how to proceed once a file containing something in shell - bash

I am writing some BASH shell script that will continuously check a file to see if the file already contains "Completed!" before proceeding. (Of course, assume the file is being updated and will eventually contain the phrase "Completed!")
I am not sure how to do this. Thank you for your help.

You can do something like:
while ! grep -q -e 'Completed!' file ; do
sleep 1 # Or some other number of seconds
# Here the file contains completed

Amongst the standard utilities, tail has an option to keep reading from a file: tail -f. So filter the output of tail -f.
<some_file tail -f -n +1 | grep 'Completed!' | head -n 1 >/dev/null
There may be a delay due to buffering. You can at least reduce the delay by using fewer tools in the pipeline. In fact, some implementations of tail never buffer when you do tail -f, so the following snippet will return as soon as Completed! is written to the file.
<some_file tail -f -n +1 | sed -e '/Completed!/ q'
This assumes that the file is being appended to by some other tool. If the file is overwritten by the data-producing program after you start tail, this solution won't work. You can search the file periodically. On some systems you can call a notification mechanism to know whenever the file changes, e.g. with inotifywait under Linux.

I've done this in Kornshell:
tail -f somefile | while read line
echo $line
[[ $line == *Completed!* ]] && break
Note no quotes around the *Completed!* string. This allows the double square brackets to do glob pattern matching instead of string matching.
This seems to work in BASH too. However, the line with the Completed must end in a NL. Otherwise, it'll take an extra line before it breaks the loop.
You can use grep too:
tail -f somefile | while read line
echo $line
grep -iq "Completed!" && break
The -q parameter means quiet. If your grep doesn't take the -q parameter, you might have to pipe it to /dev/null. The -i is ignore case. Whether you want to do that is up to you.
The advantage is that you aren't doing any processing unless there's a line to read. Using sleep may mean you miss the line, or that you're processing when no line has been added to the file.

Using grep in a pipe you may turn on line buffering mode by adding the --line-buffered option!


Using Bash Less and Grep together [duplicate]

