Get country from timezone - country

i have a news script
and it multi language ..
i want detect automaticlly the language of the visitor ...
i found more questions here about get the country from javascript timezone
them problem was because more citis is Similar time
" I DONT WANT DETECT COUNTRY " <- if that hard to get it !
only language !
so , what is the best way to get the visitor language or country by javascript ?
i don't understand javascript ever ! , and can't know what you can do by javascript
my two ideas is ..
first idea
get the time of visitor
EG = 0300
and in php i make an array contain ('0200'=>'Egypt') and another array ('Egypt'=>'AR')
second idea
in my clock time zone box , i see
Time Zone : Cairo <- egypt
can we get the name ?
Thank you !

You do not want to use time zones to determine language. People in the same time zone can speak different languages.
One alternative is to check the accept-language header.
For a similar discussion see: How do you detect a website visitor's country (Specifically, US or not)?

You can't get the country or language from the time zone offset.
For example, take UTC+1 in winter time. This could be France, Spain, Norway, Germany, Belgium, etc. They're all in Central European Time.
If you can get an Olsen name such as "Europe/France" or "Europe/Germany" that clearly gives you a lot more information, but you can't get that just from the offset from UTC.

Generally this can work, kinda.
But you would not get an specific location.
Especially in Europe and Africa there can be a lot of countries in one time zone and you couldnt differ between them.
I hope this helps
anmother way to do it
ip location:
from the ip you can find teh country and language would work for most countries except for canada etc...


Extract relevant address from string?

I am developing an address matching application using Google geocoding API.
The problem is that some of the addresses in the database I am trying to validate are something like:
ATTN: Mr. THOMAS WONG 2457 Yonge St., Toronto, ON, N2S 2V5, Canada
rather than
2457 Yonge St., Toronto, ON, N2S 2V5, Canada
The first string returns null results (because it starts with a person's name), the second one will validate and return a full correct address.
My question is: What would be the right approach to this issue?
I am thinking of a way to extract only the relevant part from the address string (with some function) but maybe there are better ideas?
Thank you,
I work at SmartyStreets and wrote the address extractor which we now offer with LiveAddress API. It's hard. There are a lot of assumptions you need to force yourself not to make, including "if the address starts with a number." (Sorry DwB -- there's a lot to consider.)
If you have US addresses, you may still find our tool useful (it's free to sign up and use, to a point). Here's another Stack Overflow post about the extraction utility:
The best way to do this would be to use an address validation service -- one that can validate delivery points and not just address ranges (which is most common, so be wary of claims to "address validation" when it's really just guessing within certain bounds).
Be aware, too, that Google does not validate addresses. It may standardize them, and will return results where the address would exist if it were real, and if it is actually valid, it's your lucky day.
If the desired part of the address always starts with a number, try this:
find the first digit in the string.
get a substring from the first digit to the end of the string.
you now have the address.
In order to parse addresses, you need to know all possible formats.
Do you need to include:
Santa, North Pole.
The Queen, Great Britian
Captian Hootberry
Bob Goldenberry, rural route 7, MN
Jackie Blam, P.O. Box 78, Hootville, OH
For a comprehensive address parsing solution, you will need to provide several algorithms for different address formats then determine which algorithm to use based on the input.

International notation for input time format

I have a page that tells the user to input a time in the format hh:mm:ss. This is obviously fine for English speaking audiences, but is this an acceptable international notation?
If not, could you give me some examples of how other countries display this kind of information to the user.
In terms of time, it is usually either in format hh:mm:ss or h:mm:ss, that is you either do zero-padding or no zero padding for single digits hours.
Another thing is, the format - distinction between 12 hours and 24 hours, that also varies from Locale to Locale.
Lastly, you should take into account local user's time zone - it is natural to enter the time in relation to current time zone.
How would you go about these options? Basically, it depends on what your UI look like. If you have just one text box where user can enter free-form text, you should actually parse the text according to valid Locale format. In that case you can give an example of the format, by formatting current day, so the label would say something like "Enter the time (for example: 16:36:11):".
Other approach is to have two (hour/minute) or more text fields (seconds) separated by time separator (":") and possibly conditional AM/PM radio button group (or drop down). In that case it would be a bit harder, because to do that correctly, you should actually analyze the localized pattern (on what is and what is not supported) and dynamically create UI elements (I don't want to see AM/PM stuff as I am using 24 hours time naturally) as well as validation rules...
I know dates are different between different country, but time is pretty standard. you won't have problem with French, spanish, german, UK... i don't know for asian country tho...

