Cancel button instead of edit button in address book - iphone-sdk-4.3

i have added a contact into the address book, i want a cancel button instead of edit button in address book.
how can make it programmatically without using ABUnknownPersonViewController.

use rightbarbutton and implement rightbarbuttonitem in protocol


How to add a history item from a Redmine plugin (via button/link)

Maybe my request is simple, maybe not. I'm fairly new to ruby and everything and face the problem that I need to add a history item from a plugin. I refer to the ticket system Redmine.
Is there a simple way to trigger an event which adds a predefined comment (like "News sent on [date]")? Preferrably the event should be triggered by pressing a button or clicking a link in the redmine web frontend. Like an additional button/link next to the default ones "edit, watch,...).
Can anyone help me here?
The easiest way would be to add a link, with a href to call a javascript function:
Add news entry
The function should add the text you want in the "issue_notes" text field, and send a submit to the "issue-form" form:
function addNewsEntry() {
$('#issue-notes').value = "News sent on [date]";
A good example of this is the status_button redmine plugin, this might be a good reference for you as:
it does add some links to the issue page (you also want to add a link to add a new note)
it does change the status on the issue form and submit it (you also want to change a form field and submit it)

Xcode "Add Contact" Button

I am trying to create an "add contact" button in Xcode that would bring the user to address book and add a Name, Phone Number, email, and address to the contact list after the user clicks on the button.
If I wanted to implement this feature, how would I go about doing so if I am using storyboard?
I recommend looking over this documentation for the ABNewPersonViewController class.
The setup I would use is to setup an IBAction to your "Add Contact" button. The IBAction can create an instance of the New Person VC.
If you need to predefine some of the fields for the new contact, you will need to create an ABRecordRef and set the properties you want to be in the new contact. Then set the New Person VC's displayedPerson property to this record.
At the end of the method, you can call `[self.navigationController presentViewController: newPersonVC];
This may be possible in a storyboard, but I have always found it easier to do in code.
Hopefully this will help.

Tracking Submit form button click with Google Tag Manager

I am trying to track a specific submit button click on a form I have on my website using tag manager. I have already:
Set up a form submit listener tag with a rule set to fire on every page.
Set up an analytics event tag, with a rule set to fire when the event equals gtm.formSubmit, AND when the element ID equals submit1 (the ID of the submit button).
However, it doesn't seem to be showing any events tracked in Analytics when I test this out.
Have I implemented this incorrectly?
Have you tested first in Debug mode of Tag Manager? That is the best way to confirm first that the tag fires. Once that works, only then look in Analytics, in Real Time area. If you see it firing in Debug mode but not in Analytics then some filter might be at fault. Once it starts working Publish it in GTM.
There are two important things to notice and remember:-
1) The element ID is the ID of the form and not the submit button.
2) You should also create a new Tag with "Tag Type = Form Submit Listener"
This article should be helpful:

Suggestion for FullCalendar event removal UI

I have my fullCalendar functioning well, however, I need to allow the users to remove events from the calendar. I can use the clickEvent method to bring up a confirmation window with a "do you want to remove" message. But this seems kind of clunky. Is there a better UI way of removing events?
Google calendar uses a qTip on click that offers "edit event details" and "delete". At first I didn't like sending users to a different "event details page" but after thinking about this for awhile it is a really good way to go.
It is always safer to ask for a confirm before removing something.
Anyway you can customize the rendering of the event using the eventRender callback
In particular you can:
attach custom markup to render an X image that when clicked will ajax call a delete function
you can attach other jQuery plugins to reproduce exactly the qTip effect
Have a look at the link for more details. Hope it helps

Using custom form in Outlook when creating a new mail message

I want to create a custom form in Outlook 2007 and then have that form be the form that comes up when the user clicks New / Mail Message in the toolbar. Is there a way to do that? I know how to create the custom form, but I don't know how to change what the menu item does.
If you are using an outlook form you can publish it to the Organizational Forms Library and the get you clients to use that new custom form instead of the default out the box form. It a registry change that points it to a new form. There are tools to do this change for you.
A good example
There is a great tutorial by Ty Anderson on that located at devx on replacing the standard AppointmentItem inspector with a custom form.
Basically, you need to write code that gets triggered on the NewInspector event and display your form instead and cancel the standard inspector.