Is that possible to use grep on a continuous stream?
What I mean is sort of a tail -f <file> command, but with grep on the output in order to keep only the lines that interest me.
I've tried tail -f <file> | grep pattern but it seems that grep can only be executed once tail finishes, that is to say never.
Turn on grep's line buffering mode when using BSD grep (FreeBSD, Mac OS X etc.)
tail -f file | grep --line-buffered my_pattern
It looks like a while ago --line-buffered didn't matter for GNU grep (used on pretty much any Linux) as it flushed by default (YMMV for other Unix-likes such as SmartOS, AIX or QNX). However, as of November 2020, --line-buffered is needed (at least with GNU grep 3.5 in openSUSE, but it seems generally needed based on comments below).
I use the tail -f <file> | grep <pattern> all the time.
It will wait till grep flushes, not till it finishes (I'm using Ubuntu).
I think that your problem is that grep uses some output buffering. Try
tail -f file | stdbuf -o0 grep my_pattern
it will set output buffering mode of grep to unbuffered.
If you want to find matches in the entire file (not just the tail), and you want it to sit and wait for any new matches, this works nicely:
tail -c +0 -f <file> | grep --line-buffered <pattern>
The -c +0 flag says that the output should start 0 bytes (-c) from the beginning (+) of the file.
In most cases, you can tail -f /var/log/some.log |grep foo and it will work just fine.
If you need to use multiple greps on a running log file and you find that you get no output, you may need to stick the --line-buffered switch into your middle grep(s), like so:
tail -f /var/log/some.log | grep --line-buffered foo | grep bar
you may consider this answer as enhancement .. usually I am using
tail -F <fileName> | grep --line-buffered <pattern> -A 3 -B 5
-F is better in case of file rotate (-f will not work properly if file rotated)
-A and -B is useful to get lines just before and after the pattern occurrence .. these blocks will appeared between dashed line separators
But For me I prefer doing the following
tail -F <file> | less
this is very useful if you want to search inside streamed logs. I mean go back and forward and look deeply
Didn't see anyone offer my usual go-to for this:
less +F <file>
ctrl + c
/<search term>
shift + f
I prefer this, because you can use ctrl + c to stop and navigate through the file whenever, and then just hit shift + f to return to the live, streaming search.
sed would be a better choice (stream editor)
tail -n0 -f <file> | sed -n '/search string/p'
and then if you wanted the tail command to exit once you found a particular string:
tail --pid=$(($BASHPID+1)) -n0 -f <file> | sed -n '/search string/{p; q}'
Obviously a bashism: $BASHPID will be the process id of the tail command. The sed command is next after tail in the pipe, so the sed process id will be $BASHPID+1.
Yes, this will actually work just fine. Grep and most Unix commands operate on streams one line at a time. Each line that comes out of tail will be analyzed and passed on if it matches.
This one command workes for me (Suse):
mail-srv:/var/log # tail -f /var/log/ |grep --line-buffered LOGIN >> logins_to_mail
collecting logins to mail service
Coming some late on this question, considering this kind of work as an important part of monitoring job, here is my (not so short) answer...
Following logs using bash
1. Command tail
This command is a little more porewfull than read on already published answer
Difference between follow option tail -f and tail -F, from manpage:
-f, --follow[={name|descriptor}]
output appended data as the file grows;
-F same as --follow=name --retry
keep trying to open a file if it is inaccessible
This mean: by using -F instead of -f, tail will re-open file(s) when removed (on log rotation, for sample).
This is usefull for watching logfile over many days.
Ability of following more than one file simultaneously
I've already used:
tail -F /var/www/clients/client*/web*/log/{error,access}.log /var/log/{mail,auth}.log \
/var/log/apache2/{,ssl_,other_vhosts_}access.log \
For following events through hundreds of files... (consider rest of this answer to understand how to make it readable... ;)
Using switches -n (Don't use -c for line buffering!).By default tail will show 10 last lines. This can be tunned:
tail -n 0 -F file
Will follow file, but only new lines will be printed
tail -n +0 -F file
Will print whole file before following his progression.
2. Buffer issues when piping:
If you plan to filter ouptuts, consider buffering! See -u option for sed, --line-buffered for grep, or stdbuf command:
tail -F /some/files | sed -une '/Regular Expression/p'
Is (a lot more efficient than using grep) a lot more reactive than if you does'nt use -u switch in sed command.
tail -F /some/files |
sed -une '/Regular Expression/p' |
stdbuf -i0 -o0 tee /some/resultfile
3. Recent journaling system
On recent system, instead of tail -f /var/log/syslog you have to run journalctl -xf, in near same way...
journalctl -axf | sed -une '/Regular Expression/p'
But read man page, this tool was built for log analyses!
4. Integrating this in a bash script
Colored output of two files (or more)
Here is a sample of script watching for many files, coloring ouptut differently for 1st file than others:
tail -F "$#" |
sed -une "
/^==> /{h;};
s/^\\(.*\\)\\n==> .* <==/\\o33[47;31m\\1\\o33[0m/;
They work fine on my host, running:
sudo ./myColoredTail /var/log/{kern.,sys}log
Interactive script
You may be watching logs for reacting on events?
Here is a little script playing some sound when some USB device appear or disappear, but same script could send mail, or any other interaction, like powering on coffe machine...
exec {tailF}< <(tail -F /var/log/kern.log)
while :;do
read -rsn 1 -t .3 keyboard
[ "${keyboard,}" = "q" ] && break
if read -ru $tailF -t 0 _ ;then
read -ru $tailF line
case $line in
*New\ USB\ device\ found* ) play /some/sound.ogg ;;
*USB\ disconnect* ) play /some/othersound.ogg ;;
printf "\r%s\e[K" "$line"
exec {tailF}<&-
kill $tailPid
You could quit by pressing Q key.
you certainly won't succeed with
tail -f /var/log/foo.log |grep --line-buffered string2search
when you use "colortail" as an alias for tail, eg. in bash
alias tail='colortail -n 30'
you can check by
type alias
if this outputs something like
tail isan alias of colortail -n 30.
then you have your culprit :)
remove the alias with
unalias tail
ensure that you're using the 'real' tail binary by this command
type tail
which should output something like:
tail is /usr/bin/tail
and then you can run your command
tail -f foo.log |grep --line-buffered something
Good luck.
Use awk(another great bash utility) instead of grep where you dont have the line buffered option! It will continuously stream your data from tail.
this is how you use grep
tail -f <file> | grep pattern
This is how you would use awk
tail -f <file> | awk '/pattern/{print $0}'

