Log HTTP Header redirects, ideally in Firefox - firefox

I'm attempting to diagnose a specific failing test case in a legacy X-Cart installation, and determining program flow from reading the PHP source is non-trivial. I need to be able to see what redirects occur and when, ideally in a sequential log, IE:
[timestamp] domain.com/cart.php?mode=checkout
[timestamp] paypal.com/magic?afoot&this=sorcery
[timestamp] domain.com/cart.php?mode=soulcrushingdespair
I've Googled to no avail. If anyone knows how to log redirects in this way, or even similar ways, I would be appreciative.

Install Live HTTP Headers, which is an add-on you can download the usual way.

Firebug also does a great job of this.


SagePay Server Integration

I'm integrating SagePay Server and am stuck at step 4 here: https://developer-eu.elavon.com/docs/opayo-server/taking-payments
I get this error: Server error 5006: Unable to redirect to Vendor's web site. The Vendor failed to provide a RedirectionURL.
I know there are quite a lot of suggestions for this error out there. That it basically means there is something wrong with your code on the Notification URL.
I know it is completing the previous steps fine (I get the correct response parameters), I have made sure Opayo's IPs are allowed, the MD5 signatures match.
I think the problem is how I am "Responding to the Notification Post".
I am doing a standard WebRequest to send our RedirectUrl to SagePay - but the link here - SagePay RedirectURL failure - suggests it doesn't need that. Rather I should just "write to the simple Response object." The trouble is, I don't know what they mean by that.
Any help / experience with this, much appreciated.
I hope this answer isn't too late to be useful to you.
You're suffering from the main issue I've always had with Opayo (formerly SagePay) - namely that their integration guides for developers are terrible.
As the Opayo Server integration method is identical to the old SagePay version, I found it helpful to follow the much more in-depth instructions from before they rebranded. You can find those instructions here:
In answer to your specific question, you can refer to page 68 of the above PDF guide. RE: You acknowledge receipt of the Notification POST, quote, "This is the plain text response part of the POST originated by the Server in the step above. Encoding must be as Name=Value fields separated by carriage-return linefeeds (CRLF)."
Literally, your script just has to print or echo something along the lines of:
StatusDetail=Hashes match - proceeding\r\n
Or the equivalent for errors, aborts, etc.
Bear in mind that any output not formatted like the above will break the foldback process, so you must supress any errors or warnings your script might generate (ideally capturing them in a log or some other way).
Opayo give you basically no help in bugfixing, so if you continue to encounter errors you pretty much have to work in the dark.

How to disable caching from AFNetworking

I'm using AFNetworking 2.0 to receive response from server. For first response, it works fine. However, after I change the data on the admin site, and verify that the change is made in a browser, then I run the app again, but I still get the previous response. I don't understand why? It seems that AFNetworking is caching the old response. I want to download the current feed. Who can help me, please????
I had the exact opposite problem. I was getting the same image from my server twice, AFNetworking wasn't caching. As I debugged it I realized that I was calling 2 slightly different URLs, in one case I was specifying an option that was the default on the server.
So this gave me the idea for a work around hack for you. It isn't the right answer but it should work. Just pass a useless parameter to the server. Change this parameter for each server call.
where index is the unused parameter.
Note: this is actually a pretty gross hack, it should get you running but you really should find the "correct" answer.

How to debug a Firefox search engine plugin?

I am writing a search engine plugin for Firefox.
I want to implement search suggestions, so I want my plugin to send requests to my server to get them.
In order to debug this functionality I need to see what requests have been sent and what response is returned.
I noticed that Firebug does not log this info. So I need something else. How can I do that?
The add-on LiveHTTPHeaders works.
Also try Ctrl+Shift+Q and look at the Network tab, that will probably work, too, although I haven't used that before.
Tools-->Web Developer--->Browser Console(Ctrl+Shift+J)
And in the tab of Net, check "Log Request and Response Bodies"

Codeigniter hiding errors from libraries. Why?

So I has a small problem as I outlined here.
I have made a new question because this is more general and will perhaps help others.
So essentially, I integrated the Facebook SDK Into Codeigniter as a library.
The SDK requires Json and Curl.
In the base_facebook.php file there is the following code:
if (!function_exists('curl_init')) {
throw new Exception('Facebook needs the CURL PHP extension.');
if (!function_exists('json_decode')) {
throw new Exception('Facebook needs the JSON PHP extension.');
If these functions are not available I expect an error to be fired to tell me such. Then I can install the correct packages and continue.
What actually happened is that even when I had error reporting set to E_ALL a blank page was returned.
This made it impossible to debug and after lots of playing I worked out it was because CURL was not installed on my server.
My question is why does codeigniter show blank pages rather than library based exceptions?
Furthermore even if there is an exception in a library why does the rest of the page not continue executing.
Essentially CI is seemingly making the use of exceptions worthless..
COuld anyone advise?
My question is why does codeigniter show blank pages rather than library based exceptions?
Most likely because display_errors is set to “off”.
While this is recommended for a production environment (web site users are not supposed to see internal error messages – it might give them info about internals, that they are not supposed to have) – it’s not very helpful while developing, where you as the developer want to be informed about what went wrong.
So check if CI has a “debug” setting for this, or if it’s maybe already set to off in your PHP configuration.
(Maybe CI or your config are set up in a way that errors are logged to a file instead. Also recommended for production; while developing, you’d have to keep an eye on this file then.)
Furthermore even if there is an exception in a library why does the rest of the page not continue executing.
Because that’s how exceptions are supposed to work – if they are not being caught when they reach the “top level” of your app, they cause a fatal error, and scripts die when those occur.
Familiarize yourself with the concept of try { … } catch(…) { … } to handle exceptions that might occur in script flow.
(Actually, it’s kinda surprising you don’t know all this already, if you’re working with an advanced PHP framework …)

Allowing Cross domain ajax calls from firefox

I want to change the settings of firefox so as to allow it to make cross domain ajax calls. Since due to the security feature of the firefox it doen't allow ajax calls to be made. I know if it is in same domain it will allow. I have a code given bellow which in safari works fine but firefox doesn't display the results when it calls csce server then since the code is on local machine doesn't allow it and returns error. I know it will start working if I load my this code to csce server but I want to run the code from my machine. So can anyone help me in resolving this. I have spent past couple of days just searching for this solution.
Kindly suggest how to achieve this or should I go with some older version of firefox?
I googled and set the parameters of browser in config file as specified in this site but it still doesn't work.
Maybe you could use privoxy and tell it to inject something like "Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *" in the server response.
To do this, you would have to go into the file user.filter (create it if it doesn't exist) in privoxys configuration directory and insert something like this:
SERVER-HEADER-FILTER: allow-crossdomain
s|Server: .*|Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *|
Instead of Server, you can also use any other header that's always present and you don't need.
And this into user.action:
Note: I didn't test it.
This appears to enable XSS from file:// pages in Firefox 4, although it prompts you so might not be suitable for more than simple test pages:
