Issue with adding jar in OSGI bundle using <Embed-Dependency> - maven

I'm trying to embed third party libs and application jar in a OSGI bundle.I read the felix maven plugin document and tried using Embed-Dependency. But it doesn't seem to have any effect. Here's my pom
I'm mvn clean install to build the bundle. After the install, I took a look into the manifest file, it doesn't show any Bundle-Classpath or Embed information. Looks like it completely ignored the instruction. Also, the two dependent jars were not embedded as well in the bundle.
Here's the generated manifest:
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Export-Package: com.test.taxonomy.dao;uses:="com.autodesk.taxonomy";version="1.0.0"
Bundle-Version: 1.0.0
Build-Jdk: 1.6.0_21
Built-By: bandops
Tool: Bnd-0.0.357
Bnd-LastModified: 1307492329392
Bundle-Name: Taxonomy Dao Bundle
Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2
Created-By: Apache Maven Bundle Plugin
Import-Package: com.test.taxonomy.dao;version="1.0",com.autodesk.test.message
Bundle-SymbolicName: com.test.taxonomy.daobundle
Any pointers will be appreciated.

The <Embed-Dependency> and <Embed-Transitive> should both be inside the <instructions> tag.


Not able to connect Google Cloud Datastore with AEM 6.5 : Bundle has resolved dependencies

I have a requirement to connect google cloud datastore from AEM. I have added the dependencies in main pom and core pom.
</dependency>de here
Core POM
When I deploy my bundle is in insatlled state and has the following errors -- Cannot be resolved -- Cannot be resolved -- Cannot be resolved -- Cannot be resolved
try adding those libs to the embed-dependencies in the POM. Also check that your libs are inside the .jar file generated.
<!-- <Embed-Dependency> artifactId1, artifactId2;inline=true </Embed-Dependency> -->
In the embed you can try something like: google-cloud-datastore
Also take care with the import type that you're using.
Link to Maven
Hope you can find the answer
If you do not need those, exclude them from the <Import-Packages>:

NoClassDefFoundError using Xerces in OSGi environment

I've built a simple bundle which instantiate a org.apache.xerces.util.XMLCatalogResolver class.
In my pom, I've had these dependencies and plugin :
<!-- Plugin to create bundle -->
<!-- xerces is provided in /lib/endorsed/ folder of ServiceMix -->
Testing the bundle "locally" (within the IDE) is working fine.
Deploying it into the /deploy folder is also fine (its status is "Active").
When running it (through Camel route), I get this stacktrace :
Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/xml/resolver/CatalogManager
at org.apache.xerces.util.XMLCatalogResolver.init(Unknown Source)[:]
at org.apache.xerces.util.XMLCatalogResolver.<init>(Unknown Source)[:]
at org.apache.xerces.util.XMLCatalogResolver.<init>(Unknown Source)[:]
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)[:1.7.0_95]
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke([:1.7.0_95]
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke([:1.7.0_95]
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke([:1.7.0_95]
at org.apache.camel.component.bean.MethodInfo.invoke([199:org.apache.camel.camel-core:2.16.1]
at org.apache.camel.component.bean.MethodInfo$1.doProceed([199:org.apache.camel.camel-core:2.16.1]
at org.apache.camel.component.bean.MethodInfo$1.proceed([199:org.apache.camel.camel-core:2.16.1]
... 19 more
If I'm not wrong, the class CatalogManager from package org.apache.xml.resolver existed during compilation but not in run-time. So I deploy org.apache.servicemix.bundles.xmlresolver dependency into /deploy folder.
When executing in Karaf console the command bundle:headers <xmlresolver_bundle_id>, I get :
Export-Package =
Nevertheless, same stacktrace appears.
Even if I add the package org.apache.xml.resolver in the <Import-Package> I get the same error.
Any idea of what's going on ?
I'm using ServiceMix 6.1.0 (w/ Karaf 3.0.5), running on Java 7.
Edit :
Here is the bundle's MANIFEST.MF :
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Bnd-LastModified: 1461311084908
Build-Jdk: 1.8.0_72-internal
Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2
Bundle-Name: myXMLResolver
Bundle-SymbolicName: test.myXMLResolver
Bundle-Version: 0.0.1.SNAPSHOT
Created-By: Apache Maven Bundle Plugin
Export-Package: myXMLResolver;version="0.0.1";uses:="org.apache.camel,org.apache.xerces.util"
Import-Package: org.apache.camel;version="[2.16,3)",org.apache.xerces.util;version="[2.11,3)"
Tool: Bnd-
If I add the package org.apache.xml.resolver in the <Import-Package>, Import-Package from MANIFEST become : org.apache.camel;version="[2.16,3)",org.apache.xerces.util;version="[2.11,3)",org.apache.xml.resolver;version="[1.2,2)"
Edit #2 : workaround
A workaround can be done :
Put the bundle org.apache.servicemix.bundles.xmlresolver in
<SMX_HOME>/lib/endorsed folder
In the file <SMX_HOME>/etc/, add
org.apache.xml.resolver to the property
But it doesn't look like a clean method...
Edit #3 : issue opened on Jira :

Apache Felix Maven Bundle Plugin avoid inlining of dependencies

How can I achieve that the plugin does not inline the dependencies in the new build jar file?
The plugin does not inline any dependencies, unless you include an Embed-Dependency instruction. That instruction can be inherited from a parent POM.
All packages that match the <Export-Package> instruction are included in the bundle, even if those packages come from a dependency. So you can either specify all packages from your bundle explicitly, or use a wildcard and exclude unwanted packages with the '!' prefix, e.g.
see maven-bundle-plugin documentation
Use _exportcontents instead of Export-Package.
_exportcontents affect only the manifest, whereas Export-Package modify the manifest and the content of your bundle.

How to embed a library JAR in an OSGi bundle using Tycho

I am using Maven with the Tycho plugin to build my OSGi bundles.
In one of my bundles, I use the facebook API through the restfb-1.7.0.jar library.
For now, it is directly placed on the classpath (in Eclipse) and embedded in the effective OSGi bundle jar file with following configuration:
source.. = src/
output.. = bin/
bin.includes = META-INF/,\
Now I would like to have this restfb lib downloaded from Maven (e.g. as dependency) and embedded into my OSGi bundle jar. Is it possible with Maven/Tycho? How?
You need the following configuration to embed a JAR into an OSGi plugin with Tycho:
In the pom.xml, configure the copy goal of the maven-dependency-plugin
Edit the MANIFEST.MF to have the library added to the OSGi bundle classpath
Bundle-ClassPath: ., lib/restfb.jar
Edit the to have the library included in the JAR packaged by Tycho
bin.includes = META-INF/,\
I think what you would want is to have a dependency in the POM with the compile time scope like the example below: use the correct artifact and version info to get the item you want. you should investigate the dependencies section of the maven ref for poms

How to package dependencies with maven nbm plugin

I have modified netbeans module jar that I want to package with my module. How do I do this ?
Dependency in context
mvn nbm configuration
I have the following dependency as well. This one seems to get packaged with the nbm inside
/netbeans/modules/ext/org.yaml/. Not sure why the other dependency is not being packaged into nbm.