bash: pipe continuously into a grep

Not sure how to explain this but, what I am trying to achieve is this:
- tailing a file and grepping for a patter A
- then I want to pipe into another customGrepFunction where it matches pattern B, and if B matches echo something out. Need the customGrepFunction in order to do some other custom stuff.
The sticky part here is how to make the grepCustomFunction work here.In other words when only patternA matches echo the whole line and when both patterA & patternB match printout something custom:
when I only run:
tail -f file.log | grep patternA
I can see the pattenA rows are being printed/tailed however when I add the customGrepFunction nothing happens.
tail -f file.log | grep patternA | customGrepFunction
And the customGrepFunction should be available globally in my bin folder:
if grep patternB
echo "True"
I have this setup however it doesn't do what I need it to do, it only echos True whenever I do Ctrl+C and exit the tailing.
What am I missing here?
What's Going Wrong
The code: if grep patternB; then echo "true"; fi
...waits for grep patternB to exit, which will happen only when the input from tail -f file.log | grep patternA hits EOF. Since tail -f waits for new content forever, there will never be an EOF, so your if statement will never complete.
How To Fix It
Don't use grep on the inside of your function. Instead, process content line-by-line and use bash's native regex support:
customGrepFunction() {
while IFS= read -r line; do
if [[ $line =~ patternB ]]; then
echo "True"
Next, make sure that grep isn't buffering content (if it were, then it would be written to your code only in big chunks, delaying until such a chunk is available). The means to do this varies by implementation, but with GNU grep, it would look like:
tail -f file.log | grep --line-buffered patternA | customGrepFunction

Reading a file line by line in ksh

We use some package called Autosys and there are some specific commands of this package. I have a list of variables which i like to pass in one of the Autosys commands as variables one by one.
For example one such variable is var1, using this var1 i would like to launch a command something like this var1
Now when I launch the below written command, it gives me the desired output.
echo "var1" | while read line; do $line | grep 1[1..6]:[0..9][0..9] | grep 24.12.2012 | tail -1 ; done
But if i put the var1 in a file say Test.txt and launch the same command using cat, it gives me nothing. I have the impression that command does not work in that case.
cat Test.txt | while read line; do $line | grep 1[1..6]:[0..9][0..9] | grep 24.12.2012 | tail -1 ; done
What I am doing wrong in the second command ?
Wrote all of below, and then noticed your grep statement.
Recall that ksh doesn't support .. as an indicator for 'expand this range of values'. (I assume that's your intent). It's also made ambiguous by your lack of quoting arguments to grep. If you were using syntax that the shell would convert, then you wouldn't really know what reg-exp is being sent to grep. Always better to quote argments, unless you know for sure that you need the unquoted values. Try rewriting as
grep '1[1-6]:[0-9][0-9]' | grep '24.12.2012'
Also, are you deliberately using the 'match any char' operator '.' OR do you want to only match a period char? If you want to only match a period, then you need to escape it like \..
Finally, if any of your files you're processing have been created on a windows machine and then transfered to Unix/Linux, very likely that the line endings (Ctrl-MCtrl-J) (\r\n) are causing you problems. Cleanup your PC based files (or anything that was sent via ftp) with dos2unix file [file2 ...].
If the above doesn't help, You'll have to "divide and conquer" to debug your problem.
When I did the following tests, I got the expected output
$ echo "var1" | while read line ; do print "line=${line}" ; done
$ vi Test.txt
$ cat Test.txt
$ cat Test.txt | while read line ; do print "line=${line}" ; done
Unrelated to your question, but certain to cause comment is your use of the cat commnad in this context, which will bring you the UUOC award. That can be rewritten as
while read line ; do print "line=${line}" ; done < Test.txt
But to solve your problem, now turn on the shell debugging/trace options, either by changing the top line of the script (the shebang line) like
#!/bin/ksh -vx
Or by using a matched pair to track the status on just these lines, i.e.
set -vx
while read line; do
print -u2 -- "#dbg: Line=${line}XX" $line \
| grep 1[1..6]:[0..9][0..9] \
| grep 24.12.2012 \
| tail -1
done < Test.txt
set +vx
I've added an extra debug step, the print -u2 -- .... (u2=stderror, -- closes option processing for print)
Now you can make sure no extra space or tab chars are creeping in, by looking at that output.
They shouldn't matter, as you have left your $line unquoted. As part of your testing, I'd recommend quoting it like "${line}".
Then I'd comment out the tail and the grep lines. You want to see what step is causing this to break, right? So does the autosys_script by itself still produce the intermediate output you're expecting? Then does autosys + 1 grep produce out as expected, +2 greps, + tail? You should be able to easily see where you're loosing your output.

backticked argument seems to interpreted twice?

