if s[-1] < p < s[-1] + d}
for ext in sorted(extensions, reverse=True):
new_s = s + [ext]
new_contained = set(tree[ext]) | contained
new_k = len(new_contained)
if new_k not in sols or new_s[-1] > sols[new_k][0][-1]:
sols[new_k] = (new_s, new_contained)
If the range and precision could be feasible for iterating over, we could first merge and count the intervals. For example,
[(0, 1), (0.5, 1.5), (0.5, 1.5)] ->
[(0, 0.5, 1), (0.5, 1, 3), (1, 1.5, 2)]
Now let f(n, k) represent the optimal solution with k points up to n on the number line. Then:
f(n, k) = min(
num_intervals(n) + f(n - i, k - 1)
num_intervals(n) is known in O(1)
from a pointer in the merged interval list.
n-i is not every precision point up to n. Rather, it's
every point not more than d back that marks a change
from one merged interval to the next as we move it
back from our current pointer in the merged-interval
One issue to note is that we need to store the distance between the rightmost and previous point for any optimal f(n, k). This is to avoid joining f(n - i, k - 1) where the second to rightmost point would be less than d away from our current n, making the new middle point, n - i, superfluous and invalidating this solution. (I'm not sure I've thought this issue through enough. Perhaps someone could point out something that's amiss.)
How would we know k is high enough? Given that the optimal solution may be lower than the current k, we assume that the recurrence would prevent us from finding an instance based on the idea in the above paragraph:
——— ———
——— ———
x x x x
y y y
d = 4
merged list:
[(1, 3, 2), (3, 4, 5), (4, 5, 3), (5, 6, 5), (6, 8, 2)]
f(4, 2) = (3, 0) // (intersections, previous point)
f(8, 3) = (3, 4)
There are no valid solutions for f(8, 4) since the
break point we may consider between interval change
in the merged list is before the second-to-last
point in f(8, 3).

Randomly select N unique elements from a list, given a probability for each

I've run into a problem: I have a list or array (IList) of elements that have a field (float Fitness). I need to efficiently choose N random unique elements depending on this variable: the bigger - the more likely it is to be chosen.
I searched on the internet, but the algorithms I found were rather unreliable.
The answer stated here seems to have a bigger probability at the beginning which I need to make sure to avoid.
For example I need to choose from objects with the values [-5, -3, 0, 1, 2.5] (negative values included).
The basic algorithm is to sum the values, and then draw a point from 0-sum(values) and an order for the items, and see which one it "intersects".
For the values [0.1, 0.2, 0.3] the "windows" [0-0.1, 0.1-0.3, 0.3-0.6] will look like this:
1 23 456
And you draw a point [0-0.6] and see what window it hit on the axis.
Pseudo-python for this:
original_values = {val1, val2, ... valn}
# list is to order them, order doesn't matter outside this context.
values = list(original_values)
# limit
limit = sum(values)
draw = random() * limit
while true:
candidate = values.pop()
if candidate > draw:
return candidate
draw -= candidate
So what shall those numbers represent?
Does 2.5 mean, that the probability to be chosen is twice as high than 1.25? Well - the negative values don't fit into that scheme.
I guess fitness means something like -5: very ill, 2.5: very fit. We have a range of 7.5 and could randomly pick an element, if we know how many candidates there are and if we have access by index.
Then, take a random number between -5 and 2.5 and see, if our number is lower than or equal to the candidates fitness. If so, the candidate is picked, else we repeat with step 1. I would say, that we then generate a new threshold to survive, because if we got an 2.5, but no candidate with that fitness remains, we would search infinitely.
The range of fitnesses has to be known for this, too.
fitnesses [-5, -3, 0, 1, 2.5]
rand -5 x x x x x
-2.5 - - x x x
0 - - x x x
2.5 - - - - x
If every candidate shall be testet every round, and the -5 guy shall have a chance to survive, you have to stretch the interval of random numbers a bit, to give him a chance, for instance, from -6 to 3.

