Running a delayed command with 'sudo' - bash

I want run a Bash script as root, but delayed. How can I achieve this?
sudo "sleep 3600; command" , or
sudo (sleep 3600; command)
does not work.

You can use at:
sudo at next hour
And then you have to enter the command and close the file with Ctrl+D. Alternatively you can specify commands to be run in a file:
sudo at -f commands next hour

If you really must avoid using cron:
sudo sh -c "(sleep 3600; command)&"

The simplest answer is:
sudo bash -c 'sleep 3600; command' &
Because sleep is a shell command and not an executable, and the semicolon is a shell “operator” too, it is a shell script, and hence needs to run in a shell. bash -c tells sudo to run bash and pass it a script to execute as a string.
Of course this will “hang” until command has actually finished running, or be killed if you exit the surrounding shell. I haven’t found a simple way to use nohup to prevent that here, and at that point, you’re basically reimplementing the at command anyway. I have found the above solution useful in many simple cases though. ;)
For anything more complex… of course you can always make a real shell script file, with a shebang (#! …) at the start, and run that. But I assume the whole point is that you wanted to avoid this for something that simple.
You could theoretically pass a string as a file using Bash’s … <( … ) syntax, but sudo expects it to be a real file, and marked as executable too, so that won’t work.

sleep 3600; sudo <command>
Anyway, I would consider using cron in your case…


Check if possible to run command as sudo in Bourne shell?

I'm writing a Bourne shell deployment script, which runs some commands as root and some as the current user. I want to not run all commands as root, and check upfront if the commands I'll need are available to root (to prevent aborted half-done deployments).
In order to do this, I want to make a function that checks if a command can be run as root. My idea was to do this:
sudo_command() {
sudo sh -c 'type "$1"'
And then to use it like so:
required_sudo_commands="cp rm apt"
for command in $required_sudo_commands do
sudo_command "$command" || (
echo "missing required command: $command;
exit 1;
As you might guess by my question here: it doesn't work. Does any of you see what I'm doing wrong here?
I tried running the command inside sudo_command by itself, but that miraculously (to me) did work. But when I put the command into a separate file, it didn't work.
There are two immediate problems:
The $1 not expanding in single quotes.
You can semi-fix this by expanding it in double quotes instead: sudo sh -c "type '$1'"
Your command not exiting. That's easily fixed by replacing your || (..) with || {..}.
(..) creates a subshell that limits the scope of everything inside it including exit. To group commands, use {..}
However, there is also the fundamental problem of trying to use sh -c 'type "$1" to do anything.
One of the major points of sudo is the ability to limit what a user can and can't do. You're assuming that a user has complete, unrestricted access to run arbitrary commands as root, and that any problems are due to root not having these commands available.
That may be a valid assumption for you, but you may want to instead run e.g. sudo apt --version to get a better (but still incomplete) picture of whether you're allowed and able to run apt with sudo without requiring complete and unrestricted access.

Run a bash script via another bash script to delete a file is not working properly

I have a bash script which calls another, which takes me to another prompt where I have to delete a file file.txt and then exit out of that prompt.
When I call from inside, I see the prompt and I believe that it deletes the file.txt but the inner/new prompt waits for me to exit out of it while the script is running - meaning it needs intervention to proceed. How do I avoid it in bash?
In Python I can use Popen and get it going but not sure about bash.
EDIT: I would rather like to know what command to provide to exit out of the shell (generated from running") so I can go back to the prompt where "" was started.
Etan: To answer your question
VirtualBox:~/Desktop/ > ./start
company#4d6z74d:~$ ->this is the new shell
company#4d6z74d:~$ logout ---> I did a "Control D here" so the script could continue.
Relevant part of which:
/../../../../ (this is the one that takes us to the new $ prompt)
echo "Delete file.txt "
rm -f abc/def/file.txt
You can run in the background using &. In, you would invoke the script via /path/ &. Now, will exit without waiting for to finish (which is running in the background).