Programmatically find common European street names

I am in the middle of designing a web form for German and French users. Within this form, the users would have to type street names several times.
I want to minimize the annoyance to the user, and offer autocomplete feature based on common French and German street names.
Any idea where I can a royalty-free list?
Would your users have to type the same street name multiple times? Because you could easily prevent this by coding something that prefilled the fields.
Another option could be to use your user database as a resource. Query it for all the available street names entered by your existing users and use that to generate suggestions.
Of course this would only work if you have a considerable number of users.
[EDIT] You could have a look at OpenStreetMap with their Planet.osm dumbs (or have a look here for a dump containing data for just Europe). That is basically the OSM database with all the map information they have, including street names. It's all in an XML format and streets seem to be stored as Ways. There are tools (i.e. Osmosis) to extract the data and put it into a database, or you could write something to plough through the data and filter out the street names for your database.
Start with and You may want to verify the Wikipedia copyright isn't more protective than would be suitable for your needs.
Edit (merged from my own comment): Of course, to answer the "programmatically" part of your question: figure out how to spider and scrape those Wikipedia category pages. The polite thing to do would be to cache it, rather than hitting it every time you need to get the street list; refreshing once every month or so should be sufficient, since the information is unlikely to change significantly.
You could start by pulling names via Google API (just find e.g. lat/long outer bounds - of Paris and go to the center) - but since Google limits API use, it would probably take very long to do it.
I had once contacted City of Bratislava about the street names list and they sent it to me as XLS. Maybe you could try doing that for your preferred cities.
I like Tom van Enckevort's suggestion, but I would be a little more specific that just looking inside the Planet.osm links, because most of them require the usage of some tool to deal with the supported formats (pbf, osm xml etc)
In fact, take a look at the following link
The files there are all in .txt format and if it's only the street names that you want to use, just extract the second field (name) and you are done.
As an fyi, I didn't have any use for the French files in my project, but mining the German files resulted (after normalization) in a little more than 380K unique entries (~6 MB in size)
#dusoft might be onto something - maybe someone at a government level can help? I don't think that a simple list of street names cannot be copyrighted, nor any royalties be charged. If that is the case, maybe you could even scrape some mapping data from something like a TomTom?
The "Deutsche Post" offers a list with all street names in Germany:
They don't mention the price, but I reckon it's not for free.

Time zone list issue

For my application, I'm importing the calendar event from google calendar. The only problem which I'm facing is Time zone list. I'm getting the timezone as output from google calendar xml, which I have to check with time zone list and add time accordingly... so from where I can get this standard time zone list.. or some other alternative to achieve the same.
If you're using Java, use Joda Time - the time zone ID given by Google Calendar will be one the Joda Time understands. The standard TimeZone class may well understand it too, but I think Joda is more likely to.
Assuming you're seeing all the VTIMEZONE stuff that goes along with the event, you can ignore the details - just use the ID.
Unfortunately there are some time zone IDs which have changed over time - I can't remember any examples off-hand, but you may need to do some translations if you're provided with the "old" names.
If you're using .NET, you really need to be using .NET 3.5 and the TimeZoneInfo class. Unfortunately that uses Windows names instead of Olson IDs, but there's a translation list available somewhere (I can dig it out if you want).
If you're not using either of these platforms, you basically need to find a library which supports Olson Zoneinfo names. (That wikipedia article has some helpful links at the bottom.)
I would definitely try to find a library which will be able to give you the relevant information based on an ID, rather than using the rules given back in the calendar entry. Time zones change over time, and the zoneinfo database contains historical and future information, but that can't be easily encoded in the calendar entry.
There are some good articles about working with Erlang date/time libraries here:
Hope it helps.
Check out these function
calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds({Date, Time})
calendar:gregorian_seconds_to_datetime(Seconds) -> {Date, Time}
Converting to "gregorian seconds" and correcting the timezone-offset and converting back to date form is half the solution.
There is no library to access timezone datafiles in Erlang/OTP, and as far as I know there is no third part library to get at it either. So your options are to yourself convert the available timezone databases to something usable from Erlang, or to settle for just knowing a few of them.
You know, unless you want to start a project to read timezone data in Erlang. :-)

indian calendar needed

I want a 100 years calendar which shows certain Indian special days like Amavasya and Poornima.
I want to find the day for Poornima or Amavasya for example - in the year 1936. When was Shivratri aur janmasthami. I want to find day according to these specifications.
If there is a program that can do this, please let me know.
Thank you.
The amavasya and poornima (New Moon and Full Moon) are calculated based on a complex formula defined in below wiki. You can try developing a small program out of that. :-)