Best way to distribute a given resource (eg. budget) for optimal output

I am trying to find a solution in which a given resource (eg. budget) will be best distributed to different options which yields different results on the resource provided.
Let's say I have N = 1200 and some functions. (a, b, c, d are some unknown variables)
f1(x) = a * x
f2(x) = b * x^c
f3(x) = a*x + b*x^2 + c*x^3
f4(x) = d^x
f5(x) = log x^d
And also, let's say there n number of these functions that yield different results based on its input x, where x = 0 or x >= m, where m is a constant.
Although I am not able to find exact formula for the given functions, I am able to find the output. This means that I can do:
X = f1(N1) + f2(N2) + f3(N3) + ... + fn(Nn) where (N1 + ... Nn) = N as many times as there are ways of distributing N into n numbers, and find a specific case where X is the greatest.
How would I actually go about finding the best distribution of N with the least computation power, using whatever libraries currently available?
If you are happy with allocations constrained to be whole numbers then there is a dynamic programming solution of cost O(Nn) - so you can increase accuracy by scaling if you want, but this will increase cpu time.
For each i=1 to n maintain an array where element j gives the maximum yield using only the first i functions giving them a total allowance of j.
For i=1 this is simply the result of f1().
For i=k+1 consider when working out the result for j consider each possible way of splitting j units between f_{k+1}() and the table that tells you the best return from a distribution among the first k functions - so you can calculate the table for i=k+1 using the table created for k.
At the end you get the best possible return for n functions and N resources. It makes it easier to find out what that best answer is if you maintain of a set of arrays telling the best way to distribute k units among the first i functions, for all possible values of i and k. Then you can look up the best allocation for f100(), subtract off the value this allocated to f100() from N, look up the best allocation for f99() given the resulting resources, and carry on like this until you have worked out the best allocations for all f().
As an example suppose f1(x) = 2x, f2(x) = x^2 and f3(x) = 3 if x>0 and 0 otherwise. Suppose we have 3 units of resource.
The first table is just f1(x) which is 0, 2, 4, 6 for 0,1,2,3 units.
The second table is the best you can do using f1(x) and f2(x) for 0,1,2,3 units and is 0, 2, 4, 9, switching from f1 to f2 at x=2.
The third table is 0, 3, 5, 9. I can get 3 and 5 by using 1 unit for f3() and the rest for the best solution in the second table. 9 is simply the best solution in the second table - there is no better solution using 3 resources that gives any of them to f(3)
So 9 is the best answer here. One way to work out how to get there is to keep the tables around and recalculate that answer. 9 comes from f3(0) + 9 from the second table so all 3 units are available to f2() + f1(). The second table 9 comes from f2(3) so there are no units left for f(1) and we get f1(0) + f2(3) + f3(0).
When you are working the resources to use at stage i=k+1 you have a table form i=k that tells you exactly the result to expect from the resources you have left over after you have decided to use some at stage i=k+1. The best distribution does not become incorrect because that stage i=k you have worked out the result for the best distribution given every possible number of remaining resources.

Compare two arrays of points [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm trying to find a way to find similarities in two arrays of different points. I drew circles around points that have similar patterns and I would like to do some kind of auto comparison in intervals of let's say 100 points and tell what coefficient of similarity is for that interval. As you can see it might not be perfectly aligned also so point-to-point comparison would not be a good solution also (I suppose). Patterns that are slightly misaligned could also mean that they are matching the pattern (but obviously with a smaller coefficient)
What similarity could mean (1 coefficient is a perfect match, 0 or less - is not a match at all):
Points 640 to 660 - Very similar (coefficient is ~0.8)
Points 670 to 690 - Quite similar (coefficient is ~0.5-~0.6)
Points 720 to 780 - Let's say quite similar (coefficient is ~0.5-~0.6)
Points 790 to 810 - Perfectly similar (coefficient is 1)
Coefficient is just my thoughts of how a final calculated result of comparing function could look like with given data.