I'm not entirely sure how to categorize this question. It feels like I discovered a bug in tail and/or bash, but obviously it's much more likely this is a bug in my understanding!
I ran the following command:
tail -f -n`wc -l scrape.log` scrape.log
in order to cat the entire file and any new material that is added. However, this tailed the file twice. Running this command:
tail -f -n`wc -l scrape.log`
gave me the desired outcome, tailing the file once. I thought backticks are a Bash escape tool, to "preprocess" a command before running the next one. What is going on here?
When you use backticks you're essentially passing the output of one command to another. Now let's see what wc -l does:
[cnicutar#fresh ~]$ wc -l /etc/passwd
11 /etc/passwd
It outputs the number of lines and the filename. So your command becomes:
tail -f -n 11 scrape.log scrape.log
If your tail supports it, you can use
tail -f -n +1 scrape.log
to begin the tail with line 1 of the file.
(I am purposefully not answering your question, which cnicutar has already done. I'm just presenting a possible alternative.)
Alternative solution
tail -f -n $(wc -l < scrape.log) scrape.log
Input redirection prevents the printing of the file name.

How can I remove the first line of a text file using bash/sed script?

I need to repeatedly remove the first line from a huge text file using a bash script.
Right now I am using sed -i -e "1d" $FILE - but it takes around a minute to do the deletion.
Is there a more efficient way to accomplish this?
Try tail:
tail -n +2 "$FILE"
-n x: Just print the last x lines. tail -n 5 would give you the last 5 lines of the input. The + sign kind of inverts the argument and make tail print anything but the first x-1 lines. tail -n +1 would print the whole file, tail -n +2 everything but the first line, etc.
GNU tail is much faster than sed. tail is also available on BSD and the -n +2 flag is consistent across both tools. Check the FreeBSD or OS X man pages for more.
The BSD version can be much slower than sed, though. I wonder how they managed that; tail should just read a file line by line while sed does pretty complex operations involving interpreting a script, applying regular expressions and the like.
Note: You may be tempted to use
tail -n +2 "$FILE" > "$FILE"
but this will give you an empty file. The reason is that the redirection (>) happens before tail is invoked by the shell:
Shell truncates file $FILE
Shell creates a new process for tail
Shell redirects stdout of the tail process to $FILE
tail reads from the now empty $FILE
If you want to remove the first line inside the file, you should use:
tail -n +2 "$FILE" > "$FILE.tmp" && mv "$FILE.tmp" "$FILE"
The && will make sure that the file doesn't get overwritten when there is a problem.
You can use -i to update the file without using '>' operator. The following command will delete the first line from the file and save it to the file (uses a temp file behind the scenes).
sed -i '1d' filename
For those who are on SunOS which is non-GNU, the following code will help:
sed '1d' test.dat > tmp.dat
You can easily do this with:
cat filename | sed 1d > filename_without_first_line
on the command line; or to remove the first line of a file permanently, use the in-place mode of sed with the -i flag:
sed -i 1d <filename>
No, that's about as efficient as you're going to get. You could write a C program which could do the job a little faster (less startup time and processing arguments) but it will probably tend towards the same speed as sed as files get large (and I assume they're large if it's taking a minute).
But your question suffers from the same problem as so many others in that it pre-supposes the solution. If you were to tell us in detail what you're trying to do rather then how, we may be able to suggest a better option.
For example, if this is a file A that some other program B processes, one solution would be to not strip off the first line, but modify program B to process it differently.
Let's say all your programs append to this file A and program B currently reads and processes the first line before deleting it.
You could re-engineer program B so that it didn't try to delete the first line but maintains a persistent (probably file-based) offset into the file A so that, next time it runs, it could seek to that offset, process the line there, and update the offset.
Then, at a quiet time (midnight?), it could do special processing of file A to delete all lines currently processed and set the offset back to 0.