Spawning background process under different user in bash

I know I can run this command to spawn a background process and get the PID:
PID=`$SCRIPT > /dev/null 2>&1 & echo $!`
and to run a command under different user:
su - $USER -c "$COMMAND"
I don't want the script to run as root and I can't quite figure out how to combine the two and get the PID of the spawned process.
I think you want the runuser command. General syntax:
runuser -l userNameHere -c 'command'
I suspect that if you set your $SCRIPT variable to the above (with appropriate changes), your first command will do what you want.
To elaborate on: See the following: -…
See particularly the following quote from Chris Dodd:
Unfortunately there's no easy way to do this prior to bash version 4, when $BASHPID was
introduced. One thing you can do is to write a tiny program that prints its parent PID:...
If you have bash 4 and BASHPID, see $$ in a script vs $$ in a subshell
I don't have version 4, so I can't provide an example of it's usage.
Or write a tiny C program which execvs it's arguments and make it setuid to USER.
Or even make a setuid shell script (not generally recommended). Hopefully the USER is fixed; if not, get the source for runuser, this is essentially what runuser (not a POSIX command) does.
PID=`su - $USER -c "$SCRIPT > /dev/null 2>&1 & echo $!"`
The problems with the your use of su (above) include:
the $! is being executed in the context of the -c sub-shell of su, not the current shell where PID is,
you're requesting that your SCRIPT be run as a login shell, so you don't even know if USER's shell supports $!,
you have no control over the parent-child process chain that su (and the user's shell) create.
IOW, when you use
PID=`$SCRIPT > /dev/null 2>&1 & echo $!`
there's only one program involved, bash, and two (maybe three?) processes that you pretty much have complete control over. When you throw su into the mix, that changes things much more than is apparent on the surface -- bash and su support similar arguments, right?!?
For obvious reasons, su does mucho magic to protect it and its' children's environment from attacks; it doesn't even like being put in the background....
It's kind of late, but here is a two liner will work, seems to need to be two so that it doesn't wait for the $SCRIPT to complete:
su $USER -c "$SCRIPT 2>&1 & >> $LogOrNull echo $! > /some/writeable/path"
PID="$(cat /some/writeable/path)"
/some/writeable/path will need to be writeable by $USER
And the user running these commands will need to have read access

Simply forking and redirecting the output of a command to /dev/null

I frequently execute from a shell (in my case Bash) commands that I want to fork immediately and whose output I want to ignore. So frequently in fact that I created a script (silent) to do it:
$# &> /dev/null &
I can then run, e.g.
silent inkscape myfile.svg
and my terminal will not be polluted by the debug output of the process I just forked.
I have two questions:
Is there an "official" way of doing this?, i.e. something shorter but equivalent to &> /dev/null & ?
If not, is there a way I can make tab-completion work after my silent command as if it weren't there ? To give an example, after I've typed silent inksc, I'd like bash to auto-complete my command to silent inkscape when I press [tab].
aside: probably want to exec "$#" &> /dev/null & in your silent script, to cause it to discard the sub-shell, and the quotes around "$#" will keep spaces from getting in the way.
As for #2: complete -F _command silent should do something like what you want. (I call my version of that script launch and have complete -F launch in my .bash_profile)
It looks like nohup does more or less what you want. The tab-completion problem is because bash thinks that you are trying to complete a filename as an argument to the script, whereas its completion rules know that nohup takes a command as its first argument.
Nohup redirects stout and stderr to nohup.out and will also leave the command running if your shell exits.
Here's a little script I use for launching interactive (and chatty) X apps from e.g. an xterm
"$exe" "$#" 2>/tmp/$$."$exe".err 1>&2 & disown $!
No output, won't die if the terminal exits, but in case something goes wrong there's a log of all output in /tmp
If you don't want the log just use /dev/null instead.
Also will work from a function if you're script-alergic.
Perhaps if you could 'rebind' the tab key? An example on superuser Stackoverflow with the enter key is shown. Is this the right idea?

can't run mirror command in bash script

For some reasom I can't get the last line to work. It leaves me at the lftp> prompt. Any advice?
echo "This will sync the background_docs folder"
lftp ftp://user:pass#server
mirror -r background_docs --only-missing -e
I am guessing you want lftp to run that last line,
mirror -r background_docs --only-missing -e
If so, you must tell it to do so. As it is written, your script simply launches lftp, waits for it to finish, and only then it would attempt to execute the last line.
What you probably want instead is to use lftp's -e cmd option, as such:
echo "This will sync the background_docs folder"
lftp -e "mirror -r background_docs --only-missing -e" ftp://user:pass#server
You've written a shell script. Every line gets executed as a new command at the shell. When you hit ^D to close lftp, it will then try to run the mirror command. (Which might even exist on your system.)
If you want to send commands to a program this way, take a look at the expect(1) tool. There's even a learning mode available (which has given me better success than hand-written expect scripts).
But perhaps your lftp(1) command can be handled with command line parameters instead? That would be more reliable.