I read many posts on SO but it didn't seem to solve my problem. I would appreciate your help a lot. Thank you
P.S. Perfect answer would be the one that provides pseudo code for function which could accept two data arrays as arguments (intervals of data) and return coefficient of similarity.
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I also think High Performance Mark has basically given you the answer (cross-correlation). In my opinion, most of the other answers are only giving you half of what you need (i.e., dot product plus compare against some threshold). However, this won't consider a signal to be similar to a shifted version of itself. You'll want to compute this dot product N + M - 1 times, where N, M are the sizes of the arrays. For each iteration, compute the dot product between array 1 and a shifted version of array 2. The amount you shift array 2 increases by one each iteration. You can think of array 2 as a window you are passing over array 1. You'll want to start the loop with the last element of array 2 only overlapping the first element in array 1.
This loop will generate numbers for different amounts of shift, and what you do with that number is up to you. Maybe you compare it (or the absolute value of it) against a threshold that you define to consider two signals "similar".
Lastly, in many contexts, a signal is considered similar to a scaled (in the amplitude sense, not time-scaling) version of itself, so there must be a normalization step prior to computing the cross-correlation. This is usually done by scaling the elements of the array so that the dot product with itself equals 1. Just be careful to ensure this makes sense for your application numerically, i.e., integers don't scale very well to values between 0 and 1 :-)
i think HighPerformanceMarks's suggestion is the standard way of doing the job.
a computationally lightweight alternative measure might be a dot product.
split both arrays into the same predefined index intervals.
consider the array elements in each intervals as vector coordinates in high-dimensional space.
compute the dot product of both vectors.
the dot product will not be negative. if the two vectors are perpendicular in their vector space, the dot product will be 0 (in fact that's how 'perpendicular' is usually defined in higher dimensions), and it will attain its maximum for identical vectors.
if you accept the geometric notion of perpendicularity as a (dis)similarity measure, here you go.
this is an ad hoc heuristic chosen for computational efficiency. i cannot tell you about mathematical/statistical properties of the process and separation properties - if you need rigorous analysis, however, you'll probably fare better with correlation theory anyway and should perhaps forward your question to
My Attempt:
1. For each index i in the range (m,n)
2. sum=0
3. k=Array1[i]*Array2[i]; t1=magnitude(Array1[i]); t2=magnitude(Array2[i]);
4. k=k/(t1*t2)
5. sum=sum+k
6. Total_sum=Total_sum+sum
If all values are equal, then sum would return 1 in each case and total_sum would return (m-n)*(1). Hence, when the same is divided by (m-n) we get the value as 1. If the graphs are exact opposites, we get -1 and for other variations a value between -1 and 1 is returned.
This is not so efficient when the y range or the x range is huge. But, I just wanted to give you an idea.
Another option would be to perform an extensive xnor.
1. For each index i in the range (m,n)
2. sum=1
3. k=Array1[i] xnor Array2[i];
4. k=k/((pow(2,number_of_bits))-1) //This will scale k down to a value between 0 and 1
5. sum=(sum+k)/2
Is this helpful ?
You can define a distance metric for two vectors A and B of length N containing numbers in the interval [-1, 1] e.g. as
sum = 0
for i in 0 to 99:
d = (A[i] - B[i])^2 // this is in range 0 .. 4
sum = (sum / 4) / N // now in range 0 .. 1
This now returns distance 1 for vectors that are completely opposite (one is all 1, another all -1), and 0 for identical vectors.
You can translate this into your coefficient by
coeff = 1 - sum
However, this is a crude approach because it does not take into account the fact that there could be horizontal distortion or shift between the signals you want to compare, so let's look at some approaches for coping with that.
You can sort both your arrays (e.g. in ascending order) and then calculate the distance / coefficient. This returns more similarity than the original metric, and is agnostic towards permutations / shifts of the signal.