It will certainly be faster for a program to open and seek a file rather than open and rewrite. This discussion assumes you have control over program B, of course. I don't know if that's the case but there may be other possible solutions if you provide further information.
The sponge util avoids the need for juggling a temp file:
tail -n +2 "$FILE" | sponge "$FILE"
If you want to modify the file in place, you could always use the original ed instead of its streaming successor sed:
ed "$FILE" <<<$'1d\nwq\n'
The ed command was the original UNIX text editor, before there were even full-screen terminals, much less graphical workstations. The ex editor, best known as what you're using when typing at the colon prompt in vi, is an extended version of ed, so many of the same commands work. While ed is meant to be used interactively, it can also be used in batch mode by sending a string of commands to it, which is what this solution does.
The sequence <<<$'1d\nwq\n' takes advantage of modern shells' support for here-strings (<<<) and ANSI quotes ($'...') to feed input to the ed command consisting of two lines: 1d, which deletes line 1, and then wq, which writes the file back out to disk and then quits the editing session.
As Pax said, you probably aren't going to get any faster than this. The reason is that there are almost no filesystems that support truncating from the beginning of the file so this is going to be an O(n) operation where n is the size of the file. What you can do much faster though is overwrite the first line with the same number of bytes (maybe with spaces or a comment) which might work for you depending on exactly what you are trying to do (what is that by the way?).
You can edit the files in place: Just use perl's -i flag, like this:
perl -ni -e 'print unless $. == 1' filename.txt
This makes the first line disappear, as you ask. Perl will need to read and copy the entire file, but it arranges for the output to be saved under the name of the original file.
should show the lines except the first line :
cat textfile.txt | tail -n +2
Could use vim to do this:
vim -u NONE +'1d' +'wq!' /tmp/test.txt
This should be faster, since vim won't read whole file when process.
How about using csplit?
man csplit
csplit -k file 1 '{1}'
This one liner will do:
echo "$(tail -n +2 "$FILE")" > "$FILE"
It works, since tail is executed prior to echo and then the file is unlocked, hence no need for a temp file.
Since it sounds like I can't speed up the deletion, I think a good approach might be to process the file in batches like this:
While file1 not empty
file2 = head -n1000 file1
process file2
sed -i -e "1000d" file1
The drawback of this is that if the program gets killed in the middle (or if there's some bad sql in there - causing the "process" part to die or lock-up), there will be lines that are either skipped, or processed twice.
(file1 contains lines of sql code)
tail +2 path/to/your/file
works for me, no need to specify the -n flag. For reasons, see Aaron's answer.
You can use the sed command to delete arbitrary lines by line number
# create multi line txt file
echo """1. first
2. second
3. third""" > file.txt
deleting lines and printing to stdout
$ sed '1d' file.txt
2. second
3. third
$ sed '2d' file.txt
1. first
3. third
$ sed '3d' file.txt
1. first
2. second
# delete multi lines
$ sed '1,2d' file.txt
3. third
# delete the last line
sed '$d' file.txt
1. first
2. second
use the -i option to edit the file in-place
$ cat file.txt
1. first
2. second
3. third
$ sed -i '1d' file.txt
$cat file.txt
2. second
3. third
If what you are looking to do is recover after failure, you could just build up a file that has what you've done so far.
if [[ -f $tmpf ]] ; then
rm -f $tmpf
cat $srcf |
while read line ; do
# process line
echo "$line" >> $tmpf
Based on 3 other answers, I came up with this syntax that works perfectly in my Mac OSx bash shell:
line=$(head -n1 list.txt && echo "$(tail -n +2 list.txt)" > list.txt)
Test case:
~> printf "Line #%2d\n" {1..3} > list.txt
~> cat list.txt
Line # 1
Line # 2
Line # 3
~> line=$(head -n1 list.txt && echo "$(tail -n +2 list.txt)" > list.txt)
~> echo $line
Line # 1
~> cat list.txt
Line # 2
Line # 3
Would using tail on N-1 lines and directing that into a file, followed by removing the old file, and renaming the new file to the old name do the job?
If i were doing this programatically, i would read through the file, and remember the file offset, after reading each line, so i could seek back to that position to read the file with one less line in it.