You can also calculate the differentials and calculate distance / coefficient for those, and then you can do that sorted also. Using differentials has the benefit that it eliminates vertical shifts. Sorted differentials eliminate horizontal shift but still recognize different shapes better than sorted original data points.
You can then e.g. average the different coefficients. Here more complete code. The routine below calculates coefficient for arrays A and B of given size, and takes d many differentials (recursively) first. If sorted is true, the final (differentiated) array is sorted.
procedure calc(A, B, size, d, sorted):
if (d > 0):
A' = new array[size - 1]
B' = new array[size - 1]
for i in 0 to size - 2:
A'[i] = (A[i + 1] - A[i]) / 2 // keep in range -1..1 by dividing by 2
B'[i] = (B[i + 1] - B[i]) / 2
return calc(A', B', size - 1, d - 1, sorted)
if (sorted):
A = sort(A)
B = sort(B)
sum = 0
for i in 0 to size - 1:
sum = sum + (A[i] - B[i]) * (A[i] - B[i])
sum = (sum / 4) / size
return 1 - sum // return the coefficient
procedure similarity(A, B, size):
sum a = 0
a = a + calc(A, B, size, 0, false)
a = a + calc(A, B, size, 0, true)
a = a + calc(A, B, size, 1, false)
a = a + calc(A, B, size, 1, true)
return a / 4 // take average
For something completely different, you could also run Fourier transform using FFT and then take a distance metric on the returning spectra.

Determine whether a symbol is part of the ith combination nCr

Combinatorics and unranking was eventually what I needed.
The links below helped alot:
The Problem
Given a list of N symbols say {0,1,2,3,4...}
And NCr combinations of these
eg. NC3 will generate:
0 1 2
0 1 3
0 1 4
1 2 3
1 2 4
For the ith combination (i = [1 .. NCr]) I want to determine Whether a symbol (s) is part of it.
Func(N, r, i, s) = True/False or 0/1
eg. Continuing from above
The 1st combination contains 0 1 2 but not 3
F(N,3,1,"0") = TRUE
F(N,3,1,"1") = TRUE
F(N,3,1,"2") = TRUE
F(N,3,1,"3") = FALSE
Current approaches and tibits that might help or be related.
Relation to matrices
For r = 2 eg. 4C2 the combinations are the upper (or lower) half of a 2D matrix
1,2 1,3 1,4
----2,3 2,4
For r = 3 its the corner of a 3D matrix or cube
for r = 4 Its the "corner" of a 4D matrix and so on.
Another relation
Ideally the solution would be of a form something like the answer to this:
Calculate Combination based on position
The nth combination in the list of combinations of length r (with repitition allowed), the ith symbol can be calculated
Using integer division and remainder:
n/r^i % r = (0 for 0th symbol, 1 for 1st symbol....etc)
eg for the 6th comb of 3 symbols the 0th 1st and 2nd symbols are:
i = 0 => 6 / 3^0 % 3 = 0
i = 1 => 6 / 3^1 % 3 = 2
i = 2 => 6 / 3^2 % 3 = 0
The 6th comb would then be 0 2 0
I need something similar but with repition not allowed.
Thank you for following this question this far :]
I believe your problem is that of unranking combinations or subsets.
I will give you an implementation in Mathematica, from the package Combinatorica, but the Google link above is probably a better place to start, unless you are familiar with the semantics.
UnrankKSubset::usage = "UnrankKSubset[m, k, l] gives the mth k-subset of set l, listed in lexicographic order."
UnrankKSubset[m_Integer, 1, s_List] := {s[[m + 1]]}
UnrankKSubset[0, k_Integer, s_List] := Take[s, k]
UnrankKSubset[m_Integer, k_Integer, s_List] :=
Block[{i = 1, n = Length[s], x1, u, $RecursionLimit = Infinity},
u = Binomial[n, k];
While[Binomial[i, k] < u - m, i++];
x1 = n - (i - 1);
Prepend[UnrankKSubset[m - u + Binomial[i, k], k-1, Drop[s, x1]], s[[x1]]]
Usage is like:
UnrankKSubset[5, 3, {0, 1, 2, 3, 4}]
{0, 3, 4}
Yielding the 6th (indexing from 0) length-3 combination of set {0, 1, 2, 3, 4}.
There's a very efficient algorithm for this problem, which is also contained in the recently published:Knuth, The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 4A (section
Since you don't care about the order in which the combinations are generated, let's use the lexicographic order of the combinations where each combination is listed in descending order. Thus for r=3, the first 11 combinations of 3 symbols would be: 210, 310, 320, 321, 410, 420, 421, 430, 431, 432, 510. The advantage of this ordering is that the enumeration is independent of n; indeed it is an enumeration over all combinations of 3 symbols from {0, 1, 2, …}.
There is a standard method to directly generate the ith combination given i, so to test whether a symbol s is part of the ith combination, you can simply generate it and check.
How many combinations of r symbols start with a particular symbol s? Well, the remaining r-1 positions must come from the s symbols 0, 1, 2, …, s-1, so it's (s choose r-1), where (s choose r-1) or C(s,r-1) is the binomial coefficient denoting the number of ways of choosing r-1 objects from s objects. As this is true for all s, the first symbol of the ith combination is the smallest s such that
&Sum;k=0s(k choose r-1) ≥ i.
Once you know the first symbol, the problem reduces to finding the (i - &Sum;k=0s-1(k choose r-1))-th combination of r-1 symbols, where we've subtracted those combinations that start with a symbol less than s.
Python code (you can write C(n,r) more efficiently, but this is fast enough for us):
#!/usr/bin/env python
tC = {}
def C(n,r):
if tC.has_key((n,r)): return tC[(n,r)]
if r>n-r: r=n-r
if r<0: return 0
if r==0: return 1
tC[(n,r)] = C(n-1,r) + C(n-1,r-1)
return tC[(n,r)]
def combination(r, k):
'''Finds the kth combination of r letters.'''
if r==0: return []
sum = 0
s = 0
while True:
if sum + C(s,r-1) < k:
sum += C(s,r-1)
s += 1
return [s] + combination(r-1, k-sum)
def Func(N, r, i, s): return s in combination(r, i)
for i in range(1, 20): print combination(3, i)
print combination(500, 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)
Note how fast this is: it finds the 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000th combination of 500 letters (it starts with 542) in less than 0.5 seconds.
I have written a class to handle common functions for working with the binomial coefficient, which is the type of problem that your problem falls under. It performs the following tasks:
Outputs all the K-indexes in a nice format for any N choose K to a file. The K-indexes can be substituted with more descriptive strings or letters. This method makes solving this type of problem quite trivial.
Converts the K-indexes to the proper index of an entry in the sorted binomial coefficient table. This technique is much faster than older published techniques that rely on iteration. It does this by using a mathematical property inherent in Pascal's Triangle. My paper talks about this. I believe I am the first to discover and publish this technique, but I could be wrong.
Converts the index in a sorted binomial coefficient table to the corresponding K-indexes.
Uses Mark Dominus method to calculate the binomial coefficient, which is much less likely to overflow and works with larger numbers.
The class is written in .NET C# and provides a way to manage the objects related to the problem (if any) by using a generic list. The constructor of this class takes a bool value called InitTable that when true will create a generic list to hold the objects to be managed. If this value is false, then it will not create the table. The table does not need to be created in order to perform the 4 above methods. Accessor methods are provided to access the table.
There is an associated test class which shows how to use the class and its methods. It has been extensively tested with 2 cases and there are no known bugs.
To read about this class and download the code, see Tablizing The Binomial Coeffieicent.
This class can easily be applied to your problem. If you have the rank (or index) to the binomial coefficient table, then simply call the class method that returns the K-indexes in an array. Then, loop through that returned array to see if any of the K-index values match the value you have. Pretty straight forward...
